Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll Things are not always as they seem

  • 2014

Channeled by Lee Carroll

August 24, 2014, Columbus, Ohio.

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

This is a beautiful moment. If I told you that I know who you are here: Would you really understand? Many times you have heard me say: I know who are in the chair, I know who are listening. For God there is no secret. I AM from the Great Central Fountain, I AM a part of the whole, as you are. Because I have never been a Human Being, I do not have the inclinations that you have of corporality, of three-dimensionality, but I have Love for you, based on the work you do.

Before we even begin, I want to alert listeners about something that those in the chairs already know: That my partner had difficulty getting here today. Now, there is a saying that says there are no accidents. The saying is a metaphysical development of the belief that synchrony and co-creation always have a purpose. Sometimes, when a challenge arises, as often happens in duality, you can criticize it as if it were inappropriate or wrong, or even afflictive. But there are no accidents. So today my partner has told me 3 times: Why? Why did you miss your flight? Why did he have to go by bus for 2 hours to an airport where he had never been, to board a plane to a city he had never visited, to be picked up and taken by car for another 2 hours; To arrive at the meeting 6 hours late? (Kryon's laughter) He never missed a meeting, not on this continent; and did not miss this one. But in the process of arriving here he asked himself: “Why? If there are things to learn, what are they? And why did he have to experience this and involve everyone in the room in it? So now this is a nice meeting and it's almost 11 at night.

I will give you the answer. It is a metaphor and a lesson. Not for him, it's for all of you. I will review this because it is the subject of this channeling, a subject that you have heard before: Things are not always as they seem. Here is the metaphor; and it is for the day, for the time on this planet, it is for many to see and understand. In the hall everyone has the ticket for this event. All of you, when you bought the ticket, you felt that you knew when things were going to happen. Because of the linearity with which you live your life; and of the clock and what you expected; Because of the protocol of the meetings, in advance you saw yourself here at a certain time of day and leaving when it was over. You appropriately programmed your time, departure, travel time home, all that. And then it suddenly changed. How many were tempted to say: "As it was not expected, I will not go"? In this room, very few. But in life it is not like that. The beginning of this meeting was after the time it was supposed to end. Not only was it late, Dear, it would be over. And then it started.

How many of you have a ticket for something that you have been asking for a long time, you have paid the value, Dear Ones, you have it in your hand; and then it doesn't happen? I speak to many of those who are listening now, both present and not present in this room. And how did you feel about that, when things did not flow as you thought they should be, in fact they went beyond getting late, it seemed that they were not going to happen? The healing they had promised you, the associations, the business, the real Awakening. They are so many! I know who you are. And in linearity you are disappointed.

Things in your environment are not developing as you thought they would, as you expected them to be, perhaps throughout your life. You reach this point and there is a change. And there you are sitting with the ticket in your hand. And you don't know why. And here is what I want to tell you for this circumstance: I want you to realize what this metaphor of today was for. They asked you to wait; and it didn't happen; and it didn't happen; they asked you to trust that it would happen; and it didn't happen; and then, long after it was supposed to end, there was still the possibility that it would not happen. And then it happened. For those of you who are in the room, in this tiny metaphor, the meeting has already taken place and you are at the end of it; and you can look back and you can say: "I'm glad I didn't go home." You can say: “I'm glad I waited; I had a ticket and got what I expected.

I want to make a statement: That God loves you enough to respect the ticket; Maybe not in a time frame that you like or expect, but you wouldn't have a ticket if it wasn't supposed to take place. Do not despair! These things are not always as you expected. Can you travel the entire itinerary? Can you wait even until after the meeting is over to have what you expected? Maybe I'll try this again.

I want to review a little history and fill the cracks in the depths of this change that is happening on the Planet. As I said last night, I arrived in 1989; My coming was caused by the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. It is much more than that! You started to change before; And we saw it. The Harmonic Convergence was the result of profound potential. When I arrived I made many predictions; Now almost all of them have manifested. But they were not prophecies; and I want you to understand the difference. Today you have technologies that allow you to see the storms coming 1000 miles away, you can prepare a week in advance for anything that can hit you. And you will be ready. If someone had done that 200 years ago, without the instruments; and would have said: The storm will come in a week ; and then he would have come like this, they would have put him on a pedestal, he would have chamnic abilities, he would be a holy person who could predict. So what is the difference between a Cham and a meteorologist? (Kryon's laughter) And the answer is that the meteorologist can see her coming and can talk about the potentials from a distance.

That was what happened in 1987. We could see it coming. And in 1989, when he arrived, he began the channeling that told you: The change is near, the battle is near, Light versus Dark; that would be what you would face after a few years; that you will not have Armageddon, that the Magnetic Reticule will change and be transformed. These were not prophecies. They were potentials based on our long-range view. We saw that Humanity was transforming and changing in ways that you could never have seen independently, because we had the image of billions of Souls, all at once.

I want you to understand that, so I'll tell you right away. We still have these potentials, we can still see what is coming, based on the same principles that allowed us to make the first prophecies, which were potential. We wrote about Indigo Children because they were pioneers. Before the change occurred, Humanity began to change. Actually the DNA of these children was different from yours; and it was different not in a chemical way, but in a quantum way. You are not going to see it in a microscope Dear ones, but you can see it in the actions and in the consciousness that they represent. It was not a prophecy, we saw it coming based on the potentials of Human Consciousness. Now, the Indigo Children represented a slightly changed Human DNA that we told you was quantum, based on a change of the Magnetic Reticulum that is also quantum; and in a change of consciousness of the Planet. Someday you will see Human Consciousness as physical; And that is also quantum.

All this to say one thing: They relate to each other; and we saw it coming; so it was; and arrived Isn't it interesting that more than 10 years before the potential change of the Planet, the children will start to change anyway? Before December 21, the midpoint of the Precession of the Equinoxes, long before, the beginning of the change represented by the children of the Planet, began anyway. Now I want you to pay attention to this, because that's how it works. There is an anticipation factor that has already begun. There are human beings whose DNA is functioning above 33%; and you will recognize and see clearly. Some of them will assume the form of genius children; and there will be too many to be a coincidence. It is not a prediction Dear ones, it is a potential. One of the characteristics of the increase in DNA functionality is greater wisdom, more intelligence; and the ability to see the solution system more quickly. Some of the Indigo Children already have that ability. Some are beginning to receive it without having to return.

And I want to talk about that: What do you think the calibration and recalibration really consist of? Come on! Does that make you feel better? And how do you feel? Because it's not over yet; And you know it. Right now there are gifts that are being given to you, even before the battle between Light and Darkness has really begun! We are changing your DNA because you asked for it, because you passed this marker; and the result is, dear ones, that you are bodily uncomfortable. All this is coming back. Have you heard me? How many have lost the joy of living? ... Do not despair! Those who are not in the room that you are necessarily listening to (NT: or reading): YOU WILL NOT DESPAIR! Because that joy will come back.

How many have you only had a bad day; and you remember it; and perhaps you expect a slight depression, only so that later everything would be the same again; and looking back, you said: "Huy, I'm glad I didn't make any decisions when I was depressed!"? I want you to think about that, because you must hear it right now: For some of you this is not the time to make decisions. Not only will he return, but he will return in duplicate, we said it before. Your gifts are increasing because your DNA will work well above 33%. Do you know how it will be 44%? Long before the Tibetans tell you, I will tell you, I will give you a clue. No doubt 4 is a Gaia number, that's something to observe: Maybe it's a link with Gaia that you hadn't seen before? Let me ask you a question: Why are the mentions in the Gaia Group? That is a small clue (laugh from Kryon). What are a 4 and another 4 together? Manifestation. And what could you say when you have a 44? I will tell you: peace on Earth. That is the potential! It is not the arrival of the storm. It is the sunrise! I've never told you that before. True?

As you can see, things are not always as they seem, things become clear. And now I can reveal things that I might not be able to reveal last week, because today the potentials are much bigger than last week. You have a battle ahead; and last night we talked about that. And the battle is between light and darkness; and it is deep; and you will begin to see her on the planet. Now you see the faces; It has now been given a name; Now you know how to fight. Or you? Or you? My partner has mentioned many times before the crowds that it is time for the good news to spread. Before, that took over what you call the Internet; and those numerous videos spread a lot, they are encouraging and beautiful; my partner says that tens of millions of people see them, see them again and again; and tell their friends. They are encouraging, they make you feel good. Stories of courage, heroism, children doing things, animal rescue, animals talking to Humans, all kinds of things. We told you that it is time for this to reach the mainstream of television.

I make a prediction: He who decides to finance this the first time, will have the same kind of fame as who decided to start what you call Google, or something called Facebook. These paradigms had never been seen on the Planet; and others told them: nobody can do it, nobody will be interested and it won't work. And today you see that it has not only worked, it has become a paradigm. He who decides to finance the New Good News Network, will be known by history as a transformer of the Planet. He who has the vision to know how the new Humans are thinking and turn that into a commercial venture. Don't make a mistake! I am not telling you to assume that there is a television channel of the New Age, nor of Kryon. Hardly! Just let it be like the Internet. Let him show the videos, talk about the stories and bring people to discuss them. And that will attract tens of millions of people, away from the news, away from the horror. And the first ones who are going to see that this is working are going to be the advertisers (Kryon laugh). That is because it will work. This is the challenge. The first who has the courage to finance this, must endure low blows, ridicule and laughter while moving the paradigm of the Planet; It will be famous.

There is someone hearing this right now, is saying something; I want to repeat it. There is someone hearing this now; and I don't want to say in this room. This is a difficult concept for you. True? That someone in your future is hearing that and that I know what he is going to say. Now, that is not prophecy, because I know who they are; and they will say: “Kryon, this is ignorance; and innocence, naivety. You have this vast army growing, which is bad, that it has given itself a name, that thinks that large-scale murder is nothing; and you will fight it with videos of beautiful animals. That will not work, ”they will say. And here is what I want to tell you: Oh, it will! You do not know what I know! Things are not always as you think they are going to be, or as they seem, because you don't know the benevolence factor, you don't know how the Light can spread when Humans begin to think in a certain way; nor how it becomes fashionable and becomes almost contagious; nor what it does to other Human beings, nor what the worldwide diffusion of these things can cause in the ordinary Human.

It is not exactly as you think in 3rd Dimension! Let me tell you how that could work; listen: You have an enemy in front of you. Do you want to know how to win this battle? Do you want to know how to defeat that enemy? Do not kill him! Don't take his life! Don't become like him! Be smart, take away the financing. And you say: "That is impossible, there are too many and many with money to finance them" (laugh of Kryon). No, if the population of the Planet objects! It will. The part of the population that is watching the canals with the beautiful animals! Ahhh ... The part of the population that respects life and loves life; and that they love each other; and that they see the potential of a peaceful Earth and what it can mean! That could mean that the Middle East finally reached a solution. A generation may be needed, but to solve that old hatred, take away the funding. That is not going to be so difficult, because the funds have to come from somewhere; and that part does not sprout like this no more from Earth, Dear Ones. They have to be approved, they have to go through the banks, they have to buy things, so that darkness exists and struggles. And I am telling you: That is the source. Common sense will tell you that that is the source.

Now, I just introduced you to something I never said before; The benevolence factor is real, it is an amplification of the Light in Human Consciousness. It's contagious! Because the New Human is going to gravitate toward peaceful things, not drama. You will see that slowly certain television programs lose harmony, popularity. Advertisers will see it too; and they will no longer want to fund more programs that show people discussing, like fun. Look at this; I want you to see something that is not a prediction but a potential. Now I want to get back to the tickets (Kryon laugh). In 1987 you could say that Humanity bought the ticket for a meeting; and the meeting had a name: The New Jerusalem. And some of you know what I am talking about. The city on the hill, in peace. As Israel goes, Earth goes. And that is the focus; And that is the ticket you have: peace. You waited and waited and waited. It's almost there, you thought. And suddenly it got worse. Not only did it get worse, he got funds (Kryon's laugh).

They can't win, Dear Ones, because you got the ticket. How much wait does this deserve? And what are you going to do? Are you only going to have it in your hand? Are you going to suffer? Are you going to be victims who wonder what will happen? Or you will raise it by saying: “We deserve this! And it is coming! Come on! We will solve how to defeat the darkness. We will start with ourselves, becoming more gentle with each other, practicing on the micro level what the Macro Consciousness of the Planet will have to learn. ” How long will it take? ... How long are you going to wait?

The next time you are born, yes, when you reincarnate, if this Earth is not yet at peace, I will tell you esoterically, metaphorically, metaphysically: When you are born, you will have a ticket. You will arrive with that attribute. That is what you will want since childhood. This is going to be your passion; and everything you see around that is not in accordance with this, you will fight it; and you will fight it with what you know that works: integrity, honesty, gentleness, compassion, action. It's contagious. That is the factor that nobody expects because it is not in 3rd Dimension. It is not a prophecy, it is a fact; is coming; And we see it. You got the tickets, don't throw them, don't break them. Do not be discouraged! Keep them. Because things are not always as they seem!

I know your name; And I'm proud of you

And so it is.


Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Kryon Things Are Not Always As They Seem

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