Emotional education intervention in SEK Spain schools

  • 2015

Classroom experience SEK colleges foto Social and emotional learning program
SEK International College (Spain)

In schools that integrate social and emotional learning into their daily lives, students feel happier and more motivated to learn, adults feel more satisfied with their work and students' academic achievements increase.

These are more than sufficient reasons for the SEK Educational Institution to decide to endorse the Social and Emotional Learning Program of the CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning). In April 2010, it reached SEK schools as a program that helped us develop the PEP student profile and their international attitudes and values.

But what is social and emotional learning? It is the process by which we develop our ability to understand and manage feelings, interact with others, make good decisions, effectively resolve conflicts and other life challenges and take responsibility for improving our societies. In short, and applied to our students, if children dominate their emotions and relationships, they become better students, better people, happier and fuller people.

The project began with teacher training, since social and emotional learning must be rigorously applied, according to scientifically controlled parameters. Linda Lantieri, director of the program and co-founder of CASEL, has been responsible for training SEK professionals. Together with the scientific disseminator, Eduard Punset, they will be in charge of assessing the results that are produced after the experiences of this first application of the program in Spain.

The program continues full application in the six SEK schools in Spain, the recipients are the students of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Primary Education. They are the first children in Spain who are receiving this emotional training and the results have shown that children not only learn to manage their feelings, but also have there was an improvement in school life and consequently important improvements in academic results.

Check out this video, which explains how to apply emotional education in classrooms. Know the opinions of children and teachers regarding the experience and achievements .

Source: https://andreamartelsotomayor.wordpress.com/

Emotional education intervention in SEK Spain schools

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