The restlessness of a child, by Jordi Morella

  • 2013

I recently received a message online from a mother asking me for help for a situation of her child. He wanted to know what he could do about his son's questions. He was worried about the moment of death, which arose as a result of experiences lived within his family environment. The boy is 5 years old.

I want to say a few words about it today.

Most of the times that a child worries or worries about issues such as this, which are the normality of our process in life, initially implies, not having clarified it previously at the right time that was lived. What happened.

Children do and feel as they see in those around them. If what they live with is pain and grief in the face of facts such as what we understand as death, he will think that "death is bad." If he sees how his mother, his father or people who are at his side every day feel the duel of the absence of the transcended person, he will think that when someone "leaves", he will create pain in those who stay. The feeling of guilt may begin to appear. He does not want to make those who have given him life suffer.

When it is normal for him to "come and go", to be born, creating joy for those who will share his new life, and to die, when "he is there, he is there"; He is confused by seeing how adults do not feel or see the situation as he sees it.

For them, children, naturalness is what predominates. It is the environment that causes certain questions to be raised that initially should not be raised for them. When this happens, we must approach and comment on the fact, with an attitude, on the part of the adult of serenity and normality.

A death is not such. When accepted, everything flows. When you remember, everything is understood. It is letting us go by our reasoning, our human condition that leads us to pain, to discomfort in our being.

For a child or a baby, there is no mind, only the heart, and it is from the heart that focuses all his life. Live, feel, act, always enjoy from the heart. He does not plan, does not know of limitations, of irony, of double intentions, of mental patterns because his life is focused from the heart. He knows of love, tenderness, curiosity, joy, joy and many other aspects related to the true essence that we all are, but not of reason. He does not plan, organize or fear. He simply is and acts as he feels. He knows from the heart, not from the mind. He knows who he is, at the level of consciousness, how divine he is, ... not human, because his essence is spiritual, divine. The vehicle is human, but not its being, its inner world, which is what will show the world as it grows.

When a boy or girl asks us questions about death, we must be sincere, frank and act naturally. They are familiar with the angels, open to the stories of the world where they come from, therefore, we can reach them and explain them through stories of angels, stories, or even, depending on the child, directly, with words that can come to understand, and above all, with an attitude on our part of sincerity, naturalness and honesty, recognizing if the absence of someone who is no longer among us has hurt us. He wants to understand the situation, and make peace with his interior, because at the moment, there is a contradiction by the fact of considering something that has arisen from seeing those around him, when for him it is something, by nature, normal in the sense that everything has to take its course. They feel it that way, although they don't have, perhaps, the right words to pass it on to the adults around them.

What they see is what they learn. If they see longing, resentment, anger, pain, change of character, they will associate the fact of transcending the body as something "bad", painful and they will not accept that someone moves away or goes on their side.

You know what? When we do not act naturally and do not feel acceptance within ourselves to someone who has left his body, it is a way of not accepting changes in our life. Deep down, death is only a change. It is moving to a life on another level.

Young children have recently come from the true Home from which we all come. They do know. When they ask us, it is because they see contradictions between what they feel and see.

You have to be honest, honest and speak to them from the heart. They will understand this language. We will help them strengthen their security and accept that there are people who are not the same as them, just as they perceive and feel. Acceptance is essential in these cases. We must learn to accept what we have not chosen.

A death is a learning for those of us who stay. Let's learn and accept his departure.

A child needs an environment full of honesty, joy, naturalness, support and love. He is a soul that has come to learn what only his soul needs for his evolution. He has the best teachers he could have, just because he chose his parents from Home.

Now he needs to show who he is, that his parents, their environment, support them and not dramatize what they have lived.

A child does not know about dramatizations, only knows about love, tenderness and joy. When he sees that others do not act and relate in the same way, he begins to wonder why, creating contradictions, doubts, and even fears.

Death is not painful, it is part of our process and necessary.

Being honest, recognizing what we feel inside us before a child who asks, can help you realize that what he feels is also good, that he does not have to feel the pain towards the one who has left or be afraid that his parents They die and stay alone. To give confidence, security and speaking clearly from the heart we will strengthen these pillar aspects of its growth among us.

Do not ignore and avoid these issues, because all we get is to create more in it, the aspect of "taboo" and fears.

  • Look son, we all fly someday. Now we are in school, and then, when we finish the instruction, we go back home, as you do, right? - the mother tells her son who is between his knees looking at her.

  • Yes, Mommy - replies the boy staring at the eyes of the speaker.

  • When all the angels know they have their wings, then they can fly and we will all be happy. You are an angel, a blessing that God gave me. You are the most precious and loved I have ever had. I am lucky to have you with me. (Pause). I love you son. You are a cute angel for dad and mom. We love you. Quiet. You should not fear anything because we will always be by your side, and if one day you no longer see us, do not worry, because we will be by your side with our wings extended hugging you and we will help you in what you need to be happy, because we all want what better for you. (Pause). I love you son and it is the best that life has given me.

The boy smiled at his mother and cradled in his chest, while she hugged him tenderly.

May Love and Peace be in all of you.

The restlessness of a child

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