The "individualization" of being: body, mind, spirit and soul - David Topí

  • 2013

As one deepens in the study of different schools and mystical teachings, one begins to have to spend more and more time breaking the horns to reconcile certain ideas and knowledge in a way that makes sense and fits with what one already knows from other lines. and other theories. In fact, it happens rarely that two teachings that speak of the same are radically opposed to each other, what happens almost always, at least what I have found over the years, is that the original concept is common to several of these teachings and then they have been distorted as time went by and vocabulary was changing, sometimes changing the meaning of some words for others. That is one of the things that happen for example when we talk about the soul vs the spirit.

The four components of the human being

The ancient Egyptians described the existence of four components in the human being: the physical body, the mind, the Anima, and the Spirit. Also the hermetic teachings, theosophy, alchemy, among others, speak of a spirit and a soul as separate things, so what does this mean? What is the difference between soul and spirit according to these traditions? To understand this, we must examine a little more in depth how the process of creation and consolidation of the human being "works" according to this ancestral knowledge.

Basically, we have to investigate how the portion of our being that “begins to have self-awareness in what we call the third density” is generated, that is, we are going to see where “what” we call soul comes from.

First density - the “mental” part is born

Taking as the origin of all existence the evolutionary level that we call first density, we must imagine that we all start from a kind of macro energy pool that is part of the energy of the planet of which we are not, by far, aware as individual entities . The existence in the first density is difficult to describe, they are elementary forms of consciousness, we are part of the elements of nature, we are rock, we are earth, we are fire, we are air, we are water. We are portions of the energies that vibrate within minerals and stones. At this moment we say that we have only formed the "mental" or consciousness complex of our being. In this case, it is also not entirely correct to speak of being “our” being, but it is simply the conglomerate of energies that make up the first evolutionary level, and of which, we have not yet “been born” individually.

Second density - the "body" component

The energies that "graduate" or evolve from one level to the next, moving from the first to the second density, acquire the second main component of being: the body. The use of flora and fauna as an evolutionary vehicle provides the necessary catalyst for new experiences, through the group mind of the animal or floral race to which it is attached. Again, at the supra-soul level (the set of our simultaneous existence at all evolutionary levels), we have portions of us embodied in all kinds of trees, plants and animals, simultaneously, without individual consciousness, forming part of the generic morphic field of that animal breed. We still have not "born" yet as the entity that we are at the 3D level, there are simply parts of our supra Soul in the whole set of organic life represented by the flora and fauna on our planet.

Third density - the soul is individualized

Finally, the appearance of what we call soul occurs when the second density consciousness that has been subtracted from one of the last experiences as an animal passes as energy or consciousness towards the third density and takes shape, is individualized, separated from the mind group of the animal race to which it was connected, and the third component of the human being is activated: what we could call the “soul”, which is nothing other than the individualized consciousness that exists in all human beings when they reach the third density, and that is simply the portion of 2D consciousness that existed as part of an animal morphic field, evolved, graduated and self-aware.

Thus, a being of third density, is the sum of mind + body + soul (this "soul" being the property or energy that gives us access to the higher planes, which makes connection between the earthly part and the non-physical part of our third density), properties that have been developing from the lower levels as different incarnations were subtracting from their own morphic fields and moving fluidly towards higher densities.

Incorporation of the spirit to be 3D

This is when we can start talking about the fourth component, the spirit. The spirit, according to various traditions, is an external component to this process of organic and natural growth that has happened in that being that began in the first density and has ended in a human body in the third. Thus, the spirit is that “spark” of EXTERNAL energy (external to the planet from which the being + mind + body + soul) came directly from the Source that is coupled to the human being in the third density and “animates” it, integrating with the soul. The spirit has always existed, but only "appears and incarnates" when a being has completed the passage through the first two densities, and when it begins its path at the evolutionary level we are now creating a classification such as the following with respect to the different Organic life forms on the planet:

1. Body with Mind (2D animal life)

2. Body with Mind and Soul, without spirit (organic portals)

3. Body with Mind, Soul and Spirit (Adamic race)

Difference between soul and spirit

The use of the words soul and spirit to describe two of the most important concepts of the human being is a problem of terminology. In certain literature, the soul is referred to as the divine principle that comes from the Source as the energy that “animates” the human body, composed of the mental part, the physical or physical part and the part of “spirit” or individualized energy to from the third density.

In other literature the use of the word spirit is the opposite, for that divine energy, and the word soul is used for the component of the human being that comes from the evolution of lower densities. On the one hand, there is a consciousness that began its path in the first density, passed to the second, and became an individual being in the third, and on the other hand, there is an energy, a "spark", a matrix of light which comes from the Source, from the Absolute, which joins, in the third density, being already formed and individualized, composed of that body, that mind and that soul.

Personally I prefer to follow the line of Egyptian mystery schools, and the Hermetic philosophy that named it like this:

Human being: Mind + Body + Soul, as "internal" components and Spirit (external component, "spark" coming from the Source)

Now, at least, when I return to study such teachings, metaphysical, occult, esoteric, or esoteric, I try to keep this definition in mind to keep coherence with the concepts transmitted, even though soul and spirit are completely exchanged in both directions according to the book you read. It is probably not the most important thing either, knowing that there are two similar components, and that the human being is a precious asset in the universe for having them all.

a hug!


The individualization of being: body, mind, spirit and soul David Top

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