The Goddess Consciousness Manifestation and Creation

  • 2013



January 14, 2013

At this time the vibrations of the Goddess are being expressed with abundance and magnitude on Earth, as a process of profound nutrition for all.

We, the Goddess Consciousness, present ourselves with immense support for all, while Humanity and the Earth go through a unique process of integration and creation to manifest the Creator's Truth.

Imagine yourself as a baby being sustained in the sacred womb of the vibration of the Goddess. When you were in your mother's womb, you experienced a period of creation in which the energetic vibration, the Light and the wise consciousness necessary for your incarnation, merged with your Being. Your mother also provided you with energies and consciousness that you deeply absorbed into the energetic vibration and in the body that were being created.

The period not only allowed a powerful integration of everything you wanted to become and experience in your life time, as qualities of the Creator; but with help you also mastered the powerful tool of manifestation. As a baby in your mother's womb you learned to manifest yourself, to physically manifest your essence and your Soul to form the body that would become the vehicle for your life and in your bag of consciousness that would act as Divine inspiration, until you could get more connection with the Creator.

Your bag of consciousness is similar to a specially collected and formed wisdom capsule, which will help you remember the Creator's Truth. Inside the womb your bag of consciousness, which is the consciousness you require, gradually merges with your whole Being to form a manifestation of understanding. As a baby inside the womb, you are constantly manifesting and experiencing, supported by your guides, by your mother's guides; and for your soul.

It is a time in which you can dissolve the separation between the energetic dimensions of the Creator Universe and the physical vibration in which you are being born. It is a time to play, as in a movie screen, with the goals of the mind or the Soul, or with the visions of what you want to experience in your physical reality. An experimental field to establish intentions, thus allowing creation to be formed in many ways.

In many ways, it is the most powerful creation form and experience you experience on Earth; and prepares you with the ability to use the creative energy of the Creator to form and create everything you need to continue supporting your learning on Earth.

We, the Goddess Consciousness, support this process of creation on Earth to allow Souls to learn and experience a physical reality. In the Creator's Universe, participating in the physical reality of the Earth is the fastest but most challenging path to Ascension and Unity with the Creator. This is why so many of you have chosen to be incarnated on Earth. We remind you of the powerful experience of creation within the womb, because in truth this is what is happening to many on Earth right now.

Your Soul and your guides are working with you, as we do, the Goddess Consciousness, to have access to the vibration of creation, to transform, create and form everything you need and require to continue and experience the next phase of Ascension on Earth. The energy of creation is manifesting a new bag of consciousness, which is similar to a discharge of precious consciousness to inspire and enlighten you, while you create the intentions and integrate your aspects and those of the Creator.

Since you are now creating as inside the womb, from the inside out, your creative energy can influence your physical body and change it, dissolving diseases and reprogramming the manifestation of health. As you create from the inside you realize the beauty of your Being, the strength, the light vibration, the power, the intense Love and the wise awareness that you have. You are verifying that you are connected to all aspects of the Creator that connect you on a deeper level with the magnificent Source of the Creator.

While within your Being you form a new understanding of yourself through intentions, following the guidance, integrating energies, awakening wisdom, increasing Love and access to belief in the creative energy of the Creator, you will identify a new aspect of the Creator totally formed within your Being, with the power to radiate and project this realization towards your external reality, for greater manifestation. This period on Earth is allowing each person to feel and experience greater integration and access to the vibration and natural ability of creation within their Being.

Do not try to oppose the process of integration, allow the Light of the Creator in its many forms to flow to and through your Being. Grant yourself the time and space you need to allow creations and intentions to form in you, whether Whether you are aware of them or not. This time may not have to do with external actions, but rather with internal changes and mergers, while many fragments of your Soul appear within you, ready to be gathered, instantly empowering your Soul and your soul expression.

Some people may feel that they are already creating intentions for their new reality; and they are experiencing deep integration of their Being; and consequently experiencing the flow of creation towards its physical reality when many synchronies and miracles are manifested. When synchronies occur in your reality, you can be certain that the manifestation and transformation of your inner truth is happening.

It is important that you are aware that some babies choose to remain in the uterus for a longer period, while others choose a shorter period. The same is true for you while in truth you exist within the womb of the Goddess Consciousness; neither the Creator nor Mother Earth set limits or become impatient with your unique period of transformation and integration; allow him to develop with Divine synchrony, for that is why you have chosen to exist on Earth at this time. It is a very beautiful process of the I, of the Truth, of the Creator and of the internal creation, manifesting itself more completely than ever before.

In this time of creation you are also unified with all the beings that form the much desired New Earth; know that everything you achieve and accomplish within your Being is for the service of Humanity. Each and every one of the Souls on Earth at this time, have contracted to experience, learn and understand the most powerful process of co-creation.

This process is so magnificent and unique, that you planned to be in your current state of Ascension, to learn and awaken the ability to co-create, not only with the Creator and your Soul, but with all aspects of Soul of the Creator on Earth and in the internal planes. Each Soul is receiving the keys of co-creation to master them at this time, to bring them to fruition and experience them with all other Souls on Earth. Are you ready to accept the keys of the co-creation that are being imparted and activated within all who are ready and have a true loving intention to create Bliss, Peace, Love and Truth of the Creator?

We want to share with you an invocation to encourage you to accept and do everything we have said about it and shared with you today:

Loved Consciousness and Vibration of the Goddess, I invoke your loving support and nutrition to penetrate into my Being, in my mind and in my Soul; please support me in any way that is appropriate, guided by the Divine Will of the Creator and by my Soul. Allow me to inhale the nourishing and enlightening energies of the Goddess in all aspects of my Being, for I realize that I am being sustained and supported sacredly within an energetic womb composed of the Light of the Goddess, Mother Earth and the Creator .

Help me to focus on the interior of my Being, in communion with my Soul, to integrate all the energy vibrations of the Creator, all the fragments of my Soul; all the Divine Consciousness that is being provided to me. Let a completely new verification of my truth and the truth of the Creator form completely within my Being. Help me to experience this fully formed aspect of my truth, projecting it with strength towards my reality for more integration and manifestation.

Entities, Vibration and Consciousness of the Goddess, I ask you to help me connect with my unique, sacred and powerful abilities and energies of creation within my Being. Lead me to become a master of creation, working with the powerful and Divine vibrations and the will of the Creator, to form everything necessary, guided by my own reality and the Earth.

I ask with the support of the Goddess, if it is divinely appropriate, to receive the keys of co-creation, which I understand as wisdom and sacred guide to co-create. It is my deepest intention to co-create Peace, Joy, Love, Harmony, Unity and Truth; while I myself perform as an aspect of the Creator, unified with all aspects of the Creator. I choose to co-create with all appropriate aspects of the Creator in manifestation on Earth and in the internal planes, to manifest the Age of Love on Earth.

Now I choose to co-create with my Soul, with my soul group, with the vibration of the Goddess, with Mother Earth and with the Creator, in complete and absolute Love, generosity and harmony, accepting with gratitude and Love all that is provided to me .

I hold and realize that my deepest desire to seek beauty and All That Is the Creator can only be fully experienced when I search within myself, with detachment and with a centered vibration of Love.

I surrender to the vibration of the Goddess for greater healing and energy support. Thank you'.

(Then just sit back and experiment).

It is also important that in this sacred time of integration and nutrition of the most sacred aspect of your Being, you are aware that you can still experience that old intentions or habits established in the past come to the surface.

Gradually, as your intentions and thoughts become clearer, you will no longer experience old thoughts, habits or intentions trying to blend in with your vibration, for they will lose their power when you no longer choose to energize or empower them, or to this aspect of yourself. You are waking up, purifying and empowering your Being, to become a beautiful, bright, clear, radiant crystal of magnificent power.

This is the truth that we have seen when we connect with your Being.

With Divine Blessings,

The Goddess Consciousness. Channeled by Natalie Glasson

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.


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