Promote change "," We are One "and" I invite you to play ", by Julio Andrés Pagano

Impulse the change

Keep these words in mind. They may seem simple. They are revolutionary if they touch your heart. Together we can cement a more human Earth. The transformation happens when we unite our souls in the light of consciousness. Do you fear for the future of yours? You will leave in peace if you helped co-create a world without borders, where love flows. Do not get distracted. He pushed the change.

He paused. Reflection. How much effort would it be to leave your family with a backup capital, if only it would serve to live in vicious environments, with fear of theft, kidnapping and social violence. They may be able to hire better private surveillance or have more comfortable and comfortable house-prisons. That would not be to live. It would be to survive at best. There is homework to do.

Some leave. The evolution process requires it. Another would be the panorama if you would have the certainty that, wherever they go, those who love will be received by "human beings" who will transmit values ​​to them, help them grow in love and teach them to find their own way of life, centered on heart. It is not a utopia. Remember it. It is built with the firm determination to transcend our selfishness. Humanizing is the key.

Never forget to feel your inner voice. Do not give in to the pressure of the mockery, nor let indifference twist your course. Again and again, always do your best. Encourage others to dare and change. Help them understand that external borders are projections of our internal limitations. You came to trace new paths, vibrating in the frequency of the Spirit. I honor your mission.

When the time comes, you will smile at the sight of so many friendly hands and open hearts crossing your path back home. You will leave in calm. Joyful. Internally you will know that the task will be accomplished. That will be the most sublime moment you have experienced in the world of forms. Continue sowing. Do not stop. It drives change.

"We are one"

Do you wonder why this message came to your hands? My eyes are your eyes. We feel in the same heart. We breathe in unison the magic of the universe. We love with identical passion. Our blood flows from the same side. I come in your search to meet again in the light. Our dance will multiply the vibration of love. Beyond the illusion, we are One.

The deafening and uniform speech of the sleeping ones annulled my ability to fly. Tied my wings with words without a soul. I perceived you distant. The social mind convinced me that only crazy people listen to the heart. Imperceptibly, they built walls so that indifference grew and mistrust sprouted. Covered in matters of race, sex or religion, they forced me to look at you as if you were a stranger. Was that how it happened? Am I a victim? Illusion, that's what this game is called. More ...

I lived as if it were another to meet me. I needed to fragment to feel. It was hard for me to understand that if I hurt you, it hurt me. Seeing me on other feet made me assume that we were different. The distance between the bodies helped to generate that false perception of separation. I spoke with other words. I hated myself and loved myself without knowing it. In the mouth of that other me, my voice sounded alien, unfamiliar. I even believed that those tears that ran down your face had nothing to do with my life. Delusion!

I need to write to me, that's why I write to you. It was time to wake up each of my parts. The one who kills today is me. The one who steals today is me. That suffering, I am. I am also the one who smiles, the one who celebrates and also the one who thanks. I need to align my essence. I want to dance and live in harmony. Close your eyes Feel me Remember ... Beyond the illusion, we are One.

"I invite you to play"

Anxiety and uncertainty are present. An impending change is foreshadowed. Intuition reveals very intense sensations, which is difficult to translate into words. Calm. Not everything is what it seems. The world is magical if we open the heart. We have the gift of seeing with other eyes. We can resignify reality. The power is within us. Let's enjoy. We are in the school of life. It is time for a break. I invite you to play.

The game is based on remembering to keep evolving. Breathe easy. We will try to see beyond the apparent. We just have to stop judging and contemplate what happens. I know your obligations are pressing and you are worried about the imbalance that surrounds you. That's why it's so important to play remember. It allows us to remain focused, even if everything falls apart.

An altered and destabilizing environment is the perfect framework to test learning. Did you want us to graduate with honors? The school of life is giving us an unbeatable opportunity. It may sometimes be difficult for us to assimilate it, however everything happens for our greatest good. It is now where the wisdom of the spirit must emerge. Lighting with calm, in the midst of the storm, grants mastery if we do it from the heart.

Let's not forget that situations with no apparent exit are the most sobering. They have the ability to decentralize us, but also to catapult us into unknown dimensions. The stay on Earth is just part of the road. The ascension process continues. Playing to remember allows us to relax and avoid being dragged by dense vibrations. The mundane should not catch us, but urge us to fly to dance in the beauty of light.

Some time ago, on another plane, you said that my smile would last if I could not forget amidst the chaos. Today I remember that you are there, mirroring me, so that we may continue to grow in the unity of love. You know all this. As a good friend, you become distracted to give me the chance to come and say: "I invite you to play." Thank you, with all my heart, for your eternal company.


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