The World Crisis / How to get rid of the world crisis?

  • 2011

Energy technique to get rid of the global economic crisis.

The most necessary and indispensable is that we focus on our true nature. It is essential to focus on the essential and the truth, and not on the lie; about the Light and about the darkness; about love and not about fear. Where there is fear there is no Love, no Truth, no Light.

And in our life there is a lot of fear, fear related to survival, fear for the future, fear for failure, fear that leads to limitations and misery, but also to stop acting in life.

So, from today I prohibit the fear of my Self and in my environment. A great fear is forbidden. Here only Light and Love live, I put them in my heart, in my existence, in my life, in my Self. Only the Light and Love because nothing is above them.

Even if everyone around you becomes impoverished and continues to become impoverished, we know that the abundance in the cosmic space is large and infinite, just us, people, with our conscience and vibrations lowered, we have denied. We have denied abundance in the name of confrontation, inequality, supremacy and finally, poverty.

Even if the system breaks down completely, we know that the abundance in the invisible world will be immense, it will be immeasurable.

The karma accumulated by incorrect decisions and behaviors, by errors in the applied systems, returns, leading to pain and a phenomenal judgment.

Where are we in this model? Where do we remain? In the paradox or in the truth? In the Light or in the darkness? In lies and madness, or in understanding and essence? In limitations, misery and poverty, or in prosperity, wealth and abundance?

Because wealth and abundance do not only refer to material acquisitions these are the result they refer to how we accept our life, they refer to our conscience, our knowledge of who we are, and above all qu is what we are. Perfect and unrepeatable children of a God, of a Universe, of a Life that contains in itself unlimited miracles, infinite abundance, wealth and prosperity, which we will recognize and accept, and thus receive them; or we are going to deny them, to oppose us, to be afraid and in the end, to lose them.

Even the most conscious, wise and knowledgeable individual can become a victim of the typhoon of his fear, which exhausts his life force through different tests.

We represent an effective technique for energetic "exclusion" of all of us, of the situation of limitation and crisis, and to recover our forces and our power (Who has power over us? The superior or the inferior?). State clearly what you are. What you are according to your consciousness, and what your soul wants to live.


Stand up. Inhale and exhale deeply 2 or 3 times. Raise your hands up, open to the sky. Declare slowly three times (inwardly or out loud):

I Am One with the Higher Force and only She has a right over me! Unlimited Wisdom, Unlimited Love and Unlimited Strength in me and around me! (7 times)"

Open your arms to the sides (forming a cross with the rest of the body). Declare 3 times (inwardly or out loud):

“I am creating a strong field of Light, Vitality and Love around me and nothing negative can enter. Fear and all feeling and inferior thinking now come out of my sacred golden field. ”

Put your hands in front of the chest, in front of the heart chakra and declare 3 times:

“I am protected. Perfect protection. "

Now with your palms start making vertical movements up and down in front of your whole body "cutting" in this way the cord that connects you with the negative world consciousness. While cutting it, keep in your mind the following thought: "I cut everything that connects me with the negative influence of world consciousness."

Inhale and exhale a few times.

Repeat the same "cutting" each link with the global economic crisis. Continue making vertical movements up and down by passing the palms in front of the head and body and cutting off each link with the global economic crisis. Keep in your mind the thought: "I cut everything that connects me with the negative influence of the global economic crisis."

Inhale and exhale several times deeply. It is very important that doing the above ("cutting" the negative influences) the movements are strong (with palms vertically). The manifestation of the exercise is especially strong in the aura. (declares with faith).

After this, slowly and calmly crouch and touch the Earth with your palms.

Declare 3 times:

" I Am One with the Earth."

Get up slowly and put your hands in prayer posture (palms joined in front of the cordial chakra). See (visualize and feel) the sacred golden field of Light, Vitality and Love that you create around you.

Inhale and exhale several times deeply.

Declare again:

“I Am One with the Higher Force and only She has a right over me! Unlimited Wisdom, Unlimited Love and Unlimited Strength in me and around me! (7 times)

I am completely excluded from all and any negativity that comes from world consciousness. I am fully excluded from the global economic crisis. I dedicate my life to Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, Positivity and the miracles of the Universe, Life and Higher Force! Thank you! ”

Wash your hands well under running water and take a shower.

The exercise is over. It is good to repeat 3 more times, that is 4 times together. Once for 4 consecutive days.

This technique has a beneficial influence not only on us, but also on the healing of world consciousness. The technique acts positively on everyone, taking into account that we are all connected to each other.

Always try to maintain an energetic and spiritual purity, because in this way we can help each other.

Applying this technique we increase the Abundance, the Light and the Love that are manifested on Earth, in society, in our city, in our daily lives.

I wish you with peace PEACE, LIGHT AND LOVE!

Thank you Dimitar for your contribution!

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