The Inner City: The way back. For the Seramites

  • 2010

The Inner City is a great laboratory where souls (thought-energies) manage to unite neatly and then leave to incarnate or to circle the planet, in this way human beings breathe them and feed on them.

The Inner City works on three levels: (1)

Matter: They are the Humans.

Soul: They are the Seramites

Spirit: The Ayaplian Volunteers of the ships.

We can also compare this city to the nine feelings, zones and energy centers that govern the universe, therefore to BEING ONE:

Man from abroad (Cono-Sur)

First grade (zone one) …………………… Antagonism

Second grade (zone two) ………………… .. Survival

Third grade (zone three) ……………………. Causality

Inner City (Cone-North)

Fourth grade (zone four) ………………… ..The Consciousness

Fifth grade (zone five) …………………… La Libertad

Grade 6 (zone six) Love

Seventh grade (zone seven) ..The Belief

8th grade (zone eight) Equanimity

Ninth grade (zone nine) The Order

The Ayaplian Volunteers (Ships)

Tenth grade (zone ten) The Interiority

Grade eleventh (zone eleven) ..The Universality

12th grade (zone twelve) .Energy Union


Seramita society is the dream of foreign governments. There is no hunger, money, power, ambition, corruption, violence etc. Seramites live according to rules of order, stability, fellowship and shared work. As the material part of subsistence is totally resolved, they are dedicated to the study of the universe. They are chemists, engineers, mathematicians, artists, historians, geologists, musicians and much more.

Although humans are their offspring, the material body of a Seramite is completely cleared of germs, bacteria, viruses and parasites. They made it through the energy feed they extracted from the stratosphere and turned it into nutritious food. Their material bodies were refined, purified and filtered.

Of those gross Seramites that existed, today they are extremely sensitive to the pollution of the Earth's atmosphere. It is for this reason that they do not present themselves materially before humanity, nor leave their ships; Communications abroad are at the holographic level. Only their souls are incarnated when they find a being of high vibration and have a moderately purified material body. Therefore, they communicate telepathically with all those who are awake, who voluntarily believe and want to return to their origins.

Seramites form their families and have their children just like humans, with the difference that marriages are not performed by physical or psychological attraction, they are united by degree, vibration, colors, frequency etc. There is no imposition on the union of a man and a woman, they are free to choose and do so with the inner wisdom of universal knowledge. In doing so, it is very difficult for a family to disintegrate or for the couple to separate. They unite until the disembodied. Family procreation occurs to accommodate their disembodied ancestors.

They know, when they conceive a baby, who will be the energy-being that will reincarnate and this will be produced by chemical attraction of creative elements that are in equal tune. a with the disembodied.

The Seramita woman conceives and gestates until the age of nine months her baby, which will be born exactly like abroad, staying with the parents until the age of seven. Then it will be placed together with several community families and where the true parents will also mate.

The Seramite society is not individual, each one for itself. They work, live and carry out their studies in communion with other beings who become brothers.

They are one family, without jealousy, envy, pride, pride, competition etc. Everyone works for everyone and there is a true union of love and fellowship between them.

Actually the true name of these races is: Sephirath which means: Divine Emanation, one of the ten Sephiroth.

Over time the name is changed by Seremites (Lemurians) finally becoming the Semites (Atlanteans). The word also comes from SER-RA-MITHAS ... They are the Arians who come down from India to found Egypt. They bring knowledge and men who live in Mesopotamia know them as the descendants of God: MITHRA. Let them introduce themselves.

The Seramites

We are the SERAMITAS this is our real name. We belong to the eighth hierarchy of the Inner City, we represent: Knowledge, Understanding and Love. You do not know us in this degree, no one has ever seen us, nor ever heard of us. It is the first time that we present ourselves before you ... BEING ONE ... will make us known.

You have a certain knowledge of the Inner City and have come to perceive it only until the sixth grade. Those who communicate with the sixth grade perceive us and believe that we are aliens. We are in the antimatter reality of the planet Tera and belong to the thoughts-energies of the right side of the brain, our headquarters are in the North Cone.

The Cone-North of the planet is divided into degrees and hierarchies, starting with the sixth until reaching the ninth grade, in which our thoughts-energies will be ready for the Ayaplian-Volunteers of the ships to house us, thus moving to the tenth grade . By staying in their bubble-spheres, they will be giving us the opportunity to continue our existence, they will take us with them in their ships to return to our home planets.

Brothers, we are THE INTERNAL CITY OF ENERGIES-THOUGHTS, we belong to the Antimatter reality of the Alcytic Universe.

The sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades are no longer subject to reincarnation. We communicate with you through telepathy. We have freed ourselves from being reincarnated by our knowledge, understanding, love, work, effort, belief, truth and freedom that characterized us in the material lives we had.

In all times we have presented ourselves holographically before you, using our cosmic names of inheritance and lineage. We are those that you venerate for the teachings that we transmit to you and this is the big problem, you see us as gods and we are not.

When we arrived on this planet and left the ships to investigate and study it, we were confronted with the most terrible thing that could happen to us: The distortion. We fight everything you could imagine. We run against time. We overcome gravity, mathematics, chemistry and all the obstacles that were presented to us. Today we are with you, we are brothers of the same heritage and the same lineage.

We house them in our bubble-spheres, we are the alciatic sustenance of the planet and the makers of food-energy-thought that nourishes them today.

We keep the Cell-Tera and you inhabitants from abroad alive. Without us, the outside man species would not have resisted the bad weather and Tera's disease.

We are known abroad as: The 24 elders. Los Angeles, Archangels, Cherubs and Seraphim. The White Brotherhood The Beings of Light The 7 rays of Light. The brotherhood of the White Garments. Extraterrestrial Contacts. The Confederation of Light. The Violet Fire Ascended Masters. Hierarchies of Light. The Cosmic Maya

The first Seramites who left the Inner City are the founders of the first two major cities that were initially called Lemur and Atlantis. Before joining the woman of man, the Seramites performed countless experiments in their laboratories to improve the evolution of their distorted brothers, achieving genetic improvement through their own DNA.

When they went abroad they joined with the woman's man, whose lineage and inheritance had already been prepared before. They procreated their children and they were born with extraordinary gifts, for this reason they were called Sons of the Gods.

The White Brotherhood

The denomination White Brotherhood refers to the Interstellar Cosmic Confederation of Orion.

In the inner city are the guardians of the planet who will be responsible for the teaching and continuity of the human being. These beings in charge of the planet belong to The Pleiades, Alpha Centauri and Orion. They are Ayaplians whose mission is to elevate dense realities as is humanity. Such teaching is done on three levels:

First graduation: conscious analysis (grades: 1.2.3)

This mental reality harbors the thought-energies that reach the inner city even in a state of generative subconsciousness. This energy is willing to work and consciously knows its reality. Your job will be to shred your reincarnations in detail step by step; his reality will be presented to her crudely without cover or concealment; may weigh the negative and positive for the sole purpose of studying it; he will face everything without conflict or suffering, because this thought-energy is no longer in an ignorant reality: she is totally conscious and, being so, is prepared for analysis and discovery.

By breaking down your own thoughts and understanding them, you can identify them, classify them and give them a coherent and true explanation. Never in his entire existence did he see something so clear, clear and well understood before his eyes. That is why there is no confusion, no suffering, no sadness in this reality: knowledge and understanding are expressed in their maximum splendor, and in this timeless reality you will stay as long as you need. So you can move on to second grade when you feel ready for it.

Second graduation: energy recording (grades: 3.4.5)

After all the hard work done in the first grade, this thought-energy begins to consciously record its energy. The deep analysis of its existence has produced in this being an energetic transformation that transcends the expressiveness of its thoughts; the profound transformation reaches the DNA of its own existence. He arrived as a human and his DNA will become ayapliano-human . He will begin to prepare himself to reincarnate in an Ayapliano body of an external reality.

The transformation is carried out first mentally, that is to say in the energetic body, which will transmit it to the astral body, and this, in turn, will do so to your material body. It means that, incarnating in an outer reality, he will do it in a human body, but his mental energy will retain his Ayaplian features.

Third graduation: total expressiveness (grades:

Transformed into ayapliano-mental, thought-energy prepares to incarnate in the fourth plane. It will carry with it the formation of the energetic body, and will develop it as it progresses in the universal graduations. He will no longer return to planet Earth, because he cannot offer him the continuity of progress; he will incarnate in other realities and on other planets, where he will find all the opportunities he needs; it will enter the left side or the right side of some One Being that will house it and provide better conditions of existence.

The Ascended Masters.

An Ascended Master is one who has taken all five degrees, has transmuted the lower mind into a pure and maculaless mind and desire into intuition. He receives the sixth grade that links him to the Fraternity of Sirius. Not everyone chooses to remain to work as servants of the race and not all those who appear before humans are Ascended Masters, they are recognized for their Work, Action and Thought.

1- First of all, an Ascended Master will never present himself saying that he is. Neither will he give names, nor proclaim himself as the savior or Guru to be called and summoned.

2- An Ascended Master will never work through mediumship, he will do it through telepathy. He will never take possession of the dense material body, for him this would be inconceivable. Whoever takes the dense body of a being from outside and takes possession of it, we have to catalog it as a disembodied soul of the same external degrees.

3- You will never see an Ascended Master who, after having taken possession of the medium's material body, sits on a golden throne, sees golds and brocades, drinks alcohol, smokes cigarettes or cigars, talks with beings contemptuously and charges money for its services.

4- An Ascended Master will never flaunt his knowledge, nor will he try by all means to prove that he has them, he will simply transmit them with Humility and Love.

5- The transmissions and teachings of an Ascended Master will always be for the benefit of mankind and not of himself or a few.

6- The teachings of an Ascended Master will always be deep, universal and of much Consciousness.

7- An Ascended Master will never allow the Adoration or Veneration of the beings that listen to him. He will never develop the Psychological Unit of these beings, quite the contrary, the true Ascended Master will have the mission of awakening beings and that they become their own teachers.

8- The authentic and true Ascended Master, will work in the silence of his existence and will always carry through the telepath, the word for those who need him.

9- The Ascended Master is one who is not attached to earthly goods, nor will he ask for constructions of temples, altars, trees, specific places with his name, etc.

10- An Ascended Master will not announce Divinations, Prophecies or spectacular events with the aim of standing out and benefiting from publicity and thereby helping to increase the economic reserves of the medium or feed his EGO that induces it to those demonstrations of power and exhibitionism.

11- The true ascended Master will always choose a telepathic being from outside who is vibrationally very similar to him and who represents him properly, with seriousness and responsibility.

12- And finally the messages, teachings and transmissions of An Ascended Master will always bring unconditional and altruistic help for all of you so that all of you can grow spiritually.


A long time ago, before history existed as it is perceived now, a number of non-physical beings, each of which is an immense entity, by its own nature, decided colonize a planet to conduct research on behalf of the One Being. One of the humans (Ayaplians) agreed to offer himself as the volunteer who would represent the consciousness of the planet. The group helped this being to systematically return its energy more dense, going down through the dimensions. Meanwhile, the rest of the humans were conceiving the designs of the different probable forms of life that the planet would occupy, designs that would be chemically encoded in what is called DNA . And through successive frequency declines, over millions of millions of years, planetary consciousness broke through an energy barrier, in the solid form that you now call Planet Earth.

By remembering (2) who they are, humans will activate their cosmic memory and automatically begin to form an image-replica of their own holography. Humans are forming the Energy Being (spirit) which is the image of when they arrived here. In doing so, the distorted holography will be absorbed and sent to new creations, it means that they will be re-programmed to form a new holography, with which they can return to the origin of Where they came from and where they belong.

When they have raised and reached the sixth grade in Knowledge, Understanding and Love, they will live in the antimatter reality of the Inner City, located in the North Pole. Here your energy-thoughts will no longer be Protons (soul) living in the magnetism of the planet, you will become energy-thinking-positrons (Spirit) belong In the magnetism of light, because they will be energies-luminous thoughts called: Photons and these will no longer form Orbs, they will form Rainbows and Northern Lights (energies-thoughts - raised)

When the North-Cone vortex opens, humans will be attracted to other higher realities, because they will be: Photons. You will travel at the speed of Light, because you will be ... Light.

The Holograms: (3)

The thought-energies (the species-man in the universe) are printed HOLOGRAMS that THE BEING ONE created with the sole purpose of fulfilling his creative desires. The holograms are engraved with everything necessary for the fulfillment of certain programs that will serve the projected idea.

Humans do not have the notion of being holograms, because when distorted, recorded programs are not doing their job. Humans are programs that are not working properly, because they were attacked by a virus called: Ambition.

A hologram is the reflection of its creator, it is an image with all the recorded characteristics of its creator and she will behave according to what was created and will do the work assigned by her creator. The image will be according to the Need-Idea that the creator needs.

For this reason, the Unique principle created his son's thoughts and gave him such characteristics to help him capture and execute everything he imagined and that it would take definite forms for the creative process. So he imagined a being of Light just like him and sent him to the universe to inform him to the smallest detail of his creativity.

The Hologram is an accumulation of programs printed by the creator that are activated and work, working and elaborating thoughts that focus on the entrusted work.

For a hologram to function properly, the electrical and magnetic charges must be stable. If these dynamic forces are constant and unalterable, then they will be loaded with protons, these particles will allow the balance between both forces and if we say that they are the protons that will regulate their dynamism, then they will automatically attract the photons, which will not only take care of stabilize the hologram; it will make it work properly

When the hologram is distorted, the first thing that activates in its distortion is a Center (Ego) an image from where he could get the information and through them, he would shape his life.

The thoughts:

The thread of life is divided into three branches, which extend to the three centers of the brain, when the human being has completed seven years. Through the pineal gland, the organ of spiritual perception, the human being proves the purpose of the Ego. Through the pituitary gland, the second element of desire or the constructive energy of the mental form is available. When the rhyme gland (high major), synthesis of nervous energy, has awakened, the human being can materialize and activate the desired mental form.

When the being accumulates planetary knowledge, it absorbs it through its pituitary gland and distributes it in the first three areas of the brain. Once it reaches an evolutionary development, the gland activates the rhyme gland found in the front part of the brain. This gland works so that knowledge is understood, analyzed, weighed and distributed in different areas, according to the elevation that corresponds to it. When the rhyme gland is activated, it has formed, together with the pituitary gland, a flat triangle of knowledge and understanding. Under these conditions, the two glands would be working only for the evolution of that being.






9. White

Pineal (Epiphysis)




8. Violet




7. Yellow

Pituitary (Pituitary)














4.Turquoise blue




3.Dark blue


Solar plexus



2.light gray





1 dark gray





When the mind, brain and brain mass work together and in perfect harmony, then alignments of understanding occur. For this it is necessary that the zones possess the adequate knowledge, so that they can unite and thus form an understanding. Let's look like this:

It has been said that the planet Earth will be entering the Age of Aquarius in the next 7 thousand years, where there will be an important alignment that will elevate the planet's beings to the fourth plane of existence. This phenomenon will occur because energy zones and centers 3; 4; 5 and 6 of the universal mind will unite and form an axis of energy exchange at all levels. When this occurs, the mind will have to be aligned as well. This means that the cognitive capacity of the four zones and centers 3; 4; 5 and 6 of their brains will have merged so that they work together.

To positively reach universal alignment, humans have to form the individual alignment of their minds.

The souls (energies-thoughts) that live in the different zones will be expressed according to the degree that corresponds to them. The I also has degrees of expression:

Ego (1y 2)

These thought energies are characterized by an exaggerated appreciation of themselves. The external senses revolve around their pleasures and always tend to satisfy their needs so that they are fully supplied, of course at any cost. They have an exaltation and fanciful valuation of their own personality. His experiences and experiences are based on the organic pleasures of ambivalent fullness, which causes the cancellation and development of his self .

I (3 and 4)

These energy-thoughts are the mediators between the ego and the character, or rather, between the antimatter and material worlds. It is here that these energy-thoughts are going to establish their relationship with their experiences and experiences and, according to them, they will form their personality .

The self is the assimilation of the internal and external whole; In this way, the antimatter worlds can constantly rewrite their crystals and learn to differentiate the imagination from the fantasy. The self is the total expression of these energy-thoughts, because it will have in itself, in its self, everything concerning its relation to the universe and its own development.

The self worked and understood will become the character and personality that will accompany him throughout eternity, and eternity full of knowledge, understanding and love is called individuality .

Character (4 and 5)

Each energy-thought has its own unique characteristics within the universe. There are not two exact energies in the entire universe ; They may have similar characteristics, but never the same. Therefore, the character is a set of qualities and circumstances of each energy and thought that distinguishes it from the others. The character is formed when thought-energies are recorded correctly; as long as they don't, the brain will be working alone with its self . Many times you confuse the character with the way of being. The latter is the result of the self, which can work correctly or distortedly, giving an appearance of character and personality.

The self are modes, genius, behavior, education, expression, modality.

The character is the soul of the self elevated to its maximum expression, recorded for all eternity, with reality of cause and effect, with full consciousness and in perfect agreement .

Personality (5 and 6)

While the character is a set of qualities that determine the characteristics of an energy-thought, personality is also a set of qualities and characteristics that determine the shape that shape the soul. The personality is distinguished because it stands out from the activity where the character personalizes his work, action and thought.

It is the originality ; It also means the adhesion of a person, to the tendencies he represents, adapting his taste and needs as well.

Individuality (6, 7, 8 and 9)

Here the soul particularly determined their characteristics and directed them, recording them in their individuality. His own features stand out for their interest, knowledge and understanding. His energy-thinking works apart from all others, because it differs and distinguishes itself by its trajectory of characterization and personality. Energy-thought stands out for courage, kindness and supreme universal intelligence.

The feelings:

Feelings are formulas-programs that are always repeated in the Universal Mind, because all its operation is based on codes that keep it active, dynamic and updated. Feelings are the soul of the Universal Mind, it is what makes it work well and eternally.

There are nine feelings that form the nine zones of the Universal Mind. When we all arrived on the planet, we brought in our essence the nine feelings, but these were divided when the distortion began. The first three grades 1-2 and 3 do not belong to THE BEING ONE, nor to the beings of the universe, were procreated by you. The beings of the planet Tera are unique in the universe that have recorded in their energy-thought this type of energy-thoughts, because in the terrible distortion they transformed:

Consciousness in ……………… Antagonism

Freedom in …………………… Survival

Love in ……………………… ..Cause and Effect

The result of depression is called Antagonism, because it was the denial of everything beautiful known for everything ugly to know.

From Antagonism, we can say that the following negative-ill emotions were born: anger, anger, helplessness, irritability, inconsequence, violence, laziness, passion, frenzy, exasperation, indignation and more.

Antagonism is part of human nature, had a disastrous influence on consciousness, properly annulled it that until today they fail to recover it.

What allows man to decide if he wants to do something or not, makes him free, but also responsible for his actions. In case the latter is not fulfilled, it would be talking about debauchery .

It can also be defined as the capacity for self-determination of the will, which allows human beings to act as they wish.

This is the true expression of this universal feeling, but humans annulled it to survive and turned it into: Dare, brazenness, debauchery, debauchery, boldness, disorder anarchy, slavery, dependence, oppression, coercion, tyranny, limitation etc. When La Libertad became a distorted and sick emotion, it transformed their lives into ... Survival.

Thus without affection, alone, sad and abandoned, humans turned Love into a great business of power and manipulation. They remember it vaguely, but they don't know how it is. Love has always used it for your own benefit, you give nothing if you do not receive it.

Starting from the ignorance of Love, you have always lived for the Passion. This emotion has led them to endless adventures so fanciful that they have never managed to see exactly the truth of their lives. The negative-sick emotion called Passion has transformed it into: Jealousy, insecurity, possession, dominance, manipulation, power, control, greed and ambition.

Passion is the most powerful negative emotion on the planet, for this emotion you deceive, steal, kill, possess and on behalf of it, you have used people, beings of good to continue subjugating them until they are drained and left inert. Because of this negative emotion, you are receiving The cause and the Effect, of all your acts, actions and thoughts. You are a result of this treacherous and very sick emotion.

The holograms were reprogrammed by these three devices. By canceling Consciousness, Freedom and Love, they were totally immersed in the darkness of their minds.

Consciousness, Freedom and Love were too subjective feelings to keep you alive within you, so what prevailed in the anomalous state you were in, were the instinctive senses (Antagonism) the sensations (Dependence) and the pleasant or unpleasant (Pleasure- pain). Of these three negative emotions was formed The Ego. This was the mirror of where everything humans are, was built.

From the Ego human beings have projected their lives and it is the Ego who also commands them. The Creator Desire became a Procreative Desire and through the procreative desire, you began to reschedule the needs of your holograms, fantasizingly inventing conditions and demands to satisfy the Ego. The center of you, that is, the Ego, demands more and more, to compensate for your lacks to feel alive and necessary.

The emotions:

Las emociones tanto positivas-sanas o negativas-enfermas se encuentran dentro del Ser en forma de energías-pensamientos y totalmente desordenadas, están tan enmarañadas, coladas unas con otras que forman un conglomerado energético donde no se pueden ver las formas, sentir las vibraciones, separar los colores, observar la intensidad o frecuencia de ellas.

Las Emociones-negativas-enfermas viven en el Plexo Solar y se alimentan del lado izquierdo del cerebro. Cuando una persona por infinidad de circunstancias activa una energía-pensamiento de envidia, este virus, esta energía-enferma se instala automáticamente en el lado izquierdo del cerebro en la zona tres.

El magnetismo correcto sería de la siguiente manera: Sale una energía positiva-elevada de la cabeza del lado derecho y baja hasta el primer centro energético (chacra) que es la procreación, como es una energía-pensamiento elevada ella no procrea otros pensamientos. Ahí sale y regresa nuevamente al lado derecho del del cerebro, donde creará otras energías-pensamientos elevadas.

The wrong magnetism would be as follows: It leaves the head, on the left side, goes down and enters the solar plexus where all the emotions are found. It leaves the solar plexus and goes down to the procreation center, where envy will procreate other sick thoughts such as her: Rivalry, jealousy, resentment, passion, nonconformity, antipathy, anger, hostility etc. They all make their way back, leave the procreation center, enter the solar plexus again where the sick emotions are, leave there and return to the left side of the brain.

Como pueden ver, salió una sola energía-pensamiento enferma: la envidia y regresaron ocho más con ella. If the person continues to feed that sick emotion, he will multiply it many times between and leaving the procreation center and the solar plexus. Estas energías-pensamientos enfermas continuarán proliferándose de tal manera que después comenzarán a atacar a la energía material, porque buscarán la expansión y el espacio necesario para continuar multiplicándose y enfermando todo lo que encuentren a su paso.

Cuando el cerebro del lado izquierdo activa una energía-pensamiento-negativa-enferma, esta saldrá y hará el mismo recorrido que el anterior, solo que habrá una diferencia. Cuando esté de regreso y se encuentre proliferado en otros pensamientos negativos-enfermos, el lado derecho donde se encuentran las energías-pensamientos sanas y elevadas como: la consciencia, la humanidad, el entendimiento, el amor etc. le harán sopesar que lo que ella está pensando no está correcto.

Sentirá dentro de ella angustia, preocupación, arrepentimiento, comprensión, entendimiento, entonces la persona por propia voluntad y por el Deseo-Creador de transmutación, absorberá esas energías-pensamientos-enfermos y los hará entrar a su lado derecho del cerebro, donde se encuentra su laboratorio mental y es ahí en donde se realizará también la alquimia de transmutar una energía-pensamiento-enferma convirtiéndola en una energía-pensamiento-sana.

Cuando la persona realiza la transmutación con el lado derecho del cerebro, la emoción-envidia, la cual está regresando con la procreación de ocho emociones enfermas, entraran en el proceso de creación, porque el laboratorio y la alquimia que existe en ese lado las transformará en energías-pensamientos de caridad, nobleza, comprensión, aceptación, humildad, amor y mucho más.

A través de este proceso la persona comenzará a nivelar su magnetismo, de tal manera que este bajará y subirá de polo a polo, o sea de su lado derecho del cerebro al centro de procreación y saldrá de ahí directamente al lado derecho de creación. Queremos decir, que ella no procreará pensamientos negativos, porque no estará entrando en el plexo solar donde residen las Emociones- negativas-enfermas, con este trabajo irán desapareciendo hasta eliminar el último vestigio.

Cuando el ser termine de transmutarlas, se convertirán en Sentimientos, los cuales pertenecen al lado derecho del cerebro o sea, estas energías-pensamientos servirán para la formación del Ser Energético. El resultado final de este proceso alquímico estabilizará el magnetismo del ser y con ello se estará preparando para la salida a otras realidades.

La Enfermedad:

Lo que los humanos llaman enfermedades no son otra cosa que la inestabilidad frecuencial y vibratoria entre la electricidad (alimentos inadecuados) y el magnetismo (pensamientos inadecuados). Cuando la carga eléctrica y magnética está abarrotada de electrones, ellos tienden a acumular los átomos y colarlos unos a los otros, porque ellos se sentirán atraídos como un imán al vació negro que este cúmulo de átomos formará, produciendo choques eléctricos y un magnetismo desordenado, éstos a través del tiempo producirán las enfermedades psíquicas, consecuentemente repercutirá en el cuerpo denso (físico).

Pero si los átomos del cuerpo denso o del cerebro tienen la LUZ de los fotones, los electrones no se sentirán atraídos porque son de carga negativa, pero los que si se sentirán atraídos son los protones y cuando lo realizan, ellos giran alrededor de la luz, más no se agrupan entre ellos, al contrario ellos giran aliviando la carga eléctrica y magnética porque la vuelven más liviana y sutil.

El descontrol químico de los seres del planeta redunda en serias enfermedades psíquicas, una de estas enfermedades futuras y graves será La Depresión y la Bipolaridad. Este descontrol químico se debe a que la persona tiene demasiados electrones en su cerebro y esto se produce por la cantidad de medicinas que ingiere o por la pésima alimentación que tiene. Al producir muchos electrones, estos invaden el centro del núcleo eliminando los protones y es esto lo que causa el desequilibrio químico.

A partir del Subconsciente es donde comienzan a generarse las enfermedades, porque al no curarlas en la psiquis, el mal prosigue su camino atacando e invadiendo la energía más densa. Las enfermedades producidas por las Emociones-negativas-enfermas, las cuales se encuentran en determinadas zonas del cerebro, clasificará que tipo de enfermedad se generará en el cuerpo material, porque la gravedad en su manifestación dependerá de la intensidad y distorsión psíquica que la Emoción-negativa-enferma contenga en sí misma.






Drogas, alcoholismo, concupiscencia, lujuria, asesinato, sadismo, masoquismo, depravación, robo y más.


Mentira, vanidad, soberbia, poder, ambición, aprovechamiento y manipulación, maldad, violencia, envidia, celos enfermizos, posesión desmesurada.


Miedo, gula, enga o, pereza, tristeza, depresi n negativismo, falta de estima, de seguridad, de car cter y personalidad,



Sentimientos y emociones conflictivos, falta de an lisis, inconsecuencia, inestabilidad, falta de voluntad, de coraje; falta de conocimiento, comprensi ny amor.


Aqu se cometen errores por ignorancia y no por enfermedad. Es necesario ampliar el conocimiento.






Hay conocimiento de la causa y el efecto.

Las ideas son psicoanalizadas y profundamente congruentes, poseen la virtud y el don de la

visualizaci n externa e interna. Pueden plasmarse

Zona 1 Antagonismo

Esta primera zona cerebral se encarga de hacer funcionar en autom tico los sistemas del cuerpo material. Cuando esta zona est enferma de Emociones-negativas-enfermas, heredadas o generadas por el mismo individuo, tienden a enfermarse, porque quien las rige no es La Consciencia, sino el Antagonismo.

La enfermedad se manifestar dependiendo de la gravedad e intensidad del Antagonismo que ese ser tenga consigo mismo y con todo lo que lo rodea.

El Antagonismo es la falta de Amor que el ser tiene consigo, ustedes lo conocen como: Baja auto-estima y esta se genera por la presi n de la sociedad, cuando el ser no llega a conseguir lo que el Ego propio y de los dem s, presiona para obtener resultados irreales y fantasiosos.

Las zonas b sicas son: Sistema Procreativo: Mujer y Hombre.

Zona 2 Sobreviviencia

Esta segunda zona cerebral se encarga de hacer funcionar en el cuerpo material todo lo que trabaja semi-autom tico en el. Cuando esta zona est enferma de Emociones-negativas-enfermas, heredadas o generadas, tienden a enfermarse, porque quien la rige no es La Libertad, sino La Sobreviviencia. La enfermedad se manifestar dependiendo de la gravedad e intensidad de la Sobreviviencia que ese ser tenga consigo mismo y con todo lo que lo rodea.

La Sobreviviencia tiene todo que ver con los Afectos y Emociones que el ser desarrolla durante su vida y reencarnaciones. Es importante resaltar, que ese desenvolvimiento dentro de l lo encausar a sobrevivir en forma positiva y continuar para el mejoramiento de su existencia.

Sistema digestivo Sistema seo Sistema Muscular Sistema Nervioso Piel U as Ojos O dos Olfato Dientes Cabellos.

Zona 3 Causalidad

Esta tercera zona cerebral se encarga de hacer funcionar en el cuerpo material todo lo que trabaja consciente en el. Cuando esta zona est enferma de Emociones-negativas-enfermas, heredadas o generadas, tienden a enfermarse, porque quien la rige no es El Amor, sino La Causalidad. La enfermedad se manifestar dependiendo de la gravedad e intensidad de las obras, acciones y pensamientos que ese ser tenga consigo mismo y con todo lo que lo rodea.

Sistema Endocrino Sistema Circulatorio Sistema Respiratorio Sistema Inmunol gico Cerebro.

La Cura:

Para corregir la distorsi n se debe de estar consciente de la realidad, cruda, sin ocultamientos, tienen que saber confrontar su vida y hacer de ella una verdad.

Ustedes perdonan siempre las ofensas recibidas?, Evitan hablar mal de los otros?, Sienten arrepentimiento cuando hacen algo equivocado?, Ayudan a su pr jimo?, Evitan quejarse de todo?, Procuran dominar sus vicios?, Tienen paciencia con los dem s?, ¿Se irritan con facilidad?, ¿Son ustedes amorosos y comprensivos?, ¿Juzgan y condenan sin saber la verdad?, ¿Piden al universo por los seres del planeta?, ¿Consiguen hacer planes y realizarlos?, ¿Se sienten arrepentidos cuando hacen algo errado?, ¿Se preocupan de aprender, leer, entender?, ¿Sienten compasión por sus semejantes?, ¿Existe amor por los animales, plantas y medio ambiente?, ¿Son conscientes del entorno en que viven? ¿Son caritativos con aquellos que lo necesitan? ¿Ustedes discriminan a los seres por razas, países, costumbres, idiomas?, ¿Saben lo que significa el verdadero amor?, ¿Desean realmente cambiar para ser seres de bien?

Hacerse estas preguntas y responderlas con conocimiento de Causa y Efecto se llama: Introspección de la Consciencia . Busquen, indaguen, procuren dentro de ustedes las respuestas, hagan este trabajo, porque solo así sabrán que están en el camino correcto, no desistan, sean fuertes y confróntense con su verdad. Es cierto que el medio ambiente no los ayuda, porque ustedes sienten que nadan contra la corriente, pero les decimos que el nadar en contra, los va a convertir en seres muy fuertes y dinámicos.

Los doce pasos para emprender el camino de regreso.

1- Despierten dentro de sí mismos “La Consciencia con Creencia”.

2- Activen en sus vidas “El Deseo Creador”.

3- Entren al verdadero “Conocimiento” de la Vida.

4-Impulsen dentro de ustedes “El Entendimiento Consciente”.

5-Obtengan la existencia con “Resultados Reales”.

6- Estudien y Entiendan “Los Simbolismos de la Vida y Entorno”.

7- Vivan de acuerdo a lo “Aprendido”.

8- Donen “El Amor con Consciencia”.

9- Activen el “Contacto con el Interior”.

10- Vivan bajo las “Normas Universales”

11- Sean “Conscientes del futuro”

12- Prepárense para ese “futuro”.


Este artículo fue inspirado por el libro tres del Ser Uno: Los Seramitas .

1. Un texto que explica a los niños cómo es la ciudad interna es Ami. Civilizaciones internas de Enrique Barrios.

2.Un ejemplo de ese recordar aparece en la película Desafío total (Total recall) en la que al protagonista le colocan un implante en su cerebro que le hace recordar una de sus vidas en Marte.

3. Una película que muestra de forma didáctica el funcionamiento de los hologramas es Viaje a las estrellas: La próxima generación, en donde la plataforma de hologramas de la nave “Enterprise” es capaz de crear imágenes de objetos y personas, las cuales operan dentro de los parámetros especificados por las personas que programan la “realidad”.

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