Infertility and problems in the female reproductive system

  • 2015


Sterility affects 15% of couples, in which the causative factor can be found equally in both individuals: in one third it is due to the man, in another third to the woman and in the remaining one it is due to both. These alterations can be functional or structural, the latter being the most complex resolution.

Among the most common male functional alterations we find problems with semen quality, it can give a small number, movement or shape of the sperm. The habitual feminine functional alterations have to do with hormones, with structural problems, being the most common in women the pathology of the fallopian tube, where the egg arrives from the ovary waiting to be fertilized, due to inflammation of this (salpingitis), by endometriosis (growth of the endometrium outside the uterus) or by uterine fibroids. In this article we will discuss the emotional meanings of such conflicts.

It can also happen that apparently none of the members of the couple has an identified problem. In these cases, we usually check how acidification of the connective tissue is preventing normal functioning of the body, correcting it by means of correct dietary guidelines, good breathing to optimize the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide and applying relaxation techniques that prevent circulatory vasoconstriction., preventing proper nutrition and cell clearance.

The sexual act is not enough to explain a conception. There are so many women who want to have children and are sterile, others who do not want and become pregnant. There is something stronger than conscious desire: it is unconscious desire.

The conception is based mainly on the unconscious. On the level of the unconscious, for an invisible reason, it is better not to have children. Remember that even when sterility is due to organic dysfunction, the organ is the effector. The tubes are clogged, but who rules in the tubes? Naturally, it's not about falling into guilt. Like any symptom, it is not a fault, it is a solution, or an attempt at an internal solution when we do not find an external or conscious one.

From Bioneuroemoción, infertility through a medical history, with which we can approach the cause of the problem and thus be able to solve it. The hidden emotional field influences much more than we believe with the naked eye in the functioning of the body. This is because every disease has a biological sense, a why. It is not the result of chance or chance, but, in most of them, the unconscious adapts the functioning of the body to solve a specific problem, in order to guarantee survival. Being an unconscious movement, we are not able to realize it without the help of our own body.

There is an unconscious origin of infertility, we have programs, inherited information that will make us follow them, by following what our ancestors instilled in us. More than 90% of our brain acts unconsciously, the one that works all day without stopping.

In Bioneuroemoción we start from the base that the unconscious is the one who guides and directs our life. It is he who decides what we work with, who we marry, what our hobbies are ... This represents 97% of us, while our conscious is only 3% according to the latest studies. Therefore, it is vital and essential for all of us to understand and integrate into our system how our unconscious works. The unconscious does not use verbal language in the representation of its contents, but uses the most universal language, the language of symbols.

It is written in our genes that for every human being the need to perpetuate himself and his family is innate. So, what leads certain couples to the impossibility of having offspring, when is the desire at the conscious level of both?

We talk about inherited Transgenerational programs of survival, adaptation and compensation within our clan, that is, within our family, and with this we don't talk only about our parents, we also talk about grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. Each of us is a fractal of our family or genealogical tree, that is, within us at the cellular level we carry all the memories of the experiences of our ancestors.

There are certain programs and memories that influence fertility conflicts: childbirth deaths, rapes or incests followed by difficult pregnancies, voluntary, dramatic or repetitive abortions, children born with physical or mental defects , incest, rape, homelessness ... With these memories our unconscious relates pregnancy or having children as a danger of death, shame, rejection ...

This becomes a survival and clan membership program, and this program is above our conscious desire for reproduction. We remember that we are between 3 and 10% conscious, our life is directed by our unconscious, our 90%.

It is also important to talk about the end of the tree or a branch of it. The mangrove is a tree that grows in salt water. This tree as a survival solution channels all the salt it absorbs into a branch so that the rest can sprout and survive . It is the same for certain families, in which there is so much toxicity, that one or several descendants absorb said toxicity for the benefit of the rest. This individual can stop bearing fruit, children.

Another point to highlight is that of a girl who, when she was born, wished she was a child, or has a memory that being a woman is dangerous (due to stories of abuse, abuse ...), this will lead to a rejection of her femininity, with her consequent masculinization. As the unconscious does not distinguish between real and virtual, if you are a woman but you behave and feel like a man, your biology will respond in the same way, with the consequent changes at the hormonal level, and possible pathologies of your reproductive system, of Everything that implies your femininity.

It also applies in cases that a girl was wanted instead of a boy, for unconscious fidelity to the family (I only belong to the family, to the clan, if I am, if I behave as they wish ...) their behavior can reach be that of a woman, depending on the percentage of her swing to the female. This will determine the correct balance of your male hormones and their ability to reproduce.

Finally, see what they wanted for you in your pregnancy, within the multiple projects, for example being a cane child, to take care of your parents when they are older, so you should not have family burdens. This, by fidelity, can prevent you from unconsciously having a partner and offspring since your main program is to be next to your parents until their death.

The program is active because it has not become aware of it, it is there where Bioneuroemoción intervenes, highlighting, releasing, accommodating and accompanying the consultant to allow him to leave that program behind and be born into his own history through s of the NLP (Neurolingual Programming).

Remember that every day we heal Transgenerational programs through our coherence, there are many cases of couples who have not been able to have a child for years and after adopting, they naturally get pregnant. Since your unconscious registers the new information of I have a child and there has been no danger for it .

Now, this suffering has been so strong, so profound that in some cases it interferes with many other aspects that seem, in principle, disconnected from the main infertility program. In this case to be able to chain them we should only ask a person, potential mother or father, full of dreams, what would be their ideal situation to have a child. Most likely the answer would be: In principle I would like to have a wonderful partner, be well economically and have a home of my own.

The unconscious is chaining those conditions as a prerequisite to having a child, while more of these points solve this person, the more he will feel that he is approaching a catastrophe unconsciously and, as consequently, every time a relationship goes well, it will tend to abandon it or it may look for partners that move away; every time a job goes well and has the possibility of progress and stability, it will have a very strong need to abandon it or exchange it for another one better . Whenever the possibility of saving arises, something will happen to spend all the money, use phrases like always with the right thing Family, he is probably always renting or not succeeding, although his age already allows it widely, leaving the mother's house. Everything, of course, probably thinking that it is the fault of others, that all couples are crazy, that they have bad luck with business, work.


-A woman had lost her sister as well as her nephews and nieces in a car accident. Years later, I wanted children. But since this accident, in his unconscious, there was this belief that as soon as they have children, their unconscious could have caused sterility. He became aware of it and freed himself. He conceived three children naturally.

-A woman wanted an IUD but her body rejected them systematically. A local anesthetic was needed to place it. In therapy, the fact that he had a powerful and deep desire to have a child appeared because he had mistaken the education of the former. There was bad care of him, and he blamed himself for it. Unconsciously, he wanted to have a second child to prove himself capable of caring for a child. But on the conscious level, it was idiocy, I didn't want to have another child.

-A woman had done tubal ligation because she no longer wanted to have any more children. Despite this she fell pregnant. When operating, the surgeon found that his body had made a channel that branched above the ligation. There was a very powerful unconscious desire in her.

-A girl about 35 years old who doesn't get pregnant. The women of his tree are widows and with a child. When she was in her mother's womb, her father died. She runs a program if she has a child, she is left without a husband. Curiously, she chooses a husband who does not want to have children and also does not know if his sperm is well. He tells me: "I don't want to make my husband go through this." There is a family fidelity, there is a protection. In addition to becoming aware of his tree he tells me: "I love my husband, this husband (he emphasizes me) before having a child." In this case it is clear that the program is fulfilled by a family loyalty, which prevents you from having children leads to the death of the couple.

The unconscious struggles to express itself and show the programs. By making them quotients, they are released. Because in the end it is the unconscious that governs our lives. We must not forget that psychic processes happen alone, getting sick and healing too.


  • It is impossible to assume the role of adult. I prefer to stay in the state of a child and a child does not procreate or make children therefore I remain in this state.
  • Parents who forbid children to grow up.
  • I am captive of… (A situation with a person, a place….)
  • I'm afraid of reality and I'm afraid of incarnating
  • I devalue myself for not being able to seduce the other. It is very risky to seduce
  • Loss of territory The nest (home) is not yet organized or not ready. Fear of death linked to pregnancy or birth. I am afraid of dying once I am a father.
  • I do not have the moral right to comply or to do the sexual act.
  • Symbolic incest with her husband (Transgenerational study).
  • It is preferable not to convey the inherited problems unconsciously. ”I do not want to make my children relive the horrors I have experienced.” It can be followed by an exodus, a diaspora, a genocide, war, rapes, abuse.
  • I refuse to convey all this family disorder. For example, if the person in his childhood lives situations in which the parents have many conflicts, there are infidelities, painful separations, abandonments or great emotional shocks ... That growing child can do it with the belief of "why suffer", "better not have a partner or children ”so that they do not go through the same suffering.


  • Some woman in the tree dies in childbirth: In my unconscious having children or being a mother is equal to death, there is danger of death. This program is also activated if that death (that of the son or the mother) occurred near childbirth and not necessarily during it, while the memory of the clan is still attentive and very soaked with the fact “childbirth”. The message that will be recorded in later generations will be "don't have children because you can die or die them". That suffering is so deeply engraved in the memory of the clan that it triggers a defense mechanism, to avoid that suffering below and can even be activated by other deaths of clan members during pregnancy
  • Couples in my tree who didn't have their own house. For example, they lived at the home of one of their parents or relatives. In my unconscious: If I don't have a house of my own, I can't have children. No animal will have children without first having a nest.
  • Tree women who had many children. The program of not having children is in the extreme the same as having many children. From quantum physics we would say that it is the same "spin" in opposite polarity. The same program due to excess or default.
  • Memory of disabled or sick relatives. If, at the time the person was in the womb, his parents did not maintain a desire for that child (consciously or unconsciously), a sterility schedule may remain in this person. It is to continue with the previous message: I do not want the child to be born.

Example: Ms. X's older sister died at age 20. The older brother of the father died with 25 years. His mother's first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Conclusion: if I have a child it will die, therefore it is better to remain sterile. This woman has endometriosis.

Ideas that women can unconsciously have in relation to the stories of their Transgenerational:

- Regarding pregnancy:

  • Aesthetic: He doesn't recognize me. I lose the forms.
  • Fear of the relationship with the couple: I am tired, does not want me.
  • Different sexuality
  • Mother Status: I don't want to look like my mother, I have hormonal changes
  • Fear that the child is not normal: Any illness
  • Overweight
  • Fear of childbirth
  • Fear of losing the child (causes hyperactive or asthmatic children). This means making "noise" permanently to show that he is alive. If the mother observes immobility for her, it is equal to death.
  • Fear of nausea, other problems.
  • Example of a sterile woman: If I get pregnant my father will know that I have sex (I was married for 5 years).
  • Afraid of being fooled because she is not seductive or desirable.
  • Afraid of losing your job
  • Fear of losing freedom
  • Afraid of dying
  • Afraid of suffering at the time of pregnancy, delivery
  • Fear of bleeding, of losing blood.
  • Unincarnated female persons in their own body (Very mental)
  • Pregnancy ends with childbirth. You may be afraid of not being able to conclude it.

- After delivery

  • Deformation of the breasts, chest
  • Is that what I will be good enough as a mother?
  • Is it that I will have enough milk as a mother?

When a woman discovers she is pregnant: What is going on inside you? What do you feel? What emotion do you have? Differentiate the desire to be pregnant from the desire to have a child. What does having a child mean to you? What does being a mother mean to you? What does a mother represent for you?



Resent: My family is not very normal, it is out of norms. The biological function of the uterus ranges from conception to the end of birth. The conflicts accordingly will be:

  • Sexual conflict deemed dirty, out of norm
  • Family conflict (impossible family nesting)
  • Loss conflict (child, parent, grandchildren)

Sexual function is one of the most important in nature. The woman places it at the level of the mucosa of the uterine body since it is there where it houses the children. The young woman, if she lives a sexual conflict, will suffer it as a neck pathology. The mature woman will make a pathology of the uterine body with a great fear for the little ones or for not very clean sexual drives.

  • Conflict of loss, especially in grandfather-grandson or similar relationships. Grandparents often have very strong conflicts in relation to grandchildren.
  • Conflict of dirty sexuality.
  • Sexual conflict "That is not done!" Conflict in relation to the sexual life of others, the closest.
  • Feeling of not being in conformity with or appropriate to the norm (often children or their sexuality). Behaving badly with the couple. Moral or physical danger with a sexual coloration.

For women, the uterus is home. The heart will be more often for man. Often there is a devaluation linked to the family. For example, I am not normal, my family is abnormal. I feel obligated with my conjugal duties. I suffer since I do not control anything in the sexual or family environment. It's hard to expose myself, I can't stand showing myself.

Examples: A grandmother is in shock when her granddaughter has been raped by a foreigner.

Tumor in the endometrium. Miss X wants to get a virgin to her marriage, but her boyfriend insists too much. Some time later a tumor appears in the endometrium.

Tumor of the body of the uterus: An older woman, already a grandmother, makes a tumor of the body of the uterus at the level of the endometrium. This appears when his grandson separates from the couple he lived with. Resiente: loss of your partner. He had a recurrence of this shock when the grandson began courting another girl that she did not consider nice or pretty (ugly semi-sexual conflict).

Symptoms in the healing phase: For each device or organ we will find specific signs of convalescence repair. These are physical signs of the vagotony phase.

Uterine polyp: A polyp appears after his partner had left with another woman and comments: "he will have with her the children we had thought to have together." A few months later it begins with abundant rules due to polyps in the uterus.

Tumor of the uterus: A woman who dies from her father and the next day her brother enters prison: Shock = horror. The surprise is total. 9 months later he is released and there is a resolution of the conflict with mild bleeding. 3 months later he is diagnosed with a fibrous polyp of the uterus. Making her cell cycle, we realize that when her brother is born she is 9 years old, so she is forced to take care of him. At 25 he has a sentimental shock with a lover. Then he says, sexual relations with my husband have become painful and out of the ordinary . Thus your uterine sensitivity has been programmed.


It can occur in the young woman, in which the mucosa of the uterus leaves the outside of the uterine cavity. The mucosa has many progesterone receptors and these decrease when the woman is older. In older women with cases of endometriosis, mucosal multiplication occurs in the uterus. It is a great desire to welcome a child, get pregnant, and this is impossible.

Resent: I have a great desire to be pregnant, but I cannot accept this pregnancy. I can not take home, but if in the hospital, at work, friends, etc. My house is too small to have children. I do not want my children to grow up. I want to welcome the egg and for this I increase the surface of the uterus.

In endometriosis external to the uterus (adenomyosis) = I want to welcome a child out of normal (outside my home, to be carried by a carrier mother, etc.)

Endometriosis on the ovary = desire for pregnancy and fear that the child will not thrive. Fear of childbirth with risk of the child dying. It is necessary to shorten the time between ovulation and egg implantation.


Endometriosis at the level of the bladder. From the beginning of their marriage, Mrs. X suffers from endometriosis. There is a conflict between her mother and her husband. He can't stand her and she never comes to see the family. This woman wants a child, but does not support the idea of ​​the encounter between the mother and the husband. All his time goes to work. The mucosa of the uterus migrates to the bladder (endometriosis). The bladder is the organ of territory marking.

Ovarian and peritonitis. The mucosa of the uterus of Mrs. X goes to the ovary and the peritoneum: she is afraid of having a child and not being up to it. Her brother died and for her it is necessary to shorten the time between ovulation and nesting. Associates having a child with the child dies.

Identification: Mrs. X has a fusional relationship with her sister, who has endometriosis. She wants to take the place of the other to relieve her.


Conflict: Conflict of seduction. Resent: Now I have the male, now no . When a woman does an ovarian cyst, she is looking for a male. When a lion kills the churumbeles, the lioness does an ovarian necrosis, the hormones are raised to be receptive to the male, and in the healing phase it makes a cyst. A cyst may indicate that it is healing but that the "male" now has it, not now. A cyst in the left ovary (on a right hand): It wants children. A cyst in the right ovary (on a right hand): It is a problem with the male: "I want another male." In a left-handed person, the information is reversed. If it is in both: "I want to have a child, port not with this male." Polycystic: Each cyst is a conflict. The function of polycysts is to copulate more. An ovarian cancer rejuvenates women.


Devaluation for not being able to get pregnant, having a child, not being able to have the desired family.


The myoma of the uterus is a benign tumor composed of muscle fibers: there is impotence of wanting to have a normal family or within the norms. Resent: There is a vacuum in the house and I must fill it. I want to have a child but I can't or haven't been able to (abortion). I am not able to find a partner. I feel helpless, I can't protect, secure or support my family.

The myoma is: that child that I can never have. It happens after an interrupted pregnancy, abortion, dead child, unrealized grief. I am not able to take care of a child. Desire for an ideal pregnancy. Devaluation linked to family or pregnancy.


This term is the simplification of fibromioma which is a benign tumor composed of fibrous and muscular tissue. Conflict linked to the impossibility of having children, in case of sterility or when menopause is coming, or during menopause.

Hypertrophied maternal fiber: a mother who wants to remain a mother when children grow up.

Examples: I had an abortion and a part of me rejects it. I regret not having more children or having decided to voluntarily terminate the pregnancy. Desire to have a happy childhood that has been upset. It is impossible to comply and the person is in permanent conflict. Sometimes during menopause, the conflict stops spontaneously and the fibroid disappears. Memory of a dead child. Problems in the house, with heritage.


Resent: I have not been able to make a child with the man I loved, the purpose is not to allow sperm to pass. I think of anyone else while I am making love with my partner. I do not want to be penetrated. A retroversion uterus makes fertilization difficult and is a sterility factor. It is possible that the child born in this way is among people who do not love him. In the case of man, this resentment can cause ascending testicles or La Peyronie's disease.


Myoma Woman who always feels unable to educate her children well. It is devalued and shortly thereafter he is diagnosed with a myoma.

At 42, Mrs. X wants to be sterilized, put on an IUD . It is impossible because your cervix is ​​closed and you need to have general anesthesia. At that moment they discover a myoma. Their balanced balance conflict is as follows: at the same time I decide not to have a second child, I observe that the relationship with my only 20-year-old daughter is wrong. I want to prove that I am able to take care of a child. At the same time I feel too old to do it now. She lives a devaluation of not being able to have a second child to take good care of herself and the rules, menstruation is lived badly.

Myometrial tumor (muscle layer of the uterus in an elderly person). 38-year-old woman losing a 5-month-old son. Her mother feels that she will never be able to have a child. Two years later she becomes pregnant again and has a normal birth. A few months later this woman is diagnosed with a myometrial tumor.

Identification conflict: It does not matter the rank of the person who could make an identification conflict almost immediately. A mother sees how her son falls and she has the sensation of hurting her knee. A friend tells of his accident during which the steering wheel was stuck in his stomach and immediately you notice a tension in the belly or even that the belly hardens to resist this aggression. From the moment a negative resentment enters our body, it reacts with an adaptation program that we call disease. That is why it is crucial for the therapist to explore with his client not only what he has experienced or resented, but anyone else, to see if there is an identification conflict. It is obviously an imaginary projection made by one individual over the other.


The genital organs go outward. The perineum and perineal muscles are affected with ligament lesions in the uterus. The central resentment is the devaluation.

"It's too hard for me to take my status as a woman." I have to play the role of man. Whatever I do I will never rise. This may be in relation to family life, with children or with anything else. I am obliged to count on myself only and it is necessary for me to be things of man. I do not feel sustained in my femininity, as a woman.

Cystocele example. Woman with lowering of the uterus, bladder and urethra. In each of her daughters' births, her husband left because he wanted a child. She must take it all alone.


Obstruction of the fallopian / uterine tubes: For me sex is dirty. Sex is the most disgusting thing. I am not willing to enjoy sex, I ask for love. I have trouble enjoying sex, I prefer not to have it. It is difficult for me to interact with men / sexual partners.

Resent, my own thought that I refuse or hide: "I do not accept having sex." "Sex is not to my liking." "Men / Couples only love me for sex." "I will not allow this man to get me pregnant."

Salpingitis indicates a connotation of rage not expressed.

Problems in the Mucosa or muscle of the fallopian tubes / Uterins: If I have damage to the mucosa of my tubes or problems in the muscle, it means that I am living or have lived a sexual experience (real or symbolic):

- Rape. - Touches. - Sexual insults.
- My partner forces me to get pregnant and I don't want to.
- Sexual offenses (Example: my best friend took my husband from me)
- Sexual offenses (Example: I get promoted as long as I go to bed with the boss)
- My son, my husband or my employee, is: rapist, bullying minors ...
- Violations or incests in the family tree.

Resent: "I can not accept a sexual relationship because it is linked to something unbearable." As the tubes are the place where the egg meets the sperm to create a child, a problem here indicates that the woman blocks the link between her feminine and masculine principles. Therefore, it is difficult for him to create his life as he wishes and relate to men. Your body tells you that it is time to open yourself more to the ideas you receive and to take actions to create your life without feeling guilty. In this way, you will be more open to what man can bring to your life. Those fears, which make you close, do not benefit you.


Conflict of sexual frustration, if you have a partner but cannot fully enjoy yourself.

Affective frustration because of abandonment, separation. I have not been chosen. For example, my husband, boyfriend or friend prefer another.

Conflicto de dependencia en relación a la pareja, indiferencia o mucha prevención. La mujer, al ir envejeciendo, se vuelve dependiente del otro y lo vive mal. El conflicto de no pertenecer a personas es una catástrofe, un drama para la mujer que vive en una naturaleza “hostil”.

  • Vagina = conflicto sexual de no ser poseída, de no pertenecer a ninguna persona y de no poder cumplir con la unión carnal.
  • Cuello uterino y venas coronarias = conflicto sexual de frustración, asociado a conflicto de territorio con desamparo y abandono, en el que las venas coronarias están también afectadas. El conflicto afecta al cuello uterino, tiene una tonalidad menos afectiva que cuando afecta a las venas coronarias.
  • Cuello, vagina y vejiga = conflicto de frustración sexual que impide la organización de un futuro territorio, de un nido.
  • Unión entre el cuello y el cuerpo del útero: femineidad y rol maternal despreciados. Si el conflicto es puramente de gestación familiar, se haría una patología de cuerpo. Si el conflicto es puramente de frustración sexual, la patología sería de cuello. Y si buscamos una pareja para crear una familia se hace un conflicto en la zona intermedia.

Ejemplo de Displasia de cuello uterino: Una mujer se entera de que su marido la enga ay no se siente la mujer escogida. Al poco tiempo aparece una displasia de cuello uterino y cesan las reglas desde que el marido ha cambiado: l ya no la mira como antes, es indiferente, y ella se siente fea, in til, alejada, transparente, vac a. l no me ve, no soy deseada. Cuando finalmente se reencuentran ella hace sangrados abundantes en fase de reparaci n. En este caso la ausencia de reglas fue debido a una bajada de la tasa de estr genos por un conflicto de frustraci n sexual.


Conflicto de no poder cumplir la uni n carnal, frustraci n ligada al acto sexual, no poder tener un hombre.

Ejemplo: Una adolescente ve como todas sus amigas tienen novio, excepto ella. Eso le provoca una gran tristeza y una profunda frustraci n. Hay sangrado vaginal que impide toda relaci n sexual, de ah viene la frustraci n. Este conflicto activo bloquea el hemisferio izquierdo, por lo tanto la fabricaci n de hormonas femeninas que pueden llevar a la frigidez.

Gl ndula de Bartolino y sequedad vaginal que impide la penetraci n:

  1. Deseo sexual que se juzga como malo, culpabilidad.
  2. No soy capaz de atraer al macho.
  3. El placer est prohibido, aunque biol gicamente sea una necesidad vital.
  4. Tengo miedo que mi deseo y mi placer sean descubiertos.

Condiloma: Acepto mal la adaptaci n sexual a esta persona porque, por ejemplo, est enferma, es muy viejo para mi Cualquier enfermedad v rica nos indica un cambio de informaci n al que no nos hemos podido adaptar conscientemente.

Colibacilo: Soy incapaz de mantenerme en mi lugar, mi territorio, algo muy feo. Esto est prohibido.

Clamidia (bacteria): Problem tica sexual de inadaptaci n, por ejemplo, a una situaci n incestuosa, relaci n fusional persistente con un padre, abuso sexual

Micosis: Duelo imposible, dif cil de terminar y concluir. Soy incapaz de hacer el duelo de mis ilusiones, de vivir la vida tal cual quisiera. El adulto se pregunta si lo que est viviendo se corresponde con lo que esperaba. Me siento enga ada. Me siento separada, del ni o por ejemplo, no llego a hacer el duelo.

Candida Albicans : Gran sufrimiento sexual y rencor. He sido abusada sexualmente. No quiero engancharme con esta pareja.

Acidez vaginal : puede llegar a vaginismo. La acidez es incompatible con la vida de los espermatozoides. Rechazo de la pareja. La mujer se vuelve cida, la amante (amantis religiosa) devora y es agresiva.

Sequedad vaginal post-menop usica: No es necesario que esto se deslice (relaci n) hacia la vida (concepci n).

Dispaurenia: Dolores durante las relaciones sexuales. No tengo el buen compa ero y adem s me niega. Tengo miedo de estar atrapada en mi propio deseo. Una memoria de violaci n puede desencadenar una ausencia agenesia de la vagina.

Vaginitis: C lera, ira no expresada. Enfado contra la pareja. Culpa sexual. Autocastigo.


Sequedad vaginal . Una mujer se prohíbe el placer sexual. Con 13 años tuvo un orgasmo durmiendo. Se despertó y vio a su padre al pie de su cama (acababa de morir). Ella se reprocha este orgasmo. Con 14 años tiene un orgasmo con bienestar, pero ella piensa que irá al infierno. A partir de allí sufre de sequedad vaginal.

Bartolinitis. Una tiene una Bartolinitis y todos los hombres la miran. Su resentir es: “es muy peligroso seducir, no puedo atraer al macho”. Conflicto programante: de sde sus primeras reglas su abuela le dice “no te acerques a los chicos, son muy peligrosos”. Su abuela hablaba de sí misma, ya que ella se quedó embarazada siendo soltera.

Bartolinitis. Desde que se ha casado la señora X quiere tener hijos, sobretodo para complacer a su madre. Una de sus creencias es que la relación sexual es para procrear, y fuera de ella no está bien hecho. Esta mujer tiene miedo de dejarse ir, de salirse del molde y ama la uniformidad. Se impide tener un deseo sexual y no hay más relaciones que en el momento de la ovulación para tener hijos. En consecuencia la Glándula de Bartolín bloquea la secreción para no atraer al macho. Su primera bartolinitis la realiza cuando se hace una prueba ginecológica en previsión de una fecundación in Vitro. Es la resolución de no tener necesidad de relaciones sexuales. Su segunda gran crisis aparece cuando decide adoptar un bebé y la tercera cuando el niño llega.

Bartolinitis: Una mujer de 22 años me dice: “ Todas las mujeres de mi familia han perdido a sus maridos. Por esto si atraigo a un hombre y el me ama se puede morir.” Tiene bartolinitis.

Exclusividad en la flora vaginal . Una mujer joven tiene gardenerella vaginalis (gérmenes vaginales saprofitos que pueden estar en relación con la vaginitis) y excluye cualquier otra flora vaginal. Hace dos años su amante la abandonó. Ella sintió una frustración sexual porque ella veía exclusivamente esta relación como sexo libre y solo quiere este tipo de relación con los hombres. Sólo tiene un tipo de germen. Coincidence?

Cándida albicans vaginal después de cada embarazo. Una mujer tiene miedo de que su marido la engañe con una de sus vecinas, una mujer alcohólica, sucia, y esto le sucede después de cada parto. Su resentir es traición sexual.

Vaginitis pruriginosa . Mujer que trabaja en la limpieza, lo quiere todo limpio. Se enteró de que su madre durante su embarazo tenía vergüenza de estar embarazada. De bebé y luego de niña, ella dormía en la habitación de sus padres y se siente herida por la imagen de las relaciones sexuales parentales: había violencia, miedo de que su madre se muriera. Solo encuentra hombres malos, se siente sucia, busca al padre a través de la violencia sexual. Ella no tiene ningún deseo sexual ni quiere ningún tipo de relación. Los hombres le asquean. Quiere arrancarse la piel. Por contra, el miedo de perder a su marido se traduce en un dolor en el ovario derecho.

Tumor vaginal. Señora que vive sola y hace un tumor vaginal. Su resentir es “yo no estoy segura de atrapar un trozo de macho, de conseguir un buen hombre”.

Skenitis (Glándulas de Skene). Mujer con eskenitis después de muchos años que le impide tener una vida sexual normal. El drama de origen se encuentra en una experiencia que ella vivió como podrida. Siendo niña fue abusada sexualmente.


Resentir de protección. Conflicto de penetración, de relación sexual forzada. Prurito vulvar: prohibición de permitirse el placer, de darlo o recibirlo. “Me encuentro a la vez en el deseo de tener un acto sexual y en la imposibilidad de realizarlo”. “Veo algo muy feo y no he podido decir nada”. Secreto ligado a la sexualidad. Para no sentirme ya separada me presto a esta humillación.


Herpes en los labios mayores. Para ella el acto sexual es algo muy sucio y moralmente constituye un pecado. Dice: “no es bueno sentir placer, el algo sexual es solo para reproducirse”. La señora X se obliga a acostarse ya hacer el amor con su marido, pero sufre la penetración. Tiene una patología de grandes labios.

Vulvitis e hiperleucorrea: La señora consulta sobre una vulvitis que padece desde los 26 años, conjuntamente con hiperleucorrea. El conflicto programante tuvo lugar a la mitad de esa edad, es decir, a los 13 años. Su madre un día le dice brutalmente “yo no te quería, intenté abortarte con agujas de tejer, pero tú te agarraste bien fuerte”. Ella le dijo esto varias veces. Desde ese día ella tiene imágenes obsesivas con ese aborto. Ve las agujas que entran por la vulva. La hiperleucorrea está ligada al sentido biológico de: “quiero eliminar algo que ha entrado dentro mío”, como por ejemplo en este caso las agujas de tejer, o “tengo una intención criminal sobre el otro”. La vulvitis está ligada en el sentido biológico a “yo obturo el acceso a mi útero y de mi vagina a cualquier otra persona”. La noche siguiente a la consulta, las sensaciones de quemazón se amplificaron y fue un signo de reparación. En el inicio de la sesión describió su síntoma como algo violento, complicado, que no la dejaba y que cada vez se le introducía más. Ella habló de su conflicto de esta manera, porque lo vivía a día de hoy tal y como lo vivió la madre, violento, complicado y, en el caso de la madre, que le envenenaba los lazos de sangre.

Hinchazón de vulva. Su marido no es muy limpio y no suele ducharse, teniendo bastante mal olor. Además toca cualquier cosa del suelo y productos químicos. Ella se siente sexualmente sucia, ya que él no se ducha antes de mantener la relación sexual. Ella tampoco soporta el olor a sangre durante las reglas.

Mireya Larruskain

Acompañante en Bioneuroemoción® formada por Enric Corbera y el IeBNE

Consultations in Barcelona and Sitges

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La infertilidad y los problemas en el aparato reproductor femenino

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