The strength of the mystic hexagram, by Anabel.C. Huertas

  • 2013

After multiple triadic events in the heavens (intimately related to the development and evolutionary growth of human consciousness), we find ourselves on the stage of Leo (self-awareness, individualization) with the star of David from the past 29, revealing the following movement towards integration, towards the complete management and wisdom of the multiple life forces that are expressed in the human family.

The manifestation of the mystical hexagram brings us closer to the subtle understanding of the cosmic order, where Spirit and Matter (opposite points of the same force, the first in its subtlest degree, the second in its densest degree), make its way to its manifestation complete, insufflating a tendency and a rhythm towards the very center of being, towards the middle path where duality is transcended and elevated to the sacred encounter, to the celestial marriage that gives rise to life.

The impulses transmitted through the constellation of Leo reveal to us the complicated process of individualization (being complete, complete) and the great sextile of the heavens symbolically draws the encounter between the manifest triangles of being, the encounter between the upper and the lower triad, between the reception and the action, between the invocation and the evocation, which in sacred Marriage (merger) generates a great center or fifth essence, where the harmony of opposites must lead us to power, transcendence, the ability to move in space (Spirit) and in the Time (Matter).

The management of multidimensional forces that slowly emerge in the psychological and emotional processes of humanity, is a long learning path that can only be truly initiated (without astral mirages) when the complete manifestation of each one of the energies and tendencies that we guard, can be expressed with totality, with freedom, with the force of Prometheus who has finally broken his mental and social chains.

With each journey through the cosmic points of influence we have been increasingly aware of our total relationship with the different transmitters of force in the universe. A brushstroke of totality that slowly marks the trend of personality, which gradually opens the doors to the subtle reality of the Soul and allows us to delve into macro-cosmic realities and inspirations feeling the caresses of a higher intelligence, of a purpose that requires the capacity of synthesis of a mind that progresses, that expands, and that little by little is developing our perception to establish the principle all method is energy What the Secret Doctrine talks about.

Thus, in the different levels that we go through as we allow the alchemical process of the fall of the veils, our mind, our astral field, our biorhythm is acquiring a natural tendency towards the path of return A subjective space of the Being, where past causes, prejudices, ideas, and desires are not involved, a sacred and unknown place, a prodigious emptiness where everything new can originate a great chaos at times (existential crises are the greatest thrusts of conscious growth), which without our intervention S Slowly allowing the perfect activity and growth a new human being, capable of operating in a wonderful new system of co-relation and interaction with the most useful and complete forces of the universe.

We cross the "men's door" with a renewed perception. The manifestation of the dark light (denser matter, lower astral) and the manifestation of daylight (led by the strong activity of the Solar Angel) has produced the first encounter, the first test that as "mediating agents" (Christ consciousness) -almic) we must carry out. The fusion between the Guardian of the Threshold and all his power over the substance, and the Solar Angel who concretizes the immaterial link between divine inspirations and purposes.

Their encounter, their marriage, their concentration of force under the same scenario of Love, produces the fusion of the brain and the mind, granting us the development of the pineal gland, one of the first expansions of consciousness, a fixed, neutral, empty point where planetary consciousness is indivisible, where the intuitional world begins its journey to direct us to the solar consciousness and progressively to the cosmic consciousness.

The different states and movements of our consciousness in this evolutionary path continually link us to the immaterial world, to energy and its projections, its qualities, its interchangeability and its attractive, constructive, evolutionary potential ... "Everything is energy, I am energy" ... This idea is the fundamental principle where duality becomes a complementary vital force, where etheric scenarios can lead the powerful and perfect macro-cosmic life energies, where the planetary body can end up expressing the Christic force, which allows it to rise above the past karmas, engendering in their womb a new fraternity, a new golden era of peace on earth.

Thus, in the different doors and hallways of mirrors that we cross illuminated by the emerging light of the Being capable of being the “observer and the observed” there are no shadows or duality… and it is from that state of “acceptance” of myself, where the seed of fire can transcend and sacralize without “burning”, giving us samples of the greatest alchemy (the sea of ​​fire) Water and Fire, Earth and Sky, fused, synthesized in a great divine current from which the perfect existence arises.

One more step towards integration, a new expressive and creative movement of life that dwells in us. A new journey through all the channels that are open and in total activity must find the perfection of the origin, its tendency, its rhythm, its center to exercise white magic, to develop the age of an aquarium where the cross of suffering fades to become the great mediator, in the internal-Cosmic Christ, where all the forces rise in consonance, in harmony giving birth to the Great Love, to the total expression of a feminine system of Love-Wisdom, light, beacon, guide ... of the multiple expressions and forces of which we are custodians.

"What I tell you in the dark, speak it in the light"


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