Communion with the Light Mother Mary

  • 2012

December 17, 2011

Channeled by: Jean Luc Ayoun

I am Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Well beloved children, let's give Grace together for our Communion. I come, in this time and this space, in order to move towards your Consciousness together. To move forward together, towards this Freedom, and towards that Liberation. Here, a long time ago, my Son told them that they were not from this world. Also, he told them that they were promised an Eternal life. What life was he talking about? Of the true Life: the one that is not ephemeral. The one that does not register between a birth and a death. One who does not inscribe at all in suffering, in lack, or in fear. He told them about a life that is not limited, where there is no fear. Of a life that is not conditioned by something or by someone. Do you really think that is the case, in your life, today?

Even if many of you, live particular States of Consciousness, sometimes allowing you to approach and live non-ordinary States.

The Elders have spoken extensively about this particular state of Being, when he touches another state. I will not return again about it. What I want to tell you, simply, is that from now on you will be able to live, always in greater numbers, in an increasingly intense way, these States that take them out of the ordinary of your life and that, however, are not That's why more extraordinary. But that leads them, simply to raise awareness, always more, what they are: Beings of Love, Beings of Peace, Beings of Truth, Anchorers of Light, Sowers of Light, who recognize that they have little to do with current conditions, of This world they are on.

What opens up to you is no longer truly a Passage, but a Communion. And this state of Communion with the true Life, whatever the Bearers among you, or here among us, within the Light itself, with no further possibility of personal existence, all that contributes to make you discover the real and true state of what They are. Far from the contingencies of the world where they are. Very far from any image and any projection.

Your spaces of Alignment and Communion led them, each at their own pace, to get closer to the Truth, of what they are. And that, they all live in one way or another, whatever the words they wish to give to your new experiences, whatever the words that the Stars, the Elders, or the Archangels could use, will be nothing more than words. Because they know that the most important thing is not so much to make the experience of that, but to be it. And that is materializing, raising awareness right here, about this world.

The true Life, which ends the ephemeral, and consequently the suffering (the true Life, not that which I created in that body, but the one that is yours from Eternity, long before your presence on this Earth), must unfold, now. The deployment of the Light allows your wings to unfold, as to the vision of the Heart and consequently give them to live the Truth of what They Are. Even if they do not always have the elements that allow them in consciousness to live the totality of what is revealed and lived, it matters little. You know the effects on yourself, perhaps, not in your life circumstances, but especially in your Inner Being, in that which creates in you, as a state, as Joy, as Truth. It is the only way out of the Illusion. There is no other. It is the only way to become Free, by yourselves.

Remember that civilizations pass, on this Earth. There are numerous traces, known or still unknown, of those that preceded them. But those who preceded you were none other than yourself, at other times, locked in time and in the Illusion of life, down there.

Currently they discover that the true world is not this projection and consciousness. That the true Life is not this suffering, nor this lack, nor these sorrows. That there is a space outside of space, and an time outside of time, where they have access to what they are: to your Essence. Many things were brought to light, by yourselves. Each of you toured what he had to go. Now we are left together, to commune even more, more intensely, and above all more broadly.

Contributing, to some extent, to sustain the Earth that carries them, in order to help her in her own Passage.

Remember, last year, Archangel Uriel at this time, had told you about a first Passage. A short time later, the Mergers of the Ether were carried out, in your Heavens and then in your bodies. The Commander of the Elders told them that everything was consummated, for the onciencia. And that the updating of Eternal Life was only a temporary detail. This is underway. And this happens in you, from this moment in which you agree to deposit all your baggage, everything that is not you, everything that overloads you. That is not a dream, because they made the experience, more and more often. Moving from a reality to the Truth, it can sometimes be done in a moment, in a wink of an eye.

But no one knows if this eye wink or this moment is not the result of a multitude of lives seeking the Essence. For most of you, it happened during these years, to go step by step towards your Heart. We, one and the other, have guided each other, through the vibrations of this transformation that occurs in the flesh they inhabit.

Nowadays, more and more Consciousness meets, and it will find itself more and more, not located in that body, in this life or in another life. But more and more, the Consciousness expands, until touching States of Grace, as they lived during their life, my Sister Gem (GEMA GALGANI) or also what Hildegard (HILDEGARDE de BINGEN) has described, other stars, or other sisters. Today more than ever, of course this world is going to pretend, in one way or another, to lead them to resistance, struggle, or opposition. They know now, that Consciousness does not have to oppose. That Consciousness is Life and that it does not stick to anything, of this world. And yet, they are on this world.

The set of my Ships, the set of my Sisters, on these one-dimensional spaces where we are, which are multi-dimensional and one-dimensional, because they are not limited or enclosed, as well as the set of Concerts Free, not subject to any confinement, we are now, very close to you. Many of you perceive us, in different ways, confirming, therefore, that the Veils that separated us are no longer as hermetic as before. Giving them to live this non-localization of who they are. Allowing them to access something that has nothing to do with what can be presented or present on the surface of this world.

This should not divert you because, remember that if you are Light, the Light is Intelligent and that this Intelligence, which is yours, is not subordinated to any mind, to any understanding, or to any desire., but that is to implement a state of Being: a state of Being where everything is perfect. My children are all that; they are raising awareness in their own way, because it is their Freedom and it is their Liberation. What we simply want is to meet in Communion. And we are going to do that during this period: every week, the same day, at the same time, in the same way as today. While reinforcing our Communion and above all, among all of us begin to live this Fusion and this Dissolution of Consciousness, in its deep nature where you will be able to verify, for yourselves, that we are all One, that there is no distance, nor separation between each (each) of us.

Whatever words I address to you, you are beyond this concept of filiation or Creator. I am addressing all the ongoing Concerts of Freedom on this Earth. In Love (you know it) and in the Light, there is nothing to fear because in this state, there are no shortcomings, there are no sufferings, and there are no fears. There is nothing above all, neither yesterday nor tomorrow, because everything is inscribed in the Eternal and in the Eternity of the Present. It is this Present that we are going to offer, one and the other. Therefore, during the next 4 weeks, I will return on Saturday, after your Alignment Space and our common Communion space, in order to also deliver some words defining, from now on, these objectives that are within the reach of your Heart, which is to live the experience that will definitely liberate you and give you (even on this world) your total Freedom. That is to say, of no longer being tributaries, neither of a body, nor of a time, nor of a space.

Of course, each of you will live at your own pace and in your own way.

The words that can be said about these States of Consciousness (or that can be described) will of course be very different, according to the gaze of the person who inhabits them. This awareness, I would say, is decisive and healthy, not only for you but above all, for the whole of my Children. I think of all your Brothers and Sisters who have not yet had the opportunity (for fear, for resistance or for a reason, which is their own) to live what you have lived. It is to all of them that it is necessary to address so that together (beyond the moments of Grace and Communion they know), they can also ask themselves the essential question: whose are they? From the moment in which Consciousness raises the question of who she is (especially in the current state of this world), a huge step towards Freedom and Liberation is taken. That is what we are going to work together.

Thus, after the first stage of Alignment (from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.), I will be with you in Communion. But, our Communion will be directed to the whole of the earth and to the set of separate and fragmented Concerts. Do not seek to personalize this Communion. This Communion must lead to Fusion and therefore, it does not have to be personal or personalized. Light is intelligence. Commune with what you are, with the Light and let the Light Commune in the whole of the Concerts. We will do that, from 7:30 p.m. at 8pm. and then at 20 hours. From your Earth time (French time), I will pronounce (if necessary) a few words, always inviting you to go further, to Freedom, Liberation, Love and Light, because they are synonyms. There can be no Love without Freedom. There can be no Light without liberation. All this is ongoing. They are living, each in their own way, individually your Freedom, and your Liberation. It remains now to live that, on a collective level. And I understand by "collective": the set of the Concerts on this Earth, the set of the Concerts that we are, in order to prepare what was called, it seems to me, the Weddings of Light not individual but collective. It is therefore to this work, to this state of Being and not to do, that I invite all of you who will read my words: establish Communion. Neither towards a person or conduct a Unit of Consciousness with 24, but rather, to commune directly with the Light, because the Light has Intelligence and, above all, in the absence of another term, I would say it has, a particular capacity that is of self-create and self-beget.

The Light knows neither limits, nor propagation, nor time, nor distance. The seat of the Light (on the Mantle of the Earth, as in you), now makes this new form of Communion possible, achieving the individual Fusion and then the collective. Of course, you are going to observe (as we have already said, on numerous occasions, by numerous voices), that many concealed Concerts are afraid: fear of the Light. Because that is unknown to them. Since the Light is not of this world. And when he breaks into a person's life, his life (of course, they know that) is transformed more or less quickly. There is of course, in every human being, what the Elders called a "body of desire" and this body of desire has only one idea: that it is the perpetuation of the Illusion of this world. Make them believe, in some way, that they are tributaries and assume that there is something to do in the ephemeral, that there is something to accomplish (by passing successive incarnations), and something to improve. But what should be improved since they are perfect, from Eternity? You just have to raise awareness. And the time has come to raise awareness of the Light as never before, or it has not been possible even, in the phases that have been called (by the Elders): “the Fusion of Homes” or Fires (see: Protocols to be practiced) or such as they were communicated in the Yoga of Unity (described in 3 parts by UN FRIEND, on September 17, 18 and 19, 2010) or even, in the master explanations (which have been given to them by BROTHER K) about the Display of the Light in the Doors. All that has not been, but intermediate stages, to ignite, if you can say, what they are. Now, it's time to do it entirely, beyond these bodily signals, beyond these Doors, these Stars and these Lamps (which they call chakras), and beyond your cells. They must reinvest in the totality of who they are. For that, it is necessary not to be located, neither in a body, nor in a time, nor in a space. Discover and live that Consciousness is One and that fundamentally they are the other, as much as yourselves are the tree as the blade of grass, it is an experience that leads you to the ineffable. That is why we invite you and that is what we are going to apply, if you want it every Saturday: to establish a Communion, not from Heart to Heart, not to the Heart of the ONE, but now; from the Heart of each one (each ONE) to the Light. And there the Light (as I said) will be self-created and self-engendered. It will become more and more luminous, for you, because She, in fact, is the same, from Eternity. But it will penetrate, more and more, the interstices of this world and the Concerts that are there.

It will be revealed, therefore, for what it is: a fabric of Love that is the plot of Creation, the plot of the worlds and the plot of everything that is created.

This awareness is healthy for the Earth, as it is with an individual character and, above all, for the collective. The work undertaken of Realization of Yes, of the Eternal Being that they are, allows to anticipate this last stage with an important lightness, although, the elements of resistance may seem, increasingly heavy. But it is not the elements of resistance that become increasingly heavy, it is you who become, increasingly lighter. And becoming increasingly light, they can only confirm that there are things that resist, that the Concerts oppose, but are not heavier than before, they are not different than before, it is you who have become different. It is the Ether of this world that is transformed, that became different, making people think of laughing or seeing, that there are increasingly dense areas of shadow, but that is not true. It is that your gaze has simply become that of the Heart that rose beyond its limits and that gives your Heart the Truth. What does it matter, don't stick to what is heavy. Do not stick to what you resist. Let us live together this Communion of each Heart to the Light, allowing the Light to respond for its spontaneous Co-creation, for its self-creation, and to multiply on this world, preparing then the collective moment of the Earth. We will work then, during these five weeks. I will then intervene, five times, and during these five weeks, we will work together, in the Light and for the Light.

Those of you who still have, despite your Vibratory experience, questions and questions regarding dates, as for the hypothetical reality of Ascension, can never doubt what you will live, because what you yourselves will create, and what we ourselves are going to create, is the Truth, the beauty, the Love and the Light. For the kingdom of Light to become evidence and not simply an experience of some moment. But that must become the total experience of a lifetime on this world. Then serve, in our meetings, what they were given. That that is the Yoga of the Unit, between 19 and 30 to 20 hours, that that is the Communion through the three points, or that that is a simple Alignment, simply remain in the Being, do not emit any will, no will to Well, no desire, please settle down for what you are. Without expecting anything, but simply being the totality of your Being, with this simple thought: Communion with the Light. from the simultaneity and synchronicity of our meeting, many things will result for your conscience, whose main interest is, what I call: relocation. Of course, as you know, and as you see it, those who resist the Light will always use those moments to try to create something other than Light. Of course, that is wasted effort. They will end well by realizing that all that is useless and illusory, that Love is the only force, the only Truth and that there is nothing to fear from Love. We only have to fear the who is afraid in himself. Love is a balm. The Light is a balm. She comes to relieve and cure all suffering, from those who resisted the Light, to the extreme limit of her person. Love is Grace and also forgiveness.

That's what the Earth calls them now. As we told you, you already cushioned the shock of humanity, cushioned widely what was announced by the prophets. At present, they have left to live the Consciousness. It remains to realize this collective moment of the Earth, just as my Son had said it and as I had given it to who John was.

But this whole story is from the past. The past should no longer hinder them. Freedom is neither in yesterday, nor in the morning, it is in your moment and in your quality of Joy, Peace, Love and Light. We become, you and we as you know, co-responsible for our Co-creation. And what we create is Freedom and the Liberation of Consciousness.

Here are my beloved children, the few words I had to give you and the request I made before you. If in relation to this process that will be established from next week (but that is installed as of tonight), although they have not issued, during the Alignment proposed to them of Communication at 7pm. 30, this thought of Communion, you have the whole week to formulate that in you, in the clearest and simplest way. Whereupon, that will be produced and reinforced, week after week. If there are, in relation to this process, complementary questions, then I want to answer if you need other explanations.

We have no questions, we thank you.

My beloved children, then as everything is clear, together here in this space, and I leave you immediately, I ask you to simply commune in the Light. Do not think of me, do not think of you, do not think of another, but simply: in you and the Light. And let's start together, this state of fusion of Consciousness. In Love and for Love, in the Truth of Light, I tell you: until next week. Vibratory Effusion / Communion

The next interventions of MARIA will take place:

Saturday, December 24, 2011.

Saturday, December 31, 2011.

Saturday, January 7, 2012.

Saturday, January 14, 2012.

They will be developed, every time, in 2 parts:

from 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.: Vibratory effusion.

at 8 pm: exchanges.

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