The Immaculate Conception December 8

  • 2012

The Immaculate Conception (December 8) Our Beloved Mother Mary takes this day to remind us of the importance of the Immaculate Concept.

Here I share this brief but concise information about the Immaculate Concept, which I hope will be very useful for you and apply it to your life. It is easy and the results are extremely profitable. The immaculate concept goes beyond being a Christian or metaphysical concept, it is a philosophy of life, of well-being. We are beings of light, we are perfect and we deserve only the best, let's start from the inside and bring this light to our brothers.

Thank you for sharing this information, affectionately Lorena Lacaille!

Our Beloved Mother Mary speaks to us about it:

For many centuries I was trained in the Internal Levels as a holder of the Immaculate Concept for My Son Jesus. When the time came when His Mission was to be fulfilled that support was part of His Victory especially in this world and since then, qualify to sustain the Immaculate Concept for each of you, My children of the Earth.

This Immaculate Concept means seeing nothing that is not perfection, sustaining the Divine Image of God as He was individualized in each one of you and who is not yet allowed to fully manifest.

What I did for My Son, I do for all My children and just as One was Victorious, all will be. Practice, beloved, practice among you, with your families, with the beings that surround you, do not see the imperfect, it is not real, it is only temporary, behind there is always the perfection of Christ in every heart n, of the Presence of God beating and giving them life. That is your True Identity, and as you do this, refusing to think, see, feel, speak or comment on the imperfect, use that same energy to reverse everything towards what is perfect. This done with constancy and dedication, will bring to their lives that same perfection that they experience in their mental and feelings worlds, so that the senses get used to finding what is beautiful and that is always present in some No being, for everyone who can see it.

Contact the good in each one and the answer to you will be that same goodness that will lead you to pleasant relationships and free you from the karmic bonds created in the past or present, simply for not recognizing the good and having committed to imperfection.

Although they are My children, I cannot pressure you to perform this task of Light, but if I can do it, it is your desire for Me to lead you to want to do it. My angels will assist you.

Immaculate concept:

Pattern of pure and immaculate perfection that is had as Divine design for each human being, situation, place or thing. The Immaculate Concept demands perfection for everything that exists. It can be sustained and manifested through the mind and feeling.

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The Immaculate Conception December 8

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