Healing through reconciliation with oneself.

  • 2011

Why do we get sick?

When discouragement, resentment, frustration and lack of Love for yourself appear in your life, diseases also appear.

In life, sometimes we have problems that we do not know or do not want to solve on an emotional level, that is when symptoms of ailments arise ... at the beginning they are mild to become chronic or in the worst case fatal.

From this portal we will try to give a series of self-knowledge guidelines, in order to responsibly manage our physical imbalances.

The first and most important thing is to start a process of SELF-ACCEPTANCE of oneself and your circumstances. From the acceptance that it is a position of surrender and trust in the Universe and what it has given us, get reconciled with ourselves in the first place.

This miracle occurs when we are in connection (13 Hz in the DKG) with the Universe of which we are and we are part, that is when the opening of the receiving centers of energy takes place, flooding our body, with all the power of self-healing to We all have access.

We get sick because we lose that connection, we disconnect from the source that gives energy to all living beings in the Universe, which gives us everything we need.

By acting against our feelings, the body perceives it as an attack, when we do not attend to our vital needs it also perceives it as another attack. And when we are filled with hatred, resentments, doubts and fears we make continuous attacks. Becoming enemies of ourselves.

So again and again we go through life, but in those states the body is sick without a doubt. The disease is a wonderful warning that the body gives us that we are mistreating him ... and endures so much ...

All or almost all diseases are rooted in an unresolved emotional problem in the person.

The good news is that we can learn not to get sick and if we are already sick to heal ourselves, we all have the ability to contribute to our own healing.

We can do this by changing our models of thoughts, because changing what we think will change our actions and as a consequence change our feelings towards purer feelings, of more love which will lead to more energy and less toxicity in our body. Since the thoughts that harm us are toxins for the body. If we learn to interpret exactly our expressions we can make the right decisions at all times.

Leaving the slavery of the lack of mental control we will walk towards a life of freedom, because we will no longer be subject to the restrictions of thoughts.

Leaving our actions in the hands of a will naturally subject to the noblest feelings that every human being has in his deepest being.

To heal ourselves, we have to balance our body, mind and spirit. Since although it is in the body where the problem manifests, it is in the spirit where the seed of the problem is, that the mind is carefully responsible for developing through inappropriate thoughts.

If we have a strong connection with our inner being, healthy and constructive thoughts, in addition to taking care of our body in a healthy way, we will be healthy.

When there is balance between the three parts that form us, we feel the joy of living that is normal among living beings in the Universe, we are no exception.

"The normal thing is to be healthy, not to be sick."

If you do not change mentally in the face of an attitude that has made you sick, not even the best doctor in the world can cure you.

Resentment is one of the emotions that produces more diseases along with fear. But the density of resentment can be changed with the feeling of forgiveness, forgiveness to ourselves most of the time and then to others.

Forgiveness benefits the one who gives it, it is not for the one who receives it since the negative emotional charge is carried by the one who does not forgive.

The other (misnamed) emotion that causes many diseases is Fear, which is the opposite of Love, is a closure to the entrance of energy to our being, is to oppose living, is to close you to the experience of having a life with Illusions even if you have to take risks, you cannot be afraid to live. Because then you miss the best of life that is to grow ... if you do not experiment, for fear of failure, you will never know if you had succeeded and your life will become a cluster of frustrations.

Fear is mostly distrust of yourself and that the Universe does not give you good things, it always gives you what you need at every moment. Because you are the one who creates the Universe every day. It is lack of faith that you deserve the best, we are afraid because deep down we expect the worst.

If you forgive and free yourself from fears, you can heal almost anything. The words and thoughts that you have had and pronounced to this day are those that have put you in your current physical and emotional situation.

Let's make a worthwhile effort to recover all the Joy and Love we brought at birth, so we were important and felt the center of the world.

Babies are bold, ask for what they need and express what they feel. Do the same. Remember that you did it a long time ago.


Source: http://starviewer.wordpress.com/2011/08/02/la-curacion-a-traves-de-la-reconciliacion-con-uno-mismo/

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