5th. Root Race, the Indigo, the Super Psychics of China and the Children of the Stars

A seven-year-old boy named Boriska from the Volgograd region began telling his family about his life on Mars, its inhabitants and its civilization. He said he knew Earth and Lemuria in detail. He possessed deep knowledge and a high intellect (Pravda, September 2004, Russia)

Boriska showed signs of extraordinary behavior. At two weeks of age he was able to lift his head, he said his first word at four months and when he was one year old Boriska could read the great print of the newspaper.

With precision and clarity, he told his knowledge about Mars, the planetary systems and their inhabitants. He spoke about the gifted children he referred to as "Indigos" and their essential role in helping humanity during the anticipated Earth Changes.

Is humanity changing as a species?

The new children: A global phenomenon.

The renowned prophet and healer Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) not only spoke of a new humanity and referred to it as the 5th. Raza Raíz but also predicted that it would appear in the years 1998 to 2010.

Metaphysicians and other gurus also share the belief and anticipation of this recent emergence of the new type of human they call Indigos. They are also referred to as the Children of the New Millennium, Crystal Children, Children of the Light, Golden Children, to name a few.

The ufologist community is directing research towards the extraterrestrial phenomenon experienced by children. His explorations so far have produced such terms as the New Humans or, more commonly, the Children of the Stars.

The profiles of Indigo children share the same attributes or are remarkably similar. They are highly intelligent, creative, psychic, telepathic and possess healing and clairvoyance skills.

Indigo children also share an inherent ability to expressly articulate knowledge and awareness of deep spiritual concepts, anthropological and scientific information, far beyond the ability of even the most studious scholars, despite their age, level of cognitive development., education and many other relevant factors.

This confronting evidence has even captured the attention and interest of the Chinese government that is investigating children who possess "exceptional human functioning" (EHF), more commonly known as "The Super Psychics of China."

Unfortunately, this research also suggests that these children are so different that they are often misunderstood and are said to suffer from DDA (Attention Deficit Disorder).

In this article we will explore the extraordinary qualities and states of consciousness demonstrated by indigo children and the inference of the emergence of New Humans.

Despite the plethora of information and supporting evidence, this phenomenon still manages to challenge our logic and challenges our beliefs and yet is scientifically scientific. supported

Everything seems to suggest that humanity is about to take a quantum evolutionary leap. If we accept this premise, is it not plausible that the phenomenon related to extraterrestrial experience is equally valid and could offer a reasonable explanation of these developments?

The metaphysicians who talk about the rise of the New Humans have professional, psychological and medical science histories. Doreen Virtue, (The Crystal Children) has a PhD in Philosophy and a master's degree and a degree in Psychological Counseling. The publication The Children Indigo by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober took information from psychologists and therapists. Research in China is sponsored by the government and suggests that the phenomenon is taken seriously. Ufology researchers, too, have credible scientific, medical and psychological histories.
If we are changing as a species, the ufology offers a reasonable explanation. The scientific, biological and anthropological anomalies certainly suggest some form of intervention in the evolution of Homo Sapiens. The missing link in the evolutionary chain certainly indicates a primary intervention in our genetic structure. If this is the case, then the New Humans may have been orchestrating well in a similar way with genetic updates in our DNA. But this update is so radical that it seems like an evolutionary start, hence the name of New Humans.

If mankind is experiencing a quantum leap in its evolution, why is it happening now? The Children of the Stars believe they are here to guide the awakening of earthly consciousness (Tracey Taylor). But how will this be achieved?

New scientific research has provided us with some of those answers and may qualify what the Children of the Stars seem to understand, such as their role in the awakening of human consciousness. They can also explain why our connections to aliens could be much more intimate than we have previously suspected, as well as why they are currently So interested in us.

Extraterrestrial contact and genetic manipulation?

UFOs and their appearances in our airspace have been systematically ridiculed for years as pure nonsense by governments. This has been an effective strategy, despite the evidence that one in ten people sees such a ship. The ridiculousness and bad information has meant that most people hesitate to talk about what they have seen, leaving aside admitting that they have had some interaction with such ships. The evidence in the form of photography, hours of video material and credible testimonies of airline pilots and military personnel seems to mean nothing. Even radar sightings confirming that this reality is hidden from public view.

A medical professional, Dr. Stephen Greer, supports a revelation program and owns a hundred-hour movie tape of testimonies from senior military personnel. All of them confirm that UFOs are real and that there is a systematic and deliberate cover by government agencies. The American Army Retreat and Sergeant Major of NATO Command Robert Dean in the 1960s and 1970s protected COSMIC classified files that showed that government agencies were fully aware that aliens and UFOs regularly entered our airspace.

Convincing as this is, the evidence of such ships in our skies really is a very small part of this phenomenon. Surely we have to ask who is controlling these ships and why they are here. Robert Dean believes that we are very closely connected to aliens, both spiritually and physically, and suggests that they are responsible for the Star Children phenomenon. The development of a new humanity called Homo Noeticus is a term coined by John White who studied parapsychology and noetics (the investigation of consciousness). Many well-known researchers such as the English author and UFO researcher Jenny Randles states. She wrote about this in the Children of the Stars: The True Story of Extraterrestrial Offspring Among Us.

It has been shown that the experience of contact is of an inter-generational type and that such children seem to be more intelligent, exhibit extraordinary psychic and intuitive abilities and have knowledge that they have not learned consciously. Research in ufology shows that consistent genetic lines play an important factor in this phenomenon.

The podiatric surgeon, Dr. Roger Leir, is famous in ufology for his pioneering surgery for removing suspected alien implants and his autobiographical book The Extraterrestrials and Scalpel. Dr. Leir included the phenomenon of Star Children in his research. He writes' I think that any mother who sees her newborn child, compared to children born twenty years ago, will say that there is a tremendous difference. Some see the differences in New Humans and say they have to do with better prenatal care, etc. In my opinion, this assumption does not make sense AND IN VIEW OF MY MOST RECENT STUDIES AND EXPOSURE TO THE ABDUCTION PHENOMENON, I HAVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT THE FAST PROGRESS OF OUR HUMAN SPECIES IS DUE TO THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTERVENTION IN OUR BODIES AND MINDS '' .

Dr. Leir has based his statement not only on his research on extraterrestrial implants but on his observations of children. Comparing today's statistics on the stages of development in young children forty years ago (when such records and studies began) he discovered that the level of superior psychological functioning in some cases was increased by as much as 80%. The question is, how could this happen? Dr Leir says: 'I suggest that the answer involves extraterrestrial manipulation of human genetics' (The Aliens and the Scalpel, p. 192).

Recent genetic research could qualify this magnificent revelation. There are unexplained anomalies in our genetic history and in 2003 it was discovered that 223 genes do not have the required predecessors in our evolutionary geonomic tree. These extra genes are completely absent in the invertebrate species. Therefore, scientists can only explain their presence as recent in the evolutionary time scale, and comment that this was not through gradual evolution, vertically in the tree of life, but horizontally as' insertion side effects of genetic material '. Significantly these 223 genes are two thirds the difference between the chimpanzee and Homo Sapiens and include important psychological and psychiatric functions. How did humanity acquire such enigmatic genes? Dr. Leir and other researchers believe that the answer may well be extraterrestrial genetic intervention!

Dr. Richard Boylan, a behavioral scientist, anthropologist and clinical hypnotherapist, has studied the phenomenon of Star Children and their connection to a close encounter experience. He offers an accurate profile of the New Humans and our intimate connection with aliens, or Star Visitors as they call them. Dr. Boylan is a secretary of the Academy of Clinical Therapists of Close Encounters (ACCET) in the United States, a professional body that urges the medical and psychological professions to be involved in this phenomenon. Boylan is convinced that Star Children are a reality and has created an organization to support and educate families with these children. As president of the Star Boys Project (SKP), he organizes workshops for the Star Boys to help them and their parents deal with their extra psychic and intuitive abilities. He explains that the Star Child can be defined as a child of both human and extraterrestrial origin. The ET contribution to the child's structure can come from genetic engineering, biomedical technology and the link of telepathic awareness. Star Children are psychically and metaphysically changed as a result of their contacts with 'visitors' or ETs who modify their parents' reproductive DNA. He also believes that there is a link to what we now label as Attention Deficit Disorder (DDA), a syndrome that almost magically appeared about 15-20 years ago when more of these children began to be recognized.

Dr. Boylan and Doreen Virtue believe that these children are often misdiagnosed with such questionable syndromes as DDA. One reason Dr. Boylan suggests is that 'these children are simply quite bored with the slow prosaic form with which they are being educated' and that is why they often behave badly. Doreen Virtue suggests that Indigo and Crystal children may also be diagnosed as autistic or suffering from Asperger's syndrome. More research is guaranteed to explore such possibilities.

There are numerous stories in which the contacted or experimenter remembers details of their genetic material being harvested. Dr. John Mack, a former Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School wrote about the subject of genetic material manipulated in his book Abduction. I have covered this important fact in my book Awakening, in the chapter on lost pregnancies. Many of my clients, both men and women, remember experiences in which this procedure occurred. Some women also believe that their genetic material has been forced and altered in some way before their pregnancy. They say they knew the child was different or special because of this. What I found amazing was that many of these children seemed to have an awareness that they were different. A letter to ACERN states:

'Yes, I've always believed it was from somewhere else, and, as I said, I used to speak and write in a strange language in private. Sometimes, even in front of my mom, I used to cry because I felt so different. I told him not to touch me, since it was dangerous, and it wasn't hers. I am one of them. When the Grays used to leave, it bothered me and I thought they had left me behind, which made me offended and angry. I have memories of planets with golden constructions. ' - James Basil (UK).

What are these differences, apart from superior physical and psychological functioning? Generally, psychic and intuitive abilities are enhanced, with an awareness of universal knowledge and even of its true genetic origins. 'I am not yours' implies that some Star Children are aware that they are connected in some way to the extraterrestrial beings that visit them.

Qualities of the Star Children (see Star Child questionnaire at www.acern.com.au):

· Highly intelligent

· Often very creative

· Developed advanced in reading, speaking, etc.

· Psychic / intuitive skills

· Multi-dimensional awareness; They perceive a wider range of reality.

· Telepathic skills.

· Feel and perceive energies of people or other living beings (aura reading).

· Telekinesia, etc. Move objects with your mental energy and thought.

· Consciousness of scientific, historical, anthropological and spiritual knowledge learned consciously. Sometimes called 'knowledge bombs'.

· Awareness of past lives.

· Extremely empathic with all creatures, not only humans but animals and plants.

· They can communicate with the unseen world, spirits and angels.

· Multi-dimensional healing skills.

They show unusual art, languages ​​and writing.

They experience dreams in which they were taught how to use their high-sense skills in a ship.

Dual consciousness; Feel part human and part extraterrestrial.

They have a higher sense of mission or purpose
From a letter (USA): I began to walk at 8 months, to say prayers at 10 months and to read at 2 years; nobody taught me. I had friends who walked through the walls, became invisible, and we spoke telepathically. I desperately wanted to go home.

David from Perth, Western Australia (now in his late twenties) talked about his psychic and telepathic abilities in his childhood: he had had telepathic conversations with my sister until she told me to stop being lazy and start talking.

Some of the older Star Children are able to explain their ET skills and connections more precisely. Ann Andrews, author of Abducidos, wrote about her family's extraterrestrial contacts. They live in England and have had a long life of interactions with ETs. Jason, his youngest son, exhibits many of these higher senses, regularly astral trips and even cures to individuals in their dream state.

Jason told his mother how Star Boy's profile fit him. Jason, like many other Star Children, complains about the apparatus of his human body, saying how limited it is. He fell his experiences for a long time because he said it was difficult to trust someone because you never know who they are working for. He became very serious when he asked Ann if I thought it was very strange that after hundreds of years of slow progress we have suddenly advanced by leaps and bounds in only fifty years. According to Jason, elos (including) gave us relevant knowledge. They showed us how to divide the atom and take advantage of nuclear energy to finally find them as equals. However, he says angrily that we have put this knowledge to have power over others less fortunate than us, for example with atomic weapons. But when asked about genetic engineering, Jason said `` it is the ETs who choose the parents. '' Children are genetically altered before birth. They are given extraterrestrial DNA .

Again it seems that many of the children know about their human gene pool and mixed ET. This was shown to me very graphically when a young confused mother told me about her ten year old son. He said that while walking with him one day, his son very casually told him the current percentage of ET genes in each person they saw happen!

The extraterrestrial education program, telepathic communication and more.

Aiden, five years old, from Western Australia says: I don't mind crossing the walls, and they teach me more on the ships I learn at school. They come through the walls, they float, they don't walk, they become invisible, but they're still here! His mother writes, 'This amazes me. He is very complacent about that and says that someday he will introduce them to me! Aiden knows what I am thinking, finishes my prayers for me and feels the pain I feel '(Taken from Awakening, 2002).

Star Children may be aware of extraterrestrial educational programs when information is downloaded at a subconscious or super-conscious level. Jena is an eight-year-old girl from Perth who describes this process as 'knowledge bombs' in her head, which sometimes hurt. They may have strange dreams in which they know they are aboard a spaceship. They are taught to use their higher sense skills and know when they have done such tests well.

Whitley Strieber, experimenter and author of The Secret School, also experienced such spacecraft lessons. This testimony effectively suggests that New Humans are not only physically and psychologically updated, but they are also taught to operate on a wider multi-dimensional frequency which helps them access information and knowledge that is not available to others.

Tracey Taylor, who intuitively draws complex art and symbols related to her ET experiences, wrote: 'From my own contact experiences, I have become very compassionate towards ET beings, there is much that humans can learn and what they can benefit from by interacting with them. Initially I didn't know what was going on or why, but there has always been an equal exchange. I helped them achieve their genetic goals and, in return, they developed my healing and psychic abilities, in addition to my understanding of life on earth. '

'Star Children are born with great wisdom and awareness, and are also gifted with creativity. They have a great feeling of being connected with nature and everything that exists. They are also traitors of the new, the traitors of light, are here to guide the awakening of earthly consciousness. ' So, if the new humanity is already here, whatever we choose to call it, how is this awakening of earthly consciousness orchestrated? The answer may well be contained in creative expressions and information connected to the contact experience. '


The traditional ufology tries to convince the general public of the UFO reality (UFO in English, hence ufology) with research mainly in UFO sightings and in others such as scientific information. Although this scope is important, I think it is a much very limited perspective for such a complex phenomenon. Some ufologists still show ambivalence about the phenomenon of abduction or contact. This is despite the many thousands of credible people and families experiencing such reality, and tangible information such as unusual marks on the body, missing time and implants, which are the abnormalities that can verify this reality. It seems that no matter how deep the evidence is, some will still argue that it is too insubstantial to be taken seriously. Likewise, they ignore any mixture of spiritual or metaphysical interpretations, or psychological or emotional evidence, despite the degree to which these experiences can dramatically change the individual's personal paradigm. Such information can only convince skeptical researchers that the one who had the experience is psychologically damaged. This is especially true in any information that contacted receive telepathically or express in other ways.

I strongly disagree with such a limited perspective and I believe that if we are going to understand the contact more fully we have to be receptive to any physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual information that is related to this phenomenon.

'Wisdom is knowing how little we know' - Socrates.

ACERN provides professional support to those contacted. Since 1996 I have received volumes of information and personal testimonies that have convinced me of a contact reality. But I was particularly intrigued to find that, despite the enormous fear of some people contacted (and this is not by standard means), many were more traumatized by isolation and judging their experiences. What I discovered was that such experiences eventually changed and transformed life.

Are these transformational experiences because such individuals are exposed to a wider spectrum of reality or is it more than that?

I found that the individuals who received support regained their balance and accepted a broader framework of reality, which obviously changed their perspectives in many ways, both psychologically and spiritually. This integration meant that now they became more peaceful and open to their contact experiences. But I also felt that it was their new openness to the extraordinary information they received that made them change so deeply.

Although such extraordinary information is treated with ambivalence, if not disinterested, by some researchers, everyone knows that creativity and artistic expression is a way in which human beings express human experience. There is no doubt that the contact experience can inspire some individuals to draw the extraterrestrial life forms with which they interact, and that many of them look identical, which I believe is additional testimony to this reality. They can also draw unusual landscapes of planets, with which they can have a deep emotional connection. Landscapes can sometimes be remarkably similar, as are some works of art, symbols and writings. Sometimes they vocalize strange languages ​​without conscious thought, and articulate them more fluently than their normal human language.

In investigating these issues we need to recognize our own limits and that we are not aware of what we do not know. I felt that, no matter how unusual or challenging this material was, it is part of the contact experience that we cannot allow to ignore.

Investigating a broader paradigm requires an open mind, and that is why I mean being open to all information. The thorough researcher seeks to reconcile this information with the scientific fact as much as possible. It is always deep and exciting for me when conventional science comes to the rescue and offers a possible explanation. But what is even more fascinating is when scientific explanations are so similar to what those who have had the experience have intuitively understood.

ET Contact Expressions: A visual and healing communication design?

The strange expressions of contact: sensational images, symbols, drawings of strange planets, languages ​​and unusual writings are a fascinating enigma. Initially I collected such information so that those contacted could compare notes. I found that, when I shared it with others contacted, the material was extraordinarily useful to help them honor and validate their contact.

The ACERN Video Expressions of Contact ET: A Visual Design? It was an attempt to share this information with the community and ufological experiences. We discovered that our lack of experience in filming detracted material or stories. I am sure that the two film awards presented at the UFO International Congress in the USA. they emerged from the impact of these images, because they seemed to connect with individuals at a deep level, whether they were contacted or not! The 2004 sequel video Expressions of Contact ET: A Communication and Healing Design? It was similar but explored the issue from a more global perspective. Again, the combination of languages, art, writings and personal stories deeply moved people, creating strong emotional reactions and resonance.

The average contacted believes that such expressions are contact communications, containing complex holographic information that helps us connect with who and what we are. Energy firms, perhaps, containing blocks of code, such as holographic designs, which we absorb on many levels.

'It should be borne in mind that the nature of extraterrestrial communications is that, in a majority of examples, stellar visitors communicate with humans by telepathic transfer of mental images and concepts, rather than words and dialogue' - Marie.

In his film critic column, Duncan Roads, editor of the magazine Nexus wrote: 'These vines of Contact Expressions ET are two of the most amazing documentaries I ever watched. I don't count myself as a 'sensitive' person at all, but I can assure you that I felt things 'changing inside me' while watching the videos. In fact, I don't remember anything from at least 15 minutes of a video I saw! I am sure that viewers will also be surprised at the large number and variety of different ways of life that visit and interact with us. It becomes clear that as the contacts between "us" and "they" progresses, more and more information is transmitted. Among the many people presented by Mary Rodwell in these documentaries, most are currently of the opinion that there are many life forms "out there" that are trying to help humanity - now, more than ever. This help can take many forms; however, it is obvious that most of this help is through information packets transmitted to us. '

Roads continues: 'However, it is obviously still early in the process of "getting to know each other, " so much of the information transmitted to humans is still very basic, that is, what they are like, what they like and how our "reality" is nothing more than an area of ​​many valid but different realities. The interviews are very interesting and compelling. And art does things to you when you look at it. The drawings of the ETs or aliens ( seres is probably a better word) are simply fascinating. One has the sense of how to be just looking at these images. It is a result of the information packets. Extra transmitted by the artists, maybe? These vines are more in the category of wake spiritual, but this is a result of the content and (probably) no of the intention of the producers Duncan Roads (video review, Nexus, Aug-Sep 2004, p. 78).

Communication and reprogramming of our DNA by language and frequencies?

Is telepathic transfer of images and mental concepts a communication of aliens? La SETI (la b squeda oficial de inteligencia extraterrestre) a n discute que ellos no han recibido ninguna se al de radio an mala para sugerir que la vida extraterrestre exista. Sea verdad o no, esta es su postura oficial. Pero quiz los extraterrestres encontrar an las transmisiones de radio una forma muy primitiva de comunicarse. Se escuchamos a los contactados, ellos dicen que es muy probable que suceda a trav s de niveles multi-dimensionales de la conciencia humana.

Esta comunicaci n sucede porque todo est hecho de la misma materia resonando en diferente armon a, para que los ETs puedan comunicarse con nosotros, dirigiendo el pensamiento a niveles subat micos, y as activar la interacci n subconsciente. Esto es interpretado por la mente conciente como una forma simplificada de comunicaci n, tal como la simbolog a. Los s mbolos intentan comunicar la naturaleza del macrocosmos TT, contactado (WA).

No hay duda que tales expresiones aunque todav a no son cuantificables concientemente, ciertamente se conectan a una profunda resonancia dentro de las personas, de la misma forma que lo hacen los agrogramas. Interesantemente, algunos de los s mbolos de los agrogramas en realidad est n contenidos dentro de algunos de los s mbolos que los contactados crean y es posible que ambos fen menos bien puedan estar conectados. Ciertamente sabemos que viendo o estando parados en los agrogramas muchas personas sienten algo, como lo hacen tambi n al ver los videos. Duncan Roads admite eso, aunque l cree que no es particularmente sensible, tambi n sinti algo al ver estas im genes.

En los estados del este de Australia, un hombre hipnoterapeuta me dijo que sinti que un s mbolo en particular hab a afectado el centro de su tercer ojo, sintiendo un extra o zumbido (interesantemente esta es la zona en medio de la frente a trav s de la cual algunas habilidades ps quicas supuestamente se manifiestan). Esto ciertamente sugiere que estas expresiones act an como un provocador o catalizador para algo dentro de nosotros. Algunos contactados creen que esta informaci n tiene frecuencias que nos afectan energ ticamente a un nivel subconsciente, actuando como un programa hologr fico.

Existe alguna base cient fica que apoye la hip tesis de que tales comunicaciones o expresiones pueden en realidad afectarnos o hablarnos, incluso a nuestro ADN?

Reciente investigaci n rusa ofrece apoyo para tal posibilidad, lo cual quiere decir que investigaciones cient ficas fidedignas en realidad ahora est n comenzando a explicar lo que los contactados han conocido intuitivamente todo el tiempo.

Algunos descubrimientos rusos del ADN documentados por Grazyna Fosar y Franz Bludorf en su libro Vernetzte Intelligenz han sido resumidos por Baerbel. El ADN humano es un Internet biol gico con evidencia de que el ADN puede ser influenciado y reprogramados por las palabras y frecuencias'. Esto sugiere que 'nuestro ADN no solamente es responsable de la construcción de nuestro cuerpo, sino que también sirve como almacenamiento y comunicación de datos'. Los científicos y lingüistas rusos han encontrado que el código genético 'sigue las mismas reglas que todos nuestros idiomas humanos'. En efecto, el idioma humano no apareció coincidentemente sino que es un reflejo de nuestro ADN.

Los investigadores rusos creen que 'los cromosomas vivos funcionan justo como una computadora holográfica utilizando radiación láser de ADN endógeno. Esto quiere decir que se las arreglaron para modular ciertos patrones de frecuencia (sonido) sobre un rayo de tipo láser que influencia la frecuencia del ADN y así también la misma información genética. Como la estructura básica de los pares e idioma ADN-alcalino es de la misma estructura, no es necesaria la decodificación del ADN. ¡Uno simplemente puede usar palabras y oraciones del idioma humano! ¡Esto, también, fue experimentalmente probado!' Por supuesto, la frecuencia tiene que ser la correcta. (Recomiendo que se lea el artículo completo). Pero para los propósitos de este artículo, la investigación rusa muestra cómo ahora la ciencia puede demostrar una forma para reprogramar el ADN a través del idioma y las frecuencias.

Los contactados que manifiestas idiomas inusuales, tales como Rochelle (ver el video Expresiones de Contacto ET: ¿Un Diseño de Comunicación y sanación?) llaman a éstos 'idiomas del alma'. Rochelle los vocaliza cuando hace trabajo de energía y sanación. La sanación con sonido y frecuencias toma un nuevo significado en este contexto. Podría significar que Rochelle y otros como ella bien pueden intuitivamente ser capaces de cambiar o reprogramar el ADN a través de tales frecuencias mientras están sanando. Ya sabemos que nuestro subconsciente es afectado por frecuencias subliminales e hipnosis, y la investigación rusa quizá nos haya dado una explicación científica de por qué tales técnicas funcionan tan bien. La pregunta es si las frecuencias específicas de estos idiomas están diseñadas para afectar o reprogramar nuestro ADN. Esto bien puede darnos bases para revisar antiguos textos relacionados con nuestros orígenes.

Esta frase de la Biblia puede ser más que simplemente retórica simbólica. En el Libro de Juan (capítulo 1: versículo 1) está escrito: 'En el principio fue la Palabra, y la Palabra estaba con Dios, y la Palabra era Dios. Lo mismo fue al principio con Dios' y el versículo 14 afirma: 'Y la Palabra se hizo carne, y habitó entre nosotros'.

El artículo ruso de la investigación del ADN casualmente menciona los cambios en nuestros hijos en términos de conciencia grupal. Ellos comentan que 'si los humanos con completa individualidad recuperaran la conciencia grupal ellos tendrían un poder de dios para crear, alterar y dar forma a las cosas en la Tierra y la humanidad está colectivamente moviéndose hacia una conciencia grupal de un nuevo tipo'. Ellos afirman que 'cincuenta por ciento de los niños se volverán un problema tan pronto como vayan a la escuela, puesto que el sistema engloba a todos juntos y demanda ajustarse. Pero la individualidad de los niños de hoy es tan fuerte que se rehúsan a este ajuste y se resisten a ceder a su idiosincrasia… Al mismo tiempo, más y más niños clarividentes están naciendo. Algo en esos niños está esforzándose más hacia la conciencia grupal de un nuevo tipo y ya no puede ser suprimido'.

¿Están los investigadores rusos, de hecho, refiriéndose a lo que ahora es llamado el niño con DDA (Desorden de Déficit de Atención)? Desafortunadamente, como no existe una investigación global patrocinada es difícil obtener estadísticas seguras. Pero, si el proceso de etiquetar a los niños como DDA es un indicador de este fenómeno, entonces ciertamente estamos evolucionando a un asombroso paso.

La perspectiva global y más piezas encajan en el rompecabezas: Ciencia, antropología, teología, arqueología y los niños.

Este corto artículo titulado 'Aprendiendo a comunicarse con los extraterrestres: los niños de India-China-Himalayas usan extraño idioma de señas' apareció en el sitio Web del India Daily (29 de enero de 2005) por un reportero del staff:

'En la profunda región del Himalaya, las personas están reportando extraños comportamientos en los niños. Los niños están utilizando idiomas de señas que son desconocidos para sus familias y todos alrededor. Muchos de los niños dibujan imágenes de objetos triangulares volando en el cielo. Muchos de ellos no saben lo que vieron y cómo aprendieron estos idiomas de señas. Algunos en la región de Aksai Chin creen que estos niños se comunican regularmente con los extraterrestres que solamente son visibles para estos niños y se comunican telepáticamente. Los niños aprenden el idioma de señas para comunicarse con estos seres. De acuerdo a los materiales de investigación OVNI, algunos niños mexicanos también manifiestan un comportamiento similar, cuando muchos en el área reportaron avistamientos OVNIs por mucho tiempo… De acuerdo a algunos maestros en las escuelas de esa área, los niños son extra ágiles y extra talentosos estos días. Sus habilidades para resolver problemas han incrementado y son mucho más disciplinados. Continuamente usan idioma de señas entre ellos. Sin embargo, ¡no pueden enseñar este idiomas a los adultos! Los vecinos del área creen que los OVNIS han estado visitando el área por miles de años. Se detuvo por un tiempo y ahora ha comenzado de nuevo'. (Ver www.indiandaily.com).

Familias me han contactado de todas partes del mundo, no solamente de Australia, Europa, América del Norte y Sur, sino de Asia y Rusia, y todos describen niños avanzados desde el patrón en desarrollo psicológico y físico y con habilidades psíquicas excepcionales.

En la Ciudad de México estos mismos Nuevos Humanos han comenzado a surgir, y se dice que más de 1000 niños son capaces de 'ver' con varias partes de su cuerpo. En algunos países, las agencias gubernamentales interesadas en tales niños están investigando activamente este fenómeno. China tiene un programa para investigar niños con habilidades similares, lo cual es tomado muy en serio por el gobierno chino en Beijing. El libro Súper Psíquicos de China por Paul Dong y Thomas Raffill describe a los niños con funcionamiento humano excepcional (EHF por sus siglas en inglés) quienes muestran patrones similares a los Niños Estelares o Índigo. Ellos, también, son muy psíquicos e intuitivos, por ejemplo, algunos tienen la habilidad de abrir capullos de flor con el puro pensamiento. Y como los niños mexicanos, muchos han mostrado una habilidad para ver con otras partes de sus cuerpos. Ellos muestran habilidades telequinésicas así como también otras habilidades multi-dimensionales, tales como sentir el pensamiento de otros (telepatía). También se ha reportado que el gobierno chino ha observado a estos niños cambiar la molécula del ADN humano en una placa de petri ante las cámaras y equipo médico para registrar esta hazaña supuestamente imposible. No tenemos evidencia para probar que estas habilidades sean el resultado de intervenciones extraterrestres. Pero, dado el hecho de que el gobierno chino es muy reservado, esto bien puede ser algo para lo que no están listos para compartir. Sin embargo, se me dijo que los chinos están extremadamente interesados en el fenómeno OVNI y lo toman muy en serio.


Aunque no puedo cubrir toda mi investigación en este artículo, puedo dar al lector algunos puntos para considerar. El difunto Francis Crick, ganador del Premio Nóbel, co-descubridor de la forma de la molécula del ADN y autor de La Vida Misma, hizo una asombrosa declaración '¡que una avanzada civilización transportó las semillas de vida en una nave espacial!' Uno se pregunta qué lo llevó a semejante conclusión increíble. Las referencias en los textos religiosos y bíblicos ciertamente generan preguntas sobre nuestros orígenes reales. La antropología aún no puede explicar cómo cambiamos o evolucionamos tan dramáticamente del Neandertal al Homo sapiens y el eslabón perdido no ha sido descubierto ni se han dado explicaciones de cómo fue puenteado el intervalo del desarrollo. El estudioso bíblico, Zecheria Sitchin, autor de las Crónicas Terrestres sugiere que tales respuestas podrían yacer en antiguos textos religiosos, tales como la Biblia. De acuerdo a Sitchin, la Biblia es una interpretación condensada de los antiguos textos sumerios y akkadianos. De su investigación él cree que el Homo sapiens fue una actualización genética de los homínidos existentes la cual fue emprendida por los seres extraterrestres llamados los Nephilim quienes vinieron a la Tierra hace 450, 000 años.

Las tribus indígenas del mundo tienen dentro de su historia oral que son visitados por seres del cielo y que están siendo genéticamente actualizados. La tribu Dogan (Tribu Africana Mali) llama a los visitantes estelares los Nummo, una especie alienígena que vino de Sirio y genéticamente actualizó a los humanos cuando vino a la Tierra. Los aborígenes de Australia también hablan de los seres del cielo, Wandjina, quienes les hicieron y les dieron las leyes para vivir.

Muchos textos sagrados además de la Biblia generan preguntas similares. Hill Hart, autor de El Amanecer de la Raza Génesis nota referencias a Dios en 'pluralidad'. Génesis, versículo 26, afirma: 'Entonces dios dijo, y ahora haremos a los seres humanos, serán como nosotros y se nos asemejarán'. La pregunta es, ¿quién es 'nosotros'?

Para aquellos que buscan explorar, hay muchas anomalías en los textos arqueológicos, antropológicos, religiosos y espirituales que deben guiar a la persona pensante a preguntar qué estamos educados a creer en términos de nuestros orígenes y herencia genética. Pero, la evidencia más convincente viene del testimonio de los niños, muchos de ellos lo suficientemente grandes para leer. Es información tan profunda que uno tiene que preguntarse cómo y dónde la obtuvieron.

Mike Oram (contactado) reside en el Reino Unido. Él me dijo que tenía 4 años cuando le dijo a su madre que no existía tal cosa como la muerte. Su madre no estuvo de acuerdo, pero Mike dijo 'el Universo sigue por la eternidad y no es verdad que ya no juguemos un papel en el Universo. Nosotros regresamos'. 'Era muy joven para conocer la palabra reencarnación', dijo él, 'entonces la asombré diciendo “Ustedes no son mis padres reales, mis padres están en el espacio, y algo de increíble importancia sucederá en este planeta y afectará a todos los niveles de conciencia, no sucederá en su tiempo de vida sino que será en el mío”. Mi pobre madre nuca olvidó esa conversación'. (Mike Oram).

Colin Wilson en El Despertar Alienígena (1998) escribió que no mucho antes de la muerte de Andrija Puharich él le preguntó en qué estaba trabajando. 'Niños paranormales', dijo él, 'no creerías cuántos de estos niños hay allá afuera, parecen estar a un nivel de genio. Conozco docenas, y probablemente haya miles'. Wilson incluye, 'y esto, sospecho, es el inicio del cambio en el que están trabajando los OVNIS (p. 309).

Desafortunadamente muchos fen menos solamente son reconocidos a trav s de un campo de estudio limitado de disciplina, y esto tristemente estrecha la perspectiva. No hay duda de que, para algunos, la hip tesis extraterrestre es una dif cil de tragar. Pero incluso si (por ahora) interpretamos esta informaci n desde un deseo por entender por qu podemos estar evolucionando tan r pidamente, como sugiere esta investigaci n, necesitamos estar abiertos a todas las posibilidades. Incluso si el rompecabezas solamente es percibido como otra forma de entendernos a nosotros mismos, la pregunta permanece, si estamos evolucionando a un paso acelerado que no puede ser explicado en t rminos evolutivos normales, c mo y por qu est sucediendo?

Son los Ni os Estelares, Nuevos Humanos, ndigos y ni os listos, etc, uno y el mismo fen meno? Si lo son, entonces la hip tesis extraterrestre tiene m s sentido. Despu s de todo, es absurdo para la persona pensante creer que somos la nica vida inteligente en el universo, dada la vastedad del espacio. Y es l gico creer que algunas de estas otras formas de vida pueden haber evolucionado lo suficiente para ser capaces de visitarnos, incluso si el c mo viajan aqu pueda estar m s all de nuestro actual entendimiento cient fico.

La hip tesis de la realidad extraterrestre no solamente es posible, sino que tambi n es probable y explica muchas anomal as en nuestros or genes, nuestra mitolog ay religiones. Ciertamente, si los que los contactados y las personas ind genas nos dicen es verdad, tenemos una muy ntima y actual relaci n con los visitantes, adem s de un acervo gen tico com n. Esto ciertamente explicar a su continuo inter sy participaci n en nuestro desarrollo evolutivo.

La naturaleza primitiva y agresiva del Homo sapiens, armada con tecnolog a para destruir no solamente unos con otros sino a nuestro hermoso planeta, puede bien ser el por qu estos ancestros ET han decidido acelerar el programa de actualizaci n evolutiva de la humanidad. Un Nuevo Humano con conciencia multi-nivel de nuestra conexi nc smica con todo lo que es, bien puede ser la nica forma en la que finalmente apreciemos lo que tenemos, cambiemos nuestro comportamiento, y crezcamos para tomar completa responsabilidad por nosotros mismos y este hermoso planeta.

Los Ni os Estelares podr an ser una parte integral de este llamado de despertar y puede ser que a trav s de ellos estemos siendo guiados a un entendimiento de esta profunda conexi n.

Los seres humanos estamos aqu para recordarse as mismos, con conciencia y con completo entendimiento de su conexi n innata con el Universo T. Taylor.

Si la teor a cu ntica es correcta, la ciencia no puede estar en desacuerdo de que ciertamente estamos conectados con todo, incluyendo a nuestros visitantes extraterrestres! Para ellos nosotros somos los alien genas! Jess, (8 a os, Oeste de Australia). Qu puedo decir: Los ni os y los locos siempre tienen la raz n!

Los Nuevos HumanosLa 5ta. Raza Ra z, los ndigo, los S per Ps quicos de China y los Ni os de las Estrellas.
Un programa de actualizaci n humana orquestado por un contacto extraterrestre; la evidencia y las implicaciones.

Por Mary Rodwell, RN (c) 2006
Directora de la Australian Close Encounter Resource Network, ACERN.
Una nueva raza de seres humanos ha surgido. Mientras que superficialmente ellos no son distinguibles, sin embargo, son parte de la siguiente ola de los traedores de luz, para ayudar a la humanidad con el despertar de la conciencia terrestre. Los seres humanos están despertando a su conexión innata con el Universo. Este es el papel principal para todos los NUEVOS NIÑOS llegando al planeta tierra” – Tracey Taylor, experimentadora (2000)

Traducción: Xitlalli Contreras –


Acerca de la autora

Mary Rodwell, RN, antigua enfermera y partera. Cosejera e hipnoterapeuta, metafísica. Directora de la ACERN (Red de Recursos de Encuentros Cercanos de Australia), Perth, Oeste de Australia. Mary ha viajado extensamente, visitando los Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido como conferencista internacional. Autora de Despertar: Cómo el Contacto Extraterrestre Puede Transformar Su Vida (2002). Productora de los documentales ganadores del premio EBE: Expresiones de Contacto ET: ¿Un Diseño Visual? (2000) y Expresiones de Contacto ET: ¿Un Diseño de Comunicación y Sanación? (2004). Producido por la ACERN. Sitio Web: www.acern.com.au y www.maryrodwell.com. E-mail:

A la fecha más de 1200 personas han contactado a la ACERN, nacional e internacionalmente. La ACERN es un recurso de asesoramiento profesional que explora todas las experiencias anómalas así como también hablar a las tradicionales agencias profesionales acerca de estos temas y la realidad de contacto. La investigación de Mary explora tanto las implicaciones físicas y metafísicas del contacto. Esta investigación ha demostrado que para la mayoría de los individuos el contacto puede ser una experiencia transformacional / espiritual, en la que los individuos, como los calificados como Niños Estelares, se vuelven más concientes de su naturaleza multi-dimensional. Mary es vicepresidente del Proyecto Niño Estelar, el cual busca investigar y apoyar a los Niños Estelares ya sus familias.


Andrews, Ann & Ritchie, Jean. (1998) Abducidos. London: Headline.

Baerbel. Resumen de 'Descubrimientos rusos del ADN'. Website:

Boylan, Richard. (1999, Winter) Boletín ACCET (Academia de Terapeutas Clínicos de Encuentros Cercanos)

Boylan, Richard. Encuentros Cercanos Extraterrestres.

Boylan, Richard. (2005) Niños Estelares: El Surgimiento de Generación Cósmica. Ver www.drboylan.com

Carroll, Lee & Tober, Jan. (1999) Los Niños Índigo. Hay House.

Dong, Paul, y Raffill, Thomas E. (1997) Los Súper Psíquicos de China. Marlowe and Company, NY.

Fosar, Grazyna & Bludorf, Franz. Vernetzte Intelligenz. Website:

Greer, Stephen, MD (1999) Contacto Extraterrestre: La Evidencia y las Implicaciones. Granite Publishing, USA.

Hart, Will. (2004) El Amanecer de la Raza Génesis.

Leir, Roger. (1999) Los Alienígenas y el Escalpelo. Granite Publishers.

Mack, John. (1994) La Abducción: Encuentros Humanos con Alienígenas. Simon & Schuster.

Rodwell, Mary. (2002) Despertar. Fortune Publishing, UK. Republicado en 2005 Avatar Publishing, USA.

Strieber, Whitley. (1997) La Escuela Secreta.

Randles, Jenny. (1994) Niños Estelares: La Verdadera Historia del Surgimiento Alienígena Entre Nosotros. Sterling Publishing.

Roads, Duncan. (2004 Ago/Sep). Críticas de Cine, revista Nexus, p.78.

Staff Reporter. (29 Ene 2005) 'Extraño Idioma de Señas', India Daily. Sitio Web: www.indiadaily.com

Taylor, Tracey. (2002) Dibujos, En Despertar (capítulo 8) por Mary Rodwell. Ver también: www.harmonicblueprint.com

Virtue, Doreen. (2003) Los Niños Cristal. Hay House Publishing.

Wilson, Colin. (1998) Amanecer Alienígena. London: Virgin Publishing.

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