The City of Light, the transit to the beyond. For the Interanos

  • 2012

What awaits us when we disembody and go to the antimatter reality, to the even reality? What is the soul? What is the beyond?

When we are incarnated we find ourselves on the outside of planet Earth in a soul-containing body. When we are disembodied we go to Atlantis, where is the Internal Antimatter City of the Brothers-Interanos-Sixth Grade.

The Material-Atlantis-Material Reality:

First Grade: Nefilins.

Second Degree: Reptilians (Incarnate in the mold-man)

Third Grade: Men (Incarnate in the mold-man)

Fourth Grade: Human (Incarnate in the mold-man)

Fifth Grade: Human Beings (Incarnate in the mold-man)

The Reality Antimatter-LEMUR is divided into:

Sixth Grade: Interan Brothers (Souls)

Seventh Grade: Elohim Brothers (Souls-spirits)

Eighth Grade: Seramit Brothers (Spirit)

Ninth Grade: Voluntary Brothers of the Ships (Spirit)

There are four Internal Cities, of four different degrees. When talking about degrees, reference is made to these realities having four densities in their Nimeos-energy. The first two: Sixth and Seventh grades, the man-molds still need somehow to continue living and the other two (eighth and ninth grades) have already gotten rid of the mold, they can survive without the need to incarnate or be born in them.

It is necessary to avoid the confusion of Atlantis with Atlantis and Lemur with Lemuria. The first was a material city that developed on the surface of the planet, developed jointly with those of the interior about 100 million years ago.

The Atlantis-Internal-Antimatter City is located in one of the points of the Star of the Six points. She is not in a stable place, she changes places according to the electromagnetism of the planet. Today, it is located in South America at the height of Peru (Machupicchu), South of Brazil, Part of Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina and part of Chile.

The City-Internal-Ship, has a diameter of 18 kilometers. It is called the City of Crystal, because it is made of Silicon Crystal, rather, quartz-vibration-magnetic, these elements were extracted from the huge and deep caverns located below the poles. This quartz was exposed in the antiquity to gamma solar rays and these rays were responsible for extracting any impurity that formed it, leaving the quartz suitable for antimatter life and the transposition of the sun's rays, allowing the existence of extraterrestrial life, which adapted in a different condition to human life from outside.

This is the Kingdom of Heaven for Christians; It is Shambala and Shangril for the East; The Island of valon for the Anglo-Saxons; Mount Olympus for the Greeks; the Montsalvat of the myths of King Arthur; the Mountain of the Prophets, for Tibet and Lemuria, Atlántida and the Kingdom of Mu for the Esoteric and Metaphysics continued the brother Interano Also n known as: The Hollow Earth. Everything mentioned above is a single reality, which you have divided by countries, terminology, religions and languages. The legends of each town have given it a different name, but it is always the same.

We know the city of Cristal with different names: Nirvana, Shangri-la, Cielo, Dwelling of the gods, Olympus and other names that we have given to the place where the disembodied go, is a City-Internal-Antimatter-Ship, which moves to convenience, this city is not static, fluctuates and adapts to the electromagnetism of the planet. It is currently oscillating between North America and South America. A long time ago it was located on Mount Himalayas.


Within the Earth there are continents, seas, rivers, lagoons and everything that is outside, with a big difference, the air that is the atmosphere is not polluted and this is possible by magnetism existing that is based on the vibration of the stable thinking of its inhabitants. These beings know energy perfectly and know how they should handle it, shape it and feed on it. They live in a similar way to you, but the food, education and work are totally different.

It is an orderly, equitable society, where there is no violence, evil, deceit, lies, hospitals, prisons and everything negative-sick that exists abroad. Education takes place in the same home where parents teach their children. Marriage exists and is done by union of frequency, vibration, rhythm, color etc. Children are conceived and gestated just like you, but they are brought only and exclusively when an Interan needs to reincarnate, that is, in hundreds of years. They are born with recorded ancestral wisdom and have it conscious since childhood, so in each existence they continue their evolution and elevation.

The Interanos:

The Interan Brothers are very similar to humans from abroad. Tall stature, slightly slanted eyes of light color, very light hair, so much that it seems platinum or white. Brother Interano has his short hair and sister Interana, uses it a little longer, at the height of his ears. They wear loose and very comfortable clothes. They are disembodied spirits of the City-Internal-material. They are in charge of the Antimatter reality (beyond) and they are the ones who receive us when we from the outside disembody. Our Interan brothers belong to the Inner-material City of the interior of the planet called: ATLANTIS.

From the grades: seventh, eighth and ninth already have more defined Ayaplian features. The seventh grade are tall, very thin, without hair, large, torn and clear eyes, small nose and mouth, white and iridescent skin (Ayaplianos-Elohim). The eighth grade is also tall, very thin, hairless, large and clear eyes., small nose and mouth, slightly coppery skin (Ayapliano-Seramitas) The Ninth grade are similar to Ayaplianos-Seramitas with certain differences, they have the finest and thinnest body, no hair, large eyes torn and clear, no hair (Volunteers of the ships).

Most of the contacts or channeling that are received abroad are with the sixth degree of the City-Internal-Atlantis, that is, of the Inter-spirits-disembodied-antimatter, called Ascended Masters.

The Brothers-Interan-Materials are born as spiritual beings, they do not need to learn, work or assimilate the spiritual energy is innate in them. The Interans live according to universal Knowledge, Understanding and Love, it is part of their energy that is already recorded from life to life.

The family nucleus as there is in foreign families does not exist in the even reality. Even reality, that is, the Antimatter World is based and works by frequency, vibration, rhythm colors and more. This would be the true spiritual family.

Comparatively, we can say that the Brothers-Interanns are in the sixth month of gestation of their Baby-spirit (sixth graduation), and are preparing to enter the seventh month of gestation. When they do they become Elohim (seventh graduation). When the Elohim enter the eighth month, they become Seramites (eighth graduation) and upon entering the ninth month of gestation, they will be Ayaplian-Volunteers of the ships.

This is the energetic process of existence, which the spirit of humans does in the Inner City.


The beyond is very similar to the earthly reality and depending on the vibratory degree of the soul, we join other disembodied souls, which will be on the same frequency as ours. In that disembodied reality, we are received, guided and taught by other higher souls, which show us another reality of existence, explain to us why of our lives, what is the way, why we must realize it, in what we fail or in that we were good and a thousand things, that as children still, we must learn, analyze and above all, understand deeply to continue the cosmic path.

When we disembody and go to the Antimatter reality, we tend to forget the unnecessary details that we live in the earthly reality, we will only remember what really matters for spiritual advancement. This also happens when we are born on the material plane, we will only remember the Antimatter World as a dream.

In each life and in each incarnation, we bring with us only the essence of what we have to work, understand, analyze, correct or donate, teach, transmit, etc. This is the reason why we do not remember past lives and if we do, they will only be flashes that will remind us of certain details of those lives, with the purpose of some work that we should do or some karma that we will have to transmute.

The day we disengage and go to that parallel reality Antimatter, we will meet the beings we met and loved in earthly lives. But like a school, each one will belong to the degree that corresponds to it. It means that in that world Antimatter souls join others by frequency and vibration, they come together because they are very similar.

The process of disengagement is cerebral and it is there that the experience is executed when the soul is ready for the trip. When the soul is ready to discarnate, it leaves the mold-man and does so depending on its frequency and electricity.

The exit can be through the farm of procreation, if it is a dense, dark, materialistic, vicious, addicted soul etc. The exit of the soul is produced by a chemical sequence. If your Nimeos-energy are charged with electrons, their output will be produced by the Chakra of Procreation and in doing so you will be attracted by the darkness of the lowest electromagnetism, since it is charged with iron and being so will be attracted to Earth, since this one is rich in iron.

If the soul detached itself from most of its materiality, it is conscious of its life and lived according to moral and ethical norms, if its work, action and thoughts were of good intentions, then it will leave by the Solar Plexus. If its output is produced by the Solar Plexus, it means that it has more protons than electrons, then it will be attracted to the Light of electromagnetism and its electrical charge. As this soul has a quantity of Quarks attached to the protons, its electricity is higher and moderately acute, therefore it will be attracted by a medium electromagnetism.

And if your consciousness is awake, if your work, action and thought move through Cause and Effect; if your Knowledge, Understanding and Love, exceed the planetary level and focus on the cosmos of eternal creation etc. then it will leave, through the Pineal Gland. If the soul leaves through the Pineal Gland, then it will no longer be attracted by electromagnetism, but its protons and Quarks will be attracted by the magnetism of the planet and it is at both poles. It is the highest magnetism and the highest frequency.

Those who claim to see a light at the end of the tunnel, rather had an astral journey and that white light they saw, is the cord that still joins them to the mold-man.


The antimatter reality, heaven, purgatory, hell and more names that have been given to it, is nothing other than the electromagnetism that surrounds the entire planet, one could now say more accurately that it is the soul of the Cell-Planet Earth.

The antimatter reality is divided into: Gravity (mold-man) Electromagnetism (soul) and Magnetism (spirit) When the souls, that is, the Nimeos-energy disengage, are placed in the electromagnetism to continue living, because there they find the necessary means to your livelihood We are clear that the antimatter reality is electromagnetism and also that this reality is home to the souls or rather to the Nimeos-energy, which need to feed on the electricity it contains.

The City of Crystal is in magnetism, that is, it is in the Luminosity of electromagnetism and this is small compared to the antimatter reality. Souls are received and classified in electromagnetism. The spirits or babies-spirits are received in the Magnetic-Antimatter reality, where the antimatter ship is located and where all the Major-Ayaplian Brothers are.

All atoms, and therefore, all forms of matter existing in our environment, are composed of only three solid particles: the proton, the neutron and the electron. A fourth particle, the photon, has no mass and represents the unit of electromagnetic radiation.

The kids

Numbers are mental forms conformed by a variety of images, and the grouping of the Nimeos-energies gives rise to the geometry, which is nothing other than the union of Nimeos -energies-Ideas, which are expressed in geometrical forms, in a symbolic language as a characteristic language for the communication of cosmic thinking.

What we call the Flower of Life, is really the design of the unique principle. The image represents the Nimeos-energy, they are the core of the center of the flower of the six petals, Star of the six points with the six elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Ether and Helium, which multiplied infinitely. This is the principle of the COSMIC HOLOGRAM. The Nimeos-energà © as we know them today as Nano-technology.

We can compare the Nimeos-energy with the Pixels, which need the light of the crystals to work and also electricity to give the movement. The soul is millions of Nimeos-energy (pixels) that when they are separated they say nothing and when they join together they form figures that are projected as on the TV screen. The Nimeos-energy do not generate their own light, this should be applied by the crystals that form it and by the clarity they have. That is why we say that it has a backlight or fixed light source, which illuminates those crystals of the Nimeos-energy.

The amount of light that passes through the crystals that form the Nimeos-energy is what will determine the frequency, vibration and electromagnetism of the soul. This is due to the vibrational or electrical excitation of the passage of light, causing the Nimes to react to the amount of light that passes through them. The differences between the souls will be marked by the amount of pixel points, that is, of Nimeos-energy that each one contains. The more Nimeos-energy has a soul, (Tiny Crystals) the more it will approach to form its spirit, we mean that its expression will be clear, clear and perfect.

The energy-Nimeos that form the soul have to live within the electromagnetism because they feed on electricity, so they have to take it from the environment in order to survive, unlike the spirit, which lives in Magnetism does not need electricity because it generates its own: Vibration, therefore, both Nimeos-energy cannot be joined, they both exist in different realities and feed back from other energ frequencies. Ethics.

In the Antimatter Reality, the Nimeos-energy has the ability to see their incarnations from various angles of understanding, in this way they can be correctly addressed when they return to incarnate.

When the soul conceives its Baby-spirit it means that it is nourished by millions of positive Energy-Nimeos and unites them like pixels. These Nimeos-energy that are nothing but tiny crystals, are acquiring and absorbing the Light of the Sun Astro becoming luminous and photonic crystals. These Nimeos-energy-crystals when joining and being more and more, will project a clear and perfect image, this image, this hologram you call it: Spirit, we: Being Energy.

We can compare the holographic projection of Nimeos-energy with the following energies:

Physical (Matter) ………………… Energy- Analog

Alma (Psiquis) …………………… .. Energy- Digital

Spirit (Mind) ……………… .. Energy- High Definition

The soul.

The soul is Nimeos-Energías that when belonging to a planet and living in bodies-species-man has acquired characteristics of the species and in the course of its incarnations it achieves experiences and experiences, forming its crystals, molds them and attaches to the universal wisdom .

The soul or rather the Nimeos-energy are charged with electrons and protons, when these Nimeos-energy disembark from the mold-man and depending on their charge, they will be attracted to their electromagnetism. Electromagnetism is all over the planet, it has nine degrees and we can define these as layers, one on top of the other. Here we can understand when we perceive "ghosts or souls in grief" or when in certain places souls get trapped giving the impression that those places are haunted.

First group of souls:

This group of souls only work with one element: Earth, they are very primary, materialistic and quite dense and distorted Nimeos-energy.

Second group of souls:

There are those who have the soul which works only two elements: Earth and Fire, these individuals although they are materialistic, dense and primary, they are emotional, it means that their emotions will help them to purify and transmute their Nimeos-energy, their emotions will somehow break the X Factor because its Probability will allow you to choose between the negative and positive. The X Factor becomes a propeller, which will rotate slowly, to break the rigidity and break the schemes of inflexible thinking.

The third group of souls:

They are beings that their Nimeos-energy work with three elements: Earth, Fire and Water. It means that it will depend on the individual if he raises the frequency and vibration of his Nimeos-energy that form his soul. They are beings that they have chosen, they are not directed by the X Factor but if they are helped by the vibration that the X propeller makes when it rotates, since the probability of the fire of their emotions, they are extinguished by the water of life. They already know what they want, who they are and where they are going.

Fourth group of souls:

These souls are formed by the energy-Nimeos that contain in themselves the four known elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air envelop the soul and form the third and new circle around the soul. The X-Factor propeller will spin at high speed, will cause the Nimeos-energy to vibrate at such a high frequency that they will emanate the golden light of the soul. The Nimeos-energy of emotions, will be transmuted into feelings and these are the ones that will record in them the elevation of the soul.

Fifth group of souls:

The Nimeos-energy of these souls are special because they contain in themselves one more element that is: The Ether. At this stage the Baby-spirit is conceived, which is the fifth helix of the six-pointed star, it is the exit ticket. This propeller is placed around the soul, so the six-pointed star begins to form.

The fifth helix points towards the South and that is where the souls arrive for their final cleansing and for their spiritual preparation and thus be able to head to the North, for this they will need to form the sixth helix that, when turning at the speed of light, will attract it by feeding their Nimeos-energies for all eternity.

Sixth group of souls:

The Nimeos-energy have formed the six-pointed star. One more element was added: Helium, the sixth helix formed, points north. The propellers rotate vibrate and raise the frequency of the Nimeos-energy at such a high speed that their vibration no longer belongs to the planet, it seeks its exit into the cosmic universe of LIGHT and LOVE.

The magical work of the soul consists of creativity, in the design of the appropriate mental forms so that the soul can manifest itself through the mind.

Spirituality is nothing other than the charge of protons, these are not considered elementary particles, but composite particles, they are two quarks above and a quark below, which are also joined by the strong nuclear force. The mass of these three quarks only accounts for 5% of the mass of the proton, the rest comes from the computation of the binding energy. For this reason its movement produces: vibration.

They are placed inside the magnetism and not in the electricity unlike the electrons that in spite of being lighter are of quantity, for this reason they tend to stay much closer to the Earth, since they need the humidity of the water to produce the electricity. And protons need the luminosity of the Sun to produce the vibration.

The strength centers:

The energy centers become the dynamism used by the soul for the transformation of the magnetic flux into electricity. Such dynamism is the plot of life that transmits electricity to the nervous system (brain), and vitality to the organism through the circulatory system (heart) keeping it regulated through the endocrine system (glands).

The energy centers feed on electromagnetism, man lives by this food and depending on his thoughts-energies, he will open or close the centers according to his energy supply. When the being enters the path of energetic elevation, in parallel he also elevates his thought-energies and in doing so his Nimeos-energy, that is, his soul, he also increases the degrees of electromagnetism, when he performs his first two Energy Centers, he they are closing, thus avoiding the entry of dense souls.

When these first two centers are closed, you will begin to feel that your sexual desires are appeased, because your sexual feeling will be transformed from instinct and feeling into need and feeling. Feeling this way will raise your energy, transporting it to the Solar Plexus. The sexual sensation will be transmuted into Need of Love, realized with true and authentic Love.

The centers are energy frequency transformers and are also small storage warehouses, in their own right. The impulse of the soul is love and we experience it in the beating heart. The expanding heart chakra generates a large magnetic field.


This article is a summary of the fifth book of El Ser Uno, channeled by Franca Rosa Canónico, the theoretical foundation on antimatter can be found in Fritjof Capra's book The tao of physics .

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