The Flame of Amoraea and the Christ-Seed Atoms, by A´sha Deane

  • 2010

Nothing exists outside of God or the Source. Everything in existence is an expression of the Divine Source; in a sense, it is God or the Source communicating with itself.

In terms of the mechanics of creation, the seed in the heart of all creation, the Kristic-Seed Atom, is both the seed FROM WHICH the Divine Force emerges from the stage of manifestation and, at the same time, contains all the stage of creation within itself. The level by which the Kristic-Seed Atom exists transcends time and space and, from their perspective, all things take place within the same time and space.

In the heart of the Kristic-Seed Atom radiates the pure love of God or the Source, which takes the form of an expansive wave of energy called the Amoraea Flame, the Eternal Flame of Divine Love. The Kristic-Seed Atom, which houses this Amoraea Flame, is known as the Central Point of all Creation. It is a living flame of divine consciousness that already contains within itself, in the most refined form, the foundations of all creation.

These foundations are the pure Divine Force that expresses the original Divine Trinity of positive, negative and neutral charge (+, - and +/-) or what we might perceive as Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Divine Union. At this level, however, it is as if the Union (known as ManU) emanates first, containing and expressing both the masculine or electrical-positive (ManA) and the feminine or magnetic-negative (known as EirA). This Divine Trinity is internal to all things in creation; It is not an external Creator God who demands worship.

The Kristic-Seminal Atom incorporates the purest expressions of the consciousness of God or the Source. It also contains the imprint, blueprint or template of what the Source-God intends to create.

Within the Kristic-Seed Atom, also known as the Central Point of Eternal Creation or AZUR-A, are born its replicas, Living Seeds or Christ-Universal Atoms, each of which, in turn, creates a Christic Template- Universal or Divine Christ-Universal Template. This first seminal atomic from which a complete universe proceeds is made MANIFESTO AS the liquid light of the 12-Dimensional Universal Christ pre-matter. And again, within it, every Universal Seminal Atom creates replicas of it, called Divine Seminal Atoms or personal Divine Sparks.

The words 'Christ', 'Cristos' and 'Kristo' are related to the term 'Kristo' which is the sonic translation of the first level of creation, the closest to the Source. The Kristic Grid is the first Grid of the Kathara Tree of Life. In Keylonta Science, the terms referred to as Christos are allusive concepts both very specific terms of consciousness as well as of mechanics and mathematics.

The First Atomic Seed of the Cosmic Kristo

It emerges from the center of the

First Karst Template,

originating ALL manifest expression

and replicates itself generating:

Seminar Atoms of the Universal Christ,

These sprout from the center of the

Universal Creative Template or

Divine Universal Critical Imprint (Liquid Pre-Matter Liquid Light of 12D).

Each 15D Time Matrix is ​​seeded by ONE of these Critical Seminar Atoms

which, in turn, self-replicate as:

Divine Seminal Atoms or personal Divine Sparks

Through which, EVERY individual comes to manifest.

The Source, in its pure impulse of Love Amoraea, voluntarily creates natural laws and their own structures. These laws are not intended to restrain your creativity but rather to provide a framework within which you can fulfill your intention. The most fundamental natural law is the Conservation of the Divine Original Intention. Thus, the Source has agreed, within itself, that its own integrity, at the Krustical level, is never compromised; a kind of Divine Invincibility which would ensure that there was a level of creation (level of the Cosmic Kristo) that could never be destroyed. At the same time, the Source wanted to explore the full spectrum of Free Will. It was not intended that Free Will be used in ways that threatened the Conservation of the Original Divine Order, but the Source realized that, if there were to be a Free Will genuine, underlying, by implication, the possibility that this Free Will could be projected in the direction of Expression Opposite to the intention of creation.

The condition of Free Will, whose Source establishes for itself, is the Option to Choose Freely, including the possibility of allowing the Opposite Expression from the level of the Christian Seed Atom. Universal as well as its creations, but it would not be allowed to threaten the Karst level at the center of the creation itself. Making an analogy with an oak tree, it is as if the branches and leaves could explore Free Will to any extreme, even to the point of self-destruction but never allowing to threaten the life of the trunk and the roots. Otherwise, the continued existence of the tree itself would be compromised.

The Source prefers that all its expressions in creation honor the Laws of Divine Love so that its original intention of

perpetual movement, eternal life and love based on co-creation, expression of FREE WILL or FREE WILL,

They could be the norm throughout the creation. The beings who honor this path to experience eternal life, freedom, unlimited opportunities and unlimited supply of energy to create and explore, know that they have a personal relationship with the Source-God INSIDE their own beings. This Path of Joy is what the Source had in mind for itself when venturing into creation. However, the Source also reserved the right to take corrective action if Free Will was abused in such extreme way as to threaten the rest of creation. Each and every one of the things came to manifest through the initial manifestation of the Christic or Kristic Seminal Atoms and the personal Divine Spark and, therefore, all things (including us) intervened in the creation or individualization with full awareness of the agreed rules for the game we were about to start. We had knowledge and also agreed to the rules; After all, we did it!

As we mentioned earlier, the main 'household rule' was the Conservation of the Original Intention: Expressed in the laws of natural physics such as the dynamics of Cause and Effect, Action and Reciprocal Reaction

And in the natural spiritual law as: The Law of Reciprocity ("you reap what you sow" or "what you sow, you reap")

The very fact of being able to manifest implies that each individualized conscience was fully knowledgeable about these dimensional laws. The operation of these laws is therefore a natural, automatic and impersonal expression of the Divine Will (which is ultimately the will of each of us at that level of our being). No one is 'judged' by anyone, not even by the Divine Source. The Natural Laws of Energy and Consciousness apply equally to all and it is through these laws that the Cosmos itself will be restored, ordered and balanced if the excessive Choice of Free Will directed in the Opposite Expression endangers the Cosmic Order. The expression of Free Will is therefore given as a gift in the superior context of the Divine Expression of Will and Divine Will, in turn, is renewed and perpetually renewed within the FIRST Christ-Seed Atom which is originates in each 15D Time Matrix.

An appropriate, cooperative and co-creative use of Free Will naturally leads to the state of Divine Realization where one knows oneself simultaneously, both as an individual and as a direct expression of the Kristani / Christian Divine Source. In this state, one experiences a Total Non-Attachment Commitment, accompanied by Unconditional Love, Peace, Spiritual and Material Mastery and Ecstatic Joy within the manifest arena.

The state of Divine Realization is possible due to the 'double-way revolving door to God', the Amoraea Flame alive, internal and eternal. This Flame of Divine Love resides in the center of the Christ-Seed Personal Atom, Azur-A, at the central point of the Divine imprint of the personal inner Christ. To approximate this concept to the home, it might be useful to remember that the Azur-A point in the Kathara Grid is halfway between the sixth and seventh Kathara Spheres and, therefore, in our physical anatomy corresponds to the location of the gland of the scam, between the heart and throat chakras. It is from this central point in our personal shields that we can access our own internal and eternal connection with the Divine Source, from where we can know ourselves as living expressions of the Source of all creation.

In our analogy of the tree, it is where the leaf can know itself as much as leaf and tree at the same time. It is through this Atom Seed of the personal Divine Spark that the natural circulation of the Primal Life Force Currents (energy coming directly from the source of creation itself in the form of ManU, EirA and ManA) between the Source and its Original expressions can flow.

These divine forces, the very foundations of all creation, ensure that nothing can exist outside the Source-God, although individualized creations can create that illusion for themselves through forgetting or attempting to deny, the OMNIPRESENCE of the Trinity of the Divine Force


So then, how is the life force energy transmitted from the acorn to the last leaves of each branch? How is the Source itself projected into each atom of existence? The tree has an elegantly intricate and simple network that travels from the root of the acorn through the trunk and reaches the branch and the leaf. Likewise, the Source has created a communication network through which it not only transmits energy from itself as Kristo, to itself as an atom and, in turn, receives and returns communication from each expression of itself. Thus, the leaf provides the acorn and this, in turn, provides the leaf. This communication system of the Source is known as the Merkaba. In its most basic expression, the Merkaba takes the form of two Counter-Rotational Spirals, which continually expand and contract the perpetual supply of renewed energy radiation inside and outside the manifestation, for example, from and back to the Source.

Mer: Divine Force Movement

Ka: Expression of the Divine Force

Ba: Vehicle

Merkaba: Expression of the Divine Force in Motion (Manual: “Dance for Love”)

In this way, we could consider Merkaba as the vehicle for inspiration (literally inhalation and exhalation) of God. Life, as we know it in 3D, would not be viable at all if we could only exhale or just inhale. Likewise, our heart functions according to the natural rhythm of expansion and contraction, which is literally the way our blood of life circulates within our systems. This reflects the way in which the Source itself circulates energy throughout all creation.

While the Source moves within itself to explore the creation, in reality, it does not operate so much by moving, as by turning on and off its blocks, pieces or foundations of:

ManA: electric / positive / male / clockwise direction / high spiral of the merkaba / expansion / manifestation


EirA: Magnetic / negative (in a scientific sense, not a value judgment) / female / counter-clockwise direction / low spiral of merkaba / contraction / demanifestation

The mechanical interaction between these two forces within the unity of the entire ManU containing force is literally how pure love in the heart of the Cosmic Kristo that circulates throughout the entire creation. The play of these forces, as manifested in the Merkaba Spiral Series, is literally what makes us tick (remember the heartbeat!). The highly ordered and intricate structure of these interconnected spirals of electromagnetic energy that exist as an integral part of all creation is known as the Merkaba Field.

Everything stated has a personal Merkaba Field; otherwise, it would not be in manifestation! When a personal or planetary Merkaba Field is functioning properly, and its inherent pieces of Merkaba counter-rotational spirals are operating in the correct turns and proportions, the individual or planet enjoys eternal life, a continuous supply of Life Force energy, full awareness of themselves along the entire route back to the Source (multidimensional consciousness) and an open and intimate relationship with the Source-God while engaged in an individual manifestation. It is what could be perceived as a double-way revolving door between the Source-God and the fields of manifestation within the Being-God himself. The leaf is perpetually nourished by the seed and roots; she knows herself as both a leaf and a tree and is not subject to the vagaries of the seasons; It can decide for itself when it wishes to return to the Source, and it does not have to die or wither to return to fullness (ONE-ment).

(For more information on the counter-rotational dynamics of the Merkaba spirals, refer to the Dance for Love program, pages 3-7: also in workshops such as the FTR Dance for Joy (Paxos) and Dance for Joy (Andorra).

Since the years 208, 216 BC, the Merkaba Fields of ALL life on Earth have been altered, resulting in great damage with their natural and open, double-way connection. towards the Stream of Eternal Life and towards the God-Source of life.

The dynamic counter-rotation interaction of the Merkaba Spirals creates in the center of each pair of spirals a manifestation arena, which is known as the Radial Body. When the Merkaba Spirals rotate correctly, they create and sustain the hologram of the manifestation facilitating the transformation of the Source-God Primal Life Force Currents into subatmic particles of whose matter consists.

By functioning properly, the Merkaba Fields connect each atom in creation with the Source-God and unlimited consciousness as energy whose Source-God provides perpetually. However, when Free Will is persistently employed in the direction of Opposite Expression, the natural physical law of Cause and Effect comes into play, potentially resulting in fragmentation of the gift. perpetual connection with the Universal Credit or Seminar Atoms of the personal Divine Spark.

The self-sustainable nature of the Eternal Life Creation Framework depends on the continuous communication between the Cosmic Kristian Seed Atom and its corresponding Merkaba Field Spirals. If this communication were to be cut off as a result of the extreme and inappropriate use of Free Will, this would amount to the closing of the door that leads back to the Source-God. Everything that remains in manifestation will become a Finite Creation and eventually self-consume and spend its Life Force energy. While the natural laws of physics contribute to the fact that the Seed Atom and the Merkaba Fields at the Cosmic (Krustical) level remain intact and perpetually self-sustaining, the Universal Seminar Atoms and Merkaba Fields more children remain subject to the influence of Free Will and may become damaged or become dysfunctional due to excessive Free Will of opposite expression.

The Free Will Option in Opposite Anti-Christ Expression leads to:

Finite Life


Progressive self-limiting experience of manifest creation

Limited power supply, which will consume itself and wear progressively

The reverse turn of the natural Merkaba Spirals, in turn, diminishes the ability to extract energy from the Life Force from the Merkaba spirals of natural rotation at the planetary, galactic and universal levels.


Merkaba Reverso, Anti-Christian Seed Atom and Path of Decreasing Return

Within the parameters of Free Will, beings can explore, through life lessons learned through the Law of Cause, Effect and Consequence, the consequences derived from the Opposite Expression of Free Will. Although, in essence, experiences such as a limited supply and the sense of separation from the Source are based on what is finally an illusion of separation. These can serve as motivation to realize the Path of natural Joy, which is the consequence of honoring the expression of the Divine Christ Will. However, there are natural limits to the extent to which the exploration of the Opposite or Anti-Christic Expression can be tolerated, since the natural Merkábico Circulatory System gradually deteriorates to a point of distorted critical mass that causes the personal Merkábica Spirals start turning only in the opposite direction.

The result is the separation of the natural circulatory system, which normally flows to and from the Christic Atoms / Kristico Seeds. As discussed above, the Seed Atom or Central Point of Creation is formally known as elAZUR-A and, in personal anatomy, corresponds to the central point of each Kathara Grid between the 6th and 7th Kathara Centers, and also until the 8th chakra in the thymus gland. In terms of multidimensional anatomy, the Azur-A connects with the level of the Monadic being or Superalm. Therefore, the cutting of direct and co-creative communication with the natural circulatory system of the Divine Intention is known as Monadic Investment.

The Seed Atom, then, is disconnected from the Kristic energies and, even from the Christist and, therefore, becomes an Anti-Christ Seed Atom, causing a permanent closure of the 'double-way revolving door that connects to God. ' In this context, the word 'anti-Christian' is used in precise scientific terms, which refer to the physical reality of this state of being; It is not a value judgment. However, since biology and consciousness are intimately connected, beings whose Atomic Seed manifests itself as anti-Christian, probably think and act from a deeply incorporated conviction of separation, scarcity and competence.

This Seed Atom of FINITE LIFE is confined to the limited supply of energy which underlies its workforce and system at the time of the Monadic Investment, and must therefore turn on itself for its support and gradually becoming denser in its nucleus since it acts as an Inner Black Hollow, which initially expands its available energy outward and then reverses the polarity to return it to its center. The resulting compression of the Merkaba Field and the Constant Form at its center is known as Molecular Compaction, a state which reaches the critical mass level where particles and antiparticles annihilate each other and transmute through a division (fission), causing that the Protective Template disintegrates and that the Merkaba Field collapses. This is the phenomenon behind the concepts of 'Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust' or return to space dust.

Particularized units that have expressed an individual identity thus return to the Source as undifferentiated units of conscious energy. These are still within the Source, since nothing can be outside it, but they have lost their individual consciousness and memory. This Return to Dust will NOT be experienced by the manifestations that honor the laws of the Kristiaco / Cristíaco Free Will Expression.

Joy, Pain, Increasing & Decreasing Return and Path of Christ (Christ or Christ)

The Christian use of Free Will allows unlimited great joy and co-creation, leading to a state of CONSCIOUS INNOCENCE where Christified beings, inside or outside the manifestation, interact perpetually and consciously with the Source-God. This state is in line with the Divine Original Intention of the Source-God.

On the other hand, beings who comply with the Oppression of the Oppression Option return to an undifferentiated state of identity known as UNCONSCIOUS INNOCENCE. They remain still within the Source-God, but have lost the opportunity of Joy that accompanies conscious Christian co-creation. However, even on this path there is mercy, so some individuals do not remember the level of joy they had lost and, therefore, do not fully assimilate what they have lost. This process of Merkaba Reverso is NOT part of the original intention or preference of the Source-God, but a derivative of the Law of Balance is necessary, which guarantees the preservation of the First Original creation while the gift of Free Will is allowed.

Each individual aspect of the Source-God is fully knowledgeable and is aligned with the Law of Equilibrium from its original projection within the manifestation and, therefore, the Source-God does not conflict within HIMSELF, regarding the matter of Free Will and the potential of Opposite Expression. For the Source-God, it would be a violation of Free Will to impose the Kristiaca / Cristíaca Intention on anyone, although everyone is encouraged to make better and workable decisions.

The lessons on the Natural Laws of Reciprocity, Concession and Balance are collectively known as the Lessons of Divine Love. If these laws are honored before the occurrence of the Monadic Investment, any being can choose to restore their consciousness and the integrity of their Seed Atom and merkabic system, what is known as the Path of Return that Fills the Spirit, the Christic Path / of Christ / the Christs, or Path of Joy.

The persistent choice of the Oppressing Expression leads to the Path of Decreasing Return or Path of Pain.

Seed-Divine Path, Affiliate Path and 'Triad Cycle'

Those who return to the Path of Joy from the Path of Pain are not subject to judgment, punishment or retribution by the Source. However, the Natural Laws of Cause, Effect and Consequence will provide reeducation in the Christian expression where a being can progressively restore its entire energy system to its natural Divine Imprint. Due to the healing work required in this process, the path itself is the 'punishment' and it is the natural laws that govern the original manifestation.

Beings that have not approached the distorted critical mass point of Monadic Reversal and who have consequently experienced a lesser degree of Shield / Merkaba damage may take the Path of the Divine-Seed or Conscious Evolution. By implication, these are beings who have not abused the laws of Free Will to an extreme degree and who have largely retained their central integrity. This path allows a greater and faster restoration of the Merkábico Circulatory System, through which the natural flow of the Primal Life Force Currents can heal, leading to a restoration of direct, OPEN and personal connection with the God-Source and its corresponding Attributes of Christian conscience. This can be done quickly in a simple life span.

In cases of greater damage of the Shield / Merkaba, having approached the point of critical mass damage of Monadic Investment, due to an excessive selection of Opposite Anti-Christian Expression, a longer process towards the return of the total Christian state will be required. The Law of Reciprocity requires beings on this Path of the Affiliate ('Heavenly') or Path of Redemption from the use of the Option of Christian Free Will and correct whatever they have been wrong; in other words, retrace their steps while returning through the cycles of space and time, held within their own Merkóbicos Reverse Fields. From a series of life spans, these beings opt for the Christian rebalancing of their original anti-Christian options and thus reap what they have sown, learning, therefore, of the consequences of their actions.

The final stage of this Path of Pain prior to the total Monodic Investment is known as the Triad Cycle in which the use of Free Will against the Universal Lessons of Divine Love is tested.

The Earth and our 15th Dimension Time Matrix have entered the Affiliate Path & Triad Cycle during the years 22, 326 BC

The Tribulation Cycle, to which Earth and Matrix 15D entered between March and November 2002, with its concomitant Final Conflict Drama, marks the end of the Triad Cycle and leads naturally to the restoration of the Critical-Seed Atom through the process known as the Great Cleaning and Renovation, also known as HetharO, which means: The Great Silence.

The HE-Thar-O Cycle (March 23, 2002 December 21, 2012)

A HE-Thar-O Cycle is a phenomenon that takes place naturally and breathes energy from the Source. This is the great period of Cleaning and Renovation that has been predicted in many ancient cultures. Even though the records concerning this event were stolen and then destroyed in Atlantis, the ancients always knew that this event will occur and have eagerly awaited its arrival - not only for Earth, but for all our Time Matrix This HE-Thar-Otambi n Cycle is known as the Second Coming of Kristo. It is not a person who is returning but a new cycle of resupply of the Seed-Critical Atom, which will restore the creation to his Divine Critical Imprint. It is a natural function on the way the Template operates.

Finally, when the original template operates naturally based on energy, a certain frequency point, known as the First Creation Point, will be achieved. This will trigger the initiation of a HE-Thar-O Cycle in which these energy sparks or seeds are resupplied by releasing a pulsation of the Amoraea Flame. All creation becomes manifested at a certain frequency level. From there, it descends in greater manifestation and experiences, as long as it ascends or returns to the Source, until finally reaching its First Point of Creation.

This natural HE-Thar-O Cycle will affect the interior of the Critical Seed Atom, while opening and allowing a new burst of direct energy from the Seventh Kindus Atom in the Source. It bursts into each Atomic Seed Atom as a wave of benign Red Pulse Solar energy since all the creative creations could contain the highest frequencies. de la Fuente without generating any damage.

As we have previously discussed, creation in a Free Will universe is allowed to explore both in a critical and an antitrust direction. However, a fundamental law of creational physics is the Conservation of the Original Intention. This is a divine and impeccable mechanism that will always prevent any threat at the Cosmic Kristatic level if the antistatic expression were projected in an extreme way. When the threat to the Kristo is imminent, the First Creation Point naturally triggers in such a way that a separation takes place between the Christ and anti-Christ portions of the creation.

The recent escalation of the interdimensional drama (details in several publications of the Azurite Press), where the Opposite Expression of Free Will has become so extreme as to threaten the integrity of the entire Universal structure and even part of the structures of the Inner Earth, has triggered an overactive Emergency Advance of the HetharO Cycle, in May 2003. This effectively means that our pristine universal 'computer' is being restarted, since we are at the juncture of the recreation of the original creation. This presents many challenges, but it is also a time of great renewal and potential.

More than 250 billion years have passed since this 15D Matrix has undergone a full He-Thar-O cycle.


A'sha Deane -

Translated by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C. -http: //

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