The kingdom of God has arrived, by Master Beinsá Duno

  • 2013

Sunday conference given by Master Beinsá Dunó, on October 19, 1924, in Sofia - Izgrev.

"But if I, through the Spirit of God cast out demons, the Kingdom of God has certainly come to you" (Matthew 12:28 - ndt).

Contemporary people need a straight philosophy, a straight creed, a straight life. To anyone you ask, each one affirms that he lives well. To anyone you ask, everyone says they think well. To anyone you ask, each one affirms that he acts well. Despite all this we see that everyone has been submerged in injustice, life has been submerged in disease and thought is surrounded only with nonsense. How many are those, in the present century, who have a clear picture about life? How many of them know where, how and from where they have arrived on Earth? These people claim that science says that man has come from a small animal and thus has developed on the globe. You can almost say that it has grown like a mushroom. A Turkish proverb says: "Even if it were like that, don't believe it again." The human mind is capable of all possibilities. Man, in his mind, can assume everything. Everything is possible there. In your mind the right can make it crooked, and the crooked can make it straight; big you can make it small, and small you can make it big; The strong can make you weak, and the weak you can make it strong. In the mind you live in the 1001 nights. Thus, for example, young people fly, they think that everything that flies is eaten. When they read a novel, they believe in this novel. They think that the one who has written this novel knows the whole truth, and that is why they sometimes walk in the footsteps of the hero of this novel, they play a role and after this they resemble Don Quijote and Sancho Pansa. If we get to that, the superior - how God should be served -, what contradictions we will not reach. What theosophists, philosophers, paid with their lives! Woe to them if they do not walk the road. Christ was nailed to the cross because he did not walk in the footsteps of Moses. "You, " the Hebrews said, "you must know that God spoke to Moses and you must act like Moses, nothing more." Christ told them that in the time of Moses the Lord truly spoke to Moses, but according to his development, and now the Lord speaks to me according to my development. I carry another light. "How, do you have a light greater than that of Moses?" - Of course, greater! Well, these are affirmations, however the affirmations show nothing. Each tree is known by its leaves, not by its roots, not and by its branches. On an apple we can dispute, scientifically check with hours if it is an apple or not, however, I say: we will go to the apple, taste it, taste its fruit, and nothing else. Here is why sometimes we observe some non-fruitful teaching and dispute over it, but each teaching we can dispute over is a non-fruitful teaching, and each teaching on which there is no contest is a fruitful teaching. If this apple is sweet, the matter is over; If this apple is sour, the question is over.

And Christ says: "But if I, through the Spirit of God, cast out demons, the Kingdom of God has come to you."

Now, the question will be raised as to whether there are demons in the world or not, and they will contend that there is, that there is not, etc. We, like mathematicians, to check some things, assume that they are true and so we check them. In logic, in mathematics, there are a number of problems that are solved through assumption. We will assume or deny, and the matter is over. Contemporary science comes to help us. For example, in life there are a number of diseases, and in addition to the most horrific, the most destructive, due to these small beings called microbes. Such is, for example, cholera, plague and others. Thus, a small animal, a microbe, which you can barely see with a microscope, there is strength in it to kill the greatest hero. When this microbe enters the blood, and even the greatest hero begins to weaken, he begins to make certain seizures, he writhes. Then, doctors, who understand the laws, give injections and they throw the devil out. And Christ says: "If I can, by means of this serum, put the microbes out, then health has come in you." Therefore, if a teaching can, like this serum, introduce into your mind, that it is contorted, clarity and freshness, and release it, cast it out of all the deceptions, if it can improve your life, I ask: Have you not cast those demons ? - Of course he has thrown them out.

In contemporary life, among people, there is a series of reasoning, a series of errors, because in general they are interested. For example, some say: “If you see that someone bears a star, he is of the devil, and he who carries a cross is of Christ. Well, I accept this statement, and we will see mathematically to what extent it is true. When God sent Christ to Earth, was it a cross that appeared in the sky or a star shone? The star shone, it appeared and showed that the Savior of the world was born, and when they crucified Christ, then they placed a cross. I ask: What is better now that it appears: the star or the cross? We, contemporary Christians, always suffer from crosses, there are no stars. Everywhere we always see crosses, crosses, but where are those living stars now, which indicate that Christ was born? If the cross is an emblem of suffering, I understand then. This means that this is a force in the world, a way, a law, a method through which man can overcome suffering. But, when man wants to study the other methods, the great laws of the Kingdom of God, he must choose the stars. And if I, says Christ, through the reasonable, through the Great in the world, through His strength, I cast the demons that they have entered into you, all stupid deceptions, the Kingdom of God has arrived. It is said in Scripture: Look first for the Kingdom of God and His Justice, and all the rest will be applied to you (Matthew 6:33 ndt). What does this Justice consist of? The Justice of God consists in this: that each man take this as he deserves, and not wait for it to be given. For example, you are sitting a few people at the table, in front of you there are deep plates with food. Each one will take his own, will not wait until they bring it to him, but he will not take it from others. This is required by justice.

Now, some people in their reasoning are a bit strange. For example, there are things for which all of us alike can rejoice, but there are things for which all of us alike cannot rejoice. That gave you a simple example. Someone comes to me and tells me: `` My uncle in America died and leaves me 10, 000, 000 in inheritance. '' He rejoices, but I love something, he squeezes me and I say to myself: Why do not I have and I have such an uncle, that I never left 10, 000, 000 dollars? ? I can't be glad that his uncle has died, I don't like this and I say to myself: It doesn't matter, my uncle hasn't died, and what benefits me that your uncle Or has he died? But, I say like this: The sun came out! Then we can all rejoice in this Sun. Spring has arrived! We can all rejoice in this Spring. When we approach a source, we can all rejoice again. This, which we all can use equally, from this all equally we can rejoice. But sometimes you become sad, distressed. Why? In the world there is an affliction that is born naturally. This is the Divine affliction, and exactly: when man grieves because some virtue has not developed in him, this affliction is in place, I understand it, but there is an affliction Silly. Some man is afflicted because he has not become a minister in Bulgaria, that his grandfather, when he died, left him no money, that his father was not rich, that his mother was not of a noble origin, that his friends didn't see him, that he didn't have a society, etc. Society exists in the world. For thousands of years, cats have lived in partnership with people; dogs also live in partnership with people; Oxen, horses also live in partnership with people, but for thousands of years cats have always been cats, dogs are always dogs, horses are always horses, etc. Do they not live near the noblest society? They live, but dogs, horses and oxen learned the worst of man. I am going to transmit to you a story, of the fox and the rooster. A beautiful rooster found a piece of cheese and climbed a branch to eat it. At this time a fox passes by and sees that he has cheese in his mouth, and as more cautious than he says, “I want to talk a little with you, give me a little attention. You are an excellent, beautiful bird, you have an angelic voice, sing me a little! ”The rooster, without thinking much, opened his mouth, threw a quiquiriquí. The cheese fell from his mouth and the fox ate it. Now, the other part of the fable I will follow. After the fox left, the rooster said: "I sang very beautifully, but my cheese left." The following year the rooster again had cheese, climbed on a branch to eat it. He passes the fox again, sees him on the branch and begins to praise him for what a good singer he is, he wants me to sing to him, but he remained silent. "Why are you quiet?" He ate the cheese and then said: "Last year I sang before I ate the cheese and I lost it, but now I will eat the cheese and then sing." So people sometimes sing before developing their virtues and lose them, but sometimes they develop them and after this they sing.

Christ says: "If I, through the Spirit of God cast out demons, the Kingdom of God has come to you."

We stop on the fact that Christ cast demons. Does this Teaching have application in life? Is this a method through which we, through the same Spirit, can cast demons from us? The question is not to cast out the demons of society, because we see what results all the methods that society applies for straightening give. Let history speak of this. I call these efforts "palliative", but there is a means, a way through which man can apply this Teaching. For this Teaching to be applied, man must have all the purity of his mind. He must not be frank, but he must be sincere and right within himself. When he reasons, he must not reason about any interests. For example, contemporary people study to ensure their life. Such a study cannot attribute profit. All schools are created to ensure life. Everyone studies but for what? - To ensure your life. Science is not a good, this is a profession. All the arts, all the trades, even the most noble, are city counciled only for the purpose of material goods. I ask: In such a precept of life, do you think it will be fixed correctly? - It won't be fixed. And all those who affirm that their precepts of life are true, give us a little proof. And they have to give us! Just as each tree gives a little proof about its origin, so and every teaching, every creed, whatever, by the same law, must show a little proof. And we, who believe in this Teaching, must give a test for ourselves. If we believe in something, we must know positively if this is real, if so. For example, take the question: What is the essence of God? - That God is Love in the world. We should not scrutinize the essence of God as a Being outside of us: no, the essence of God as we know it, is that He is love, from Him comes life. The essence of life, then, gives the possibility for the reasonable to manifest itself, and the reasonable for human freedom to manifest itself. Now, we cannot separate love from life, we cannot say that love is silly, as some say. No, do not mix Love with nonsense. Love is the most reasonable act in the world, and that we do some nonsense, this is another matter. And why do we have to say that Love is nonsense? What mother has hanged her son, or would she crucify him on a cross? We always commit certain crimes just out of love. There is a partial love that exists among animals, but this is not a true love. The wolf has a partial love for sheep, for little lambs, but this is not love. We know your love. Therefore, your love does not solve the issues. Only Divine Love, which encompasses all beings within itself and gives them conditions to live, is true. And man is not this of which they say that when he dies with him everything ends. If this is so, then stop philosophizing and seek some freedom. In that sense, for me man becomes a thing, an object, a phonograph, an automaton, which tomorrow will die, but we don't talk about dead people. This, that man will die and disappear, is the first lie that was introduced into the world. Man is a living soul that has the possibility of living and feeling eternal life, of acquiring what he wants - reasonable and happy life. This soul has all the methods placed within itself - in your brain, in your body.

Each of you has to do an analysis within yourself, to see what feelings predominate in it. In man there are such feelings that we call "animals." These are common with these animals. In man there are also social, personal, individual and moral feelings. Someone says, "Hey, they are all feelings!" No, it is important for each of you to know, at any given time, what feelings predominate in him. If I, for my animal feelings, sacrifice my personal, social and moral feelings, then animal feelings are more strongly developed in me, they predominate. I want to just eat and drink. This is more important to me - nothing more. Some Bulgarian, apparently, does not drink, but he goes somewhere, they entertain him with a cooked chicken, they give him ½ kilos of wine, he eats the chicken and drinks. He sacrifices his duty. And then we say: In this man the animal is strongly developed, we cannot trust him. If a man sacrifices his social and morals for his personal feelings, personal feelings are strongly developed in him. If a man sacrifices his animal, personal and social feelings for morals, this man is a man. All these feelings make up a hierarchy in which the lower submits to the higher. Every day you will have to try yourself. You will ask yourself: "Who do I believe in?" - I believe in the Lord who is Love. But, if by an offensive word someone tells you, you boil and say: "Why is that so?" personal feelings You sacrifice the morals and everything goes. Another tells you some offensive word and you say: "Lord, do you know that it offends my personal prestige!" - and immediately you are brought to trial. Then, you sacrifice moral feelings for personal human dignity, and you want to rehabilitate your honor through the court. According to the great moral in the world, the honor of man on the outside cannot be restored. No judgment, no society, no religion is able to restore the honor of man, except himself. If I live according to this Divine Love, and raise awareness of the order of things, I will never sacrifice the Divine, the great in me. When some temptation stands out, I will say to myself: “For nothing in the world, within this great Love that encompasses everything within itself, I will sacrifice this the great in me, according to which all reasonable higher beings have lived and acted. before me, and they have acquired their strength. This great Law for nothing I will transgress it, but I will submit everything inferior to it and I will fulfill the will of God ”(this is a formula that we can apply in case of temptation - ndt). Someone will say: "Do you listen to the Lord?" No, you cannot listen to the Lord. How are you going to listen to him? Listening in us must be in the fulfillment of God's will. I will say: Lord, You listen to me, and I will fulfill Your will! When they examine a student, is it the teacher who listens, or the student? - The student speaks and the teacher listens and corrects him. He says: "In this or that place you will correct this." He corrects himself and starts working again. Another student is coming. The teacher listens to him and says: "In such a place you will straighten your error." Therefore, we will pray to God to listen to us, because it is a great privilege for the Lord to listen to you once, to mark all your mistakes in life, so that you know how to straighten them!

Now, some of you will say: "Check me if there is Lord or not." This logic has lived its time. We do not check anything in the world. I say: Here is the apple, drink and eat. If you like it - well - if you don't like it - leave it, but no contest I accept. Someone comes to me, I give him a Napoleon, but he tells me: "Check me that it is true, that it goes." Behold, take it, go to the shopkeeper and see if he will accept it or not. Otherwise, there is no reason to contend. If I convince you that it is true, that it goes, you will say: "Ah, you only speak that way." No, there is no reason to contend on the street, but take it, take it to the shopkeeper, he will not solve it in my interest. Shopkeepers will solve all philosophical issues. Philosophers will never solve them. It is better for them to let shopkeepers solve philosophical issues. Then the philosophers will say: “Here is our philosophy, there is no reason to contend. Go to the shopkeeper and see, if it goes, accept it, if it doesn't go, reject it. ” This means: “Introduce our theories into your life and if they bear fruit, they are straight, if not, the shopkeepers are straight where they say they are worthless.

We are not one of those who collect the remains of the past. There is no reason to talk about our past. It is not bright. Our past is so vicious! Someone says, "Hey, how was my grandfather!" Listen, let's not talk about our grandparents and great-great grandparents, we know them. We have grandparents and parents in the future, let's talk about them, they will save us. We must not believe in Christ who was born 2000 years ago. If we believe in a Christ of the past, we are not on the right side. I would ask contemporary philosophers: is it in the past where Christ lives? In the past lives only dead people, in the present lives people who can live, can and die, and in the future live immortals. And now what do people do? - They open a war to distribute some land. In what codex, in what Divine book is it written that people should divide the land, fight for it and dominate it? What father has written that after his death the children should raise sticks, stick, break their heads, and who is stronger than take more? If the father is prudent, he has distributed everything, he has said in his will: “I leave this to the big son, in the middle - this; to others - this, etc. ”And if the children love the father, they must proceed according to their will. Eh, do you think we have a Lord who has died and left his inheritance to divide it? No, this is a demon teaching, a diabolical teaching. It's not like that. God, in whom we believe, who loves us, and whom we love, lives forever, He always remains. This God now manifests in people.

Contemporary people want uniformity in life. I ask you: When you go to a source, do you think that this source is the same as it was thousands of years ago? No, it is not the same. Is this water that has flowed thousands of years ago, the same as the one that flows today? It's not the same. They say: "The Lord has put life on people even from the beginning." No, this life is gone. The present, the new, the next life, this is valid. I tell you that the present water is better than the old one. May this prove to you. Imagine that somewhere, from the sources of Musala, a large canal brings water to Sofia (Musala is the highest peak in Rila - ndt). Do you think that the first water that comes will be pure? No. Until the pipes through which it will pass are purified, it will have a smell, but after 20-30 years it will be better than the old one. So I say: the present life is better than the old. Now they tell us: “Hey, it's been a while!” Truly, there have been beautiful things for a long time, but the present life that comes will be thousands of times more beautiful than before. If you read the Proverbs of Solomon, and he says: "Do not say that the past was better, because every Divine act that follows, is greater than the preceding one." This and in Nature is a law. Take the sun's rays when the sun breaks and compare them with those at noon. They are the same? First of all they are weaker, and the more the light increases, they become stronger and stronger. In this aspect the brightest are the rays of the day. Now someone wants to convince me that in the morning it was prettier. Hey, well, we both will study our lessons. You will study in the morning, when dawn breaks, I - at noon, let us see who will learn their lessons best. The results can be ones and same, but the important thing is who will introduce more light.

Christ says: "If I, through the Spirit of God cast out demons, the Kingdom of God has come to you." In this position can there be discord among people? This what I have understood, this is that all contests between people come from some shortage within them. In front of a small drinking fountain there will always be strife and fighting. I have seen those of Tarnovo, how they stay until midnight in front of the drinking fountains, they talk, they wait for a turn. Once and the vessels are broken. Why? - They have contended because someone has skipped someone's turn: “What's up? - They have sneaked in front of me. ” Nice is Tarnovo, but there is little water! But if they go to a large fountain, where there is a lot of water, where and 10 stones can be put in, I ask those of Tarnovo: Would they break their vessels? Never! And then what do they want from us? They have put us on certain philosophical theories, they have put us in front of certain arrows. I prefer to live in the simplest house than in a castle with saeteras. I prefer a simple little house, but that comes out freely from this little house, that I walk freely to the Sun. And now, they create a nice theory, they put us in front of the saeteras and we all prick ourselves. No, no, you must all get out of these saeteras, but you have to understand how. Here is why you should try this thing in your life. For example, you start a job, but you lose a lot of money in it. Your personal feelings and social interests are involved here. Suddenly you begin to blame this or that for which you are guilty of this loss. No, you are not a man who can achieve true life. You are a weak man. In this case, when your money is lost, you must proceed just as that Russian and English prince have proceeded. The two meet in a very narrow street in London with their cabrioles, and to cross one should go back, but nobody wanted to. The Russian then pulls out a "Times" newspaper and starts reading. The Englishman sends his servant to the Russian with the request: "The master asks that when he finishes the newspaper, he will give it to him". So you must be and you, as if nothing had happened, as if not a flea has bitten you. And you, you lose money, suddenly your face changes, you say: "What are my children going to do?" Where is your faith, where is your will, where is your soul? You believe in nothing, but in money you only believe. I look, some professor walks, tells about Kant's philosophy, but one of his hands keeps it in his pocket, he keeps it and says: "There is Lord in the world, science proves this." But so, as he is stolen in the conversation, he takes his hand out of his pocket to gesture, to check something, and since the world is full of apaches, one puts his hand in his pocket, takes the money. Suddenly he notices, he stops: "Wait, wait, they have robbed me!" The Lord left! While there was the money, there was Lord. The money was lost, it was lost and the Lord. So and the Turks believe in this philosophy: "Where there is money and to hell I go!" I ask now: in such a moral, in such a social perception, what religion can there be? We laugh at the Turks, but such are and our precepts. We have a God that is easily destroyed. Each one has an ideal, but each day our ideals are destroyed. This Lord that is destroyed, is not this living Lord of which we speak.

Someone says: "Man should not be so stupid." Are you very cautious when you steal? If the reasonableness is in theft, then the mothers are very cautious. In Africa there are planters who sow whole watermelons with watermelons and work them. Many monkeys gather together one night and go to attack the watermelon, and within an hour they transfer all the watermelons. I ask: Are these monkeys prudent? They are prudent, because when the planter comes he finds nothing, all the watermelons have disappeared. You say: "We must be prudent people, make sure." I say: and the monkeys are prudent. The planters sow, and they transfer everything. Yes, but a second time when he sows, he comes with his rifle and they all run away. And the second time the rooster no longer throws quiquiriquíes until the cheese is eaten.

So, now I speak for those in whom the Divine consciousness has awakened. Some say: "Eh, that's how he liked it, that's how he speaks." No, we don't talk like that. There is a great law within us that determines our thoughts, our feelings and our actions. And when we act according to this law, we see that there is something that guides us. This what speaks to us is so beautiful! And when he begins to speak it to a man, in whatever situation, wherever he may be, he will not lose the presence of his spirit.

"And yes, " says Christ, "through the Spirit of God cast out demons, the Kingdom of God has come to you." I ask now: Christ, or you, have cast all the demons from you? Contemporary medicine argues that in man there are many germs that lie, expect favorable conditions to develop. If favorable conditions come, and they begin to develop. For example, you think you are a very honest man, you say: “How, I am an honest man! My mother, my father, my grandfather were honest people! ”It happens, however, one day Providence tests you. You lose all your assets; Your children, your wife, remain hungry. You serve your master, but one day you look at his safe full of gold, it is open in front of you. You say, "Hey, my master is rich." You take, you fill your bag. I ask: Where is your honesty? Where does the crime happen? - In front of the full box. In front of the empty box there is no honesty, there is no crime. Can man steal an empty safe? - Can not. Now they appear and other vices. You see a good man and want to stumble. There are such humans who want to stumble someone. There are and men, and such women there are, and such servants and masters there are. On the train, two people travel in a compartment. One has in his hands a bag and towards a nearby station he says to the other: “Sir, please, I am going to go down for a while, I want to do an important job, so I will leave for you to hold me a little this bag in which I have a few jewels. " But, this man was an Apache. He stole the bag from somewhere and when he learned that detectives are chasing him, he goes down at the station and says: "Please, gentlemen, I am going to tell you who has stolen the bag." I ask: How are you going to check that it's not you? Is this act honest? He is not honest. Often there are such people who leave their bag of crimes for some good, noble people to hold. Is this divine? It is not. Why there is no dignity in this man to say: “Gentlemen, I took this bag. The crime is mine, and according to the law I accept everything. Here I am! ”Why doesn't he express himself, but instead puts others in crime? This is cunning. All this I take out is bad, but in your daily life this is a small ulcer, I see it. I see, someone comes to me, starts to turn around here and there, it moves. I say: Wait, don't hurry to talk to me, because if you're in a hurry, you'll tell a lie. I ask you: Where is your Lord? You go somewhere, someone tells you: "Come on, take off my home!" Someone tells me: "Get off the Earth!" I say: Is this Earth from your father? If you have to throw me out, you will throw me from above, from Heaven. As they sent me, they will call me that. No one can kick me out except the one who sent me. En una residencia viven siempre huerfanitos, y se vuelven ciudadanos de esta residencia. Viene un huerfanito nuevo entre ellos y los demás residentes dicen: “¡Aj, este listo!” – descontentos están de él. ¡Él era listo y los demás no son listos! Yo miro, y vosotros aquí procedéis de la misma manera. Ha llegado alguna hermana nueva, dicen: “¡Lista!” ¿Pues dónde está vuestra moral? Esto no es filosofía, esto no es un razonamiento. Que y ella esté presente así como y nosotros. Yo hablo delante de Dios. Yo no hablo para las sociedades humanas, pero cuando llegamos a razonar según Dios, cuando aplicamos la Ley del Amor, debemos decir: La voluntad de Dios es que todos participemos en la mesa del Amor. Y éste, el que ha llegado primero, y éste, el que ha llegado al último, todos debemos sentarnos a esta mesa. Para todos hay lugar determinado para sentarse.

Dice Cristo: “Si mediante el Espíritu de Dios echo este demonio, ha llegado a vosotros el Reino de Dios”. Y ahora Cristo dice a todos: “En mi nombre echad todos los demonios”. Decid: “¡En el nombre del Amor de Dios, nosotros os ordenamos ahora, o que lo aceptéis, o que os vayáis – nada más! Si no podéis recibir este Amor, vosotros no podéis servir a Dios. Os ordenamos en el nombre de este Amor que os vayáis a vuestro reino, de donde habéis venido”. ¿Hay algo malo en esto? – No hay nada malo.

Así que digo: De la gente espiritual se requiere una filosofía correcta. Alguien dice: “Yo he perdido la fe en la gente”. No, tú has perdido la fe en ti mismo. Yo no he encontrado hasta ahora en Bulgaria ni un hombre santo, pero se requiere gente santa, santa. Se requiere gente que después de perder su dinero, después de perder todo en la vida, que tengan alegría en su alma porque han realizado la voluntad de Dios, y que crean que nunca se van a empobrecer. Todo lo que se puede tomar de un hombre es externo. ¡Que sirvas a Dios este es un acto magno, una comprensión magna! Alguien dice: “El hombre no debe ser blando sino que debe llevar cuchillo”. Eh, bien, cobardito, ¿no eres tú el que lleva cuchillo, el que predicas la violencia? Te vas al tendero, quieres 2 kilogramos de azúcar fiado, él dice: “Fiado no doy”. Le muestras un revólver, te da azúcar. Le muestras un napoleón, te da azúcar. ¿Tu fuerza está dentro de ti? – No está en ti. Tu fuerza está en el revólver, tu fuerza está en el napoleón. Así cada uno puede ser fuerte. No, yo desearía ver a un héroe sin pistolera, a un héroe sin dinero, que tu heroísmo esté en tu mente, en tu corazón, en tu sagrada voluntad, en tu gran y noble alma, en tu potente y fuerte espíritu. Este es el hombre del cual fueron echados todos los demonios y quien cumple la voluntad de Dios. De esto necesitan y jóvenes, y viejos.

Si no aplicáis esta Enseñanza, toda la ciencia que estudiáis será una mentira, pero si la aplicáis tendréis una ciencia sagrada: y la filosofía, y la pedagogía, y la química, y la física, y la geología, y la astronomía, todas estas ciencias cobrarán sentido y os darán un gran impulso para estudiar la vida. Pero, debe aplicarse esta Enseñanza, y no que digáis que en el futuro se va a aplicar. No, desde hoy dice Cristo: “En el nombre de mi Amor echaré todos los demonios de vosotros”. Este Cristo no está fuera de vosotros, yo Le veo que Él habla dentro de vosotros. Dirá alguien: “¿Pero sin dinero se puede vivir, sin pistoleras se puede caminar?” Bien, esto es así, el dinero es una comodidad, pero si es recta esta filosofía de que sin dinero no se puede vivir, pregunto: ¿Las aves viven con dinero?, ¿las abejas en los panales viven con dinero?, ¿los ángeles viven con dinero?, ¿el Señor vive con dinero? Decís: “Simplones son estos hombres que pueden vivir sin dinero”. Se puede, se puede, el dinero es solo un símbolo de la Sabiduría. La Sabiduría debe utilizar este dinero. El hombre razonable puede vivir y sin dinero. La razonabilidad es su riqueza.

Cristo dice: “Si yo, mediante el Esp ritu de Dios echo los demonios, ha llegado a vosotros el Reino de Dios . Yo no os hablo de vuestro dinero, pero en general el dinero es idolatr a. Si ten is mi Amor, dice Cristo, mis tesoros estar n abiertos para vosotros. Si Yo tengo este Amor sagrado hacia vosotros, vuestro hogar estar abierto para M . Esto lo pod is comprobar. Si ten is este amor sagrado, en todas partes vuestro camino estar abierto. Vosotros ten is una gran ciencia y deb is creer, razonables deb is ser, y voluntad deb is tener.

Entonces, la primera cosa: aprender is a pensar recto ya actuar recto en vuestra vida. Cada acto del hombre debe ser amoroso, en l siempre debe sobresaltar lo Divino. As quiere el Se or, as ha dicho el Se or, tal es Su voluntad. Este es el sacrificio. Si aquella gente mundana se va para sacrificar su vida por su patria, por qu no sacrificar mi vida por aquello lo magno en el mundo, por Dios, y que diga en todos los casos de mi vida: tal es la voluntad de Dios!? Por lo tanto, si nosotros solucionamos aquella magna cuesti n del sacrificio, el Reino de Dios estar en nosotros.

Os digo ahora: Haced pruebas! Ten is enfermedades, ten is falta de dinero, ten is alguna disputa, incomprensiones, ten is disgustos con hijos e hijas, he aqu miles de maneras de probar vuestra voluntad. El mundo presente es tan rico para pruebas! Solo la gente razonable debe hacer pruebas. Y si en nosotros vive el Amor Divino probaremos que esta Ley trabaja, pero correctamente tenemos que actuar.

Dice Cristo: Si yo, mediante el Esp ritu de Dios echo los demonios, ha llegado a vosotros el Reino de Dios .

Ahora yo deseo y para vosotros que llegue este Reino de Dios y que se is ciudadanos libres de este Reino.

Ha llegado el reino de Dios, por el Maestro Beins Duno

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