The Essence of Evolution by Willy Chaparro

  • 2011

The Evolutionary Pilgrimage

Evolution is the Essence of the Universe and the Universe was created with a low vibration. Within the soul or Spiritual Being inhabits the spark of the Holy Spirit that gives life, intelligence and individual conscience to every embodied spirit. The subtle and coherent Soul or Spirit was created to evolve, being the result of the union of spirit and matter. It exists as an entity apart from the corporeal nature, but it is the true spiritual man, the self in manifestation, acting or trying to act through his phenomenal appearance. The Soul as ego or Spiritual Being is the source of consciousness in regard to the worlds of evolution and the goal of the entire current evolutionary process, is linked to form, but its main link It is with the spirit.

The generality of human souls incarnate by obeying the desire or desire to gain experience and there is the opportunity to be reborn with the spirit through personality, but the limitations that physical life imposes on the Throughout the life cycles, they have encased the soul and the spiritual being in a tomb of rebellions, resentments, fears, doubts, and various ramifications of imperfection. The spirit dormita and the unhappy soul and even the satiety of the senses, makes it react. Then the spirit reacts and begins to look again for the way back home, and as it evolves it causes with its illumination that the Universe rises in vibration, which make elevate the Universe without altering its functioning. They are vibrations similar to the musical scale notes . The function of the spirits is that, to raise the vibration of the Universe because it is what is within its essence, until completing an octave higher than the one it had The previous universe.

The evolution of life is something of less importance, The concept life refers to the life of the physical plane, the important thing is the Spiritual Essence for Evolution In the Universe, not the body where it is embodied. In the emanation interval and absorption the spirit passes through various experiences, being the magnetic attraction of the physical plane the determining factor. Choose your world where to begin your cyclic pilgrimage and in a semi-conceptual state, you are opting for what you have to do until you reach a conscious conceptual state. Cyclic pilgrimage can be defined as: The transit through the cycles of life, a winding path and moyej o with cracks and sudden falls .

It is the transit of the Spirit and Soul through the “cycles of life”, where five conceptual factors, a limiting factor and a cause and effect factor intervene. The conjunction of some of the seven factors, causes the Spirit and Soul to "jump suddenly" and rise spiritually or also fall to a denser vibration, where it must start again to overcome the "fall", which could have have transcended a long time ago.

There are five Conceptual Factors, a Limitation Factor and an Action and Reaction Factor, which are what transcend the Essence of Evolution. The seven can be "threshed" with reasoning and without impulsivity and can be defined as:

1.- Free Will Factor

2.- Reactive Factor

3.- Analytical Factor

4.- Egoic Factor

5.- Attachment and Detachment Factor

6.- Limitation Factors

7.- Karmatic Factor

Author: Willy Chaparro

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