Horizons and Guilt. Conversation with the Higher Self through Graciela Bárbulo

  • 2015

SS: You see me as your best, and that's right. The perfection of yourself is the exit door, and it will be the entrance door to consciousness, again.

Human : So to rise again I have to be the perfection of myself.

SS: Yes, at all levels, but not necessarily in your social world. You have to be as a concept of yourself.

Human : And what does that imply?

SS: Liberation. You came to live the experience that you have at your fingertips, and in your journey to it, logically, you have imbued yourself with the vibration of the world in which you immersed yourself and, as a consequence, you generated in your personal morphic field a series of reactions. So you have the conjunction of who you are in the first instance, the hologram of the specific place you entered, and your reactions to it all.

Your reactions have been natural. They arose from the difference between what you are and what you could express, and in that process, mismatches were created in your field.

Human : What causes me pain?

SS: The readjustment. It is not that to wake up you have to suffer as such. The previous mismatch is pleasant, because it travels in a favorable sense towards your personal goals; there you are getting comfortable to get to what you want. But there comes a time when your field tends, by intrinsic nature, to return to itself, then rejection occurs and, with it, pain, because there is no will: it is understood as renunciation, since your only horizon remains the That once modified your field.

Human : And how long does the pain last?

SS: Until your awakening is big enough for your horizon to be back home.

Human : What tests do I have to pass before I achieve this?

SS: None. Just let go, get rid of what's not yours. The pain is not yours, it belongs to your character. If you let go of him, there will be no more suffering.

Human : I want to live some experiences.

SS: I know.

Human : Will I suffer more?

SS: Tell me, does your horizon empower the ego or the spirit?

Human : Both ... The ego because it is a personal desire, and the spirit because it is not selfish in the sense of discriminatory or exclusive.

SS: Your wishes are the way you want to give the trip home. It will not cost you to perform them beyond what it costs you to release the vibrating fields that you still have attached.

Human : How do I do it?

SS: Free yourself from guilt. Although the external pressure is strong, free yourself from the character that feels attacked by selfish manipulations, or pity for others, and you will be regaining the shape of your true nature. Then, from a point, your life will no longer let go, because the rest will be released by itself, naturally.

From there, everything that represents external pressure to keep you in the state of submission or suffering will come off smoothly. Then a wide range of possibilities will open up before you. You can choose, you will not have to fight for anything; you will choose between what you have before you, available.

Human : How do I get rid of guilt? It has been my education. It is based on me, and characters that constantly reinforce it remain in my environment.

SS: Don't fight psychologically, emotionally or physically. Do not use the verb or images of others. Just feel that what they wove in you is theirs, not yours. And every time they act with that part of you, take it off, as you take off a coat.

Human : Can't I help myself with visualizations?

SS: If you feel attacked, visualize that aggression within the field of the person who intends to issue it to you, do not pick it up, even to throw it away. The moment you pick that up, whatever it is, it's already yours, and that's what the person is looking for, it's their way of being linked, resting from themselves.

Human : Will I make it?

SS: Yes, when you can not feel responsible for the pain that the other produces itself, when you respect the pain process of the other without lending to be part of it. Don't confuse helping with linking.

Human : And when the attacks are not direct, but subtle?

SS: It acts the same way. They may not be aware of what they do, because it is also part of their morphic structure, but you do.

Human : I clearly disclose them, if I am at my center, in the form of sensation. If not, jump the spring.

SS: Spring is the programming of your field. The feeling is the reality. The subtle sensation, that which does not pass through the intellect, is the clearest way for the human to connect with reality. Get carried away by that instinct and, above all, do not feel guilty. The fault is the trap.

Human : What is to blame?

SS: Fear of punishment, to think that if you do not allow yourself to be punished by circumstances, a superior and unavoidable punishment will ensue. And nothing superior wants to punish you. All the superior only vibrates in love, so when you feel that you cannot live with love in a situation, allow yourself to act based on that feeling. And immerse yourself in that situation where you feel that love can flow freely in you.

Human : And the others, what happens to them then?

SS: They also accelerate their awakening process. You allow them to find themselves in the situation where they lose their horizon; Then they have to choose between diving deeper or changing the horizon. But they would not have this second option if they did not stop supporting their morphic structure, which also ties them to suffering.

You, in this case, have been being a cure, an intermittent relief. You gave yourself up to be swallowed, and so they fed and you got tired. Who won?

Human : No one.

SS: Exactly.

Human : Thank you.

SS: I am Love with you. I always support you in your process, you are not alone. Even if you see time passing by without anything happening, it is only about the perception of your space-time dimension, but everything is already set up for you to step on a new land for your benefit, and so on. He will be with all those, more and more, who are losing their illusory north to return home, they are already, like you, in the empty space that Join both stadiums.

The path of the new horizon, regardless of the appearance perceived with the physical senses, is correct. And even though you often don't know how to recognize non-human love, if you close the physical senses you will perceive it. You are being attracted by the magnetic force of love. And it is inescapable. Walk her without guilt, because she is genuine.

Graciela B label


Source: http://mundosdeeter.blogspot.com.es

Horizons and guilt. Conversation with the Higher Self through Graciela B rbulo

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