kryon in Uruguay, channeled by Eduardo Saligari

  • 2010

To help the reader, Eduardo j. Saligari channeled Kryon again, who made additions so that the concepts became more clear. Many times, when the channeling is done live, it has an implicit energy that entails a type of communication that is not present on the printed page.

So enjoy this improved message that was made in Uruguay, Montevideo, Diving at the Ser Feliz Thiebaut 1608 Institute, on Friday, October 22, 2010, by Eduardo Saligari, Reiki Master and Luz de Amor.


I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service, I place myself at your feet.

We honor you for the love so beautiful that you bring today with you.

We have been working for a long time, much more than you. believe

And something very commendable in the past that he does not like to talk about, but his momentum, his wonderful push to give service, makes leaps and bounds, although he is wrong on the road and gets angry. (Talk about Eduardo)

We closed the society the other day (referred to on Wednesday 20_10_10 at the conference given by Lee Carroll in Montevideo), with Eduardo's approval, to give a new service, assuming the risks, which always happen in these cases, criticism, non-understanding, in thinking that one works with the Ego, there are many guidelines to be fulfilled.

And also the requirements, but it is the human - although my partner gets angry - when I say Human, because you have to put a lot of it, leaving many things at a cost, to be able to conduct a channeling.

We are willing that each one is a channel of God, but it is you who have to bring the contract, open the heart to put the signature.

Nothing is forced on anyone here, that's why it is called a society, something in common agreement, between the Kryon group, and the beings that are channeling it around the planet Earth.

Why will a new channel be asked?

It is the awakening of more people who push to have more options, Lee Carroll plays a fundamental role, he was the first who risked criticism, teasing, that the message is not understood, he is a world ambassador with specific tasks, and leaves seeds on all sides that goes.

And there in that place where he is, others take the post, to radiate light and love, and messages with more regional character, which is not only specific to Uruguay, but to all of South America, and as the channel expands, refine and agree with the alignment, the information channel will be larger.

We start doing tests as Eduardo told them ( It refers to the previous introductory talk we explained, the pilot tests carried out, see at the end of the text ).

I have been accepting and abandoning for a long time, it is not easy to put the skin on the grill, but the commitment is assumed, my partner put the heart, and with the support of you. At this time, we begin the second stage, to refine this awareness to convey the messages.

How many started in a garage !!, remember this is going to make history, and you were there being part of that story, you are as important in the plan as the others, that's how Microsoft, Apple, Hewlett Packard began, with some Loquitos loose in a garage (there are laughs), then they became multinationals, that you know.

What is in common ?, the strength of the spirit, the desire to do, to create, to put the heart in that inventiveness, to do something new, different, and we are here today, we are doing that, today is not crazy The 22nd teacher day? (refers to this was channeled on Friday 22_10_2010).

Everything has a spontaneous and exact correlation, although many times we do not understand.

We will talk a little about you, those who are guarding, protecting this moment, without you it could not be possible, it is you who are going to relay the message of LOVE, because that is simply what it is, here you don't have to follow any temple, any new religion, or any loose stuff, you can take it or leave it, believe or laugh, but nobody is going to judge you, same angels that protect you, will be the same angels that will come out the door with you, believing or disbelieving, we will always honor you, beyond the decisions you make .

Let me tell you something, there are 4 people whose central problem here is death, if you could see on the other side of the veil, how much you enjoy, how much joy there is in those relatives who are hoping to reincarnate some, and others have already done so, because the spiral increases and as you turn faster to what you measure as time is accelerating more and more, the pain that some people have overcome has been overcome, understood and honor, the separation of a loved one brings a lot of anguish, a huge vacuum, nobody says not to pass it, just to heal the wounds, not to be tied to your past, because on this side of the veil they and they are honoring you for the memory that you put in, they want them to continue in their memory and in their memories, but with the happy moments they spent with them, not those moments of pain and anguish, have the willpower, the effort to pass that moment of so much pain.

By the memory of these beings, they must grow in the light and in love. In other cases, death affected them when they were little, and they do not have it as necessary pain, but they do fear death.

This is the moment of reflection and knowing that they are part of the creation and that everything is transformed, that nothing disappears.

There are others in this room ( and reading this channeling in the now), who are concerned about the material, especially money.

The difficult thing about spiritual growth is to follow in the routine of the material and the 3D, and that is the great challenge that you have. Of not separating from the reality of the day, of not thinking that they are now better, of being enlightened or not.

Do not make separation with others who laugh, who were in a canalization or who visualized something. Remember when you also did not understand the process, at some point they will also wake up. When you let go and open your hands and let it flow, you will see that the universe will provide you with everything you are needing.

Others are worried about their physical problems, look for, trace in their karma when they were little, what are they dragging, because that is what causes them such pain, those physical impediments .

Let's talk about Uruguay, everyone wants to know about their country, about the regional, and now they will be happy with their ego and they will say: now Kryon is also channeled in Uruguay, we are important !! (and laughs also occur).

That seen that way is a separation too. What we are trying to do is to include all regions, all voices, all feelings, emotions, to the world network of consciousness, through the magnetic grid.

As Lee Carroll said, to put South America on the international level, to become aware of Asia, Oceania, Africa and any remote place, the energy of God is everywhere. Pretend that it is an international radio that reaches every corner, you just have to get a receiver (the radio), turn it on, which is to open your heart and tune your channel and there you will have that station that is transmitting and that up This moment they were not listening.

Each of you is an antenna, each of you is a mirror that reflects the LIGHT and LOVE. Remember, they are not different, they are neither better nor worse than anyone.

Uruguay, this small country, in a remote corner of South America, has been and will ALWAYS be a place of peace, OF ANCHORAGE OF ENERGY of a much larger worldview.

Here there are ancestral memories, experiences with the Atlanteans who passed through here and settled here, what my partner does not know is that, that imprint of human blood, that data bank, is here in this country, and you know that I speak of DNA and its quantum effect, we must not look for the human genome in the supercomputers of the world's scientists.

All this information is here! and there are wonderful beings as in any other part of the world, doing their job, their service.

But you have to safeguard that energy of ancestral knowledge that will awaken through grace, peace and harmony, the human DNA strands, are there soon upon awakening to be recognized, but we must anchor energy of LOVE OF LIGHT Keep it in mind at all times .

Uruguay is not more important than Australia, Zaire, Sweden or the most remote point of an island in the South Atlantic, always keep that in mind, but each region, I repeat again, its work of light, its awakening, is for that union From all the magnetic grid help the human being to be elevated in consciousness in this new state of vibration, which reaches its highest point in these coming years, that is the paradigm shift.

What is a paradigm? Finding new laws to old problems that had no solution, is to rediscover a new energy that enters the planet, which is inserted from outside to the interior of Gaia, and there is another, an internal one from the planet to the outside, in the same way the human works, an external, planetary, another solar and another cosmic energy that is permanently irradiated to raise the vibration of the magnetic field of each human, but there is another inner force, which is there in the very center of the chakra heart that expands outward, as it is above is below, as it is inside is outside, do not forget dear Brothers of the Light, it is a work that is just beginning and that you need the full support of you. to carry out.

The responsibility is great but you have to take it with joy, let's forget old metaphors, predictions, that everything must be done with pain, with anguish, with an effort on human.

We must put strength of will is true, but if we do not put joy, the road becomes too hard, difficult to travel, all excesses are serious, difficult to assimilate, but because we work in the light or spirituality, does not want To say that we are ascetics or do celibacy or other forms of human punishment to be more pure, served in the low energy that was before, in the old energy, but today it is not necessary, if you want it and want to continue within some These old, honorable plans will be, but try to think with a quantum metaphysics to 2010, with a Bible updated to 2010, they are not the same words of the great ones that embodied their ideas in the old testament, in the new testament, or in the Coran, the Torah, or another sacred book, were told with the energy of the moment, interpreted for the moment that was needed, with the knowledge and awareness that was at that time, and it was fine, it was perfect, but the planet cam Bió, changed his energies.

If there was a moment that was not known to do with the planet, to continue or not ?, it was evaluated and tested, and having a critical mass of consciousness necessary to make the change, each human was honored and the task began to change the magnetic grid of the Earth, so today after 25 years of starting with this task, we begin to enjoy the fruits.

The task is not simple in the material plane, of the work that they do side by side with their relatives at work, in the street, there is a lot of pain and there is a lot of anguish, we really see it, but also see those hearts, that perfect love that there is in each Being about to wake up, no matter how much a drug addict, a murderer, a rapist, is someone who at some point needed love and did not find it, and you cannot deny it by pointing a finger.

That is why today's message is the most important responsibility for those who want to take the flag of the White Brotherhood and the Light, but do it with joy, with certainty, with grace, those who do not want to do it, who want to continue with their plan, with the way they work, with the way they do things, it's okay, nobody is going to tell them anything, nobody is going to criticize them, they will simply go slower in some cases ... (Pause, silence)

Here the partner Eduardo, has just stopped my words, because he felt some anguish in the heart of some present, is sending light to some distressed souls.

It does not mean that what they have done so far was wrong, that they have to start from scratch, is simply to rearrange themselves, to start seeing a little more light each time and not seeing more and more darkness.

We thank you deeply for the LOVE placed here,

I am Kryon of the magnetic service of the planet, and we honor you for the task that each one takes to his form.

Break old structures, open the heart, radiate light, see in each one like a brother or sister, you never know if the one who is in front or to the side was your father, mother or your brother in another life, and what We love a lot, as much as the hatred and anger they feel for him.

We are in that permanent work of change, and we have to adapt. It was wonderful to ride a cart and with horses, the world was conquered, every country was toured, but we cannot deny the car or the plane today.

Feel the new vibrations of LOVE. I am Kryon and we honor you, may God bless each one of your souls and take you home upon your return.

The partner Eduardo has also asked to be able to channel other excellent teachers of the Light, and he has the opportunity because he is focused on his heart, beyond his struggles for each day to better serve the Light, trust is full, and We honor him without difference with any other for the work done.

It was held in Uruguay, Montevideo, Diving at the Institute Be Happy Thiebaut 1608, on Friday, October 22, 2010, by Eduardo Saligari, Reiki Master and Luz de Amor.

This message is free and free distribution, it is requested to name the source in all cases.

Thank you.

It refers to the previous introductory talk where we explain the pilot tests carried out, it comes from the first page .

It means that for a long time, pull and loosen, of doubts, fears, in the end I expressed: well Kryon what should I do or how should I do it!

And we started with 7 teachers to meet on Fridays after routine meditation, to see the mistakes, the doubts, if I could answer questions, and that the ego would not interfere, that they would protect me from the possible mistakes that eventually happened, and polished

Then we knew about the energy push to expand awareness when going from October 8 to 12 to Cerro Uritorco, where we received the Ono-zone energy with other teachers.

And on the date that Lee was coming, on 10-20-2010, I knew that seeing how he channeled would give me the guideline if it was similar to the work done, and there Lee talked about his fears, his disbelief, etc. And he showed me what I felt.

During his wonderful channeling, I connected with Kryon, I had been receiving the data together, it was in tandem, I felt the love of Kryon, and there in a heart pact we assumed the responsibility of being a channel.

This is not done overnight: after receiving me as a Reiki Master, being Atheist and feeling nothing and not visualizing anything, my first Aurora-Padre Pio trip arrived, I asked for spirituality, confirmation, and the night was magical, It was so much manifested.

Then in a course there appears a Mrs. school principal, who ended up being Maia, a guardian of the Aurora land and main ruler of Erks, who shows the way to the traveler. She explained and taught me a lot, both in Aurora-Padre Pío (Salto) and in the Chapel of the Monte Córdoba area of ​​Erks, Cerro Uritorco.

The companions initiated me in several systems that they had received, in preparation for something greater than we did not know, that it was to receive in the Uritorco a system of Healing:

The Symbols of the Christic Father-Mother.

There we also used the Merkabah for the first time, which I did not know was that powerful force of light that enveloped my body.

I got to see my son Eduardo jr. and my Peruvian grandson Nahuel, that took me to Caral, a dream place, where between 7 pyramids the energy of LOVE was anchored.

Then we were presented in the room of Padre Pio-Aurora Salto, the 12 Rays of Love, another healing system.

Then in a local issue at the meeting of 9_9-2009, we received from the Grand Master Saint Germain, the Burning of Karma to use as healing in patients.

Again in the Uritorco, we receive the Cosmic Ethereal Crystals. During those times, many symbols, messages and lessons were followed.

The Brill energy and lately the Ono-Zone energy have made my eyes fill with tears before so much LOVE of the Universe. That finally conformed an Integral system called LIGHT OF LOVE

Of course, to work for forgiveness with my father and mother-in-law was the incentive for growth, they were somehow the teachers who struck my personality, and brought into practice everything that from the high planes They said.

Needless to say, my family, my lady Aloma, my twins Belén and Nazareth, without their loving support, it would not have been possible to develop the path.

There is much to learn, mature, understand, heal, but the thrust is unwavering, the tests at some times are very hard, we must release, heal, strengthen. I am a common being like any of you, who is wrong, has fears, doubts, but there is a wonderful path that is worth traveling, I assure you.

I am a Programmer Analyst who also studied Bachelor of Chemistry, that is, I am also a rational scientist. Doubt but be open, the practice erased my doubts, and LOVE pushes my heart to IRRADIATE giving that service within what my BEING allows me.

The idea for now is to make channeling when Kryon so arranges it at the Be Happy Institute, to perfect the channel, but the guideline is to go from end to end the country first, those places that invite us or that we organize.

Then to neighboring countries and then Kryon, and God will say, hehehe.

I love you, in the Light and Love

Eduardo J. Saligari


Be Happy Institute: Montevideo Thiebaut 1608 Diving tel: 26288532-094455977

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