Introduction on the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood

  • 2013

The `` Ascended Masters '', whose existence was first revealed at the end of the 19th century by Madame Helena P. Blavatzky, are souls who went through the experience of life on Earth, surpassing all possible stages of knowledge in our planet, and finally reaching the liberation of the reincarnation cycle. After having faced each other, through their earthly incarnations, with obstacles similar to those we live each day, they have ascended to a higher level of existence, from which they act as teachers, spiritual guides and protectors for humanity. Through their help, we can travel a path of growth like the one they have completed, and their lives serve as an example to overcome the limits of the tangible body and understand the transcendent levels of existence.

Theosophical doctrine speaks of initiations to represent the different levels of evolution through which human beings travel. Some occult scholars of the early twentieth century (for example, Charles W. Leadbeater and Alice Bailey) described in detail each initiation and its characteristics, as well as the different capacities that souls obtain at each level . Thus, the first four degrees correspond to a progressive growth of consciousness - an "expansion", as defined by Bailey - but always within the cycle of reincarnations on Earth: souls can increase or decrease their spiritual level, as the actions performed by their physical bodies. The fifth level is enlightenment, or resurrection: the souls that reach it have no more need to reincarnate, and move towards becoming members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. But the most important initiation is the sixth, that is, ascension. The few souls that reach this level become Ascended Masters: through their contact with Ancient Wisdom they can directly influence the present, modifying the course of events.

According to different religions, men have defined Ascended Masters as saints, mahatmas or prophets; thus, those who reach the initiations following the sixth have been defined Bodhisattvas (those in seventh grade), or Buddhas (those in eighth). However, these denominations from India do not have to confuse us: the high spirituality of the Ascended Masters transcends the differences between human religions, since their path of spiritual evolution led them to an identification with God as divine essence within man mortal, independent of the specific forms of veneration of each religion. The ninth initiation, which is the highest, converts an Ascended Master into Lord of the Earth, the highest possible degree of existence on our planet.

From their plane of reality, the Ascended Masters help to elevate the thinking and spirituality of humanity, acting as emanations of God. His teachings are transmitted through secret schools, and in some cases his energy and messages are channeled through human mediums. Much of the information we have about the Ascended Masters has gone through a channeling, that is, through people who have qualities that make them fit for contact with them. These qualities can be learned: the instructions to obtain them concentrate on the domination of the Ego, since only when a human being has managed to balance in himself the five alchemical elements, and in particular the Heaven / Earth dyad, can he come into contact with the Masters without any interference from their Ego. In fact, the renunciation of desires and personal identifications are the first stages of theosophical learning, that is, the beginning of the path to becoming an instrument of channeling.

Introduction on the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood

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