The spine, balance and awareness

  • 2014

The first human beings, on the mainland, began to rise on their two hind legs and became bipeds. Thanks to this they were also able to develop a great precision motor skill with their hands, a fact that is obvious that was key to the evolution of our species.

Currently, low back pain and spinal problems are the second condition, after the cold, suffered by the western population. In addition to sedentary life and lack of exercise, we must not forget that the body's posture is changing under our emotional and mental influences. It is beyond doubt that a person adopts a different posture if he is cheerful or if he is depressed. If we feel energized we are straighter. But if we are tired our posture tends to decline.

If in the past we were forging a certain body tendency, in the present we can start a new stage in this regard. It is about embarking on a path to achieve a balanced body structure, the result of a balance in all aspects of being. There are techniques such as Yoga that point this way, and the key is awareness. It is about becoming more aware of our body: how it is, how it works, how it interrelates, what causes disharmonize us and what are the tools to regain balance.

The physical work of Yoga on the spine is usually very effective, since it seeks this body balance . Its practice promotes body awareness, helping to realize postural habits, unnecessary tensions and, above all, helping to calm the mind and purify the soul, so that the physical body is able to respond more It is harmoniously. Yoga tries to do a job of rebalancing tensions in the posture. It is about offering, on the one hand, relaxation to tense muscles, and on the other hand, strengthening weak muscles.

The health of the back is closely linked to the health of the intervertebral discs, which suffer unavoidable wear due to the pressure they are enduring over time, and in addition it must be taken into account that the The pressure received by the intervertebral discs increases as the body moves away from its axis of gravity, whether it is a flexion or an extension, lateralization or rotation of the spine. That is why it is very important to execute any effort with the spine as aligned as possible, in order to minimize the risk of damage.

Some of the most common and simple exercises that the practice of Yoga provides to keep the spine flexible and healthy are the extension of the trunk, the flexion of the legs, the lateral extensions of the trunk, squatting postures, alternative lateral twists, neck twists to decompress and tone the cervicals, etc.

Today, in addition to Yoga itself, there are endless techniques that can help us make our spine fit, flexible and strong at the same time. The basis of a change in our position is to acquire the habit of perseverance, will and conscience.

It is worth the effort to persevere, since taking care of our spine is taking care of us.

Blog: Harmony and Yoga

The spine, balance and awareness

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