Time to heal the Akashic wound - Kryon

  • 2016

Introduction: Time to heal the Akashic wound

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Every time we do this, we look at those who are in the group listening and know who they are, we know their name in light, we know what they are doing on the planet, what they have brought to come, their victories, their fears, and we see them incredulous. That this is happening at all.

The human being is the channel, and has always been that way, always. The scriptures they read and call God's word are the words of men and women channeling. It is not a voice from heaven; That is because God is within all mankind. Anyway you want to present it, if you want to say that it is in the DNA, if you want to say that it is in the corporeal, anyone. God is in you! You can say: "Well, it is ... it must be some kind of multidimensional piece that nobody has yet identified." It is okay to say so, as long as you admit that the Creative Source is within you.

Dear ones, in the Universe there are many planets. In his galaxy there has been life for millions of years. You are the new boys in the neighborhood. Not all life has God inside. It is a system that is beautiful and at this moment this planet is the newest and the one that is entering into a major change.

My partner tells the story of the precession of the equinoxes, a time that humanity and the ancients saw as the marker ; if they failed to transfer it, everything ended. The test was over, and that test is not of humanity; it is the test of energy, of darkness and light, of benevolence and compassion, of consciousness. Not only did they overcome it; They have already passed that point where they could somehow reverse. My partner says that the snowball is rolling towards a higher consciousness, a change in human nature, and in a little while they will understand that. There will come a time when channeling is no longer needed, when the connection with the Higher Self and the fusion with the Innato is so complete that everyone understands and knows that they are part of the Creator.

They will no longer look at each other by pointing their finger and saying, "You are doing it wrong." Instead, they will honor all forms of worship and love. Why should it matter how someone decides to love God, why would it matter? Why does it matter? That is because you are emerging from a survival situation, literally that is all you have done for eons and now you begin to turn around and see that a higher consciousness is beginning.

Several times we tell you, even the last time we channel, that you will distinguish more clearly between white and black. And there won't be so many that, you would say, prefer to wear blinders, and they are already seeing it all over the planet. Begins to have transparency. They will see who is who and what is what. We also tell you that darkness will literally fight for your life during these years, and you are seeing it, because the light quotient of the planet has begun to increase. And the ancient soul is showing the way in all these things. Dear ones, they are the ones who sit before me and listen to these messages. The accumulation of knowledge and experience they have on the planet is amazing ; from the beginning. Many of you are from the beginning. Others that are not original, still have eons of experience .

You cannot ask "Am I an ancient soul?" If you simply sit there and go inside, you intuitively know things. Some are part of belief systems, and the reason for being attracted there is that you intuitively know things; for you they are self-evident. Ancient soul: the search for God within you is something you have done over and over and over again. We will talk more about it tonight and describe something else that is happening on the planet and is specific to the ancient soul. You are leading the way, you will feel this first. Some are breaking them; I know who is here, I know who is listening. You can no longer sit on the fence, dear ones. They see the light within themselves and cannot hide it, they cannot pretend that they are something else. In the previous message we even asked you: When you leave the room, who are you? Do you carry the benevolence and beauty of meditation with you when you go out the door, or are you only in a box for when you decide to meditate? They can't separate like that anymore! They cannot turn it on and off. Many of you have conducted what you would call rightly or wrongly shamanic energy. That means they were the only one in the village who could do magic, he could do healing, he understood what the stars said, the numerology, that he could He literally predicted the potentials that came. They lived on the edge of the village, because nobody wanted to be with you. I will also talk more about it tonight.

You carry this in yes; This is his inheritance; the ancestors and the ancients were you. And now, here they are again, in change. And the things that disturb some of you are the adjustments that take place inside. Some are health; some of consciousness; some are issues of all kinds that have impacted them, because they have just arrived in the last couple of years. I want to tell you, dear ones, do you have the courage to raise your hand in the dark, inside the closet, or when you are in bed alone, and say, Thank you, God, for this ? Because it is a recalibration of your bodily self, of your consciousness, of your beliefs, your conscious perception, towards a loving state if you allow it. Dear ones, if you fight it, with free will, I will leave you alone. But they are ancient souls, and they know it.

These things are not subtle, they are not inside an esoteric box that you can open and close ; He is the new human on this planet. In a while I want to tell you more about who you are, what is happening and why, but until then, I will close with this: my partner has taken the phrase that I use, with which I ask: Why are you afraid of God's love? What makes you raise your hand and say, No, not today ? It is time to consider it, and that is what we are going to do, very soon.

I want you to feel the love and benevolence of this message. Kryon has come because you turned the corner. They overcame the precession of the equinoxes and all the calendars of the ancients had said the same thing: if you succeeded, a higher consciousness would come, things you did not expect on the planet. They would arrive at a place they had never expected to reach. A beautiful place, where humans have mutual compassion, and conscious perception of each other in ways that have not been seen with what they call old human nature. A place that will be so different that everything prior to 2012 will be known as old times, the energy of barbarism. Towards that place it is moving forward.

I am a messenger of this, believe it or not. There will come a time when you take out these recordings and shake your head in assent, saying, "Everything he said was right!" Believe it now or not. This is your inheritance.

And so it is.


Time to Heal the Akashic Wound

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

So much is the honor that comes from what they call Spirit, what they call the Creator of all things, so much honor! More than you can believe. Looking at you, within you, knowing your lives, what you have gone through; So much honor for you, right now!

You are called ancient souls, and you are. Many of you listening, and those present in the room. They have something in common, and that's what we want to talk about tonight, although I want to treat it a little differently. It is even difficult to know what goes first. On this planet a change is happening that is extremely real, it is not esoteric. They see it in the news, they see everything around them, things are changing. Even the weather, at the right time; We told you that it is a cycle of the planet that is now responding to you, moving forward. All of these things; the things they see in the news, the dark army. The things that happen to you personally; There is a change in progress.

We tell you that there is a new normal and that you will not return to the way it used to be. We told light workers to look for the new frequency and continue their work, and don't give up. We ask ancient souls to get out of the old paradigm of fear and victimization and see their own magnificence. But it's difficult.

So now we want to reveal some things. You start to assemble the puzzle and connect the dots. I take you on a trip; A trip from you. Can you imagine how many lives have passed through the darkness, trying to hold the candle of love? No matter how they were told: healers, shamans, magicians, whatever their gender, even in the early stages; ancient souls, you knew more. And when those around you were trying to work hard and make things work, you had the answers. You knew Gaia, you knew the energies of the planet, the power of colors and numbers, you saw it in the stars, you had intuition! And they led many - and often died for that.

Again and again upon waking up in the next life, some feared it, but they returned to the same thing, they couldn't help it, because they were aware. Dear ones, when you are conscious in a dark place, you cannot hide your consciousness. Oh, they can simulate! They can deny it, but eventually the light becomes evident in some way. And the more they were on the planet, the more their consciousness grew, and they were still surrounded by those in the dark.

And then we tell you why: because the planet itself, in collaboration with you and with your consciousness, created a balance of light and darkness where there was more darkness than light. Don't misunderstand this! Do not assign a name or place. Darkness has the identity of low consciousness; that's it. And so his consciousness, his light, his highest consciousness of all that he was, realizing that you came from the Creator, was his alone.

Many of you got into a closet so you wouldn't leave, hoping nobody would notice. Simulating to others that you were in the dark. Some did that as denial, one life after another, some do it today, sitting here; A defense against awareness. And it never improved, not really. In this life he did not improve. They found more openness because their culture allowed it, but they didn't tell anyone what they were doing, right? because there was a tremendous prejudice against things that were not easy to understand. They still lived in a linear world. And then I look at those who still today, in the classroom, and listening to this, fought against the darkness and lost many times - until 2012. And everything I've been teaching for twenty-six years begins to happen.

The prophecies that I gave to humanity 26 years ago are now in the news. I could do that because the snowball was already rolling downhill; this was not to predict the future; it was to give them security, a potential where they were going. And that, I have already said, I have already seen it on other planets. The attributes are the same, because light and darkness, consciousness, low consciousness, fight the same way everywhere.

Low consciousness does not know what it does not know . He makes decisions based on what he does not know; He makes the same mistakes - because he is in the dark. In the past, consciousness could only watch in horror, as mistakes were made and war after war took tens of millions of lives, and you cried secretly as you contemplated your loved ones killed in them. And so is who you are. Until 2012; Then start changing.

The stars predicted it, the ancients predicted it; It begins to change the place where they are, the magnetic grid has moved, everything I said begins to favor the new human being. The wind begins to blow from behind ; there are more people listening to you, more beginning to see the light that you carry. But they are not doing a very good job, and the reason is in the duality they carry: it still carries all the akashic and fractal attributes of time.

Let me say it with clearer language. They are afraid because of what happened in the past. His akash shouts at them what has happened in that past. Dear ones, you carry a wound from the past.

I want my partner to title this message: "Time to heal the wound." Each one of you who reached a certain age akáshica carries an attribute of lack of self-esteem. Everybody! You may be around and everyone thinks that you are very confident. I know more; You know more! That's when they get in the closet, their akash tells them something different, doesn't it? The duality is very strong right now.

Before we gave you this message in a different way. We told them what to do about it. And now we begin to tell you that it is time to heal the wound of the past that is self-esteem. It's possible? How can it be done? And now I'm going to give you some information, dear ones; It is beginning to be done, with you and for you.

Years ago I gave you very extraordinary information about the seeds of Creation, the story of Adam and Eve for some of you. The creation story is of the Pleiadians. I am on a continent where indigenous people believe this. For forty thousand years his slingers tell him, right here. And when the Pleiadians came, they came as a race that had gone through what you went through, and because of this potential of the precession of the equinoxes, they installed things so that you would not self-destruct again. They installed the nodes and null areas as time capsules that would open at the appropriate time and begin to clean, sweep, propel, and what they would do was clean the akash of the ancient soul. If you allow it.

Part of the essence of the crystalline grid of the planet - placed by the Pleiadians - part of its purpose is to cleanse the akash of ancient souls. Is such a thing possible? “Wow, Kryon, you are giving me an attribute that we never think about. To clean the akash, what does that mean? ”Dear, it means the things that inside you create fear, lack of self-esteem, that hammer that you fear will hit you if you do something, if you line up or wake up or do this or that, or they become shamans, that's going to hit them. Maybe you are the last spiritual victim, you know that, right? The last spiritual victim. And the Pleiadians had been through that, and the others before them, too. How is that resolved? And they knew that the human being could not. But Gaia can.

How do they feel when they are in the midst of beauty, of the serenity of the planet? When the trees speak to you, the wind speaks, for a moment do you not feel free? Do you not feel free from everything? That is not accidental. The Pleiadians had the energy of Gaia and what you call Mother Earth, and all things are aligned to start cleaning this up. The crystalline grid remembers human emotions ; It is responsible for you to remember yourself. And when it starts to realign itself, the akash does the same. Dear ones, begin to understand that you can avoid this victimization.

They can begin by telling them themselves with affirmations, through the benevolence of God's love; in order to move forward they must change it, and they will do it; and when they put the intention into this, it will change. The fear will begin to diminish. They will not know why, but they will feel better. The strange thing about humans is that, when they start feeling better, they will consult someone to find out why. As if it were a mistake (laughs), they are linear! I'm feeling good all the time, who are you going to consult? I will start feeling better about themselves, and the best thing is that they are going to know that it's okay. feeling better about themselves because, dear ones, part of this is the realignment of the human ego. Ego is a bad word; Ask any spiritualist. What happens if a certain type of ego is fine? What if the Akashic ego is fine? When they look back and say, `` Wow, did I do a good job or what? Am I in the right place at the right time, or what? This is good! Everything that has happened to me has brought me to this place where I can breathe more freely. I don't need to stay to suffer because of what happened before! It's a disconnection! They will sell gigantic scissors from the crystalline grid and cut the loop of all the horror that is in that place that you call duality, ancient soul; You don't need to suffer anymore! There is a system that will clean it up with you.

But it will not do it automatically; You will have to see it, look at it, and listen to this message a couple of times. And remember that you are with your intention and your cooperation. What are you going to tell yourself? What statements are you going to give? Do you believe it? Can you recognize, accept such a thing? That the association with the planet and the Creative Source, and the seeds of your biology, all laughs because they knew about these times and knew your lack of self-esteem in all of you!

They have gone through eons of horror and death and pain, they cannot go out to the other side beautiful and lively! (laughs) Something has to happen; And it's happening! If you allow it.

Do you see the system, love and benevolence and compassion involved in this? Can you see it? Do you believe it They are not alone. Oh, there is so much here! So much! They may be the greatest healers and readers in this room, but when they are alone they doubt themselves, right? Do you want to know where that comes from? I just told you. It's time to make that go away.

What happens with the akashic ego is not a false sense of security or harassment, it is you, affirmed in your truth, and others seeing it. “Here is a safe, balanced person. I want to be like that, ”they will say. But they won't get to that with an injured akash. The system is in place, it starts now, ancient souls, they are in it. Begin to accept these things, to feel them, because they have earned it!

And there will be ancient souls who listen to this message and turn their backs on them saying, "This is not how they told me that metaphysics works." Because they still want to continue within the old system, I had no idea that this would happen or it could happen, or that there was capacity for it to happen.

With the cooperation of Gaia and all that you are, the system is in place, so that you rise from the spiritual victims that you are. Dear ones, you have fought the battle and suffered the wounds, and it is time to contemplate this beautiful healing, with the compassion and benevolence of the Creator within you, smiling at you all the time, taking them by the hand and telling them, Wasn't it time now? ?

We already said enough. And it's good news! If you believe them. Free will. But there are some ancient souls for whom the bell really rang tonight (laughs).

It's beautiful right? God know them so well.

And so it is.


AUTHOR: Lee Carroll


SEEN AT: www.traduccionesparaelcamino.blogspot.com.ar

AUDIO 1: http://audio.kryon.com/en/Melbourne-16-mini.mp3

AUDIO 2: http://audio.kryon.com/en/Melbourne-16-main.mp3

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