Abnegation: from inspiration to intention. By Djwhal Khul

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 INSPIRATION 2 ABNEGATION (1) 2.1 The communication process. (3) 2.2 Rules for obtaining control by the soul. 2.3 The Development Technique. (6) 3 THE INTENTION

Three words we have clarified so far, Instinct-Intellect-Intuition, all three lead to enlightenment. We have a fourth left to address: Inspiration.

Inspiration devitalizes the plot, the lighting dissipates the mirage, intuition disperses the illusion, and the Presence gives light to the shadow. In terms of the phases of meditation: Concentration tears the veil of maya, visualization dissipates mirage and contemplation disperses the illusion. All three are phases of the development of consciousness, to remain in the Light.

Instinct, intellect, intuition and inspiration lead to spiritual vision.

Beyond the stage of enlightenment, as the human being can achieve it, is what could be called the development of the divine Inner Vision. Only through constant and stable tranquility can this illumination infiltrate via the upper bodies, the physical brain, and thus be available for practical service.

At the end of his long pilgrimage, the human being, on his way back to the source of origin, will have passed through the five kingdoms of nature and will have developed awareness in the five planes, through the five senses and the five centers that are linked to the evolution of the psyche. The five senses have opened five great kingdoms where the impacts come from.

























The training given by the Masters to His disciples, has as its main objective: to increase and develop their inherent innate sensitivity so that they use it to serve.

A man becomes a world disciple, when the vision is for him an important and determining factor in his conscience, to which all his daily efforts are subordinated with the fourth initiation ahead, the Crucifixion that will lead him to the fifth: Revelation.

Vision is a symbolic way of experiencing revelation. The gradual development of each of the five senses brought with it a growing revelation of the world of God and a vision that is constantly expanding. The development of sight produced a synthetic attitude to focus the results of all minor visions revealed by the four senses. Then you get that vision revealed by the "common sense" of the mind. When an advanced degree of development has been reached, it comes as a worldwide perception, in regard to human affairs, frequently producing the vast personal plans of world drivers in the different activities of human living. But the vision of interest is to become aware of what the soul knows and what the soul sees, by using the key that opens the vision of the soul: intuition, key that It should only be used intelligently and consciously when matters of personality fall below the threshold of consciousness.




They listen -O do

They locate the address

They know the beatitude

Touch -Touch

They measure the amount

Express service

Come View

Dimension the proportion

Reveal the realization

Apply- Taste

Discriminate the value

They destroy the imperfection


Discern the quality


Intellectualize ideals

Respond to impact

Tune the frequency

They intuit ideas

Channel the telepathy

They symbolize the meaning

The visual organ is the most developed in this world period, in which the Logos tries to take the subhuman kingdoms, to the stage in which they will possess the human vision, since humanity, to the point where it can develop the spiritual vision, and the internal hierarchical vision is the normal quality of the initiatory vision, and so on. take the members of the Hierarchy to the stage in which it acquires universal perception . Therefore it could be said that through the portal of:

  1. Individualization, the subhuman kingdoms obtain the human vision, which leads to mental contact and intelligent impression.
  2. Initiation, humanity obtains the spiritual vision that leads to egoic contact and spiritual impression.
  3. Identification, the Hierarchy obtains the universal vision that leads to monodic contact and extra-planetary impression.


Inspiration originates in the higher levels of the mind; It implies a very high degree of evolution, because it implies egoic consciousness and requires the use of atomic substance, opening a wide range of communicators. It means security. It must be remembered that the soul is always good; he may lack knowledge in all three worlds and in this sense be deficient, but he harbors no evil; Inspiration is certain, but mediumship should always be avoided. Inspiration could involve telepathy, because the inspiring person can do three things:

to. Use the brain of who has been designated as a channel, pouring thoughts into it.

b. Occupy the body of his disciple, retiring the latter consciously to his subtle bodies, surrendering his physical body.

C. Producing, finally, a temporary merger, if it can be called this way - an exchange where the user and the one used, alternate or complement each other, as necessary, in order to fulfill the assigned work. I cannot explain this more clearly.

The following statement expresses the soul's aspiration to follow the Way of Love.

“My Soul has purpose, power and will.

All three are necessary on the Path of Liberation.

My Soul must foster love among the children of men.

This is its main purpose.

That's why I want to HOLLAR the Way of Love.

Everything that obstructs and prevents the manifestation of the Light,

it must disappear before the purpose of the Soul.

My will is one with the great Will of God.

That Holy Will requires that all men serve.

I dedicate my small will to all the purposes of the Plan. ”


Sacrifice, Magnetism and Service are the first three Laws of the soul. On planet Earth we have progressed from the instinctive life of sensory consciousness in the material form, to the intellectual life of self-conscious human beings, including the intuitive understanding of those who begin to act as superhuman entities. All this has been the result of the determining and conditioned activity of a Heavenly Man who preferred to sacrifice himself and be crucified in heaven, with the purpose of achieving three objectives:

  1. Develop awareness,
  2. Refine the shapes,
  3. Intensify the realization of life

When humanity obeys the Law of the magnetic impulse (subjective aspect of the Law of Attraction), it begins to act as a transmitter of spiritual light, energy and power, for the subhuman kingdoms, and constitutes a communication channel between “what is above and what is below ”- Such is the high destiny before the race.

Service can be defined as the spontaneous effect of contact with the soul, which is so defined and stable that the life of the soul can flow into the mechanism that the soul must use in the physical plane. Thus the nature of that soul can be expressed in the world of human affairs. Service is not a quality or an action, nor an activity that people must do hard, nor a method to save the world. This difference must be clearly understood, otherwise the attitude we adopt regarding this transcendental demonstration of the success that humanity has obtained in the evolutionary process will be wrong. Serving is a manifestation of life. It is a yearning for the soul and is both an evolutionary impulse of the soul and the instinct of self-preservation, or the reproduction of the species is the demonstration of the animal soul.

The other four laws of the soul are:

4. The Law of Repulsion

5. The Group Progress Law

6. The Law of Expansive Response

7. The Law of the Lower Four

The New Group of World Servers may well be considered as a body of organized and trained observers.

First there are organized Observers: they form the outer circle of the new group and their keynote is synthesis, the elimination of non-essential things and the organization of human knowledge. By working in many fields of human perception, they are distinguished by a spirit without sectarianism, by the ability to deal with fundamental essentialities and to link the various fields of human research, in an organized and unified whole.

Second, the Telepathic Communicators: These are very few and are distinguished by their relatively close and internal relationship. They are primarily a link or bridge group. They are extracted from the esoteric circle of organized observers, but with a broader scope of service, because they work more esoterically. They are in contact with each other and with the organized observers, and also with the group of men and women who are in the same center or heart of the world group. His work is triple and very difficult. They must constantly cultivate detachment, characteristic of the soul that knows itself. They continuously obtain the knowledge and accumulated information from organized observers, adapting them to world needs and disseminating them as teaching.

Third the Connoisseurs: they constitute the intelligent forces of the planet; they express, due to His expansion of consciousness, the Mind of God; they embody the intelligent, unchanging and unchanging principle, and through them flows the energy called God's Will, in the absence of better understanding.

The contact, with the resulting impact that comes from the soul, is rapidly developing, hence the need for me to feel the basis for obtaining greater knowledge, which will facilitate the highest contacts coming from the spiritual Triad, which will open new areas of interaction, so far only known by the Hierarchy. All contacts in development involve the conditions that can be defined with the words Contact and Impact. (2)

1. Contact can be defined (for our specific purposes) as the recognition of an environment, an area hitherto unknown, or that which in one way or another has been evoked, something different that has made its presence felt. That something that the Observer has previously presented, has been presented in theory as a possibility, then invoked with great attention and awareness by those who have felt their presence, until obtaining contact .

2.Impact is more than just registering contact. It becomes a conscious interaction; This conveys information of a revealing nature, and can be defined in its initial stages as the guarantee of a new area of ​​exploration and spiritual adventure for those who respond to it, pointing to a wider field where consciousness can expand much more and register the divine purpose, which hopes to be recognized more fully.

Therefore, the disciple progresses through a slow process of invocation and evocation, from the normal field of what we can call common telepathic perception, to a state of consciousness characterized by a trained sensitivity. Develop a controlled spiritual recognition, understood and directed towards useful hierarchical purposes. With these words you have a very simple definition of the process that we technically call the Science of Printing.

The communication process (3)

There is an interesting parallel between the three methods of telepathic work, its three techniques of realization and the three main forms of communication on Earth.

Instinctive telepathy / train travel / stations / telegraph.

Intellectual telepathy / sea travel / ports / telephone.

Intuitive telepathy / air travel / airports / television.

Telepathy is the esoteric equivalent of telecommunications.

In every communication process we find three elements.

  1. The initiating agent, the issuer that initiates the transmission: his soul. (4)
  2. The receiving agent, of what is transmitted in "wings of thought": his mind.
  3. The channel, through which information is recorded: your brain and the medium, by which you try to transfer thought, idea, desire, impression and, consequently, some knowledge: your electromagnetic field (etheric body) .

This is the simplest description of the elementary mechanics of the process. It also indicates the most elementary understanding of the thought contained in the words of the Bhagavad Gita, translated in the West, by the terms: the Knower, the Field of Knowledge and the Known, or, Communicator, Communication and Communicator.

Currently thinkers are required to train in a mental attitude and centralization, that does not contain the danger of a negative receptivity and respond, at the same time, to the intuitive upper inspiration. What is needed are mediators who interpret ideas and not mediums.

The final result of the communication process is printing (5). Impression is the subtle reaction to the vibratory mental activity of some other mind or set of minds, as its influence affects the entity or set of entities.

The first stage of a correct telepathic reception consists in registering the impression; At the beginning it is generally vague, but as the thinking, idea, purpose or intention of the receiving agent is specified, it is introduced into the second stage, which appears as a definite mental form; Finally, that mental form impacts the consciousness of the brain at a point located behind the ajna center and, consequently, in the area of ​​the pituitary body.

A member of the planetary hierarchy extracts the idea of ​​the universal Mind according to His tendency and mental equipment, and the immediate needs are felt by the active adherents; Then he presents the new idea, the new discovery or the new revelation to the group of followers? - logically in telepathic form? - and when it has been considered by the group, does it present it to His group of discs? pulos. Among them you will find who responds with more ease and intelligence and this, through your clear thinking and the power of formulated mental forms, can then influence other minds, which in turn capture the concept as your own, they take hold of him and take him to the demonstration. Each one considers it as a special privilege to do so and, due to this specialized faculty and automatically generated responsibility, puts all his energy into it; Then he works and fights for his mental forms.

An illustration of this is in the history of the League of Nations. Before Master Serapis undertook a special job, he tried to instill constructive ideas to help humanity. He conceived a world union in the field of politics, which would be revealed as an intelligent association of nations to preserve international peace. He presented the idea to the adherents gathered in a conclave, who considered that something should be done. Master Jesus was in charge of presenting it to His group of disciples, for he was working in the West. One of the disciples of the internal planes captured the suggestion and the transmission, or rather adapted it, until it was registered by Colonel House's brain, which did not capture the origin -which he was completely unconscious- and in turn transmitted it to that sixth ray aspirant named Woodrow Wilson. Then, nutricide with multiple analogous ideas, coming from other minds, was presented to the world. It must be borne in mind that the function of a disciple is to focus a current of energy of any particular type on the physical plane, where it can become a magnetic center. Ethical and attract towards itself similar types of ideas and currents of thoughts that do not have the necessary strength to have a life of their own, or make a sufficiently strong impact on human consciousness.

Rules to gain control by the soul.

The living rules or factors constitute the expression of the quality or nature of God and will ultimately lead to the full expression of the divine Siquis. They will demonstrate the instinctive and emotional nature of the Deity.

1. the innate and inextirpable tendency to mix and synthesize.

2. The quality of the hidden vision.

3. The instinct to formulate a plan.

4. The desire to live a creative life, through the divine faculty of imagination.

5.The analysis factor.

6. The innate quality that man possesses to idealize.

7. The interaction of the great dualities.

There are certain very simple rules that I would like to refer to and constitute the foundation of the truths that you admit as necessary for spiritual progress, indispensable conditions that must be possessed by all those to whom the Masters take charge and include them in their groups to serve . These are:

1. The recognized need to tune in, as far as possible to the individual applicant, with the global need as it arises.

2. The achievement of a more subtle sense of values. In the present, rest, fun, idleness, discussion and criticism have no place in the life of the disciple.

3. The development of mental fluency and an attitude that recognizes the fact that - although the Plan exists - techniques, presentations, idealisms and methods must necessarily change.

The Development Technique. (6)

The phrase "Revelation Points" summarizes a very definite technique, used when training disciples for initiation. All life is destined to follow a progressive series of awakening. Progress, movement, awakening, expansion, lighting, evolution, growth-these are a few words of the many that apply to the effects, both internal and external, of the creative process. The creative process is the active progressive demonstration of divine intention when it acquires form, such intention is a project fully understood by the Universal Mind; We call it Purpose when Shamballa captures the synthesis of this comprehensive intention, and we call it Plan when we refer to the work carried out by the Hierarchy to express that Purpose as fully as possible.

The planning of the Hierarchy is grouped into certain and defined phases of activity - all related, all tending towards the externalization of the Plan in any given century, cycle or world period, and are:

  1. The Purpose phase, which originates in Shamballa and is registered by the Senior Members of the Hierarchy.
  2. The hierarchical planning phase, which is the formulation of the Purpose in terms of possibility, imminence, adequacy and availability of the disciples, in addition to the energies to complement the Plan.
  3. Then comes the Program, where the particular ashrama involved in the complementation of the Plan, takes it and reduces it to formative stages of human impression and direction, necessary conditions for the emergence of the Plan and the two phases of this conditioning. Each has two aspects, the destruction of all obstacles and the presentation of the Plan.
  4. The emergence of hierarchical Design (based on the recognition of purpose, careful planning and a detailed and fully thought-out program), both in the minds of Ashrama disciples who are involved in the complementation of the Plan, as well as among the intellectuals of the Earth .
  5. Then comes the final phase of the Precipitation, when all the subjective work has been carried out on the basis of the possibility and when the design and a part of the program are recognized by the world thinkers in each nation, be it antagonistic or favorable. Having reached its final stage, the planning in the form of Projects continues on its own impulse.


Intention, effort and persistence are considered by the Hierarchy of primary importance and constitute the main requirements for every disciple, initiate and teacher.

The hierarchical vision, as far as they can understand it, constitutes the response of the Masters to the superior impression, to which they are subjected and give their approval, according to the degree of elevation to which they belong and not to the degree of evolution. The Teacher recognizes those who recognize the Plan and try (with all dedication) to help carry it out. Then it stimulates them in group form, because they have identical vision and dedication; This allows them, through encouragement and inspiration, to become more effective in the chosen service line, by choice. That is why I would like you to reflect carefully on the following:

1. The recognition of the vision.

2. The recognition of the Plan, because vision and Plan are not the same thing.

3. The recognition that the Master agrees to the group of dedicated aspirants, when he accepts them as His disciples.

4. The mutual recognition of the ideas of the Master as goals for future efforts.

5. Mutual recognition as souls and servants.

When these acknowledgments are properly understood, there will be an eventual recognition, by the Hierarchy, of a group of disciples that can be used as a channel through which spiritual energy, light and love can flow into the needy and dying world.

When they try to serve harmlessly as disciples, in thought, word and action, when they do not reserve for themselves anything material, emotional or the time factor, when the physical strength and the gift of all resources is accompanied by joy, then the disciple will have Everything you need to get the job done. This is applicable to all active server groups. Such is the law. Needless to say, perfection is not yet possible, but it is possible for everyone to make a greater effort in order to give and serve.

The time will come, and it will come with certainty, that, as individuals, and part of a Master's group, they will subordinate their personal lives to the need of humanity and the intention of the Master. Only complete self-abnegation enabled Ascended Masters to be entrusted with the knowledge of the laws of life, thus becoming instruments to transmit divine Love in order to elevate and guide humanity.





They speak



Hold on



They walk

They move







Therefore, the immediate goal for all aspiring disciples at this time can be seen as:

  1. The achievement of mental clarity regarding their personal and immediate problems, and mainly the problem concerning their objective in the service. This should be done through meditation.
  2. The development of sensitivity to the new impulses that flow to the world at this time. This will be achieved by loving all mankind more and, by love and understanding, making contact with her more easily. Love reveals.
  3. The service provided with complete impersonality. This is done by eliminating personal ambition and the love of power.
  4. The refusal to pay attention to public opinion and failures. This is done by applying strict obedience to the voice of the soul and by the effort to always dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

The following statement expresses the desire of the personality to adapt to the intention of the Soul:

“I keep going until I reach the goal, the goal of serving fully.

I am the Soul whose nature is light, love and altruism.

I turn to the Light and in that Light I see the Soul.

I am the Plan and I unify with everything I breathe.

I purify my astral life and I know that I am but a channel for the love of God.

In that powerful body of the lower self, there should be nothing that prevents the influx of

Love of God towards all men with whom I come into contact.

I stand erect for divine love and strength. ”


This article belongs to a Tetralogy on The Development of Consciousness, the previous one was The Meaning .

1. The Laws of the Soul, like its rules, appear in the book Esoteric Psychology Volume II .

2. Contact and printing sciences appear in the book Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle.

3. The Ether is what we now know as the radio spectrum, although the word radio is used, television transmissions, radio, radar, mobile telephony are included in this class of radio frequency emissions.

4. The Master used the word initiator premeditatedly, because the power to work telepathically, as an initiating agent and as a receiver, is closely related to initiation and indicates that man is prepared for this process. The source becomes a channel or transmitting agent when it has accumulated a lot of energy-information and can share it.

5. Imprinting is a term that Konrad Lorentz proposed to account for the brand with no return imposed by the first experiences of the young animal.

6. The Revelation Points appear in the book The Discipleship in the New Age Volume II.

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