The science of miracles

  • 2014

The Universe, by design, is an intelligent Universe where mathematics and physics are a key language to understand its laws and principles. A Course in Miracles and the Universal Law of Attraction tell us that the Universe is Unlimited, cannot differentiate the scope or magnitude of a Miracle. The Miracle is probably going to be considered something as small, and it is great simply from our own perceptions. Let's talk about how to actually operate a Miracle and why we should not put an expectation on the magnitude of our Greatness when we join our Hearts. The best way to explain how a Miracle works is to use the theory of the transition of an atomic electron, also known as Quantum Leap.

A transition from an atomic electron is a change of an electron from one quantum state to another within an atom or an artificial atom. It appears as something that is not continuous because the electron jumps from one level of energy to another in a few nanoseconds or less. [i] These Quantum Jumps occur when the energy begins to vibrate at a higher rate, and therefore, it jumps at another frequency, bringing it closer to the Source of the frequency of your new vibration. It is the same for us, humans, in the sense that we are composed of molecules , atoms, and energy, which means that we also have our own individual and collective frequency emitted to the Universe . What is significant here is that we are also capable at the individual and collective level of giving a Quantum Leap according to the Universal Law and Physics 101.

When we connect emotionally with the idea that "God" is an energy and not a "man" sitting in Heaven judging and waiting for us to "die" to decide whether we will go to Heaven or "hell", we free ourselves from any fear embracing the Unconditional Love of "God ." In fact, the Source Energy and / or the Source never dies, it only changes shape. The energy of "God" is Love, and the closer we vibrate from the Source, the more we will resonate with the frequency of "God." The Source or Love, which is the reason why this state feels so natural to our being. It is a state of Pure Love free from all judgment. It can also be defined as benevolence, Compassion, Generosity, State of Grace, or a Sea of ​​Tranquility.

A quantum leap?

As many are seeing the small changes around them and waiting for a Miracle in the form of a Quantum Leap, we can all take steps to make this Event happen because it is physically possible that it is so.

Like atoms and molecules, it must begin in the INTERIOR in order to manifest itself in the "outside" or in our reality. As we, as a collective, raise our vibration back with that of the Source or Unconditional Love, it will become more uncomfortable for those who continue to remain "out" or in a vibration of fear. We must learn to follow the Laws of the Universe living in Harmony with the Earth and its resources. We must live in balance with each other in equality, free of "terms / labeling" and separation. There are many people on the planet right now who are living a Life of Heart of Love, forgiveness, and balance.

As many continue to raise their vibration, they also raise the vibration of the collective, where those living outside or in a state of fear (of war, someone?), Anger, greed, lack, victim or with a mindset to judge, will find It is difficult for them to remain at this low negative vibratory level. Some describe this as karma, but it is best described as the Universal Law of Duality and / or simply of Cause and Effect . It requires a look inside to find the cause and then look for the effect it is having on our individual and collective reality. In other words, anything that is not based on Love will begin to manifest itself as something perceived as "negative" in our reality sooner or later, but in this displeasure is where Miracles are born.

There is no right or wrong perspective, only a way of perceiving positive or negative. We can perceive when we are uncomfortable, angry, or judging, or we can perceive when we hold our Truth, we are in Peace, in Equality and Unconditional Love. Everything is a mental state that manifests itself as a state known as Christ Consciousness, Zen, Nirvana, Heaven, and some other definitions that words cannot describe.

It is not a "place" but a state of Consciousness that begins as a knowledge and manifests itself as becoming Wisdom when it is recognized as a Universal Truth from within. If we do not see the change we want to see in our Lives, this is because we are not allowing ourselves to RECEIVE the Gift that comes to us in the form of situations that reoccur where we can change the way we think, see and feel the circumstances in our lives., which is always a direct reflection of our respective thoughts.

As we practice emotional and spiritual intelligence moving from fear of Love, this actually tells our DNA what to do in this "evolution" we are going through collectively! We understand that "God" is actually a Source of Intelligent and Infinite Love and answers our prayers with an infinite number of Positive results in seemingly impossible situations.

Love is the answer

It requires a great Courage of the Heart to embark deep in our INNER where we could feel that we were "wrong" in our way of perceiving our respective reality. We must remember that our perspective is not "wrong, " but that by rising to a higher frequency of Love we must emotionally release things that are not on the same vibrational frequency. It is in our human nature to wish to have Reason and continue, instead of looking and seeing something in order to make a change. Change is usually uncomfortable because it means something new when we are programmed (usually through fear) to yearn for something safe and / or familiar. In order to change the vibration to a higher energy, we also need to change our perspective from something based on "fear" or ego to something based on Love.

The Gift of Self-exploration is necessary in order to gain emotional intelligence for us, for the collective, and for our planet so that we can begin to give the Quantum Leap of Faith together. We cannot be intelligent if we are denying our emotions and continue to live in a state of disharmony and discontent, and an emotional state based on fear in the form of poverty, inequality, war and oppression. This trajectory is not something that one can go around because it is necessary in order to Create a Miracle, so that we all walk it together and integrate the highest vibration of Love (God) into our physical reality - the "Event" so to speak.

Whether by a small jump or a Quantum Leap we are collectively on the Path to Home, which is our own type of Heaven manifested individually, thus creating it in physical form. It is up to us as individuals to decide the extent of our Miracles, our Leap of Faith. We can receive each day as a Miracle when we give ourselves the Gift of Spiritual Consciousness . By granting this Gift to the Self you give a Miracle to the Humanity collective, to the Earth, and / or to our Universe. This is the Gift destined for EVERYONE, and to receive it all one has to do is intend to do it. A Divine Gift of Love and a Quantum Leap, all wrapped in a Miracle! Please say: "Yes!"


Translated: Gloria Mühlebach

The science of miracles

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