“The crisis is nonexistent. It's a manipulation ”Interview with María Luisa Becerra

  • 2013

Thus begins the conversation between Mª Luisa and me. A month ago we met after the first meeting to talk about prosperity and money. Tired of being fed up again, as the song says, and with all my fears in tow, I asked him to meet again. Like every neighbor's daughter, I pay my bills and cover my basic needs with the money I earn, and when uncertainty comes to my bank account, that is, when I feel uncertainty, I remove myself. What about the money? How do we generate wealth and how do we lose it? Is everyone able to generate prosperity?

I have lived in Venezuela for many years. Suddenly one day everyone woke up being notified that there was a crisis. Yesterday there wasn't, today there was. Then we spent two years and suddenly the crisis disappeared. From morning to night there was no crisis (laughs).

How is this understood?

I believe that there are vested interests so that people are afraid of themselves because neither those who suffer it nor those who manipulate it are clear about the true meaning of money. If you are not clear about the true meaning of money, you are not clear who you are.

What is the true meaning?

Money is like a mirror of ourselves. Money is matter and is condensed energy. Einstein already showed it. It is a paper that comes from nature, passed through a paper mill and minted in the coin factory. Absolutely innocent. It is a means of exchange not an end, it is a means. Money is the glass, it is not the water you drink.

If I do a job for you and you are going to pay me, if I do it from the awareness of my life purpose, lovingly and enjoying it, I give you my best, therefore I give you my love. Money is also love. We can relate to him from the union or from the separation. United to everything or separated from me. Not knowing who I am and going as a victim, I blame. There is all the pain.

If you ask a person: what is money ?, he will tell you it is horrible, he is to blame for some having and others not, etc. This is simply, what that person thinks of money, not what money is. Interestingly, if I change the statement to what that person has said about money, and I say: "sex is ..." it is very stopped, because it is directly related to what he thinks of money.

Tell me that, please.

Money is pure energy. If you make a trip to your interior and discover what you are, you will see that you are matter, energy and that you live relationships by exchanging your love, receiving and giving. If money is energy it is made to flow.

I am understanding that if love does not flow money either.

And that utopia that some have a lot and others nothing, is absurd. There is as much as we want. It is energy! If we distributed all the wealth of the planet in equal parts and met within a year, those who had would continue and those who did not have merged. The principle of prosperity is generosity, but not from guilt. One thing is money and another is the state of consciousness of prosperity.

What do you call your prosperity?

To the state of union with the All. A prosperous person is a person linked to spirit, matter, humanity and the self. He is a person who does not judge, who is responsible for his life and who understands that everyone else has a personal history that he will not judge and that walks through life with his backpack with what he has to learn freely, happily. And that person will know what their talents are, how to unite them to their life purpose and how to deliver them to others, that is, how to generate abundance through the expansion of their talents. When you position yourself there, it's like you become a member of the entire universe, so you can't miss anything. It will always reach you. The first step is to be generous, not to retain. Where there is love there is no fear and where there is no fear there is no need

And what are we so afraid of?

Not having ... or Love. There are people who are afraid of love. To live it.

A person with a state of prosperity has learned how to direct his money because he has learned to direct himself, to learn to know who he is. It is excellent and welcoming, take care of everything lovingly. A person who lives like this is impossible not to get energy, almost miraculously. But if a person is full of guilt, fear, victimism ... that person is living from the separation of himself ... The paper will remain innocent but the person who moves it can move it for not so holy purposes.

Suddenly I get a coughing attack… stop, please! Mª Luisa offers me a candy, but the cough continues. I get demanding of myself and say to myself inwardly: Stop! You can't afford this. Now it doesn't touch. You are in an interview and see what role you are doing. I realize that this is not treating me with love. The more demanding I get with me, the more cough he gives me. I apologize. The cough continues. She stares at me and releases me:

Do you have problems with money?

That's what I was thinking. Look where the conversation is coming out to me.

Look at the drawings that euro bills have. They are all bridges and doors!

And what does that mean to you?

The bridges join and the doors you find on the road. There is a global, universal consciousness. In Venezuela all roles are wars. It is very interesting to see human behavior with money. It is said that money is to blame for everything and if you go to a self-sufficient community, of those that are today, and that want to be out of the system, you will realize that money does not run for there but I do envy, the problems (laughs). Everything attributed to money. Money has nothing to do. It is so good, so sacred to have much as little if you have done it honestly. If you are situated in prosperity you will know how to make it flow. You will not be with the anguish of consumerism.

What is consumerism?

Consumerism, Carol, is lack. What does it look like? Of love, of affection compensated with objects. Notice that there are many people who buy clothes and say that their self-esteem goes up. Nothing outside can boost your self-esteem. The reference of love is inside, it is not outside. You can have high self-esteem by buying clothes, without buying clothes, in the middle of a difficult, problematic, painful situation. Self-esteem is not going to change if you keep working.

Hey, Mª Luisa, and what makes some people who have had a lot of pasta in life, ruin and not once, if not repeatedly?

There are many. I remember the case of a friend who has already died. She lived very poorly all her life. He played a lot in the lottery and melted it in a year. I was lacking again. Sometimes they are fidelities to parents.


If your father told you that the money was bad or in the family there has been a movidón with the money, the child who loves his family, who loves his father, makes a decision. His map is made and when he gets older he takes that decision to his behavior.

Again I interrupt what he is telling me. Second cough attack I feel shocked at what is happening to me. I drown and as it counts the drowning comes and goes. What is happening to me? My body expresses what I do not make conscious.

I'm going to do a prosperity seminar dedicated to you (laughs)

It is a subject for everyone. I have not yet found a prosperous person if it has not been worked on. We are a culture of separation. Since we were born they tell us that we are guilty and that is why they baptize us. Guilt gives separation.

It is as if the subconscious said: if you want to receive love you have to think that money is bad and insufficient. If you think that money is enough and that you are entitled to it and that you can enjoy it, you are being unfaithful to your father. The fear of the inner child is not receiving love.

How can these fidelities be redirected?

With family constellations and with rebirth on the other hand. Seeing the effect that these fidelities have. Money is really, a teacher of love towards your own self-esteem. There are many subconscious causes so you don't have money. Sometimes the child has been told: if you get good grades you will go to Disneyland. All with things that the child does not want to do and does not care. Then think, if to receive money I have to do things that I don't like, when I grow up, I will be free, I will not want money. That is not freedom, of course, but it is the game of the subconscious.

And what do you have to do to have money?

Discover your subconscious patterns of family deprivation. Fidelities, thoughts, sensations in the body, open to receive it and learn how to handle it consciously.

People out of fear have all the money in one account. If from that account they get € 100 to do a seminar or a clothes, whatever, then they drown! The culpita is always around threatening. This can be done in a very simple way with envelopes. To learn it, you make an envelope that says fixed expenses, another that says generosity, another vacation, another that says personal growth and another that says millionaire and as many as you invent.

First know that this is sacred and that you will distribute it as you want. The day you want to buy some shoes you go to the envelope of large purchases and spend it and you will know that you are not taking it away from either your rent or your vacation. It is a game to stop relating to fear, guilt and need. The day that all this goes is a miracle.

It is the same as with love. There are people who want to have money from owning, from the end, not the medium. It's the same as saying I want to have love, I want to have a partner.

What is behind that love?

Fear and lack. Sometimes you tell people; there is this seminar, there is this opportunity, and they don't go. And you know, the people who end up coming to prosperity seminars are the most prosperous (laughs).

Prosperity calls prosperity as money calls money.

Money is love, money is my friend, money is me, money is enough, money accompanies me. All this will bring money. Not fear.

Fear brings fear

Fear drives him away. Women have a lot of history with that. Before, money was not for women, it was for men. And men on the other hand have a struggle to get the money. That will also take you away. We must not fight for abundance.

It's like with love, you don't have to fight for it either. The day you love yourself you will love, you will find love, they will give you love and there are many people who say they want to receive love but then when they have it in front it scares them and boycotts it. In the same way they can boycott their well-being and thus continue to be victims and remain faithful to the family, their father or mother.

Everyone can get out of the shortage. I am clear because I have lived in a country with many social differences. Together with my students at the school we have gone to work in the places of extreme poverty in the cities, we have wanted to teach them all this and they have not wanted to. It was easier for dad to give them government. Every year I was scholarship to 5 boys picked up from the street and many passed by the school, but they left, they could not hold so much love. They had been born in sordid situations. Love did not know him then it was too much for them. They only managed to reach the end and graduate as two rebornrs.

They are evolutionary processes. Step by Step. We can share from our life project and not necessarily with the poor. There are people who give a lot of noise for everyone to find out because they have such an emotional lack that they need that recognition. That's why they go as a good girl, only, to feel good about themselves. Guilt burns them in the hands, like money.

But what is to blame?

It is a feeling of separation that produces a great pain. I know where it is because I have felt it like everyone else. It is here, in the center of the chest and when you feel it you want to take it off. It is an invention of the mind. It is the separation of myself and everything . The day you can feel the same pleasure giving to the one who asks in the street, to the neighbor, to the millionaire, to you, to put money in the mailboxes without knowing who you are putting it simply for the pleasure of giving, that day you have reached prosperity.

It is not prosperity to generate more victimhood in people, not to believe in them, that they can. We are all wealth. Generating groups where the victimhood or impotence of people is increased and that there are some above that are those who give to poor people who cannot be the same exactly as I as a therapist saw those who come to my office above they. Poor thing he can't and I'm going to help him. That is arrogance, it is a very big ego.

I have done a job of many years with money because I am part of the same culture and I believe that if we are in a search of ourselves we do not learn to unite the spirit with the matter We have achieved nothing. It is to feel the holiness, the innocence, the love of everything that is on our plane, the piece of paper included.

It's a job

Yes It is not so difficult, at least to become aware. Then, of course, you have to work for it and often release the difficult. If it's easy for me, it's good for me. All this has to do with birth history, with the family and the family's way of relating to money.

He who is united to himself, what he has will know how to move.


The crisis is nonexistent. It is a manipulation. Interview with Maria Luisa Becerra

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