The world crisis from a hierarchical point of view, by El Tibetano May 1940

(Excerpt from the book “Externalization of the Hierarchy” by Alice Ann Bailey. Download it completely from here.)

When they receive this communication another Wesak Festival will be nearby. Its urgency, imminence and purpose, force me to try to wake up again in those who receive the interest in the current opportunity and the spiritual constraint of this high moment in human affairs. The three periods of the full Moons of April, May and June (Aries, Taurus and Gemini), are very significant and decisive, and much will depend on what happens during the coming weeks, while the sun continues to move north.

With this statement I try to do two things: first, to give you a better idea of ​​how the current world crisis considers the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, and, second, to indicate certain main eventualities that depend on three things:

1. The possible divine intervention that can be obtained by the aspiration of all persons of correct mentality, in addition to the intelligent and constant use of the Great Invocation, now employed by tens of thousands of world aspirants in all countries.
2. The appearance of certain clear lines of demarcation between the activities of the Forces of Light and the forces of materialistic aggression.
3. The role that clear thinking should play; the versed word and the ability in action, in the disciples of the world and men and women of good will everywhere.

I will try to express myself with reasonable brevity and clarity, and I will make it completely free of what you call prejudice. I speak in terms of humanity - without distinction of race, color or nation - I have no particular political point of view because I know that all potential theories, ideologies and governments, are temporary states and conditions that control different groups of beings humans in their trajectory from the human state to the divine. This view is overlooked by many of those - temporary and often fanatically - are in these ephemeral mental states and passing human attitudes. I have no specific religious preference; I know that all paths lead to God and that the dominant sense of divinity is so inherent in the human heart that at no time can anything annihilate it, for life, experience, trial, pain and instinctive human orientation, ultimately lead to all men to the return of the light of God. Therefore, I love and certainly can love the entire human race, regardless of nationality and current ideas, as do all those with whom I am associated. Looking at the changing picture of time with a vision that comes to the future and includes the past (because it is the prerogative of all trained disciples of the world), I know that current events will play their part, give their place to others, to their due time, and - when the immediate processes of readjustment in human values, spiritual goals and political machinations, religious orientations and territorial syntheses are completed - the world will again devote itself to the processes of daily life. The opportunity and the immediate situation in which we find ourselves will have proved to be dynamically useful or (such is the painful possibility) negatively useless. A new cycle of civilization, culture and growth will be inaugurated, nuanced by old selfish desires and aggressive acquisition, or by the new and beautiful coloration of happy and satisfying international relations, of understanding religious and economic cooperation, so necessary and demanded. Such a dual possibility faces us today. One, new, correct and spiritually oriented; another, old, bad and undesirable. It remains to be defined if man will move towards a better way of life or allow him to perpetuate the old methods and dominate the selfish, personal, national and racial interests.

However, two things are evident when considering the current world situation; first, that the lines of demarcation between the two ways of living and the two objective attitudes are more clearly defined than at any other time in the history of mankind; second, that the confusing thinking of the vast masses of well-intentioned people (many of them not immediately involved in the world conflict), is mostly responsible for the slowness of the final crisis and the postponement of the coming decision. .

For decades, we, the instructors of the race of men, have observed that certain great world or planetary tendencies take shape, assume defined and pronounced delineations and become conditioning powers. These formation and definition were essential if the question had to be presented clearly to humanity, thus allowing the children of men to make a basic and basic choice. put in their hands certain determinations that, if correctly addressed, could forge a new and better future for them. Such a presentation was not possible before, because the human genre never reached the stage where he could grasp the situation intelligently, and was so close and quickly interrelated by the radio, the telephone Phone, press and telegraph. The necessary choices can be made today in mutual collaboration, inquiry and with open eyes. The reflexive people of each country clearly have before them the choice, and the fate of the less intelligent masses depends on their decision. Hence the current responsibility of national leaders, representatives of the people in governments, churches and intellectuals of all countries, without exception. The responsibility should not be avoided or avoided, which happens very often.

In past communications he spoke frequently of the Forces of Light and the Forces of Materialism, meaning with these terms the prevailing tendencies towards brotherhood, right human relations and altruistic purpose, and those that they reverse these superior tendencies and introduce into human affairs selfish acquisition, emphasis on material interests, brutal aggression and cruelty. The two positions are clear to the bias-free observer.

To these two groups I would add a third party, which is taking a very definite form in today's world, composed of those who do not exert all their influence and activity on any of the parties; theoretically they can advocate the superior method; but they do practically nothing to increase their interests. This third group is formed internally by two groups: first, those people who are potentially weak and, therefore, are overwhelmed by fear and terror, feeling that they cannot go against the force of aggression in any way; and second, an intrinsically powerful group that, through selfish material interests, in addition to a feeling of separatist superiority, and that being far from the place of difficulties and the domination of false values, disregards the situation, avoiding its obvious responsibility as members of the human family. This last group includes, among others, a number of democracies and powerful republics. A group is governed by the reactions of fear, terror and the feeling of inert futility, and who can criticize it? The other is controlled by selfishness and separativity.

Therefore, we have in the world at this moment three groups of people who personify the three main views of all humanity, plus the thoughtless masses dominated by propaganda, controlled by their government, being the prey of those who shout the most. It would be of value if they had this clear image in their minds and I will define it again.

1. The ancient and entrenched forces of aggression, material acquisition and pure selfishness, acting with a pronounced cruelty that is externalized and possessed as much as he wishes, without respecting any right, historical and legal possession or any will.
2. The forces of spiritual purpose, included in the will to protect the rights of others, together with individual rights, to end aggression and its consequent fear and to shed the weight of its combined influence in favor of values more spiritual, of human freedom, of the right to think and of goodness. I use the word goodness intentionally, because it contains the idea of ​​kinship, brotherhood and straight human relationships! The global goodwill in expression, as well as the will to good, is the basis of any possible peace - the goodwill that would deny any premature peace at this time, because the latter would give the Materialism Forces time to consolidate their profits and prepare The road to another aggression. Goodness, the will to good and peace, should be the practical expression and formulated intention of those who are conditioned by the Forces of Light.
3. The force of mass negativity, expressed today by the dominated peoples within the bastions of aggression, and by neutral people everywhere. All are nuanced by racial fear, the instinct of self-preservation and selfish and myopic interest.

The problem is exceedingly difficult, because although the lines of demarcation are constantly being defined, however the exponents of these three groups reside in all countries and towns - in each church and in each home. No nation or group is exempt from this triplicity. It is rooted in human attitudes, and that is why this conflict is strictly human and not a European war. Every nation has its selfish and aggressive people who believe that the force is reasonable and that men should be governed by the law of the jungle, taking possession of what they want regardless of what it costs to others. In each nation within its borders there are those who have a vision of the right human relationships, try to live according to the law of the brotherhood, respond to the influence of the Forces of Light and the spiritual Hierarchy and wish that peace, goodness and good will govern the affairs of the world and control the politics of governments. Any nation has within itself those neutral people who cannot think clearly and try to blame others, except themselves, who theorize and speculate, advise and assign responsibility, but refrain from actively participating in the readjustment process., for reasons of pride or unwillingness to pay the price. Some of them are part of a group of conscious objectors, who will eventually benefit from the triumph of the Forces of Light, but who refuse to participate in the struggle, reserving for future peace arrangements, longing for the end of the conflict, but doing nothing to make it happen. Many are totally sincere, but their ideas must be readjusted.

If you want to correctly grasp the reality of the statements outlined above, you must take part in the mental clarification that is taking place in the world. These three groups act now and are in conflict. The neutral group definitely hinders the work of the Forces of Light. These three world attitudes exist in every nation and also in the conscience of each individual. Understanding this will allow them to better capture and assume individual responsibility. They will understand the need to ensure for themselves the place they occupy, and will not be conditioned by other people's views and world propaganda; they must know what the situation of their nation is and in favor of who they are and where you are as souls. So, if you are sincere and think clearly, you can work for that group that personifies the highest possible activity and goals, and you will abandon that attitude of useless negativity, of satisfied neutrality and disconcerting confusion that may characterize you. Thus they will leave the mirage, produced by propaganda, and world illusion, and will penetrate the clear light of their own soul, whose essential nature is love and altruism and their greatest aspiration is to bring peace and goodwill among men and see the culmination of the mission of Christ.

This will promptly lead to the disappearance of the so-called neutrality on Earth - neutrality in action, since there is no neutrality in the mind.

One of the things that the spiritual guides of humanity tried to do; it is to clearly bring to the attention of men, the basic duality that exists in the world today - the duality of material selfish life and that of altruistic spiritual goals, which is very defined today. They have the second stage ahead that they must play; and it consists in stimulating the vision of men from all sides in such a way that - starting with the intellectuals - they can consciously favor one or the other of the two flags and thus know what they are doing and why they do it. Neutrals hesitate between them, and to date they have done nothing.

In this regard, I would like to consider a problem that has partially disturbed those who do not have a very clear mentality, which I have taught for some time. For years I have tried to form a group of men and women in the world that will constitute spiritual values, love all humanity, foster the spirit of goodwill and, within their means, represent the Hierarchy of Light for humanity, how the Christ and His disciples try to do it. It seems to some that this means that you should not rebel against evil, criticism and partisanship that exists between you. Apparently they cannot firmly love the offender, nor make the offense disappear from the world. This could be clarified if you answer one or two questions yourself:

Do you think that the Hierarchy of Light, under the guidance of Christ, is in favor of cruelty, aggression and massacre of the defenseless?

Do you think the world can be saved by refusing to think and avoiding individual responsibility and ignoring the prevailing situation?

Do you think there are no firstfruits or principles that deserve to fight and die for them, if necessary?

Are they in favor of the Light or the Forces of Materialism?

What do they do to help those who ask for their adhesion, loyalty or idealism?

Are they governed by a feeling of individual futility, that weapon that the Forces of Materialism now employ so powerfully to stun potential opponents and render them unarmed?

A clear investigative analysis of the spiritual objectives of humanity will allow them to answer these questions. If they do not need to answer them, because they adopt a clear position in their mind, their study will allow them to serve their time and generation with greater capacity, and present the situation more clearly to the bewildered.

The horror of war and the desire for peace does not excuse negligent thinking; neither does it provide an alibi or the opportunity to avoid individual or national responsibility. The conflict is ongoing. It is of ancient lineage. The question is clearly settled between good and evil, goodness and cruelty, freedom and aggression. To avoid responsibility, due to national mistakes made in the past and historical sins and failures, is an unjustifiable excuse; evading due participation in the struggle, because all nations have certain materialistic goals, it is wrong; A nation is the total sum of its people. Nor is it an excuse to say that they cannot think about feeling all tired, which is unworthy in any disciple or aspirant of the world.

The Hierarchy of Light tries to awaken men to understand the basic dualism that underlies this conflict, and the essential significance of the issues facing humanity. Hence the emphasis I put on the need to face the problem, to think clearly and intelligently about what is happening around us and to take the right and cooperative action. The global problem will be clarified and the end of the conflict will be reached more quickly when there are only two parties, not three. It is necessary to recognize this underlying dualism, before transferring the consciousness of humanity from its main concern - materialistic purchasing desire, aggressively satisfied - to the consciousness of the soul, with its correlations, group interest, satisfaction of the need group and the performance of a constant group collaboration, worldwide. This concerns individuals, nations and races; when, as individuals, they solve the problems of their daily lives, it will help to solve the world problem.

This is the situation as the Hierarchy sees it today, and with which it challenges all men and women of good will. I ask you to participate in some way in the conflict and I remind you of the hidden meaning of the words of Christ, often misunderstood: He who is not with me is against me.

Finishing these observations on clear thinking, I would add two more. Great confusion emanates from the basic idealism underlying the activities of many people, in numerous countries. Such is the importance of the new ideal, with respect to the good of the state as a whole, as opposed to the good of the individual and of humanity. The state becomes almost a divine entity in the consciousness of the idealist. This is necessarily part of the evolutionary plan, but as far as it constitutes a problem, it is too large to be solved by the individual, alone and without help. However, I can assure you of a fundamental truth. When men everywhere - within the borders of their particular state and while defending their authority and civilization - begin to think in terms of the human gender, the public opinion is to be So powerful and so fair in its inclusiveness that state policy must inevitably adapt to the main ideal and it will no longer be possible for a given state to sacrifice the individual and much of humanity. The due relationship with the major whole will be granted to the party. The awakening of public opinion to the rights of the world, to inclusive human interests and to international collaboration, is the true goal of the current spiritual effort. Timely it will be understood that the responsibility for what governments do rests on the shoulders of individual citizens who put governments in their position of power. Every citizen of any nation is not and should not be exempt from such responsibility and, fortunately, the right national thinking is waking up in that regard.

The second point that I will add, briefly, is that with the precipitation of the present world situation, citizens of all nations are involved in a situation from which there is no possible escape, except through the correct action and the wide view on your part; they must adapt their lives temporarily to this world situation and shape their activities according to the needs of their own particular nation. For those who are dragged into the world conflict under one of the sharply defined flags, their immediate action is clear - participation in the national emergency. However, this is fully compatible with a subjective process of straight and clear thinking that it must run parallel to the required external activity and will lay the groundwork for an accentually correct action, as time goes by, which will involve the right action of those who fight for the Forces of Light and will lead to an eventual right and just peace; this will also imply the right action of those who have been impelled by the Forces of Materialism to bewildered activity, which ultimately leads to a rebellion against the erroneous and evil -because the hearts of men and the veneros of the divine life should not be permanently directed towards erroneous channels of activity. The responsibility of the immediate world movements and the current gigantic national companies are now out of the hands and control of individuals; however, the responsibility of the future remains in their hands. However, assuming the right responsibility must precede a clear thinking interval; In addition to proper action as a citizen.

The problem of those living in neutral countries is different, and I previously indicated the lines on which it should be resolved.

With regard to the disciples and aspirants of the world (among which you are), the problem can be considered in even broader and more comprehensive lines. Circumstances and karma and the free decision of their souls force them to work under one of the two flags or in one of the neutral and negative countries. Your problem, in all three cases, is to see clearly the spiritual focus of this global crisis, to shed the weight of any influence that you can exert: objective or subjective, spiritual, emotional or mental - from the Forces of Light. In doing so they must maintain a comprehensive attitude and an invariable love (no feeling or emotional reaction) towards men and women everywhere, without exception or reserve in their consciences. Sometimes you have to take actions that hurt or damage the form aspect of life, that is, the physical forms, which is compatible with the constant manifestation of the soul's love - something that is difficult for the disciple to learn and master, but, However, it is a principle that governs evolution. It is expected that this crisis and the present world war will make men understand that the form aspect of the manifestation, with its aggressive selfishness, its cruel emphasis and its separatist tendencies, inevitably encloses in itself the seeds of its own eventual elimination and the inevitable results of pain, suffering, war, disease and death. Therefore, this situation was created by man himself, being a result of his material nature and lack of control of the soul. But the soul is eternal; his nature is inclusive love; The goal of the current crisis is to transfer the focus of human perception from the formal and material aspect of life, to the consciousness of the soul, doing so without taking into account the price to be paid by the obstacles. The Forces of Materialism fight today against this change of emphasis.

For this reason, humanity will be dragged into the vortex of the conflict and the result depends on the clear thinking, the wise word and the altruistic intention of the world disciples who work in collaboration with all the forces of good in today's world, fulfilling their Duty as citizens of their own country, but incessantly and steadily cultivating a world consciousness.

I will extend something more about the possibility of divine intervention.

Within the aura of our planet, certain great Forces and Spiritual Entities loom today that await the opportunity to actively participate in the work of redemption, readjustment and reconstruction of the world, whose Presence is sometimes felt by people with spiritual minds, and their reality It is recognized by the mystics and esoteric who act in all countries. Men and women express this recognition according to the tendency of their religious and psychological training, and their particular mental or emotional inclination. The advent of Christ, or His "second coming, " is eagerly anticipated by many Orthodox Christians who regard this world war as an indicator of the end of the world and that it is preparatory to the reappearance of Christ, in order to bring peace on Earth. Others, with a more Orientalist mind, await the appearance of an Avatar, which will transmit the necessary message from God or a new type of energy. Prophecy and astrology indicate a Coming Being, and his innumerable and different opinions seem to converge upon Him; esotericists invoke the Forces of Light everywhere and cry out for the emergence of that extra-planetary Power they call the "Spirit of Peace, " However, those who have no religious or metaphysical inclination recognize that always and in every need It is evoked to some liberator, man or group of men, capable of changing world affairs and inaugurating - due to the tension and tension of the time - the necessary, new and fresh cycle of civilization and culture. Many today refrain from specifying the current requirements of this Coming Being, due to the magnitude and planetary nature of His task, but they secretly wait and pray for His appearance. Others consider such an idea and hope simply as a psychological realization and the personification of the life of desire of people today of all humanity, for the first time in racial history. These people tend to believe that such a personification has no real substance or a place in the life of mankind, but they want it to be so. They forget that when the peoples of the world have built a sufficiently strong mental form for an extended period of time, another and culminating stage is possible. The form can be so magnetic that it attracts an Energy that animates it and provides it with an active power; then, it can become a vital link between the subjective world of energy and the objective world of forces, constituting a power factor; of driving and guiding activity that, therefore, will be the expression of a Life. This properly revived mental form becomes a mediating factor, built by humanity, but animated by the will for the good of some great spiritual Entity. It is also true that mental forms that personify evil lives can be constructed and constructed, but we will not deal with them now.

We reached the significant point of what I should say about it.

A great and vital mental form is in the process of being built on our planet and within our planetary aura. It is being built by the power of sound, the magnetic attraction of invocation, which leads to eventual evocation, and the force of the desire substance, animated by the power of thought. It is being built by the joint effort of the Hierarchy, of the disciples and aspirants of the world, of men and women of goodwill of all nations and also by the incipient longings of men everywhere, of all religious beliefs, political and group adhesion views. It is firmly rooted in the physical plane; It is of vast proportions in the astral or emotional plane, but it lacks vitality and power in the mental plane. Here, within the realm of mental substance, the weakness of the structure of this mental form is evident. It is already very powerful spiritually due to the scientific work of the hidden Hierarchy and its trained auxiliaries. This spiritual life relates the mental form to the expectant extra-planetary forces and can make His work possible and effective. Physically and emotionally it is powerful because of the work of those who love humanity, the well-intentioned efforts of emotionally oriented people and the anxious desires of the masses who hate war, desire tranquility and ask for peace and good living conditions.

However, there is a gap or hiatus on the mental plane, as men's minds do not work properly. The disciples and aspirants of the world do not think clearly or work in unity. Evade problems or think separately, nationally or fanatically; neither are they convinced of the power of invocation or prayer; they fail to understand that it is possible to work hard to establish those conditions that will lead to peace and yet they fight simultaneously so that those conditions are available; they do not love without exception all men, because of their longing to see the triumph of their own conviction; they work doubting and hoping for the best; but they believe in the worst; they use the method of prayer and invocation, because such methods seem to have been successful in the past and because they have been told that "faith moves mountains, " but internally they feel totally hopeless and uninspired; they are not sure what faith is intrinsically; they understand that a united front and a cheerful spirit of certainty are psychological collections whose power is almost invincible, but they think they are incapable of arousing the least enthusiasm in themselves.

This negative and lukewarm attitude, this mental uncertainty and this failure to link the spiritual and material worlds in a positive relationship, is what stops the Forces of Light and the real presence of the Spirit of Peace and prevents possible divine intervention. Such is the test of group work. The faith of many individuals is real and profound, but they are alone; the knowledge that a few have of the nature of the expectant intervention forces is being annulled by the lack of faith of world disciples and aspirants, dejected by world karma, their own physical fatigue and their horror of the current situation, in addition to the difficulties of individual circumstances.

El problema puede ser expuesto muy simplemente. O la Jerarquía espiritual existe, con todas sus potestades de amor, sabiduría y habilidad en la acción, o durante edades la humanidad ha sufrido alucinaciones, o el Cristo y Su grupo de Maestros, iniciados y discípulos, son realidades en los procesos naturales de la evolución, históricamente probados y conocidos por Su actividad espiritual a través de las edades, o los hombres fueron víctimas de un fraude gigantesco durante esas edades, ¿de qué y de dónde surgió ese fraude? O la consistencia de la evolucionante presentación del esfuerzo espiritual de la Jerarquía testimonia una gran realidad, o el género humano ha desarrollado una mentalidad que es un instrumento para la elaboración de realidades inexistentes, y esto en sí es tan paradójico como para dar un mentís a lo insinuado. O los mundos espirituales y los tres mundos de la actividad humana pueden ser relacionados, o no son nada las antiguas creencias, la historia antigua de la divinidad que se manifiesta y la periodicidad con que constantemente ocurre la intervención divina.

Aquí los enfrento con estas alternativas y quisiera que consideren su posición en estos asuntos. ¿Acaso la historia de la Pascua y del Cristo viviente no aportan verdad alguna, y no sería posible para ese Cristo Resucitado expresar Su poder en la Tierra mediante Sus instrumentos elegidos? ¿No existe fundamento alguno para el mito del retorno anual del Buda, manteniendo abierta la puerta entre Shamballa y la Jerarquía, de modo que cuando sea necesaria la intervenci n pueda efectuarse a trav s de esa puerta abierta? Es s lo un sue o tonto y una fantas a que en el momento de la Luna llena de junio (G minis), el Cristo, en estrecha colaboraci n con el Buda, vincula a la Jerarqu a con la Humanidad? Les parece imposible que cuando la humanidad despierte a la realidad de esta mediaci ny pueda disponer de una l nea directa de ascenso y descenso a trav s de las puertas abiertas por el Buda y el Cristo, surja, inminente ys bitamente, alguna maravillosa aparici n? No seria posible que por medio de la elevaci n de la aspiraci ny el deseo espiritual del hombre y por el descenso de las Potestades expectantes, tengan lugar ciertos grandes cambios, para los cuales todo el pasado ha sido s lo preparatorio y por los que la era acuariana de hermandad y entendimiento pueda hacerse sentir en virtud de estas grandes Potestades?

Las dos Lunas llenas de mayo y junio (Tauro y G minis) ofrecen una nueva oportunidad a fin de participar en la liberaci n de la Vida planetaria esclavizada por las Fuerzas del Materialismo. Si quieren desempe ar su parte en esta tarea de salvaci n, ser n imprescindibles ciertas actitudes y actividades de las cuales quisiera ocuparme brevemente, dej ndolos que inicien la acci n correcta y apropiada y sigan, con los dem s disc pulos y aspirantes, las etapas indicadas:

1. Estudiar con cuidado y responder sinceramente a entera y propia satisfacci n, las preguntas que ya les formul . Cuando lo hayan hecho, sabr nd nde se encuentran personalmente.
2. Durante toda la semana previa a la Luna llena de mayo (Tauro) y la Luna llena de junio (G minis), esforzarse para hacer lo siguiente:
to. Vincularse con los disc pulos, aspirantes y hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad de todo el mundo y de todas las naciones, empleando la imaginaci n creadora.
b. Eliminar de la conciencia toda negatividad, visualiz ndose as mismos con toda claridad, alineados con las Fuerzas de la Luz, y no ser neutrales mentalmente. Procuren, cuando inician la correcta acci n en el conflicto contra las fuerzas del materialismo, mantener un esp ritu de amor para todos los individuos que fueron arrastrados al v rtice de su poder.
C. Cuando mediten e invoquen a las Fuerzas de la Luz, esfu rcense por olvidar totalmente sus propias dificultades, tragedias y problemas personales. Los disc pulos deben aprender a llevar a cabo su trabajo para la humanidad, no obstante las tensiones, tiranteces y limitaciones de la personalidad.
d. Prepararse para el trabajo de las dos Lunas llenas, manteniendo su objetivo con claridad en la mente y someti ndose a una disciplina temporal y adecuada.
3. Durante los dos d as previos a la Luna llena, en el d a de la Luna llena misma y durante los dos d as siguientes (cinco d as), esforzarse al amanecer, al mediod a, a las cinco de la tarde ya la ca da del sol, adem s del momento exacto de la Luna llena en su propio pa s, en pronunciar la Gran Invocaci n con la intenci n de invocar, precipitar e introducir a las Potestades expectantes en la manifestaci n externa. H ganlo en lo posible en alta voz y en formaci n grupal cuando sea factible. El poder enfocado del pensamiento no emocional, salvar la brecha hoy existente y vincular m s estrechamente los mundos de la actividad espiritual y de la demostraci n humana.
4. Repetir esta actividad durante tres d as, cada mes, el d a anterior a la Luna llena, el d a de la Luna llena y el d a siguiente. Como ejercicio preliminar para estos tres d as, podr an prepararse tres d as antes, acrecentando as la eficacia de su esfuerzo.

En todo el mundo muchas personas han sido entrenadas durante a os, para que reconozcan dos cosas. Primero: la importancia del Festival de Wesak en el momento de la Luna llena de mayo (Tauro), porque no s lo une subjetivamente la religi n principal de Oriente con la fe principal de Occidente, sino porque esot ricamente proporciona la clave para atravesar la puerta entre Shamballa y la Jerarquía, entre el propósito de Dios (aún no identificado por el hombre, pues está más allá de la comprensión humana, debido a su etapa de evolución relativamente inferior), y el método que emplea Dios, el amor; proporciona también el vínculo entre el Buda, que personifica momentáneamente la voluntad-sabiduría, y el Cristo, que personifica el amor-sabiduría, y además entre la humanidad enfocada en la conciencia por intermedio del Cristo, y la Jerarquía enfocada en la conciencia por intermedio del Buda. Debido a la tensión actual de la humanidad ya la urgente respuesta que esa angustia evoca en la Jerarquía, la síntesis de estas dos reacciones a la crisis mundial, puede ser apropiada para atraer esa ayuda eterna que podría poner fin al conflicto, de acuerdo a líneas correctas y traer no sólo alivio, sino también iluminación a la conciencia humana. Pero repetiré -dirigiéndome al grupo representativo de aspirantes y discípulos-, que el enfoque y el énfasis no son todavía adecuados para garantizar esta respuesta extraplanetaria.

No obstante, podría serlo si, en su propia vida de meditación y de disciplina, al hablar con los demás y en el tono general de intercambio con su medio ambiente, pueden eliminar las reacciones negativas y más egoístas y (en aras del bienestar humano) vivir temporalmente, por lo menos, en su punto más elevado de aspiración.

Segundo: les he inculcado la creencia de que toda información que he dado sobre la relación Buda y Cristo, Jerarquía, Humanidad y Shamballa, formará parte de la nueva y futura religión mundial, y que el tema de los Grandes Acercamientos constituirá el fundamento básico de la futura enseñanza espiritual. Esto también deben tenerlo presente, porque el trabajo que se les pide realizar en las dos Lunas llenas venideras y durante las menos importantes Lunas llenas del año, está relacionado no sólo con la emergencia actual, sino también en forma constructiva con la futura creencia de la humanidad. Tengan también esto presente.

Observarán que lo expuesto concierne a sus actitudes mentales ya sus reacciones emocionales y hacia los asuntos mundiales actuales. Además, concierne a la tensión de sus almas, a su disposición de someterse a la tensión del alma ya su capacidad de permanecer como parte de la gran cadena de intermediarios que se los exhorta a servir hoy a la raza en Su hora de urgencia. Tiene que ver con la organización de ustedes mismos como personalidades integradas, en relación con sus almas y con la humanidad; involucra el reconocimiento del trabajo que pueden realizar desde el punto de integración. Les pediría que mediten cuidadosa mente sobre este párrafo, estableciendo las posibilidades de su tarea.

Los insto a un período de claro pensar. No trato de moldear su acercamiento político a la vida, pero sí ayudarlos a que vean a la humanidad y su bienestar; no sólo en términos de su propia nación o grupo político, sino en términos del todo, tal como nosotros, los instructores del aspecto interno estamos obligados a ver. Quisiera verlos libres de toda influencia, de la propaganda de tipo político, nacional o religioso, y que decidan por sí mismos a favor de quienes se alinearán como almas en esta crisis mundial y de qué lado pondrán el énfasis de la influencia que puedan ejercer; quisiera que observen a dónde los conducirán sus elevados ideales y si el origen de sus decisiones y actitudes en la vida son verdaderamente puros e incontaminados.

Trato de apartarles la atención de las innúmeras cuestiones menores, las numerosas y clamorosas voces, y de la amplia concentración sobre el pasado indigno y los aspectos indeseables de todas las naciones (sin excepción) y ayudarlos a ver con claridad el dualismo principal subyacente en el actual conflicto mundial l poder contra el derecho, el materialismo contra los valores superiores, el aprisionamiento contra la libertad, la crueldad contra el buen trato, el temor y la agresión contra la libertad y la seguridad. Una vez equilibrados estos pares de opuestos dentro de su conciencia, decidan en quiénes depositarán su lealtad, interés y capacidad de servir y sigan adelante para llevar a cabo los objetivos de uno de los grupos, a cualquier precio, pero sabiendo dónde se encuentran y por qué están allí.

Que la voluntad de Shamballa pueda expresarse mediante el amor y la meditación de la Jerarquía, trabajando por intermedio de todos los discípulos, aspirantes y personas de buena voluntad, es la ferviente plegaria de vuestro condiscípulo y colaborador.

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