KIRAEL - The Children of Change through, by Fref Sterling

Aloha Anita,

Welcome to the Newsletter of the month of February, 2009.

Is there a Child of the Great Change in your Life?

In this month's newsletter article, Master Guide Kirael shares with us insights from the heart regarding the children of the world today. Is there a child of Change in your life? You can read more about these “enlightened” beings among us in this article. Why not share love and wisdom and send this message to a friend?

KIRAEL: Today I'm going to talk about the magical children of the Great Change, some of whom are known as indigo, rainbow and crystal. These labels are put to these children by human light. I like to think of them simply as the children of Change or the children of Light. Although a few of these children were born a little before 1982, most were born between 1982 and 1984 and are in the middle or end of their 20 years now. They are either graduating or have graduated from college, and many of them do not know what to do with their lives. Their philosophy is to enjoy life in this dimension as much as possible, until they are ready to address the Change.

The children of the Change born in the late nineties and afterwards have a quite different journey and philosophy of life. They know how to make the Journey of Change and are ready to do it now. They want to be heard and they will talk to anyone who wants to listen to them. When we enter this enlightened time of Change, they will be more than ready.

I can tell you more about these children of the Change but instead of filling my opening statement with that information, I am going to answer your questions, because much of what I have to say about these young people will be in the answers to your questions.

QUESTION: What is the difference between indigo, rainbow and crystal children?

KIRAEL: I'm going to talk briefly about the generalities of these different categories. These children will show a new and unusual series of psychological attributes, revealing a generally undocumented pattern of behavior before. The three categories of children are psychic and sensitive, but the differences exist.

Indigo children are warrior spirits or warriors of light. Its collective purpose is to change the old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to clear blockages and old barriers. The influx of these children occurred in the early and mid-1980s.

Instead, the influx of crystal children occurred in the late 1990s and 2000s. These children are wise beyond their years, caring, forgiving, happy, lovers of peace and empathy. The crystal children are now ready to make the Journey of Change.

Rainbow children are the children that are born now and are here to serve humanity through the healing energy that emanates from their expansive heart chakra. They are open-hearted, to love and affection without conditions, and to this new plane of consciousness.

The period of time in which these children began to come to the Earth plane are only a general estimate of when most of these children were born. You will have a better chance of finding not only indigos, some crystal children are in their mid to late twenties. The dates provide you with the deadlines for when your energies began to multiply.

P: Years ago, you mentioned that through change, our brain must function at 35 to 55 percent capacity. What are the ranges of capacity in the brain of the children of the Change?

KIRAEL: If your sons and daughters are between 25 and 27 years old, they have just reached 20 to 25 percent of the brain's capacity. However, they have been above your brain capacity for a long time and are now waking up to what they are doing here.

His recent choice was proof that the energies of the young adults of the Change are beginning to wake up their travels. They have voted in this election in such a large number because they want to change, and they voted for the candidate who has the energy of the heart. They were not focused on the candidate's words as much as on the energy behind his words. These beings do not want to hear about negativity, and the candidate who least participated in the negativity won this election. Barack Obama is a light that has the gift of heart energy and his brain is functioning at 42 percent of its capacity. Rather than making him smarter, he makes him more loving, and the children of change old enough to vote recognized that.

Every child born in the year 2000, more or less, entered this trip at full load, so to speak. The three new chakras already operate in them and have extra layers of DNA. The capacity of your brain at birth is approximately 20 to 25 percent, because its energy patterns are woven into the omni brain. That is one of the reasons why people who operate from 10 percent of the brain are bored. You can imagine how frustrating it is for children who have teachers who are 35 or 40 years old with an operation of 12 or maybe 14 percent of the brain's capacity. These young people are children who work at a level beyond their teachers. In fact, we are working on them, around them and through them.

Teachers can develop their own omni-brains, but they have to go beyond their training and look at this little child who does not respond to them, and this will help them to respond. If you take this trip, these children will respond. Let's say you have a teacher who operates with 15 percent of your brain capacity, who teaches children four years of age who operate with 25 to 35 percent of brain capacity. The teacher must be open to tell these children, I will try to work with you. I am going to exercise my brain a little, because I want to make you feel my love. When the teacher teaches from the heart at the child's level, the child will say, Oh, I can do that. These children are aware of their integrity, and it is the teacher's job to be aware as well.

Babies born now will have 28 percent brain capacity and by the time they are two years old, it will be 36 or 37 percent.

Q: How will the older children of the Change awaken to their life project and what role will Goddess Light play in her awakening?

KIRAEL: The 24-year-old children of the Change have entered this trip with a specialized life plan. They are not aware of their life project, because so far they have not been in touch with their guides, they are arriving right now and will get in touch with them.

If you are driving on the road and see someone in your next twenty-year-old car talking to anyone in particular, you are probably a young adult in the energy of Change, and, created Anme, someone else is in the car. These young people will be the channels and mediums, but not the kind that make public appearances and do so in front of a large audience. Instead, these young people will record their own channels for their own purposes. The journey of these young people will focus on communicating with their highest self, in order to develop their own light.

The Goddess Light on this plane opens the doors for these young people. When you, as gods, are around any of these young adults, do not act as if they were special. Simply talk to them as they would any other person and then the topic of Change will be facilitated. Pay special attention to your answers. Your awareness is increasing daily.

Here is another little curiosity, so to speak. When they see flying characters in video games or on television, they are watching something that came here to see that you do. Yes, they came here to see them fly.

Q: Do you have any advice on careers and education for young adults in the energies of Change?

KIRAEL: Although you asked about the young adults of the energy of Change, who are in college or graduated, and those in elementary school and high schools are included. Do not ask them what they want to do when they grow up or graduate. They are already grown up and know what they want to do on a deeper level. They simply cannot tell you, because they have not fully figured it out. Just give them some time.

These children are the future of Us, the People. They will be set up on this trip and will change the focus of things. For example, they could have a child who graduates from school and learns to maneuver in the stock market. You might ask, "What is this child doing in the stock market, with all these things?" This child's trip will probably refer to the worry of finding out how to make the stock market work for everyone. The stock market is not going to be there after the change, but it is here and now, and it will work well with these young adults who participate in this trip.

Whatever line of work these children pursue, they will be happy to do so. Your trip is to do what you like, not what you would like or expect them to do. These children are satisfied with what they have and what they are doing right now.

Most of you do not have many satisfactions in your life. In today's world, they are always climbing the ladder to success. They want to reach the top to be able to retire with a good pension. However, some of you do not and your retirement is gone. Just imagine: If they were in a job they like, they might not want to retire. They may wish to work until they are no longer able to do the work or until they go home with the Creator.

Look at these children of Change and learn. They know that they have to earn money to maintain their life, but they move along their journey at their own pace. If they push them, they won't get anything. They will not move until they are ready. I'm not saying give up on them. Instead, listen to them. At that moment, when you are not sure what you want to do, because you can feel the change, but you do not understand what you are feeling, it is because you have not been listening to you. However, they will soon explode on the scene, and they will jump on their journeys and light up. When they do, everything around them will light up.

Q: How can we get these young adult children to use their gifts, instead of now focusing all their energies on their journey in the third dimension?

KIRAEL: They are aware of their journey of Change. They just don't want to do anything with this trip right now, because they want to get as much of this trip as possible in the third dimension. They wanted to make this journey of the human being and they know that this is their last chance to experience this plane of consciousness. They don't have many more years left, so they want to feel the whole journey. They want to experiment with tattoos and dance and play and throw their arms in the air. They know that in the energy of Change, these types of trips will not exist.

Stop telling them what they have to do this Journey of Change. They know what they are doing, and they know that they will soon have, in turn, to change their attention to their journey of Change. They will avoid this last trip a little more. Do not pressure them to meet your expectations. You will arrive on your own time, and you will be proud when you wake up on your journey of Change and tell you what you can do and how you will do it.

Another reason why they agree not to get involved with you is because they don't want to be told what they already know. They know how to cut certain genes, how to speak through their omni brains, how to communicate with citizens of other countries and other worlds, for example, with aliens. They have the ability to do all these things, but they are not willing to let anyone know, because they want to be third-dimensional. Let them be third dimension for now.

Q: My son started a two-year culinary program and it has been five years and it is not over yet. He's taking so many courses that don't seem to be together, but he told me to trust him, because he's part of a plan. It is wonderful that you have time doing what you want. When is all this going to join and what will you do after the Change?

KIRAEL: Your son knows absolutely what he is doing, even beyond his own recognition. Your omni brain is connected to your local brain, and, unlike most of you, feel the connection and talk to your omni brain from time to time. He has a gift for communication with all people, young and old. When he focuses on a person, he will listen to what he says and will immerse himself completely in communication, conquering that person completely. He will be so great, because he knows how to speak at all levels of consciousness. He is a being of Change. Be aware of it and honor your trip.

He cannot make sense of everything he knows, due to the connection between his local brain and his omni brain. He can hear both brains operate at the same time, so his attention can change every day. He will talk to him one day and the next day he will talk to him and wonder what happened to the person he spoke with yesterday. He could be angry one day and the next day he will speak as if he were the king of the world. Fluctuations in your mood and communication have to do with receiving messages from local authorities and the omni brain simultaneously. It will take time to gather the information piece by piece and can be as confusing as it is for you. Be aware of your trip.

In regards to your trip, as far as change is concerned, you will be a leading advisor. "A leading advisor, " you say. “You have to be kidding, Master Kirael. He can't bring a fork to his mouth. ” Not only can you bring a fork to your mouth, you must participate in the vegetable food trip. After the change, you will want to eat plant foods, and he will be a chef of extraordinary skill. Many of the children who come behind him, the youngest ones, will arrive just with this cooking trip and learn to prepare these foods today. Your child will be a teacher beyond teachers. He must begin this journey soon, so he will see the Change in him within three to four months, just after New Year. He will be training others and love everything he does.

Don't worry about your laziness, so to speak. You will move on to your Change trip when you are ready.

Q: My 27-year-old daughter is a Change baby and now she has a 6-year-old Change baby. How do parents who are babies of the Change relate to their children who are also babies of the Change?

KIRAEL: Let's start with your 27 year old daughter. Two and seven are nine, and in my numerology, it is the termination. In a sense, this is the end of your trip to this point. Nine is just a symbol, indicating that your trip is in the transition to a new understanding - understanding of what to do with your 6-year-old girl. She does not fit her trip, because she is in the unusual circumstance of being in a position of change and having a child of Change. This will be an interesting tour for both of us. More than likely, your daughter will be at the end of her wits all the time, probably because she thinks she will never understand her son.

If she does this exercise, she could change the trip - I will use this medium for now. Record your energy in the medium. You will feel some resistance at the beginning. Bend your will and go through that resistance. Don't crash against her. Bend your will around hers and enter and see if you can feel what you are feeling. I cannot tell him the feeling of the medium because he is not here. Your body is on autopilot so you can use it to communicate with you. However, you will be aware of something when you return. Tell your daughter to live her life through that armor, that resistance, to enter her son's heart.

Adults will have to be attentive and focused on the heart when communicating with these young children of Change, so that they can understand what they say. The child will say something that does not make sense to you, but that does not mean that it does not make sense to the child. Your daughter's 6-year-old daughter's journey is about the mother's understanding of what she is saying. Her daughter does not understand, because she is at the other end of the spectrum of the children of Change. She is only preparing to enter this path of change, but her 6-year-old daughter is already there. He wants to tell everyone what is happening in the world. He wants to be prepared to take over this world.

Six in my numerology is about mastery. This 6-year-old boy knows about mastery. His journey is, above all, about the understanding of this human experience, but he has to fight against it, because he came here waiting for the Great Change, and instead, he found a world of duality on the brink of change. He doesn't have to wait much longer.

When this 6 year old is 26, he will be recognized as a genius. You say, “I don't know about this. I could have failed in this, Master Kirael. ” Trust me, it will be a genius. He is talking to me and now I am in Hawaii and he is where he is. What does this tell you? How did you know we would be here having this conversation? He is listening to what you just said, more than his daughter. Her daughter is a beautiful person, but she has to learn to talk with this child on a new level of consciousness. She can start by saying, "What do you feel in your heart right now?" You are thinking that there is no way she can tell you, but she can. He must tell and speak from his heart, he must only tell him once. That is the only thing this 6 year old child understands. If she talks to him from her heart and they talk about her heart, she will succeed. If you are 27 years old and this 6-year-old child comes together, they will never be separated again. That is the trip, my friend.

Q: How can we talk about the love for our children of Change?

KIRAEL: Ask what love means to them. They will talk to you, but not about romantic love or love between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. They will talk to you about a love that is more expansive. Most of the children of the Change, young adults, do not have boyfriends or girlfriends. They are interested in having as many people to love as possible. They want to find people who have the power of the brain equal to theirs so that they can communicate with them on an expansive level. This is the whole trip, my friend.

Q: I understand that the children of Change who were born in early 2000 have a thinner veil, but many do not speak well or speak very little or seem to be in their own world, do not pay attention Do not focus on what is happening to you in the present moment. Could you comment on this?

KIRAEL: Children born around 2000 are powerful energies of Change, many of whom do not speak because they know how to communicate without words, or telepathically. They were told that they will reach the plane of this Earth to the world of the Great Changes, however, it does not fit their idea of ​​what it is. They don't understand that before the change can happen, We The People, we have to make the trip.

Your brains are talking to your brain, but they don't get answers from you, so they are frustrated. They do not understand that you do not hear them. When you speak to them, you listen as carefully as you can, but unless you have something interesting to say, you will not leave or go outside the area, so to speak. Therefore, if your teachers are teaching in the way they have always taught, they will have trouble getting these children to focus. You might think that the teacher is saying something interesting, but the children don't think so. The teacher should talk with the children at their level of understanding. Those who know these children will have to talk to the teachers and tell them that they have to communicate with these children in a special way and they have to find out what it is that makes gill a these children.

At other times, when those children seem to be out of the zone, they are simply busy in other places, and what they seem to be looking in the air is actually the child looking and communicating with an invisible energy.

These children also seem to be out of the zone because they are deeply involved in their creative efforts. When most of you participate in a creative effort, you want to immediately put it aside and keep it private. Well, these children do not shy away from their creative efforts. Instead, they are very deeply involved in what appears to be their own world, and they are. For example, when they make automatic writings, even though their eyes are wide open, they are communicating on another level of consciousness.

These are just some of the reasons why many of these children do not seem to be paying attention, or are out of space, if you like.

Q: What is the best way to communicate with these children?

KIRAEL: If you want to communicate with these children, be honest. Tell them they can't understand them yet, but they are working on it. Ask them to talk to you, and tell them that they will listen to you no matter what. When they say they are talking, listen and then talk to them, at their level, and by that I mean they should speak from their heart. When these children are spoken at their level, they will respond jubilantly and know that they have succeeded.

When you start a conversation with these children, you must break the resistance plot, so that love flows freely between you and them. First, they will feel a little resistance around the middle of the process, but if they press a little with love, they will flow well to their hearts and be able to hear what the children are saying.

First of all, these children want someone to talk to them for real. When you say, "That was great, Bobby" or "That was wonderful, Bobby, " and you don't think it, they know they are not speaking in their truth, and they will not listen to you. These children think conceptually as if they were adults, but are not able to get words wrapped around the concepts, so they still sound like children.

You are in the pre-change of energy and these children do not want to interact with you, because you cannot understand what they are saying. Most adults say to these children, "isn't it cute?" They don't want to hear this. Instead, they want me to say, “Look at your eyes. They are a beautiful purple shade. ” Point out something different about them. Talk about your clothes, if they have dressed themselves.

If they talk to these children and they are not in the length of their wave, they will go "out of the zone." You can tell them when they are lost, because when they look in your eyes, you will see the glazed expression. They cannot be lost. When that happens, stop and change the subject. Have them focus again and give them a hug. They love being hugged.

These children came to this trip in this world because they thought I was ready for them. It was not. Many of these children are disconnected from this duality journey. You see, when you connect to this plane of consciousness, you think, "Oh, my God, disconnection, " and disconnect. Now, their journey focuses on the mental body and they can disconnect from this plane of consciousness as easily as they can connect to it. They are just beginning to understand this plane of consciousness, and when they understand it, there is a direct click to 35-40 percent of the brain's energy and they will not immediately come out again.

The Light of the Goddess, which has to do with the highest spoken truth, is important for the journey of these children. You have the responsibility to give these children a hug and tell them that everything is fine, and that the world is simply not prepared for them. Get up and recognize these children, because they will have to come to you if your parents don't listen to you. As the Goddess Light, be willing to share your love with them. They have no excuse for not doing so. Open your heart and remain in the truth. This is how they will reach all these children on this Journey of Change.

Do your best to understand what these children are saying when they communicate with you, either with your voice or through your art or other endeavors. If they take the time to listen to what they are saying, and respond from their heart, they will succeed in every communication. In the Great Change, they will talk telepathically with them and understand them.

Q: Many times when I ask my daughter something, she doesn't answer orally, and when I say, "Why don't you answer me?" He says, "I did it." I have a little problem with that, because I don't understand what she is trying to tell me and she does it to me many times.

KIRAEL: You must learn to communicate with her. How old is your daughter?

P: She is thirteen.

KIRAEL: Your daughter is telling you that you must learn to talk to her. She wants me to look at her when she talks to her and recognize what is emerging from her third eye, because that's where the real truth is.

It will be a test case, since you will learn to talk with these children to learn to talk with your daughter. Do not tell her that this is what she is doing, because she will close the communication immediately. If you are not ready to communicate with her at your level, you will leave this trip and abandon everything and get nothing from your daughter. These children are patients. They want you to communicate in your form only when you are ready.

Practice with the exercise I mentioned before. Go through that resistance fabric and enter your daughter's heart and listen. This is how to start in some of these cases in question. If they listen to your words, they will not hear anything, but if they enter your heart, then you will find what you are trying to tell them. Enter your heart a couple of times and they will feed that heart energy to their brains and their words will align with what is in their hearts. They will listen to what these children really want. They know that their omni brain and their local brain are separated, but they also know how to put them together.

I know your daughter has had some health problems and struggled hard to get here. When the doctors made X-rays in his brain and that point there was gone, the doctors thought, "Oh, it must have been a point in the X-rays." It was not a point. It was a cancerous tumor and it is gone, because his daughter has erased it from his brain. That is why I wanted to stay here on this trip. You don't have to tell him anything about it. She doesn't know anything about this. She just wanted to get here, and now you, my friend, will come to her to speak from her heart to yours. Thirteen is not too old.

Q: What is the best way to introduce Signature Cell Healing in these children of Change?

KIRAEL: This Journey of Change is about the healing power of the Signature Cell. Not everyone calls it a Healing of the Signature Cell, but you will know when you see it, because it is about love. These children of Change know better than you about Healing of the Cell of Signature. They just don't call it that. During a healing, they will tell you, “Your hands are wrong. Move your hands here. Move them there. ” Listen to them.

The children of the Change will be their leaders at the end of the process due to their knowledge about the Healing of the Signature Cell. Do you remember when your son was young and he arrived and put his hands on you and his headache disappeared? Well, he knows about the Signature Cell. If you don't believe it, put a cat or dog that doesn't feel well around and see what it does, how it has the animal and where it puts its hands. Not all of these children will grow up to be veterinarians or veterinarians, but they will know how to do the job.

The children of the Change are on the perfect trip. They are so tuned, so powerful. Your omni brain is working on this path. You also have an omni brain, and if it isn't working, listen to what these young people say. They will guide you through this whole process. If you have a 6 year old child and want to tell him something, listen to him. They may not be able to communicate as well as they would like, but they will probably do their best to give you credit. If you are asked about healing, he will tell you exactly where to place your hands. Él sabrá cuando la rodilla de su abuelo no este sana y sabrá qué hacer para corregir eso. Dirán: “Wow, ¿donde aprendió eso?”

Recuerden, estos niños están en funcionamiento desde su omni cerebro y eso es lo que los hace Sanadores de la Célula de Signatura. De hecho, podrían llamar Sanación de la Célula de Signatura al OMNI CEREBRO.

P: Tengo un amigo que ha descubierto que en algunos jóvenes del Sur de África, el VIH ha mutado y desaparecido milagrosamente. ¿Se trata de una habilidad que estos niños tienen actualmente y que tendrán después de los cambios?

KIRAEL: Están practicando esta habilidad ahora. Algunos de los niños que tenían SIDA y se han encontrado libres de la enfermedad son niños del Cambio que no quieren nada que tenga que ver con el viaje del SIDA. Entraron en este plano de la conciencia para ver el recorrido y luego sacarlo de aquí. Así que este viaje del SIDA fue programado, pero luego se dieron cuenta de que les gustaba aquí. Y pensaron: “Wow, esto es realmente grandioso.” Por lo tanto, hicieron clic y sacaron fuera el gen.

Con la Sanación de la Célula de Signatura, aprenden acerca de dejar fuera los genes, y otras cosas. Estas son cosas que un niño del Cambio puede hacer. Algunos de estos niños están fuera del clic de los genes del SIDA y algunos están completamente en ello, sólo lo suficiente como para darle algo con que trabajar. Su viaje es alucinante. Se les enseñará cómo desactivar los genes del cáncer, del SIDA, etc. Pasará cierto tiempo antes de que esto ocurra, sin embargo.

Algunos de estos niños vienen a este viaje con todo tipo de anomalías, para que simplemente hagan clic en el gen y lo dejen afuera, y eso tomará todo el trayecto en los ojos del público.

P: ¿Cree usted que estos niños del Cambio deberían incurrir en el campo de la medicina o será eso relevante?

KIRAEL: Es un buen lugar para estos niños empezar en los sistemas alternativos de curación. Ellos aprenderán sobre la Célula de Signatura o algún otro método alternativo de curación. Muchos de ellos ni siquiera saben que están utilizando sus habilidades de curación. Ellos sólo saben que pueden curarse a sí mismos. Un día que está enfermo y menos listo y al próximo, están fuertes y dispuestos. Ellos no están conscientes de lo que han hecho o cómo lo han hecho. La próxima vez que tenga la oportunidad de conocer a uno de estos niños con sarampión o alguna otra enfermedad, dígale a él o ella, que haga clic fuera a la enfermedad, y verá la rapidez con la que el niño se cura.

Q: ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de comunicarse a larga distancia con estas energías del Cambio?

KIRAEL: A veces ustedes dormitan mientras ven la televisión y oyen una voz que ustedes piensan es de la televisión, pero ustedes no están seguros, porque están en la zona etérea. Bueno, tal vez en realidad estén comunicados con un niño de África que ha penetrado en su tejido. Pueden llegar a su tejido de cualquier lugar en cualquier momento, y saben una serie de formas de hacerlo. Algunos de ustedes piensan que están perdiendo su mente, porque tiene ideas que parecen haber venido de no saben donde sobre temas como la curación. Estos pensamientos bien pueden provenir de uno de estos niños del Cambio.

Muchos de estos niños se comunican ahora a larga distancia mediante la conexión de los cuatro cuerpos, lo que les permite conectarse a todos los niveles de conciencia (físico, emocional, mental y espiritual.) Mire al médium cuando él diga una oración y entenderá la oración de los cuatro cuerpos. Él sabe que se ha conectado a todos los niveles de conciencia.

Practique la meditación y, a continuación, escuche, y cuando escuche una voz, será como si la persona estuviera ahí con usted. Hable con esa voz. Pregunta, “¿Qué pasa si no puedo entender, porque la voz habla un idioma desconocido?” El idioma que oiga es irrelevante. Usted hable con su cuerpo y su cuerpo hablará con usted, el idioma en el que se comunica no es el Inglés. Sus células no tienen boca. Hablan un lenguaje silencioso. La forma en que su cuerpo se comunica con usted, es manifestándole un dolor, de modo que usted puede reparar lo que está causando el dolor. Si no arregla lo que causa el dolor, su cuerpo le dará un mayor dolor, y si aún no entiende lo que está diciendo, lo más fácil es que acabe de intensificar el dolor hasta que averigüe lo que esta tratando de decirle.

Las conversaciones ocurren a su alrededor y no están todas ahora en su idioma. Entren en el tejido etérico y hablen con estos niños del Cambio. Están jugando en los éteres con usted ahora. Escúchelos. Si no entiende lo que dicen, abra su corazón y déjelos sentirle. Si pueden sentirlos, frenarán la conversación y luego la convertirán en su lengua materna.

En su caso, su viaje se centra en estos ni os. Va a trabajar con ellos y ahora es un buen momento para empezar, porque necesitamos de la mayor a en este momento. No confunda su mundo. No los escoja. D les la libertad de disfrutar el viaje que est n haciendo en este momento. Se sorprender cuando llegue el momento y se aventurar en el camino del amor como ellos lo saben hacer.

P: He estado considerando un concurso de poes a para estos ni os y me gustar a recibir sus sugerencias sobre c mo estructurar este concurso.

KIRAEL: Con el fin de contar con estos ni os, debe llegar con nuevas ideas, cosas que no podr a imaginar que iban a responder. No se puede dar a estos ni os algo familiar, ya que piensan, Qu diablos voy a hacer con esto? Estos ni os est n buscando experiencias expansivas. Encontrar algo que tenga sentido para ellos, y asegurarse de que todo el mundo gane. D a cada ni o un regalo y escoja algo que har su mente m s expansiva. Eso no es lo m sf cil de hacer. Si usted pregunta a los padres que desea hacer su hijo, ellos dir n, No lo s . No le gusta nada . Usted debe preguntarle al ni o, de coraz na coraz n, lo que le interesa. Estos ni os le dir n exactamente lo que quieren.


Sean conscientes de estos ni os del Cambio. La pr xima vez que vea uno, m relo a los ojos y siga la energ a del coraz n de estos ni os y detecte su sentido en este viaje. Usted sabr n que estos seres pueden hacer cosas m gicas. Pueden hacer clic y dejar fuera un gen, comunicarse telep ticamente y mucho, mucho m s. Ellos son los genios de todas las normas. Est n tan por encima de la mayor a de ustedes que nunca se pondr n al d a con ellos, salvo que sepan c mo hacer para encender su luz y atraer la alineaci n con ellos. Ese es una de sus viajes, tambi n.

Dios los bendiga.

* * * * *

El omni cerebro, llamado tambi n el 90 por ciento del cerebro, es aquella parte del cerebro que los cient ficos dicen que no se utiliza. Es donde la mayor a de nuestros mayores conocimientos se almacenan.

El 10 por ciento del cerebro tambi n se conoce como el cerebro local y es la parte del cerebro que utilizamos en nuestra vida lineal y comprende pensamientos conscientes o experiencias definidas. El 10 por ciento, o local, es el cerebro que nos limita en la tercera dimensi n.

Iluminado es una palabra que el Maestro Kirael acu . Que significa ser lleno de luz.

Las tramas son los diferentes planos de conciencia, llegando a los estados de conciencia o pensamiento evolutivo definidos.

2008 Fred Sterling

A Message from Kahu

2007: State of the Planet Address

Web Development by Dyam Design 2007 -Todos los derechos reservadosGracias H ctor Santos Ramallo, gracias Anita Manasse!!!

Los Ni os Del Cambio
Maestro Gu a Kirael, por medio de la mediumnidad de Kahu Fred Sterling
Traducci n: Hector Santos Ramallo
Edici n:Anita Manasse

Febrero 2009 Bolet n

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