Physical and Emotional Symptom Time Report during January - April 2014 ~ Archangel Gabriel

  • 2014

Archangel Gabriel through Ron Baker

Translation: Alicia Virelli

“Beloved Children of the Light, as you know we are called Gabriel and as always, we are jubilant to be in his divine presence.

The theme on the table: the first four months of 2014. We have come to give you more details about what you can expect as you work with the bridge of the soul that unfolds towards the lower Self.

The particular bridge that is being built at the moment is joining the sixth chakra in the Third Eye region with the second chakra in the navel region.

It is a bridge of particular importance, since it is linking the superior will of the soul with the center of experience of their lives, the emotional body. This has been a totally misunderstood center, as we showed in the 2014 General Perspective.

For you to take advantage of the energy movements at this time, we will give you some clues about what is possible. We begin by sharing that the second chakra is not only the center of your emotional body, it is also the center of your relationships, beginning with the establishment of a true sense of self.

Another way of saying the same thing is that by being connected to all your feelings in your early life you begin to develop a relationship with your inner Self. Developing that connection in the second chakra is how they intended to give birth to their first sense of value as an Individual, with an individual life experience.

But without being taught to CONNECT with your feelings, you have not been able to embrace the power of INDIVIDUALITY on your planet or a true sense of self-worth. You have lived on a planet where most people have remained as children in a frozen emotional state in many aspects.

Without a solid CONNECTION to the “ I”, you have remained focused on “herd consciousness”, seeking validation and approval outside of you instead. This has left them in the most primitive experience of life in the first chakra of the body.

This has served them for a particular stage of learning, but the moment of change towards more than is possible is today.

To successfully build this new bridge, it is vital that you begin to wake up and respond to your injured emotional body, not only for your own growth and personal fulfillment, but also for healing. Everything that is out of balance on your planet.

Without being taught to HOW to connect to these gifts of His emotional body (self-worth, personal experience and personal connections), you remain disconnected from the Self, trapped in an experience of fear and disconnection in many ways.

And bear in mind that all life will be reflected in the relationship that you are having with your Being.

However, before they are prepared to embrace this new bridge of the will of the soul with the emotional body, it is necessary to understand the distortions they have known, more deeply.

In addition to what we have already shared, it is important to know that if you do not know how to hug or feel your feelings, you cannot really identify or experience many of your authentic NEEDS.

And if they do not connect to life through the TRUTH of their NEEDS, they remain separate and dissatisfied.

Without a sense that there is a real solution, you have looked out for yourself to look for replacements for your needs looking for gratification and attachments all to distract from the pain of what is missing.

And when they are stuck in a stage where they are seeking approval of the re reba o in a characteristic way they are reset to those who are authentically, trying to control the environment, making decisions with injuries about who they think they MUST be.

All these distortions simply because they have not learned to love and accept their feelings in the early stages of their lives. For the injured child, "if MY FEELINGS are not acceptable and safe, then I AM NOT acceptable or safe." And that is the reason for the core of your injury.

And that is why we are suggesting that this is the most important place everyone has to look at as they move towards the construction of this bridge in 2014.

As we observe these first four months, they need to understand that the will of the soul in the sixth chakra is inspiring a much needed movement and the awakening of their emotional body.

This implies learning to go beyond the myths of the inner wounded child ... learning to claim the emotional body from the perspective of an educated and well-rounded adult who has access to deeper truths ... such as the first hints about the importance of Your feelings and the emotional body really are in creating a life of meaning, value and purpose.

The simple truth is that they have been on a planet trapped in certain stages of learning. A generation of children who were not taught HOW to connect with their feelings after moving on to their myths, fears and limits

Generation after generation, they have misunderstood the gifts of the emotional body, associating their feelings for a long time with pain ... pain that ultimately comes from resisting, judging and being ashamed of their OWN misunderstood feelings. And that is why they have remained disconnected from their own value, confidence, sense of self, from themselves and true individuality ... looking at other people injured in the "flock" wounded in some way, to accept and approve.

They begin to see why they have failed to connect and value each other as a planet? It is because you all have initial hurt feelings, in one degree or another, and you have not known how to model yourself so that the newest souls of the next generation, babies on the planet, know HOW to feel and be safe with their experience. authentic

They cannot teach what they do not know.

And what is important to convey here is that without knowing how to feel their feelings, they cannot know the experience of their souls. And it becomes more and more clear how important is the search for education and the tools necessary to catch up.

The best news is that you are completely sure to feel all your feelings! There is not a single feeling that is harmful or scary in any way in its pure essence. All of them are sacred messengers, destined to reveal everything about life.

For example, a gift of feelings is your ability to affirm what is working or in balance in your life, which is reflected in feelings such as peace, calm and acceptance.

At the same time, feelings are also stirred to reveal what does not work or is not in balance. When something is out of balance, they will naturally feel something that empowers them to respond and solve the problem ... finding the need.

As an example, it is when the feeling of "loneliness" is actually felt when they realize a need that is missing and yet they are inspired to respond and create connections. Likewise, it is feeling the pain sensation that you are informed to respond and take care of the wound.

All feelings are there to serve them!

This is the principle that they need to understand as they prepare for the new movements that will take place in 2014, beginning with the specific focus of these first four months.

INSPIRATION and DISCLOSURE of the deepest truths about the emotional body will take place in the first two months of 2014, inspiring the fact that they have much to work with great interest in learning how to feel their feelings.

The first four include Inspiration, Revelation, Expression and Experience.

Only then can they move towards the second series of soul energies they are trying to awaken ... EXPRESSION AND EXPERIENCE.

As this new bridge begins to connect within your body, 12 archetypes of the soul or characteristics of the soul will be awakened. The first four are Inspiration, Revelation, Expression and Experience.

Therefore, this is how we will divide these first four months:

January - Inspiration
February - Revelation
March - Expression
April - Experience

We will explain in more detail how this will teach you a healthier flow of the emotional body.

First, let's say that these four months will only create an introduction to the energies of the soul, a time for them to begin negotiating with these powerful movements of energy.

However, as you move through the necessary process revealed in these four months, you will learn to dance with these energies much more effectively than what you have known.


Let's start with January, when the INSPIRATION energy movement begins. This is the moment when the inspiration of the soul's will begins to move through the body, descending through the heart to the second chakra of the body.

They are being inspired to move towards deeper experience. You will see, the soul is a kingdom of EXPERIENCE.

Unless they are willing to experiment, they cannot know the soul. Even going deeper we insinuate you once again that, unless you are willing and able to feel all your feelings, you cannot truly know the soul energy in the physical.

This is a great statement. But nonetheless, it is true. They cannot know the power of the soul, which is the power to experience the force of love, without the ability to allow an authentic connection to all things.

That is the reason why it is important to create a connection and relationship with your inner self. Only then can they move to life as a reflection of these internal connections and experiences.

Why not allow this at this point in your process? Because they have been too afraid of certain experiences of feelings that are stuck in the misunderstanding outlook of an injured child. And so they have remained separated from much of life.

If you are afraid of feeling, you will not be able to connect fully. The soul wants to experience everything in life, infinite and miraculous.

However, the survival of the lower Self separated from the deeper truths of the Higher Self and the Soul have continually tried to avoid certain feelings ... which only keeps them in the same patterns, attracting the same manifestations and limitations over and over again. The universe is a mirror that is there to support you in every moment. And it does. The first level of support, which you have received at each stage of your life, is the same as revealing to you exactly what YOU are choosing.

Yes, you are that important in the creative movement of life.

The universe values ​​its creation so much that it includes them and values ​​them in the process of HOW it creates. What YOU choose is what you are ready to reveal or manifest in the physicist's hologram.

What does this mean? If you decide to fight a feeling, the universe must manifest ways for you to fight that feeling.

One wonders why they have war and other devastation on the planet? Look not far. Your own fear of feelings and therefore the resistance of feelings, require the manifestation of these things. You simply oppose what you have learned to fear. And in doing so, you hold everything in the same place.

You say: Why does God allow this to happen?

God has given them free will to choose and create, learning through many stages of growth. The universe then simply supports YOUR options.

There is no fault here. There is no shame here. It depends solely on you. And if they choose to learn the lessons through opposition, based on the prospects of a frozen injured child, so be it. That is what they will continue to manifest.

Everything has been created for you and your learning. End of story.

You are all pieces and parts of God. And you impact the whole of God expressed in the physical by the way you choose to experience.

Do you begin to see how important the emotional body is in all this?

You are an important part of the global resonance. YOU. And yes, it is only as individuals who are willing to allow the INSPIRATION of the deepest truths at this time to be inspired to more rewarding choices and experiences. Once again we share with you, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

The INSPIRATION of the will of the soul and energy will be impacting the lower self in January, trying to inspire an awakening so that they can be inspired beyond the usual disconnection, evasion, resistance and separation they have known.

The inspiration of the energies of the soul prepares you for the REVELATION of this tremendous truth = the emotional body actually determines the MOST part of its manifestations.

They knew that you make most of your choices either to INSPIRE an experience or to AVOID an experience. What do they do most often?

This important question brings us to February


As they begin to negotiate the inspiration that was introduced in January, they are naturally moved to the REVELATION of the deepest truths ... one of which is the answer to the question we have just asked.

Do you act more often from INSPIRATION to experience meaningful connections in your life or to AVOID the feelings that you think are threatening you in some way? Either way, the truths will become more apparent at this time.

Let's be concrete.

Let's choose a feeling. Let's choose the feeling of "disappointment."

You can return through the process we are revealing with any other hurt feelings that you decide to explore. We suggest you observe and allow the revelation of those who fear most.

As a young man, when people did not know how to feed all their needs, beyond the needs of physical survival (that is, to be fed, changed, dressed), you first experienced the feeling / emotion of "disappointment."

This was eventually exacerbated by the evolution of their needs. You first needed to be emotionally nurtured. When people did not know how to hold a space of acceptance of their feelings when they came to you ... they experienced "disappointment", among other things.

Again, when they needed mental guidance and encouragement that was beyond what they could and knew how to offer ... "disappointment."

When they needed encouragement to make decisions, to be able to express their individual truths and opinions with nutritious acceptance and guidance ... again, "disappointment."

As this continued to happen, you learned to resist and avoid the feeling of "disappointment, " because your fear and shame around this feeling also grew. The more they resisted, the more their resistance created pain and friction energetically. And so they learned to associate PAIN, fear and shame with the feeling of "disappointment."

And you became smarter. You brought up all kinds of ways to avoid this feeling.

They could see that it was having unmet needs that most often experienced the sensation. And so, one way to avoid "trauma" was to pretend they didn't need anything.

“I do not need to feel. I do not need validation or acceptance. I do not need guidance. I don't need support. ”Many myths came out of the smart ways you learned to avoid.

But keep in mind that you have already learned a very deep truth. If you oppose something, the universe will love you enough to manifest ways for you to oppose and dodge. And that's why you constantly manifested ways ... that only made you fight harder.

And within all that evasion, they separated further and defended themselves, as well as disconnected from their true need. They were more independent and defended, as well as disconnected from their true needs. All this, from the perspective of an injured child.

And you all wonder why you are not more satisfied. They wonder why they don't have more meaningful connections ... WHY people don't seem to really care. You wonder why the world is out of balance ... and why God would allow any of these things to happen.

Now let's take a look at some of the deepest truths.

You are safe feeling. There is no trauma in a feeling. For example, the feeling of disappointment was there all the time to inspire an awareness that they had a need that had not been met. It is simply that the injured "adult children" were supposed to teach you, but you didn't know it either.

And you have also been supported with another layer of truth that you will love. They can never get rid of a feeling. You always NEED to be able to experience the feeling / emotion ... or the inspiration and revelation of that feeling would disappear.

You NEED to be able to feel "disappointment", because when you are ready in the cycle of your life to grow into deeper adult truths, you will be able to turn everything around you ... and much more in the responses of adults that finally allows you be free!

The same is true with EVERY feeling. They are there to inform you, to reveal to you important truths… so that you feel inspired to respond, eventually heal and grow.

This is what is becoming possible at this time more than in any other measure, since the energy of the soul begins to move. The inspiration to move and wake up to the Revelation of deeper truths, beginning with the feelings that you have habitually avoided.

Until then they nurture and educate them in the next two phases, they literally direct the issues and determine the limitations of their individual lives and their world.

Once you realize through these REVELATIONS about feelings, you are ready to move on to MARCH movements.


This is the month in which they begin to negotiate the archetype of EXPRESSION ...

Another deeper truth is that you have been made in perfection, with all the healthy inclinations you have needed to evolve and wake up. But in the stages you have been in until now, you have diverted and distorted these natural tendencies.

In order to heal the last stage of learning, you must learn to take care of yourself and move with the energies of your emotional body. They must learn to present themselves as evolving adults who needed Mom and Dad to exist.

There is no need to blame Mom and Dad. They were simply doing the same thing that you have been doing, seemingly caught up in fearful elections of separation and opposition.

However, they are now being strongly supported to MOVE to live a wiser impact of the highest desire of the soul, providing unprecedented inspiration.

Because right now? When looking back at the 2014 Review, remember that this is the stage when the planet has reached middle age and the potential to wake up to deeper spiritual truths ... the perfect time to move to an unprecedented stage of planetary evolution.

One thing will not change. What you manifest will continue DEPENDING ON YOU ... You must respond to the inspiration that is taking place. You should look and allow the revelation of the feelings that YOU have completely avoided.

They must then respond by nurturing those feelings, finally learning to give them an EXPRESSION ... Yes ... it is only as they allow natural elimination and the remarkable need to EXPRESS everything they are, starting with their feelings, that they are able to move WITH THE soul energy in a deeper flow of life.

And at this time, we suggest you look for teachers, healers and therapists who can show you the tools you need to express your feelings in a healthy way. As your feelings are inspired and revealed in these months in a deeper way, they will appear, whether you learn to express them in a healthy way and release them or not.

Without healthy choices, you can find yourself representing them through guilt and shame. This will not solve anything. They will only continue to frighten each other.

This is what they have known. This group blaming that group. This country blaming that country. This economic class blaming the other (in both directions). This race blaming and judging others.

The deepest truth is that guilt and judgment are no more than the toxic symptoms of your OWN fear and lack of understanding of HOW to take responsibility for me. He is from life, beginning with the construction of a sense of self-worth.

And therefore we are brought to the same truth once more, that all this concludes in each individual's fear of FEELING HIS OWN FEELINGS. Without that ability, no one has felt safe. No one has known a true sense of self-worth. And no one has trusted that their needs can be met. And therefore you have opposed.

Without a connection to the I and an ability to feel their feelings, they cannot meet their needs. And this will always leave you as a world stuck in the narcissism of the awareness of A MI. Without a connection to you and your needs paying attention to the pack for the solution They want all others to be the cause of that achievement and this is simply not possible.

Even when others want to support, they have not learned to trust or RECEIVE. They have not learned to EXPERIENCE support and therefore can never create a solution from the outside,

This is the same reason why all your thanks have not resolved anything either. If you cannot receive or experience, none of this makes sense to you. And so they just get numb and distracted in the old approach to life.

It is all because they have not learned to feel safe having their own EXPERIENCE of Feeling. We hope you are beginning to understand how important the emotional body is in the creation of your lives.

And what you need is to learn to EXPRESS your hurt feelings, to release the accumulation of tension and stress, the increased pressure that comes from avoiding feelings and opposing life.

Once again we encourage you to look for teachers and guides who have learned how to support them through the experience of expressing feelings, assuming the responsibility of educating their fears and the myths of their shame.

There is NO SHAME in a feeling. The shame is no more than a myth transmitted from someone who bears the same myth.

This is the way they have sustained the world in conflict, war and other devastating imbalances. FEAR, SHAME AND then THE inevitable GUILT based on nothing but misunderstood feelings.

And the world needs YOU to express yourself and release the toxic energy of hurt feelings, opening a space for deep nutrition and support experience, valuing oneself and each other, to each other. And this is how they will do it.

In order to make it clearer, we will return to the feeling of "disappointment." If you allow yourself to see all the ways you have experienced disappointment in your life, it will simply show you the needs you have not learned to identify or respond.

"I was disappointed that there is no one there to listen to my truth, to support my individual talents and inspirations ... and so on."

This may have been true in his early life, with other injured beings who had not yet learned ... but are now able to move into the adult capacity of their life.

If you now begin to show and sustain yourself ... expressing your truth, your feelings, your talents and inspirations ... learning to hold a space of acceptance and encouragement for yourself ... you will be able to meet with other people who are beginning to do the same. .

And that will create a greater INSPIRATION movement, as they help each other, they feel safe to REVEAL, EXPRESS and heal more parts of oneself ...

At the beginning of these movements that have always wanted to happen, they will go out of the limitations of the consciousness of survival that they have known and will begin to create a new EXPERIENCE, that of the month of April ………………………… ..

* The April 2014 Translation will be sent next week.

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Time Report No. 55 Physical and Emotional Symptom Time Report during January - April 2014 ~ Archangel Gabriel

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