Kryon ~ 5 Revelations for the New Energy

  • 2014

Mini Prior Channeling

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

There are always those who wonder if this is real, if the man in the chair is really connected to the other side or not. Who discerns those who are in the room and listening (NT: or reading), who feel things. I want to remember who you are. I want to take you back to a place that you cannot remember for yourselves. Right now it is impossible for the Human Being to remember what I am mentioning. We observe this Planet; you and I, we saw it form, we saw life appear, we saw the canyons form and reach the ocean. It's not like your story wrote, because it happened faster than you think. And you were there. You have always been there.

Human Being: Can you suspend the 3rd Dimension in which you live; and consider for a moment that you have in you the seed of the Creator? Call it what you want, some call it the Soul, some call it the Divine Essence, some give it a name, whatever. You have it; long before you went bodily, you had it. Here is a Plan! And that was a long time ago! And yet, it seems to be just a heartbeat. Time is like that for you even now, right? Can you remember things from decades ago as if they had been yesterday? Have you ever said: "I don't know where that time went"? But it is always close to you in the things that matter: the birth of a child; Maybe the boy has already grown up. Where did all that time go? Think of yourself as a part of God. The creation of the Galaxy itself was that way; it was only yesterday; And here you are.

Here is a Plan; and the Plan is of Love and kindness. We know your name; And you know ours. One of the things that will happen in the future, while the flower of consciousness opens, is that Humans will begin to remember who you are. The idea that there may be a system of lives will begin to bear fruit. There will be tests in many areas; Many children who will remember specific things. And those will be you, because you will come back again and again to solve this puzzle called Earth. But this time is different. This time is different. I want to make you a promise: No matter what your little three-dimensional concept of what is happening on the Planet, the magnificence in you goes far beyond it. You don't know what you don't know! What you don't know is that when you wake up here again on Earth like a baby, there will be an improved energy because of the Reticles, like a bed of consciousness on which you lean and that has become much better; And you will remember the wisdom. That is hard to describe. How do you know if a Human Being is wise? And the answer: Don't make the same mistakes over and over again, like the ones you may have made this time and the previous time; and the previous time.

Imagine arriving with wisdom on this planet, so that you will not make the same mistakes. See who you will be, see what you can achieve, see what you can do. There will be an acceleration of consciousness, a fast path to peace on Earth, caused by an overwhelming majority of humanity that begins to remember wisdom. You will see it everywhere, you will see it in business; You will even see it in politics (Kryon's laugh). I know it's hard to believe. So deep it will be! And who is going to do that? Your! That is the potential for the Planet. Later, when we return, I will present some premises that we have been giving for the past 2 years. I want you to hear the meaning properly in your own language. And I want you to hear it correctly and in the energy of channeling. That is what comes next. I want you to know who you are . You are magnificent. You are not a mystery to us. You are Family to us!

And so it is.


Main Channeling

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Immediately before my partner steps aside, I fill him with an energy, a feeling of Oneness with everything, peace over all things; and he wants to stay there, but he always stands aside and allows me to enter. He and I have an alliance, an agreement for a lifetime.

There is a lot that I would like to give you. There is something called 3rd Language; It is difficult to describe, it is not in 3rd Dimension. We call it 3rd Language because 3 is a catalyst. It really is not a language at all, it is a concept, a knowledge; and a way to communicate with you. All Old Souls understand this language. And you are sitting here; and the 3rd Language is what embraces you, surrounds you, takes care of you, protects you, precisely during the moments we are together. It is the 3rd Language that tells you that this is a real communication; speak to the intuitive part of the Human Being; and it gives you certainty of what is true and what is not. This morning I told you that I wanted to give you something that I would call axioms of the New Energy .

Because of the way things are starting to work, there are things to expect. I have given the axioms to many, but always in the language of my partner; I want you to listen to it in yours, in the beautiful way as it is being translated and with the integrity of heart that it represents. Dear Human Being, this is not the New Age of your grandparents (Kryon's laugh), this is not your grandmother's esotericism, this is not your parents' New Energy. Anything you have been told about the esotericism of this Planet is changing. The only thing you can hold on to and that remains the same, is the security of the Spirit's Love and that you are not alone no matter what happens, no matter what you see in the news Not even what happens in your personal life.

Some will be tested; And I don't want to say that it's going to be inappropriate, just in a way that says: Do you really mean it? Are you really part of this change or not? Some will make decisions precisely on this subject; and some of you have already done it. It is time for the Old Souls to stand up and stand in front. And some have only been marginally in this, you have proclaimed it with the intellect; and you have never felt it with your heart; and you are the first ones you say: Termin ; And that is appropriate. I want you to understand that on behalf of the Spirit there is no judgment at all. But the pure will advance, those who are not afraid; And so you are. I know who are sitting in the auditorium; I know who listens. Here there is purity, there is sensitivity, beauty of thought. Dear ones, allow me to refer to some of the things we have given in the last 2 years; they are 5.

Number One: The change of the new normal. This is very difficult for many; There are still some who are waiting for things to return to what they were. In the room there are healers who would like things to go back to the way they were. Here there are mediums that crossed the bridge to an interdimensional place; But the bridge has disappeared. They are waiting for me to come back. Will not return. Healer: It will never be the same; I would like you to understand this and progress. Healer, may you find the New Energy and healing, just as you have always done but more powerful. Medium, I want you to tune into a new station that is transmitting for you, it is on a higher frequency. Dear; You've been waiting for the old frequency to come back. Right? Will not return. Find the new one, it's yours. There are many Lightworkers in this condition. The new normal is change. Just when you find that frequency, you'll have a new job. This is a metaphor. You'll have to watch for frequency changes, keep up with frequency changes. You cannot leave a box to get into another; you're going out of the box to a mobile platform; and you have to stay in it.

The good news is that it won't be difficult, because you have the tools; All you have to do is accept the premise of change. Imagine you go to work; and when you return home you discover that all the furniture moved to accommodate differently while you were away (laugh from Kryon). For themselves! No one else did it, they did it. Now, here is what I tell you: Resist ! Resist the temptation to put them back as you liked. Use them as they are, because tomorrow when you return home, they will be elsewhere again . Wait for that, love that; Smile when it happens, because this is the New Energy. As the potentials are seen, for this energy to work, it has to go fast; faster than ever before for the Old Soul. Clean your heart Some know what this means. And this was number one. We have made whole channels on each of these attributes, but I know that here you can feel the fundamentals.

Number 2: Do not be impressed by what happens on the Planet. This is a change, a great change. The ancients told you about him, we have talked about him. And what did you expect? And the answer is: You were expecting something better than what is happening. I want you to remember the channels we have given in the past, including some in your language. We have said that a time would come when low energy would fight for your life. That time is today. It meets, it is organized, it seems black to you, it hurts your heart, it hurts you to see what Humans do to each other. Some will say: "There is no difference between these and the barbarians of the past"; And you are right. It is showing. True? It is showing a Gentile Planet. True? He has no chance. Before we have advised you: There are ingenious ways of definancing these things; Without money they would not exist. I think that you will see more and more this peaceful way of disarming the darkness. But you will win. Do not be impressed with what comes next, because it is not over.

Listen Dear ones: If the dark energies of the Planet are going to survive, now you have to unite all and do your best. There will always be duality, disagreements are things you had expected, but not what you are seeing now. This will happen, you will see. But the Old Soul is the one that carries the greatest weight of the Light on the Planet; and we told you that if you feared, they would have won. Can consciousness change the planet? Oh yeah! If 1 million people join to emit compassionate thoughts: Will that change the planet? Oh yeah! What is the first thing dark energy does? It impresses you, it frightens you; and then he has overcome, because with fear there is no Oneness with God, only survival. Do not be afraid! Old Soul, stand up, in Oneness, without fear. This was number 2.

Number 3 is good news. In your personal life, some of you will receive the things you were waiting for. We have named it: Unexpected benevolent change . Unexpected Benevolent Change. And this is not for all of you, because the cycles of time you are going through are unique and individual; and the timing may not be timely. Some are still going through the recalibration tests that can last all year. Each one is different; Everyone is loved. If you feel that you are passing tests right now, I want you to know that the Angels are by your side shedding every tear you shed, that they know who you are and what you are going through; and who know the transformation you are doing. You will leave the other side of this particular problem with more Light than you ever thought you could have, with talents greater than what you have now; and with wisdom that is forever. Many have gone through the change; I want you to expect the unexpected: I change Benévolo Unexpected. It's not the moment? We told you: This is the New Age in which the Lightworkers hold the Light, do not fight the darkness, move forward with the Light. These are metaphors, metaphors of the battle you are winning. Do not despair when you look around. Unexpected Benevolent Change. And this was number 3.

Number 4: We have said it many times; I will say it again: Human Beings tend to put you in belief boxes; and the Old Soul is no exception . How do you think this should work? How do you channel? How do you interpret the maps? How do you work with the systems? Are there right and wrong ways of doing things? Is energy sensitive to what you do? Are you sure there are certain things that should not be done? ... This is a box and you are in it! Oh, maybe you call it the esoteric box! But you are in it. You are going to have to have a tolerance that you never had before, to meet other Lightworkers like you, who you think are doing badly (laughter of Kryon), based on tradition, based on what others have saying. In fact, based on what worked for you .

Everything is changing, you will have to knock down the walls of the box. Can you really do that? We are asking you to join with everyone in the World at this time, in all countries; and everyone learned in ways different from yours. Discard the differences and unite with Love; This is how you will win. Separation creates enemies, separation creates distrust. And you know it. The Old Soul knows it; who is a Lightworker illuminates what is in front of him; so that he can clearly see others and see his own steps. Let the Light you carry be of tolerance ; and not only in general for other people, especially for other Old Souls and other Lightworkers. Listen Dear ones: There are Lightworkers everywhere; there are Lightworkers who wear ecclesiastical habits (laughter of Kryon); there are Lightworkers across the globe using what you would never expect. They believe what you believe, that God is inside, that peace on Earth is possible; and that the joy of change is near. Tolerate, not judge. This was number 4.

And we close with Number 5 . There is a new way to spread the message of Light on this Planet. How have you been doing so far? You could say, "Well, I've been working on myself, I read the books, I communicate with my Higher Self, I opened my Pineal, I'm a healer, I'm a writer." All of that is fine; but the great thing, what will change the Planet, is what all the Masters told you that it would come. And I said the same thing: It's like others see you. Do you have or not mastery in your attitude? Do you love others like yourself? Are you too strange to be near you? Listen to me: Esoteric people are often strange! They are inside their strange box; everyone knows it, the family knows it, the neighbors know it; and when they walk down the street and others see them approaching in their strange box, they cross the street to avoid them. That's how you are? Let me ask you if this is how you are helping the Planet. Do you think people want to be like you?

It's time to make an assessment of who you are! The Planet will change if Old Souls go around with tolerance and Love, not with oddities. Who you are? Were the Masters of the Planet in a strange box? Oh no! Wherever they went, everyone wanted to be with them, they hoped to be close to them. Are you courteous, generous, do you listen to others? I want you to think about these things. Old Soul, you have been trained for this. This is the hardest thing you will do: Start with your family . You didn't want to hear this right? The hardest thing you will have to do is love your family, those biologically related to you (Kryon laugh). Some of you gave up a long time ago about them; You don't even talk to them much. It is time to change that, do not argue with them, let them see the Love of God in you. That is to radiate your Light, that is new. There are many esoteric people who are extremely dedicated to their strange box and find it difficult to knock down the walls; but this is the Lightworker task.

Leave this place different from how you arrived, let people know who you are by the way you react, how you act with others, how you love each other. On the Planet there is no greater Light; and it will attract people from everywhere. From everywhere!

And so it is.


Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

channeled by Lee Carroll

Kryon ~ 5 Revelations for the New Energy

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