The importance of an alkaline lifestyle: pH

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 What is the pH and what effects does it have on our body? 2 Why is it so important to our health? 3 What causes acidity? 4 The importance of an alkaline lifestyle: pH

Although this topic may seem a bit theoretical, I think it is important to understand some details about how our body works so that we can take better care of it, and understand why we would like to do certain things or why others occur to us.

Lately we hear a lot about the alkaline diet, the alkaline lifestyle and how it affects our lives, so to start with this topic I think it's important to know:

What is pH and ... what effects does it have on our body?

PH literally means "hydrogen potential" and serves to indicate the concentration of hydrogen ions in a fluid. These hydrogen ions are simply positively charged particles. An acidic substance therefore contains many hydrogen ions and a few alkaline substance, and the pH is measured on a scale of 0 to 14.

ph scale 01

Why is it so important for our health?

When we talk about health, pH balance is everything. Not only for our health at all levels, but to delay aging and age in another way.

The 1937 Nobel Prize winner Albert Sent-Gyögyi, who discovered vitamin C in 1927, said the gyogyeque body " is alkaline by design, but its functions are acidifying ." He meant that all the body's metabolic processes produce huge amounts of acid, although in order to function properly, cells and tissues need an alkaline environment. A good example of this, and one of the great paradoxes of life, would be breathing. We breathe because we need oxygen (the greatest alkalinizer), but the simple act of breathing acidifies us. Therefore we need more alkaline fuel to keep running.

We could talk more about Dr. Young, an American nutritionist and microbiologist with several books written on this subject, which gives extreme importance to pH. Dr. Young states that there are no diseases, but that all diseases and their symptoms are the result of over-acidification of the body at its different levels.

I will give the example of a battery, when we are going to buy them these are alkaline, full of energy, and when they run out they become acidic.

We are a kind of rechargeable alkaline battery and our acidification is produced by deterioradan battery only by the body's own functions, but by an imbalance in today's diets that are greatly acidifying, producing an over-acidification of cells, tissues, organs and finally the blood. This imbalance creates a framework for chaos, opening the door to diseases and pathologies of all kinds. Negative thoughts and stress, or a negative emotional state also acidify us, as do a sedentary lifestyle and any chemical toxic found in the air, water or food.

The blood should always be maintained ideally with a pH 7'365, and maintaining this slightly alkaline pH of body fluids, including blood, urine, saliva, tears and sweat, is essential for good health.

The good news is that we can reverse that acid state, being responsible and choosing other lifestyles and other healthier foods.

What causes acidity?

In the initial stages of acidity the symptoms may not be very intense including things such as tiredness, lack of concentration, sadness, demotivation ... Then rashes, migraines, allergies, colds, flu, and sinusitis appear. As the acidity progresses the thing gets complicated resulting in dysfunctions of the thyroid glands, liver, pancreas and others. If the pH of the tissues is further acidified the oxygen levels would decrease and the cellular metabolism would end up stopping. That is, the cells would die.

To prevent this, when there is a lot of acidity in the body, the blood begins to remove alkaline minerals from the tissues to compensate. Do you think that your body will let us die this good at first? We are talking about the human body ladies and gentlemen, the most perfect machine created by nature, the one that is specifically programmed to survive whatever it is. Hence our great capacity for adaptation, fundamental for survival.

A healthy body always has a reserve of these alkalizing minerals for an emergency case. But if there are few reserves or you do not get them from food, you will look for it anywhere else; blood ( sodium and potassium ), bones, teeth and cartilage (calcium), or muscles (magnesium). And this can obviously lead to deficiencies and the variety of symptoms that result from it.

An example that I love is caries. Obviously if we do not brush our teeth we are pigs and in the end by accumulation of organic remains on the teeth, a fermentation process begins that ends by making a hole in the tooth, what we know as the decay of a lifetime we go, but ... What Are there those cavities that appear out of nowhere in people who have great oral hygiene? I am sure that many dental colleagues will agree with me that more and more cases of tooth decay are seen that are almost never seen in clinical view, but that when you do an x-ray or start opening to clean that tooth decay… FIESTAAAA…. !!! !!! The tooth inside looks like butter and we could clean a large part of that carious tissue with instruments that we all have that are like a mini metal spoon, without much effort. And I wonder ... Isn't it that our body is pulling minerals? What is more important for the body, staying alive or having a hole in the teeth?

The imbalances of the pH of the blood and tissues produce irritation and inflammation, and prepare the ground for disease. The circulatory system will attempt to eliminate acids in the form of gas or liquid, through the lungs or kidneys. If there is too much waste, it will deposit them in various organs, such as the heart, pancreas, liver and colon, or in the fatty tissue. Many theories suggest that this is one of the reasons that people gain weight, and no matter how much diet they do, they cannot lose weight, or recover it very quickly. As in the case of teeth, a lesser evil for a greater evil, the body produces adipose tissue to store toxins and keep them away from vital organs. Although it may seem a lie, deep down your body is doing you a favor.

This process can also be called Aging. And finally, if this acidity continues, this process leads to degenerative diseases, including arthritis, coronary heart disease, and finally cancer.

All this is mainly caused by dietary, metabolic and environmental derivatives. With diet acids, I mean what you eat and drink; Metabolic acids are produced as the body processes what one eats and drinks (to convert it into energy); and environmental acids come from the environment, chemicals, synthetics, cosmetics and the like.

wpid-wpid-vegetables-blockers The natural course of every living being is to age until it is time to die, but there are many ways to grow old and I personally like the healthy and healthy way, the one in which we can enjoy the gift that is life and savor each of the experiences it offers us.

If we stay more alkaline through an alkaline diet and lead a more alkalizing lifestyle, not only do we stay healthy with a stronger immune system, but we We will feel full of vitality, in a better mood, we will age less and in better conditions.

My advice this week is that you stop for a moment to think what sense this makes for you. Do you think it is possible that your body is partly over-acidified? Do you think you can help him in any way? Y Do you consider it important to avoid this over-acidification in order to shine?

Alkaline kisses !!! shine


The importance of an alkaline lifestyle: pH

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