The Age of Spirituality, by David Bartolome Pires

  • 2012


Of course, there is no doubt that we are present in a new stage or a new Age that we could call it The Age of Spirituality, this Era is mainly identified by the increase in people who are interested in this phenomenon . This phenomenon, the phenomenon of spirituality there are people who have taken different reasons, since there are people who hold on to a burning nail, until it is a fashion, both an option or reason as the other make sense, since if we ask whoever sees it that way would give us a series of arguments, but about these options or reasons I want to point out one, that none of the options or reasons help even the slightest, clinging to something burning help in the short term, not long term, for those who intend to die soon then the option is good but for those who intend to last a little longer, as the option is not very good, because if you grab a burning bald you have a number of problems that you have to solve, since when you get caught it is for something, the other option is that it is a fashion, here as I have my doubts since fashions are created mainly for commercial purposes and spirituality is not commercial even if there are people who op On the contrary, the true nature of spirituality is not that of a commercial purpose but that which, through meditation and other techniques, cleanses the internal blockages, which do not allow us to live in peace. Spirituality is the inner search as did Buddha or Jesus in his day, I do believe in the way of Buddha, Buddha was a prince, Prince Sidarta Gautama, Buddha is also known by other names like Buddha Gautama, or the Buddha Historico or Buddha Sakyamuni, about the different names that have been given throughout history, that is the least or at least for me, since I consider it to be simple labels, the important thing for me, was the path of Buddha, Buddha was aware of the suffering and his path was a path of search, of internal search until one day he reached Nirvana, also known as the spiritual Illumination, managed to expand his consciousness until he reached a state of non-suffering, on one occasion I read an article in which a guru was asked, how did he get well, when there were wars and hunger and his answer was, "in my world everything works fine", this guru also managed to expand and rise to a state of consciousness He was very tall, he also found that state so desired by all, at this point it is really where I think the “Age of Spirituality” was born, we are tired of the usual and as we do not feel complete, we feel empty as if We are missing something, this brings me to the first point.


The biggest mistake in history that has been committed or at least for me, to have been separating the West from the East, has been separated for years and each part with a different philosophy, that even being different or rather completely different the result of the two is the same, the feeling of emptiness, none contributes enough to be complete, on the one hand here in the west they have taught us to look outside, to look at the material, to look from the mind, to look from the ego. On the other side this east, there is just the opposite teach to look inward, towards the spiritual and to look from the heart not from the mind as in the west, there are teachings that say that "you have to look inward, since there is the truth, the outside is pure illusion ”, here it is defined, the problem is that the two systems are incomplete, in both there is a feeling of emptiness, since something is missing, they are not complete systems.

The Western system is based on wealth, on possessions, it is based on the fact that the quality of life is material, but that is not entirely true since there are people with a lot of money, who are not happy, so we go to another system, to the eastern system.

In the eastern system, neither money nor possessions are valued, but there is a small problem, there are very spiritual people, but they have no money, for example in India there are very spiritual people and it is a very poor country where many people is starving, a system that makes you starve to death, in particular I do not care, then the Western system ends up frustrating, since for example if you have many possessions and you have no one to share them with, why do you want them ?, but it is also true, that if you have a great spiritual peace and do not have to eat, as it does not convince much.

At this point, it is where I have called the two sides of the coin and it is what I said above that the biggest mistake has been to separate the two philosophies, since each one contributes what is necessary, since the two form the two sides of the coin, on the one hand there is the material and on the other the spiritual, this is something innovative, although it is not mine, this I say today in his day a few years ago to Osho, a teacher from India in his day I did not understand it, but as time passes each time I like this system more, since as I said before, the material is necessary since money is necessary but if you do not live in peace, if you have not found that inner peace it will to be a suffering, what Osho called in his day "Zorba, the Buddha", the material and earthly of Zorba and the spiritual of Buddha. The system taken by this great teacher, loved by many and hated by many others, his system to me personally seems correct, since denying something is like denying a part of you, is to be incomplete.


The ego is one of the greatest enemies that we Westerners have, it makes us look outward, the ego makes us stay in the mind, the ego makes us compete, the competitions are of the ego, there is a very good phrase that serves to better understand to the ego, that phrase is that "nobody is better than surpassing anyone, but surpassing himself", the ego tells you otherwise, you have to overcome someone, compete, on one occasion today say in a talk to Wayne Dyer, that He talked about the ego, and said that now, he is no better than anyone, but if he is better or tries to be better as a father, better as a husband, better as a writer, etc ..., eh there the question of the ego, the ego is the state that indicates the outside, jealousy is also of the ego, just like revenge or hatred, anything that takes us outside belongs to the ego, the ego confuses us and does not let us see clearly.


At this point I would like to talk about alcohol and drugs from the energetic or spiritual point of view. Drugs, among them the most famous ones such as tobacco or alcohol, from these, which we can say are the most “light”, even a little more serious drugs also for daily consumption such as cannabis or hashish and the star drug today in society, cocaine, also going through different pills such as LSD or speed, etc ..., or the last on the list, the stramonium. All these drugs have their why, because if they are there it is for something and the reason is very simple, if people use them it is because it gives you something, as is logical, if they did not give you something they would not be consumed, Once here, the issue is: what do they contribute ?, people why do they drink ?, or why do they get high ?, or should we ask ourselves, what do drugs have for people to consume? If this you ask anyone who consumes any type of drugs from the softest or the “lightest” to the toughest, call for example a stranger, everyone would answer the same, and the answer would be “because I feel better ”, From the one who smokes to the one who consumes cocaine, to give a few examples, the one who smokes, smokes because it relaxes him and this has a very simple explanation, when a smoker, what does he do? Take a slow breath and let it go slowly, that It is the most basic technique of relaxation, which also works without smoke, if you limp without having a cigarette in your mouth, you take a slow breath and release it slowly relax, the problem is that if you do that exercise with a cigar they are consuming toxic substances. While without a cigarette, you simply consume oxygen, something not only good for health, if not necessary for the body, the cells have oxygen, the blood has oxygen, the body needs that oxygen. In the case of other substances such as cocaine, pills, estramonium or any other substance, the film is similar, what these substances do is elevate the person, these substances what they do at the energy level, is to expand awareness, similar to how a guru does it or how it is done in meditation, only there is a small difference, there is a detail to keep in mind, the substances or drugs, what makes you is to create you peaks of consciousness, it expands the Awareness in peaks, this, what does it mean ?, said with words of walking around the house, when you consume a substance, you are well because it raises your energy vibration, in this case let's say it's like covering up the problems and giving you a lot of energy, so when someone drinks better, happy or like when he consumes cocaine, which has a "high", this is because that substance has created an expansion of consciousness, the problem or the problem is that this expansion only lasts While the effect of the substance lasts and then return to normal life, that is why the “peaks of consciousness”, that is the reason or at least in my opinion why these substances work because by raising awareness or saying with Homemade words what it does is cover up problems or blockages and by covering them one is no longer aware and is very well, the catch is that it only lasts, while the substance has an effect, and here is another question, why later of consuming a substance comes the moment of downturn and the moment of downturn comes when the substance when left without effect uncovers what is covered, in those moments you are again aware of the problems and the blockages that you had, this creates a problem that is that there are people who, as in that state, are well trying to be called "addicted to a substance" all the time, such as an alcoholic or a cocaine man.

Before I made a comparison between the substances and the meditation, since meditation is a technique that is used to expand consciousness or to eliminate or unblock blockages, but in the case of meditation, what happens is that it is acting little to Little by that in the short term you do not get any benefit, maybe some relaxation, when you start to mediate you start to find yourself more relaxed, but you also do not get much more or at least in the short term, in the long term the thing changes because not only do you feel relaxed but you start to feel better, you don't get as angry as before, there are certain activities that used to cost you a lot and now it is easier for you, people who were angry with you start talking to you, etc., let's say you start to see things differently and when you see things differently, things begin to see you in another way, where it is most noticeable in the day to day that through meditation you they are unlocking or blockages and little by little you begin to find that peace, that does not mean that you are immune and I mean that you never get pissed off, but not as much as before, what you gave a situation a lot of importance without knowing how You stop giving it so much importance.

This brings me to the beginning, of this text, of this article or simply of these reflections which, after all, is what they are, simple reflections, my reflections or my point of view on specific topics, that the list of topics or question could be extended to any situation.

The case that as I said at the beginning, we are entering what I have called The Age of Spirituality, since now it is a little easier to understand why more and more people are looking for other alternatives, since that these alternatives, such as meditation, help us unlock blockages and find ourselves better.

Written by: David Bartolome Pires

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