The 12:12:12 activation ", by Archangel Gabriel

  • 2012

Dear ones:

Activation 12:12:12 on December 12, 2012 will bring the highest frequencies already encoded in the Light of Christ Consciousness to the planet for the transformation of the Earth and all Beings.

Through the power of the associated portals, held open by the Archangels at 11:11, a new Force of Christ Consciousness will be available during Activation 12:12:12. The power of this alarm energy enables each person and have the experience of the Christ Light at the time of the 12:12:12 Code.

Once experienced, you will not return to the old ways, for the Golden Christ Light literally eliminates from your Being the frequencies that no longer serve you. Transformed by the Light, the cells awaken towards the codification incorporated by their soul.

This activation was held in suspense until earthly consciousness supported mass awakening. Awareness and preparation are key subjects for the transformation available by the Christ Light.

The time is now

12:12:12 represents an activation of Divine Love within, through and around you. When Divine Love activates the coded filaments of Light within a Being there is a communion of awakening. He shifts the body to a 12-helices system and allows the connection of DNA strands. This activates the subtle energy that joins the new 12-chakra system.

The Light alone cannot create the connection, despite the Divine Intelligence that is within the Force of Light. Divine Love is necessary to awaken the code of the union of your Soul with the conclusion inherent in the Twelve. This is the Awakening in the Christ Consciousness.

Divine Unity

Through 12:12:12 there will be a sense of rebirth towards unity with all its aspects.

Say hello to a new level of respect and honor your commitment to this life.

Their willingness to continue on the Path of Light over time brought them to a conclusion of one aspect of their soul journey.

Now your task is to take this new fortitude deeply into your Being to empower you.

Let the Christ Light infiltrate all cells and create a new healing force that will penetrate your consciousness.

When you integrate this alignment into you, Divine Love in your energy fields will activate your DNA and become so widespread that your world will literally begin to change around you.

Start using this new connection to the Christ Energy, which contains the Force of the Light of Healing and Compassion.

Take her to all her stories, all her relationships and all the places in her life that still don't seem to radiate with all the goodness you have imagined.

Use this Golden Light to strengthen yourself with true forgiveness and compassion.

No matter what is happening, focus on Unity within the true Light of Christ and bring this Divine Love and Compassion to yourself.

Create a habit of doing this before any other reaction can happen and you will discover that this is truly a new time to be alive.

New Structures in the Human Energy System

With Activation 12:12:12, new structures are built in the human energy system. The alignment of the connection of the 12 strands in the structure of the DNA opens the way for the creation of the 12 chakra system.

This alteration of the paradigm within the development of the coded Human Being begins to create a fully aligned structure that operates at the highest frequency of energy available now.

This new aligned energy system allows the human being not only to navigate this earthly era, but also pave the way for others to respond.

The codes installed in the human energy system that fire at different times have created waves of change in the structures installed in the old world paradigm. Now each person will feel the impulse of the soul to enter into intentional action, withdraw or choose to leave the planet completely to wait for a more developed time on Earth.

The greatest evolution at planetary levels creates new openings for souls to enter.

Those whose encoded DNA of Light allowed their frequencies of Light to alter, now operate in a multidimensional earth simultaneously magnetizing other souls.

A cross-linking of energy frequencies provides its own internal code with an increase in resonance, attracts more of those who are prepared to wake up. It is truly an exciting time to be alive and you were born to be the creators of the new structures on Earth. In this new energy you can feel as if you are finally returning home.

They create an empowered vision to serve them, as they raise their energy frequencies in the new light structures of 12:12:12 codes. This will activate your energy centers in a new way.

They create a deep vital connection to an Earth waiting for this time of respect. You have invisible companions whose work includes their evolution to assist in the creation of a fully operational world that operates on a higher frequency of Light and Divine Love. You were born for this. Now is your time.

Visualize the 12-strand helix of the coded DNA of light within you going deep to Earth and above your head. This will empower the connection of the 12 chakra system above, inside and below your body.

Meet with others at the time of 12:12:12 to assist in the firing of the energy codes of the new matrix.

These will be the structures that help create the Nova Terra, one where the spirit in all things is honored, and beauty and harmony are sanctified.

If you are reading this, you are aligned to the Christ Energy that empowers new life at the time coded at 12:12:12 on December 12, 2012. It is the true beginning of a paradigm alteration to continue. for the next three years.

Everything will change. Commit to an evolution with grace to build the new structures within your Being, so that those of the world can follow the project. You were always the pavers of the road and this will continue.

The alignment of energy 12:12:12 is what has been called the Second Coming . Misunderstood for centuries, this connection to the Christ Consciousness is within you and is not the arrival of a single enlightened being into the world.

The awakening of all evolutionary spiritual energy is available within all Beings, if they choose and are willing to bring to the planet the evolutionary change of consciousness that the Earth expects. It is your time to choose.

Receive forgiveness

In the Activation of 12:12:12, Divine Forgiveness is provided for the healing of all ancient wounds. Your job is to receive healing, by accepting forgiveness for the mistakes you think you made.

Allow the light of Divine Love to saturate all the ancient structures that you built around the idea of ​​shame and unworthiness. Forgive the attacks yourself for failing to do anything you thought of should be doing .

This new Light encoded with the Critical energy contains a frequency of healing and love. She also maintains an alignment with her Multidimensional Being to create more unity and totality within her Being.

You, the dedicated spiritual warriors, set foot on this path at the time you were born. You witnessed the dedication in the world around you to everything you considered non-true. You pushed the flag of your Soul, of Truth, Illumination and Expansion and began to move in directions where you were received with fear and controversy. This may even have caused discord in the dynamics of his family that continues until today.

In spite of that, you maintained your commitment to your belief in the Divine Light and in the process of evolution: a path that honored the sanctity of all life on Earth.

A recognition that there are other dimensions that merge and coincide with ancient wisdom and with the Enlightened Truth, penetrated his consciousness. You were open to receive the teachings that resonated deep in your Being, no matter how that seemed to others.

Because of the rising wave of consciousness, great courage was needed to stand firm in their beliefs.

On December 12, 2012, Activation 12:12:12 is an anchor of all that you maintained as being true within your Soul.

Here is a prayer to assist in the activation:

Divine Presence, During this 12:12:12 Activation, I invite Divine Love and the Golden Light, active in the Christ Consciousness, to flow gracefully through me, and its anchorage on Earth.

I now ask for an alarm connection within my DNA to Divine Love, Compassion and the Light of the Supreme Source, for the 12 strands of DNA within me, creating the complete helix of Light that activates my 12-chakra system.

I ask for the alignment of my Soul to all the Divine Love and Light that I can receive for the sake of my evolution and the evolution of the Earth at this time.

I invite the assistance of the Angels, Archangels, Teachers and all the Beings of Light who work for my awakening, so that they may be with me in this process.

May all Beings awaken their Divine Potential and bring the presence of Divine Love to their hearts.

May more Grace flow through all of us to bless this planet.

May the Earth be honored in a new way that allows our beautiful planet to prosper.

May all hearts feel the gifts of this Loving Presence within them, so that Peace can prevail on Earth.

Thank you God, for this and for all our blessings.

And so it is.

Archangel Gabriel

(Through Shanta Gabriel / November 21, 2012)



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