The experience in the healing salt mine - Kryon

  • 2016

Wo and the Spirituality Salt Mine

Introduction to the program by Lee Carroll:

Greetings and thanks for coming!

This place was created for silence. It was created for meditation, and during the last decade that is all that has happened in this space. And from this moment until the end of this period, I want to honor that. So there will be no more applause and we will honor the silence for a moment.

How silent can we be, just for a few moments, when all they do is breathe this healing air? For just a few moments, they will have complete and complete silence and stillness, like few places on this planet. Keep silence with me for just a moment.

Never two hundred and fifty people have been so silent (laughs). I want to tell you a little about what we are going to experience, honoring this place and the reason why it was created, and who you will know today. This is my German voice, Silvia Autenreith; We have known each other for 15 years. I am Lee Carroll, from California, USA. You will meet Monika Muranyi from Australia, you will meet Anders Holte, from Denmark. They will meet Dr. Amber Wolf; She is in Germany for the first time, and comes from Colorado, USA. And then, in the end, they will meet Kryon; I am the original channel of Kryon. And that is the program. Let me tell you one thing before introducing Monika.

About a year ago, Monika and I were in Hawaii. The Hawaiian Islands are also known as Lemuria, and we had an idea. There is a sacred salt that is mixed with some of the volcanic rock, and the shamans use it. We thought: would it not be good to send enough of this salt so treated, sacred salt of Lemuria, and take it to Germany, put it in small bags, and that everyone could receive a sachet of salt? And esoterically we would be combining the beauty of the healing salt here, in Bavaria, with the shamanic salt of Lemuria, on another side of the world. And that is what you now have in your hands. Then, to begin, we will have a small ceremony; I'm going to invite Monika from Australia to drive her.

(Monika Muranyi conducts the ceremony with the sacred salt; then Anders Holte conducts an intonation of sounds that the salt cavern returns in echoes. Then Amber Wolf conducts a guided meditation. And then Anders Holte conducts the singing of sounds that prepare the Kryon channeling space.)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnificent Service.

We are silent for a moment . Many here have not experienced this kind of channeling before. And even before beginning, there must be discernment; discernment as to who is speaking. Is it possible for a human being to pass through the veil and do this? It literally goes out of the way and allows the Spirit to enter with a message. Everyone here has free will. We ask you to discern sweetness, softness and love; Let them know that the Spirit is in love with humanity and that this is a real message. The voice is from my partner, but what they hear are thoughts that come from the Great Central Sun. This is an expression we use to refer to the creative energy that is God .

I will tell you a brief story, but first I will present something for those who are not here, because there are people who are listening but not present. In this place there are 250 souls; they have come through a tunnel, in a train, to a large salt cave. They sit in normal chairs and breathe healing, the healing air of this salt mine. For those who are not here, it is difficult to explain how one can be in a cave and yet breathing deeply is almost as if outside, under the open sky. This place is fresh and beautiful, and it is the stage in which we are going to give a parable. As in many parables, we are going to use a character named Wo. He is not really a male (NT man, man); it could be of either genre, because in English Wo is a wo-man (NT woman, woman). In this particular case, we give it as a var. The title of this parable is Wo and the Salt Mine of Spirituality.

Wo was a spiritual man and knew God, as those around him, and revered God. He felt the love of God in his life, and through this, he invited an angel to visit him. Now remember that everything that follows is a metaphor; A parable Each thing means something else. The angel introduced himself to Wo and said: “You have a privilege today: you can visit what your soul is . And the metaphor for this is that you will enter a tunnel, and you will reach a great cave, so that you will not be on earth; There will be no sounds that interrupt your consciousness. And there, in this salt mine, you will meet your soul. You will not have a meeting, but you will be able to observe. You can see who you are. ”

Why is it in a salt mine? said Wo. And the angel disappeared. That was his question; He knew later. He was shown where the tunnel was; He walked for about an hour, until he reached a well-lit cave, and in the middle of that cave was his soul. Now it was not active; I wasn't going to talk to him; it looked more like a statue, so that he could see who it was. It's interesting how humans do things. Your soul can look in any direction you want to look, as long as the human being is linear, and a human being doesn't really see multidimensional things. For example, the angel who spoke to him had the form of a beautiful woman, a woman with maternal energy and the divinity of a shaman. Now, dear ones, so that you may know: the angels do not look that way. Angels are like multidimensional spheres of light and energy that turn, translucent and transparent, wonderful. But that is not how the human sees them, because a human interprets multidimensionality and in his mind creates something beautiful and sure to be linear, so that he can understand it. Wo looked at his soul, and seeing the statue, he said “Why so big? And it's made of salt! ”He looked at her, and found him similar to him, because that was what he expected. Wo couldn't really see his soul. But remember that this is a metaphor.

It was salt. It was salt because he had been told it would be. He had been told that it was common and ordinary like salt. They told him it was the dust of the Earth, that it came from the dust and he would return. Therefore, he was salt. Wo admired the beauty of the statue: it was refined, beautifully carved. He was almost leaving when he heard the angel's voice. “Wo, it is with free will that I tell you this: you have free will to see the truth or not.” And Wo said: “You mean there is something more than salt to see?” And the angel said: “That depends on you."

Wo looked more closely and saw something that glowed under the salt. He moved closer to look. He realized that salt was only salt powder. With his hands he began to remove the salt dust, and he pulled away for a moment, scared, because what he saw was gold. The gold did not correspond to a salt mine! It was not correct, almost like an oxymoron, a contradiction, a contradiction. The only gold he had ever seen was in the church, it always represented God. The shamans, the leaders, everyone in his life had told him that he was salt . What was God doing in there? "Who? Do you have a voice Answer! ”Total silence.
He removed more dust; He worked a long time and a golden statue was revealed; he stood there amazed.

“Angel, if you are there, talk to me. Who is this really? ”And the angel spoke to him: “ Wo, since you have asked the question, I can answer you. Wo, this is your soul. It is eternal, like God. It is part of God, and it is you. Look at her and smile and feel it's you. Inflate yourself with self-esteem and recognize that it is you, and that you have never been salt. Wo, this is how God sees you, as part of the Creative Source . Wo, if you look at the things that surround the statue, there is still more than what you thought. There are golden tools next to the statue, and they have names: long life, joy, healing, health. "

Here we stop, because the gold of Wo's soul statue is forever; It never ends; like your soul It has no beginning, like your soul. God sees it as part of creation, as your soul. The story has no end; It really has no beginning. And Wo will admire his soul forever, as we ask you to do. Can you see it this way? When you leave this place, will you be gold or will you be salt? That is the question of the day. I know the answer, because I see gold in all of you.

And so it is.



AUTHOR: Lee Carroll



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