The Experience of Death and the Kingdom After Life by Archangel Metatron

  • 2014
Table of contents hide 1 Greetings Teachers I am Archangel Metatron, Angel of Light and we welcome each of you in an unconditional love vector. We talked to you about a fascinating topic at this time. 2 Abnormalities 3 Continuous Growth 4 Preparatory Exercises 5 Reviewing What Happens in Death 6 Choosing the Soul Pattern 7 The Terrestrial Cycle Course 8 Master's Associations and Time Travelers 9 The Nature of Time and Space - Invisible Energy of Antimatter 10 Complete the Earth Cycle 11 Unity with Everything That Is 12 Closing 13 The Experience of Death and the Kingdom After Life

Greetings Teachers I am Archangel Metatron, Angel of Light and we welcome each of you in a vector of unconditional love. We talked to you about a fascinating topic at this time.

Dear Human, life never ends ! There is no death in the way you think, consciousness is eternal.

Many of you fear his death, more than you may wish to admit. Whether or not you spend a lot of time contemplating life after death, all of you at some point in your life will wonder what will happen when you die and what will be waiting for you "on the other side." Even those who had determined that nothing exists after physical life have ironically granted much thought.

So we want to talk about the experience of death. And Masters, as you read the words of this channeled message, you are offered the reception of intuitive subtle catalysts, intuitive activation codes that are part of the frequency of this sharing, frequencies that are intended to assist you in expanding your Own intuitive capabilities.

Their current patriarchal religions tell them that in death there is either heaven or hell. We could tell you something different . Dear ones, there is no fatalistic end, with a final judgment resulting in eternal reward or eternal punishment. Actually there is no "end." Life is always expanding.

Death is not a horrible experience to fear . What you call "Death" is a rebirth towards your greater reality and in many ways it is totally a beautiful and exquisite awakening. In truth, being born in the physical realm is much more traumatic than the return to the "angelic kingdom." Incidentally, the pass from the physical can be properly described as "returning home ." Certain extraordinary expansions of reality are innate to be on a much broader horizon that offers much greater sensitivity and understanding.

At the time of its transition, its spiritual essence leaves the physical body and enters its etheric form. In some circumstances, you will really float above your physical body and you will see the room below you. You have all experienced death on many more occasions than you can realize.

Your conscience leaves the physical organism in various ways, according to the various conditions of the transition, whether it is due to illness, senility or sudden death, such as a car accident. In cases such as senility, severe coma and Alzheimer's disease, consciousness can fully pass into the realm beyond life even when the biological biology remains alive. Physical death can also occur in a progressive process. For those who transit at the end of a disease, the transition process will often occur in an intermittent period, a fragmented transfer by stages of consciousness, in which it transits outward and back into the body f The physical may occur for a period of a few days before the final departure . In these processes of death, the person is in an elevated state and often sees angels, guides and loved ones who have already left.

This process is often chosen in order to eliminate the fear of dying. To put it in some way this allows a series of reconnaissance exits, of brief exploratory incursions near death to allow the person in the transition to release the concern and realize That there is nothing to fear. Those who have had near-death experiences generally find that they provide not only a great sense of peace, but an environment of such light and joyful well-being, that there is reluctance to return to physical reality. .

Once the threshold is crossed, an automatic transition occurs and one rises to a higher state. And the higher states have many levels that correspond to dimensional fields. After the dimensions of death are the frequency barriers of the essence that are perhaps best understood as different intensities of vibration of psychological states.

Most of you will immediately notice the transition of your death. You will be totally delighted to realize that you are still aware, even if dead in physical terms. Many of you will be very happy to understand that you are still you . Their internal narrator and the observer of the experience will be the same as they had in the recently completed physical permanence. They will retain full knowledge of their life and these memories will be in their focus and immediately accessible for a period of time. You will be able to communicate with others who were important in the course of life completed .

Of course, you will realize that they are no longer in your physical body. They will find themselves in another form, an image that they will find physically, but they will quickly notice that they cannot operate within the physical system in the same way that they did. in life . The differences between this form and the physical body will become obvious, because they will not be seen by the living and will be able to pass through the physical matter. They may have to relearn certain laws of conduct as they may not be able to immediately realize the creative power and locomotive attributes of their thoughts or emotions in the new environment. They may be amazed to find themselves in five different environments simultaneously without having any idea, at the beginning, of the reason behind that situation.

At the beginning, you can see that there is no sequential continuity in the movement and feel that you are being pushed from one place to another without having logic or explanation, literally changing from one experience to another. They may not initially realize that their thoughts are driving them so fast as soon as they think them. So, immediately after death there are stages for the re-learning of navigation and adjustment to a new "mental" physics.

There will be a phase in which they will review in detail the plot of the recently completed physical experience. However, after this review, you will discover that another natural expansion arrives: a gradual combination of the soul appears, in which you integrate with your other times of life and with other aspects not only of your earthly lives, but of other realities.

When this expansion happens, the soul's identity will naturally become larger and its etheric form will change. They can choose an appearance that correlates with a different time of life or a soul structure that encompasses all their experiences.


However; there are strange circumstances in which one can die in a sudden and unexpected circumstance such as an accident, in which death happens so abruptly that it is followed by a brief period of confusion. However, this is not frequent and only usually occurs if the person is too clinging to their physical life and cannot let go.

Generally this happens with less developed souls who feel they have not completed their goals or souls who have become so attached to that particular life for various reasons, that they cannot accept the transition . In very strange cases it may happen that after death someone strongly refuses to accept that he has died and desperately focus his emotional energy to return to his physical form. In other similar situations, someone who has been very obsessed with a particular goal or an ongoing project without completing for example will try to complete it for a while, until he accepts that his earthly journey is over. Even in cases like these, eventually the obvious becomes very clear. Guided meditation ensures intervention when necessary, to redirect confusing actions. And Masters, know that there are certainly guides to help each one understand their situation when leaving. Most of you will enter into clarity. And when you enter without becoming disoriented, you are often greeted by family and friends who have left before you. There is a comforting feeling and an euphoric recognition of this kingdom that exudes a feeling of well-being. They can rest, if they wish or require rest. The resting phase is of great expansion, in which an atmosphere of ecstasy is manifested. There is often a feeling of floating in a field of bright white light lined with extraordinary colors vividly. In this phase they will be in a state of bliss and will adapt more easily in the understanding of the separation that has occurred. But they can still focus the thought on the earth plane. You will discover that thought takes you quickly with whoever or wherever you want to focus it.

They will be able to visit friends and family, revisit the past, greet childhood friends and travel continuously through space and time. They will be able to revisit their childhood, see themselves as a little boy surrounded by their family at Christmas or walk through the classrooms of their school as it was sixty years before. They will realize that there is no "backward time" between the manifestations of any idea or thought and its initial conception, as it exists in physical life. They will explore these “dream-type” phenomena with delight, but with real validity and clear clarity. There are ways to get acquainted with the realities and dimensions of life after death while living on the earth plane . We will briefly discuss this in this sharing.

Now, it is important that you understand that nobody dies without choosing to do so. The higher self always makes the decision. Therefore, no one " dies too early, " however, there may be the meaning of an "unfinished life, " so to speak, when the life lessons selected by you for one reason or another have not been completed.

Continuous Growth

Dear ones, the descriptions of the experience after death are indeed varied ... varied according to each belief system and light quotient of each individual. These can seem very complicated, especially if they have been accustomed to dogmatic beliefs in eternal paradises, in hell or in heaven, or in an eternal rest . In truth, those who have a strong belief in religious teachings will often initially create images of saints and white light that corresponds to their spiritual programming. Interestingly, this allows a smoother transition compared to one that, for example, they believe in a time after death.

But to be clear, death is not a place of eternal rest . There is no sky with streets of gold or a demonic torment in a lake of fire and there is no infinite emptiness…. Although you may briefly experience hallucinations of all this if you firmly believe in them. Even so, these will be short-lived visions and as we have said, there are guides and guardians, a “Guidance Team” in a way of speaking, to help those who need useful instruction and direction in adapting life after departure. . The 'Orientation' entourage are advanced souls that are alive and dead. Those members who are still in physical life perform this service in the "out-of-body" phase, while the physical body sleeps. They are experienced experts in the processes of trans-dimensional projection of consciousness.

The "assistant guides" who are still alive in their earthly temporary stays are especially useful because they have a more immediate understanding of the feelings and emotions of the current era and of the current earth realities that the newly departed soul has just left. Such people may or may not remember their nocturnal activities. These guides understand the many sensations involved and help guide those who are initially confused to go through the immediate phases of the transition. Generally speaking, an "old soul" (as you say), one that has experienced many levels of awareness training and a large number of terrestrial lives will not be confused or disoriented in the transition from the physical to the non-physical.

Preparatory Exercises

There are activities that can be undertaken while living on the physical plane that will prepare them for the realms of life after death. Consequently, those of you who have made concerted efforts on the physical plane to learn outside the projections of the body through deep meditation, fasting, search vision, lucid dreaming, yoghi breathing and shamanic travel will be more familiar with the environment. of life after death.

Such experiences with expansion of consciousness to multidimensional realms are therefore very beneficial in preparations for the transition of physical death . All of you in conscious physical life can learn to navigate multi-dimensionality in these disciplines and learn the nuances of realms after death. This is very useful in preparing for the passage. You will know what to expect since you will have a better understanding of the conditions of timelessness and thought navigation. With a little effort each of you willing to take the time for self-programming can learn to have lucid dreams. By self-programming we mean simply that. Believe the intention of remembering your dreams . Focally meditate on it before bedtime, giving the premeditated and persistent suggestion. They will be surprised at the results.

Those of you who have mastered the body of light Mer-Ka-Na Crystalline will have experienced these kingdoms and after death will follow the same process to the extent of their light quotient. This is taught in the Metatronic Keys.

In truth the kingdoms that are achieved in Mer-Ka-Na are the kingdoms of life after death. You enter these often at night in the dream states, but you are rarely able to remember them after waking up.

Now, the separation of the physical as we have said varies to some degree with the individual, but there are certain common elements that you will all find. There is a greater capacity and freedom to more fully understand your own reality, to develop your skills further and to feel more deeply and in fact to clearly understand the nature of your own multidimensional existence as a part of All That Is .

Reviewing what happens in death

Now we will review in greater detail some important conversation points, some of which were previously touched on this channel, but are worthy of mentioning again and very important for you to understand.

Teachers, at the time of your transition from the physical you will leave the physical body and as we have told you before you will immediately find yourself in another body . You will discover yourselves having the same ethereal form in which you travel in dreams and in out-of-body projections. You will feel comfortable and certainly familiar as each one of you actually leaves the physical body every night during sleep. This body may seem physical but you will quickly realize that your new body after death offers you many more attributes in its new context .

At first, many of you choose an appearance like that of your physical life but in a more robust format. The majority choose what they looked like in their best years of physical life. They will travel instantaneously timelessly through thought. For example, if you think of a loved one in Virginia, they will be immediately in your presence. They can communicate telepathically with them. However, in most cases they will not be able to see you or o rte physically. They will receive communication subconsciously and may or may not recognize the source of the transmission of thought.

However, you will not be seen by those who are in your physical body. After you die when you project your consciousness through thought into the physical realm, you will be in an ethereal form as ghosts, as you call it. But we will add as a topic of interest, that many members of the Animal Kingdom, even pets that may have had, can see you very clearly. In fact, their cats and dogs may receive an enthusiastic welcome when they enter the home where their family and pets reside on the earthly plane.

This is in general terms the phase in which they rediscover the incredible attributes of their new form and the abilities of the movement of thought . They will deliciously find that they can do anything in the mental process. They can fly the same way they fly in the dream state. It can easily pass through solid objects, be it walls, buildings or mountains. They will move directly by their desire that will take them from one place to another, to one person or another through thought. In this first phase you can even choose to explore the planet both on the surface and inside. The Devic projections of the vegetable and mineral kingdom will be visible to you in the astral planes of the planet .

There is of course a dream as a quality of this process from the beginning. In most cases after death, people choose to remain more closely connected to the earth plane for a few weeks after the transition, before moving higher. In this momento a consummation of a certain type occurs where you choose to communicate with many of those who played an important role in your life . Keep in mind that time in the way you think of it does not exist in the non-physical realm, therefore you will not be aware of the linear transition of time after death.

While most of the close relationship and direct contact with the earth plane immediately after death takes place in what would be measured on earth as 4-6 weeks, you will be in the “now” time and totally oblivious to sequential chronology In other words it will seem very brief in a natural flow of thought and space in a timeless scenario. In this way, it is possible for certain individuals to remain in this state for months, even years, depending on their need for communication and consummation, however this is not the rule.

It will not be a surprise for you to know that most of you will attend your own funerals and funerals etherically.

Many who have “Near Death” experiences and return to physical life, say that their entire life passed before their eyes. This is a misunderstood interpretation between the subconscious dream state and its interpretation of the ego in the frontal brain. To describe it more accurately, your physical life can certainly be observed from the other side of the veil from birth to old age, but this is carried out in a carefully studied review, not in a quick flash. This is a chosen review, normally assisted with the help of guides, on a higher plane than the one initially accessed after death.

All of you will have this experience and can choose the important parts not only to study them, but to relive them at discretion. In many cases, the soul chooses areas in which erroneous acts were performed. They will often be guided to consider alternative responses to understand what might have happened and how they would have had a better result. Deep learning occurs here. This is what their religious texts call "the judgment." However, in this state there are no emotions of guilt or torment, because on this level you are above the personality as you understand it . You review this from a higher state of being, which is detached so to speak, is almost like a third-person observation. This occurs in what could be considered a training center. But, to be clear, it is a psychological state or dimension, not a "place, " as you think about space in the physical dimension.

Once they complete this phase they can have the choice of whether they want to or not to return to reincarnate. There are many alternative options that are available to you if you did not choose to reincarnate in the earth cycle. There are a myriad of other universes and galaxies that offer incredible learning experiences. Most are very different from those they have experienced in the Earth's solar system . Very few are physical realities. Those of you in extremely advanced states can connect with other kingdoms including those of Arturus, the Pleiades or the Sirian binary system. The Cosmos is full of life, although the three places just mentioned are really familiar to you and have been closely involved since Mu and Atlantis with the Earth system and cycle . Many of you coexist within you in a higher stage of the light format, in a photonic way of life.

Then they will decide whether they have completed duality or not and those who have not done so will begin preparing to return. Most souls have spaces between one life and another, according to the reincarnation cycles of those with whom they have been related in the past. In general terms, a period of 20 to 40 years elapses before your decision to re-enter is established. But we must clarify once again that the time or timelessness of the other side becomes difficult for you to understand in the physical senses that are in tune with the linear sequence time.

Your "date" of return is based on a degree not less, on the return options of those with whom you wish to interact on the earth plane. This process manifests a state of plural communication in which agreements and intricate plans are made. At this point there is recognition of other souls and groups of souls in duality, who choose relationships to be completed or balanced, as well as the choice of family and lessons for growth. They will choose the astrological pattern that best allows them to grow . Those souls who have chosen to return to duality will certainly have "training time" on the non-physical frequencies of "other planets" within their solar system. The journey of the soul on the earth plane is the "place of rehearsal" or University of duality, but it is only part of the consummation or realization of the soul. Each of you will spend time in all the areas you choose from the study program of your solar system. This usually occurs in life after death in preparation for the next stage, the next level of reincarnation. However, it can also occur partially in physical life during sleep. Each of you by the way leaves the body in what might be called the state beyond the going each night, when you enter the stages of deep sleep, although very few retain lucid memories of this in their waking state .

Choosing the Soul Pattern

Dear Human, do not consider studies after life, in the stars and planets, as something folk or as a falsehood. What the soul learns in each kingdom, on each trip, must be effectively constructed and optimally expressed through action in earthly lives. The growth of the soul must be demonstrated in thought and action through the successful manifestation of the will in physical reality . The right and most appropriate pattern must then be carefully selected from an innumerable variety of stars and planets that represent the patterns of the soul. The signs of the Zodiac are twelve fundamental patterns from which the soul chooses when it comes to the earth plane for a new reincarnation. They are patterns that represent optimal temperament, personality and mental harmony. Gender, race and the physical body are also chosen, as they are an objectification of the soul pattern, a reflection of the progressive "soul individuality" in the next planned terrestrial experience.

What we share here has been known by many more advanced societies, including those of Mu, the Law of One of Atlantis, Egypt and Greece. After the emergence and domination of patriarchal religions based on fear, the teachings were removed "underground" so to speak and were only taught inside secret enclaves. In its known history it was taught by Plato and Pythagoras and in more recent times by Edgar Cayce, which was actually a reincarnation of Pythagoras, an aspect of the essence of the Egyptian Ra-Ta. As we have said on many occasions, the Earth Plane is the University of Duality. Earth is, however, only part of the course. There are other realms of life after death, associated with your solar system, that are directly nourished in the experience of "duality / free will" of the physical kingdom. The Land of duality is exceptional and briefly free will and the choices made by each individual entity are completely predominant in the purposes of manifestation and creation of the cause and effect of this kingdom. Only on Earth there is three-dimensional life in your solar system.

In the realms beyond life a certain type of measure in terms of guidance is available in each entity as it progresses. That guide comes from teachers, some of what you call Ascended Masters and Angels. This is chosen with free will with each of its highest aspects, the super soul itself.

Those of you who think that life after death has no challenges, think again. Effort is always required, but there are innate motivational forces in the nature of consciousness that allow this advance. In fact, they will feel a powerful natural desire, a deep yearning for these learnings. The soul has a deep desire to grow and all souls are inclined and motivated for it. It is an innate and natural part of the return to "All That Is", to the total creator ... in this sense this movement is a programming that could be called the DNA of souls.

The Terrestrial Cycle Course

It is important to clarify that the reincarnation process involves twelve important learning centers. You will all spend some time on them before completing the "Earth Cycle." We call this cycle the “Earth Cycle” because the earth, as we said, is the test phase in which intensive aspects are measured. Thus, in this sense, the Earth is the most important part of the learning program and the one that must be mastered with mastery.

Here they are listed in a very brief general summary.

Intensive Planetary Aspects in the Development of the Earth Cycle.

1. Mercury - Mind - Mental Development - Communication.

2. Venus - Love - Emotion - Artistic Expression - Nutrition.

3. Land - Responsible Creation - Place of trial and test.

4. Mars - Emotional temperament - Strength.

5. Jupiter - Strength - Leadership - Wisdom - Trust.

6. Saturn - Spiritual purification - Crucible.

7. Uranus - Psychic - Intuitive Development Chákrico / Glandular.

8. Neptune - Mystical Studies of the nature of reality.

9. Pluto - Domain of Adversity.

10. Moon - Balance, Elimination of doubt - Female Balance.

11. Sun Vitality, Spirit Male Balance.

12. Arturus Entry / Exit Creative Expression of the Life Force.

It should be noted that the moons of Saturn and J piter (as well as the Earth's moon, shown above) are also a part of the study for the frequencies of their planetary aspects. Each of the above mentioned incorporates many levels of degrees. For example, there are seven levels in Mercury, four in Venus and five in J piter. Saturn is very complex. El curso disponible de Saturno involucra la remoci n de los patrones incorrectos, una purificaci n de la creencia y de las tendencias, incluyendo aquellas que se han repetido como obst culos y formado un patr n de inactividad muy terrible en la ilusi n con prop sito de la experiencia de prueba en el plano terrestre. En algunos casos extremos un alma ser reiniciada por completo en el crisol de Saturno. De esta forma, las almas que pueden haber cometido grandes atrocidades en la fase terrestre pueden encontrar nuevos comienzos. En este proceso los anillos sirven para modular las diversas intensidades requeridaspara formar una nueva plantilla dentro del ciclo de la tierra. De este modo, nunca se pierde ning n alma, a n las m s atroces pueden encontrar el camino a casa en la gracia inmaculada de Dios .

Los mbitos posteriores a la muerte, en los que ustedes se entrenar n, son formatos de frecuencia no f sicos de los cuerpos celestiales a los que se hace referencia dentro de su sistema solar y como fuera indicado Arturus es una parte integral de esto, a n cuando es excepcional en el sentido de que Arturus est por fuera del reino f sico de su sistema solar espec fico.

Asociaciones de Maestr ay Viajeros del Tiempo

Existen muchas asociaciones o agrupaciones de gu as asociados en la ayuda a los mundos en desarrollo, incluyendo el suyo propio. Existen almas plenamente ascendidas que han completado el Ciclo Terrestre, que eligen manifestar cuerpos para prop sitos espec ficos que incluyen insertar informaci n cient fica, inventos, filosof as, gobiernos, literatura, arte ym sica en ciertos intervalos clave dentro del tiempo y espacio lineal . Estos son Genios Virtuosos en sus t rminos, altamente especializados y desarrollados e incluyen almas como Pit goras, Tesla, Einstein, S crates, Plat n, Isaac Newton y muchos otros. Pueden ingresar en vidas f sicas plenas con nacimientos normales con todos los filtros de la existencia biol gica que requieren que estas almas experimenten todas las pantallas y los desaf os innatos de la fisicalidad o en situaciones muy raras pueden manifestarse directamente en la fisicalidad sin haber nacido. En algunos casos entran mediante contrato, en el formato que ustedes llaman walk in . Pero debe tenerse en cuenta que los verdaderos walk-ins son muy escasos. Muchos humanos que se consideran walk-ins han experimentado en realidad una aceleraci n interior hacia un estado mucho m s elevado del Ser sin que ocurriera un intercambio independiente del alma.

Quienes se especializan en influir sobre el curso de los eventos, pueden llamarse Emisarios/Enviados del Futuro y son los Maestros de la manipulaci n del Tiempo y del Espacio. Estos maestros especializados ingresan para ayudar a navegar el curso de la realidad probable hacia la realidad manifiesta en las encrucijadas clave de la civilizaci n.

En su planeta, el tiempo ocurre en programas con formaciones de hologramas. Hay seres que tienen el talento natural como dicen ustedes, que han desarrollado una capacidad especial para entrar y salir del espacio-tiempo, algo parecido a lo que en algunos de sus programas de televisión y películas de ciencia ficción se bosqueja como en la serie “Viajeros en el tiempo o El salto cuántico”. Esto ya se ha tratado en canalizaciones anteriores.

La Naturaleza del Tiempo y del Espacio – Energía Invisible de Antimateria

Sus propios académicos saben en algún grado, que la “materia oscura” y la “energía oscura” (como las llaman ustedes) constituye más de un 95% del Cosmos . La materia existe en espectros como lo hace la luz, de modo que puede ser difícil para ustedes entender este concepto. Pero estos centros, a pesar de que son planetarios, no ocupan espacio como ustedes comprenden el espacio, como un lugar con una ubicación específica. De modo que hasta que ustedes desarrollen naves espaciales para explorar físicamente algunos de estos planetas, ellos les parecerán completamente sin vida. Este es el resultado de sus propias interpretaciones equívocas de la naturaleza espectral de la realidad.

Estos entornos existen sin que los perciban en medio del mundo físico que conocen. Sus mecanismos de percepción física simplemente no son capaces de sintonizar sus rangos de frecuencia. Muchísimas realidades co-existen con las suyas propias. Y al morir, ustedes entran al otro lado del velo, al costado no físico del torus y automáticamente sintonizan con campos diferentes y reaccionan a otras leyes de la Física que son pertinentes a estas otras realidades, realidades que no son percibidas dentro del alcance muy limitado de lo sensorial físico. Sin embargo, desde el otro lado pueden percibirse en cierta medida de regreso a la realidad física, pero no puede ser físico. Como hemos dicho las entradas de regreso a los reinos físicos son en una frecuencia diferente y ustedes serán como fantasmas, en sus términos. Serán invisibles, incapaces de ser vistos, e incapaces de manipular materia física . Existen campos de energía y barreras energéticas que por cierto los separan. Hay ciencia en todo esto, no es magia! Es Física dimensional, que es una materia de ciencia que comprendían las sociedades avanzadas de su pasado, pero que aún no son comprendidas en su presente.

Completar el Ciclo Terrestre

Ahora bien, deseamos aclarar que la reencarnación en las fases del Ciclo Terrestre es necesaria para completar el ciclo terrestre. Pero existe la opción para salir a otros reinos de Maestría, fuera del Ciclo de la Tierra. Todas las entradas y salidas de este ciclo ocurren a través de Arturus.

Si han completado el ciclo terrestre y dominado la dualidad pueden elegir permanecer dentro del sistema como maestro o guía. O pueden decidir por moverse hacia una mayor intensidad y aprender la creación en una escala mucho mayor.

Cuando el ciclo terrestre es finalizado, la información, la experiencia, y las capacidades almacenadas con tanta diligencia estarán disponibles para ustedes en otras utilizaciones. En consecuencia las opciones serán mucho más diversas que las que están a disposición de almas “estudiantes no graduadas” que deben todavía reencarnar en el ciclo terrestre.

Unidad con Todo lo que Es

Existen un potencial y una meta absolutas de ser “absorbidos”, de unirse con la consciencia suprema de eso que ustedes llaman Dios. En este sentido se funden en la consciencia de pluralidad dentro de “Todo lo que Es”. Pero aún entonces, un aspecto de su individualidad, de sus recuerdos, de sus vidas y sus diversos viajes será retenidosdentro de una porción de ustedes. Nada desaparece.Esos aspectos de personalidad aún existen en lo que podría considerarse una memoria constante, dinámica y viviente en un compartimiento diferente, algo parecido a la forma en que su computadora almacena datos. En el nivel Avatar, ustedes son una combinación de todos los niveles del ser . They see him? Una vez que obtienen este nivel fundamental y decisivo hay oportunidades, medios en los que operar en la escala Cósmica de Creación. La cantidad de conocimiento y entrenamiento necesarios hacen que esta carrera de comunicador de Elohim-Avatar sea en extremo exigente, pero es uno de los “cursos decisivos y fundamentales para graduados” que tendrán disponibles. El proceso de aprendizaje de esa información necesariamente aporta al desarrollo y las capacidades del alma . Se requiere un manejo delicado de la energía y viajes constantes a través de las dimensiones. Una vez que se hace una elección así el entrenamiento comienza de inmediato, siempre bajo el liderazgo de una comunidad de Seres Maestros que desde su perspectiva pueden ser considerados como Elohims o Arcángeles.

Pero una vez más la Creación Cósmica es un tema vasto, complejo y muy avanzado por encima y más allá del nivel del ciclo terrestre en que están ahora. Existen oportunidades para ser guías y maestros dentro de su sistema terrestre. Esto incluye algunas almas avanzadas en la cúspide de su graduación en sus reencarnaciones finales y su sistema contiene por supuesto, otras entidades que se han graduado del ciclo de la tierra y han sido elegidas para ayudar a los que aún están en él. Se les dará la oportunidad de enseñar, si tienen esa inclinación y el cociente de luz requerido. Pero como dijimos la enseñanza multidimensional es mucho más que enseñanza como la conocen ahora y exige un entrenamiento extremadamente riguroso, que en sus términos de tiempo lleva eones y más eones . El sendero conduce a semejante maestro hacia muchos reinos de realidad, mucho más complejos que los que dominó previamente en el ciclo terrestre. En los términos de vuestras religiones contemporáneas, esto sería explicado como acompañando al Dios Creador.

Los roles de Maestro Creador en Unidad con Dios pueden ser muy especializados. Algunos como nosotros, en lo que puede ser llamado reino Metatrónico formamos lo que puede ser explicado en forma simple como las “ Leyes de la Física “, trabajando para juntos formular nuevas dimensiones de actualidad y manteniendo expansiones dentro de las que ya existen, usando geométricos, geometría sagrada, formando la matriz básica de nuevos mundos e impartiendo conocimiento en tantas formas como sea posible y no me refiero a formas físicas. Lo que ustedes podrían llamar tiempo es manipulado mientras un artista use el color. Lo que ustedes llaman espacio se une todo junto en formas extraordinarias.


Queridos, el tema de nuestro mensaje puede parecer más bien extraordinario y complejo… incluso sombrío, pero no es ésa nuestra intención, ni debiera ser su reacción o conclusión después de oír nuestras palabras. Lo que está frente a ustedes es más hermoso que lo que pueden imaginar, extraordinario en su magnificencia. Las palabras son inadecuadas para describir esos reinos exquisitos, absolutamente asombrosos.

Así que les decimos que saboreen el tiempo, que aprovechen los momentos de su vida. Disfruten los aspectos bellos de su Tierra, porque por cierto el plano terrestre es verdaderamente extraordinario en su sublime belleza y cuando hagan su transición tendrán una sensación inmediata y exacta de cuán asombrosamente bella es la vida. Estarán agradecidos por cada preciosa respiración que hayan tomado. Aún cuando la vida haya tenido desafíos… en el momento del pasaje serán bañados de una profunda sensación de aprecio. Nosotros del Reino Angélico estamos aquí para asistirlos, somos miembros de su familia ofreciéndoles nuestra mano extendida. Pero no estamos aquí para resolverles los problemas. Hacer eso socavaría su propio crecimiento en su camino hacia la Maestría. Les pedimos que se tomen un instante y sientan, realmente sientan la magnífica luz y energía de su ser. Y que reconozcan que la vida y la muerte son parte del mismo proceso. Las dos son facetas de una misma realidad. Ustedes vivirán muchas, muchas vidas y nunca serán otra vez la misma personalidad exacta, la exacta expresión que son ahora y no obstante se convierten en parte de tu Ser Integral que no tendrá fin y siempre serán parte de él. Recuerden amarse a sí mismos y disfruten de la alegría porque está disponible para ustedes ahora…porque ustedes son un ser magnífico, un aspecto divino de Todo lo que Es. Después del pasaje pueden mirar hacia atrás a sus vidas de reencarnación pero ellas son sólo una parte del ser grandioso y más grandioso que ¡USTEDES SON!

La vida en la Tierra es una credencial, un curso elegido, no es un castigo, no es una caída de la gracia. Es una Universidad elegida por almas valientes que aceptan entrar utilizando filtros. Es una involución que conduce a una evolución verdaderamente gloriosa. Cuando abandonan el sistema físico después de completar el ciclo terrestre y completan el ciclo de la reencarnación física habrán aprendido la lección. Cuando esto ocurre, ustedes no son por así decirlo un miembro de la raza “humana” porque se han graduado de la Universidad de la Dualidad. Sin embargo ese aspecto especializado del Ser consciente permanece dentro de ella, así como otras porciones de su identidad moran simultáneamente en otros sistemas de entrenamiento, sistemas más avanzados. Los pensamientos y las emociones se traducen automática e inmediatamente en acción hacia cualquier aproximación de materia que exista . Por lo tanto las lecciones, las experiencias, siempre serán parte de ustedes.

Maestros por favor sepan que su espíritu se fundió en la carne por elección, para Dominar el increíble reino de dualidad, para aprender la Creación. Y es una credencial extraordinaria experimentar semejante mundo de increíble riqueza, para ayudar a crear una realidad de colores, música y forma. Su espíritu nació en la biología para enriquecer un área maravillosa de consciencia carnal para sentir la energía conformada en lo físico. Están aquí para usar, disfrutar, y expresarse a sí mismos a través del cuerpo, la mente y el alma. Estos como una trinidad se entretejen en unidad. De modo que les urgimos a aprovechar el día, a encontrar alegría, descubrir el bienestar y saber que cada elección que hacen, determina la vida que vive.

Y0 soy Metatrón y comparto con ustedes estas Verdades.

And so it is. And so it is ...

Vía James Tyberonn

Traducción Alicia Virelli

La Experiencia de la Muerte y el Reino Después de la Vida

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