Practical guide to gain self-esteem and health

  • 2014

Low self-esteem is related to worse health and less vital gratification.

Some exercises and remedies will allow us to overcome self-esteem problems.

By: Manu Corral

People with low self-esteem not only suffer more illnesses but are more likely to suffer premature death. It is an affirmation of Dr. Michael Marmout, director of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of London and a researcher at the International Center for Health and Society.

Marmout points out that people with low self-esteem not only suffer more illnesses, but are more likely to suffer premature death. Consequently, in order to maintain health, not only do you have to take into account the quality of the diet and exercise, you also have to take care of self-esteem. We explain some exercises that will allow us to overcome self-esteem problems and thereby gain health.

In order to raise self-esteem, one must first consider the extent to which one's needs are being met. To exercise in self-care, it is very useful to take a sheet and make two columns: on the left you write the vital needs and indicate if they are satisfied or not, on the right you write what is being done about it and what is He plans to do for which nothing has been done yet.

Write a list with all the criticisms that, as you remember, your parents made to you. Then analyze the messages they gave you about matters that are related to self-esteem: what did your parents believe about money? From the body? From love and relationships? Of sex? And about your talents? You can expand the list by analyzing the beliefs of the environment in which you grew up (teachers, friends, relatives ...). Once the list is finished, cross out the ideas that you think do not benefit you and leave those that you consider positive.

Feed your mind with bright and positive ideas. Disconnect completely from the radio and television news and, in the newspapers, go directly to the cultural pages. Do not watch violent movies. Reading a good book, listening to good music or talking are things that will put you in touch with the good side of life. Take it as a cure, at least temporary, of positivism.

Since self-esteem problems often have their origin in childhood, it means that the child you were was stuck in certain intimate conflicts. In a relaxation session, imagine that child and behave with him as a loving father. Embrace him, tell him that everything is fine, that he should not fear anything because you are here to protect and take care of him. Give him comfort until he feels safe again.

Homeopathic remedies and Bach flowers

Homeopath Edward Bach created, at the beginning of the last century, a kit of 38 floral elixirs that were used to treat emotional imbalances. These not only cause discomfort on their own, but are behind many health problems with physical symptoms. Bach's intention was that anyone could choose the remedy that best suited him, following very simple principles.

The larch is the Bach flower recommended for those who are not considered as fit or as trained as those around them. They expect failure, they feel that they will never do anything right and that is why they do not risk or strive to succeed. Usually four drops are taken, diluted in water, in fruit juice or directly under the tongue, four times a day.

There is a remedy that, in many cases, is best suited for people who show low self-esteem. This is Anacardium orientale, indicated for undecided people, who have the impression of having a double personality and who easily offend. It is an appropriate remedy when the person feels overwhelmed by work or when he has to face a challenge.

Art therapy to create self-esteem

Creating is healing. Painting, sculpture, theater, music, literature are activities that serve to express inner life, often unknown to the conscious. Many people with low self-esteem curiously have enormous creative potential: they themselves are surprised at their works, which serve them to get to know each other better and value themselves. In addition, as activities that require constant concentration and manual work help reduce the level of stress.

Now, one must take a precaution: as people with a deficiency of self-esteem tend to be perfectionists, they should put this quality at the service of their well-being: self-criticism is not allowed, just think about doing it well to obtain personal satisfaction. On the other hand, technical or formal aspects should be considered secondary. The important thing is the activity itself as a vehicle of expression. First objectively unsightly results should only serve to exercise another healthy quality: the sense of humor.

Improving self-confidence throughout the body

Physical exercise. One of the symptoms of lack of self-esteem is also a lack of physical vitality. The movements are not wide, natural or energetic. The regular practice of any physical exercise, especially aerobic exercise, which requires an effort to the heart and lungs, has positive effects on mood: stabilizes emotions, increases self-confidence and extroversion, improves the "perception of self", relieves tension and relieves restlessness. Walking briskly, running, cycling, swimming and collective ball games are all recommended aerobic activities.

The mechanisms by which physical exercise could be positive are several: from the effect of a better connection with the body, to the ease offered by the sport of meeting new people, through the distraction that avoids negative thoughts or the increase of brain levels of endorphins and monoamines.

Breathing and meditation. Physical disciplines that include respiratory and meditative techniques, such as tai-chi, chi-kung and yoga, are equally indicated. Richard J. Davidson, a neurologist and professor at the University of Michigan (United States) has proven that people who regularly practice some type of meditation show greater brain activity in the left prefrontal cortex in stressful situations. This pattern corresponds to confident, emotionally balanced and optimistic personalities. In contrast, pessimistic people, with low self-esteem, exhibit more activity in the right brain lobe.

Practical guide to gain self-esteem and health

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