GAUTAMA BUDDHA: I proclaim St. Germain as the Buddha of the Aquarian Age

I, Gautama, with deep joy, have the privilege of announcing the rise of Saint Germain to the level of Buddhahood (NdT. Degree of Buddha or Buddha consciousness), having been anointed by me as the Lord. or Buddha of the World - Buddha carrying the Flame of Freedom for the Earth.

My Beloved This is an achievement of the highest importance. Since we now have Master Jesus - who has also reached the Buddha state recently - and Saint Germain - both, bearers of this same level of consciousness. Thus, both the Instructor of the Age of Pisces and that of the Age of Aquarius have achieved this level of Buddhahood, a level significantly higher than the level of consciousness of many ascended beings.

The anointing took place on July 4 of this year, 2007, within the framework of a simple and brief ceremony performed on my retirement in Shamballa. So then, I wish you to recognize the Lord Buddha of Freedom, as appropriate, with a round of applause.

[An ovation was made for 30 seconds, standing still]

[Attendees bowed and then proceeded to sit down]

Now, My Beloved, I will not tire you with a long speech because I know that you have worked hard and for long hours during this conference, contributing to maintain the balance through this enormous liberation of teachings - which I must tell you, even Saint Germain himself failed to deliver before being anointed as Buddha. Because these are Buddha-level teachings, that is, they had not been released for a long time on this planet.

You know that these teachings had not been affordable, even to the most spiritually advanced in the past Golden Age, at least for a while. This, My Beloved, is another good sign that among us - this time - we will create and manifest a new Golden Age, with the potential of not falling into a degenerative spiral, after a short period of time.

I anchor my presence in California

My Beloved Just as Saint Germain has spoken to you about the importance of this great step in consciousness that can begin here in California, I wish to announce that you have earned a reward, a dispensation from me. In the conferences offered in Virginia and Ireland, I have anchored my presence both in Europe and in Washington, DC Good! My beloved. Because of your transcendent work and the release of light from Saint Germain, I am also anchoring my presence - throughout the entire State of California.

By the way, the Presence of the Buddha is not limited by time or space, because time and space do not exist - they are unreal at the level of Buddhahood. So then, I will anchor my presence here, once again forming an arch from here to Washington and from Washington to Europe. So that we can create the spark, the fire that begins to ignite in the collective consciousness where people who are in alignment with the Buddha's consciousness can be awakened to the need to accelerate the passage, generate new ideas and express those ideas in All aspects of society.

This, My Beloved, is really a transcendent dispensation. Well, now we can connect the eastern and western coasts of the United States as well as the Atlantic Ocean. It is even possible that by giving other conferences in the future - on other continents - we will achieve, once again, a momentum that will allow me to anchor my Presence in these places and, finally, create a grid, an antakarana that contains the entire planet. However, this intention will be elusive, in some cases, for people in those areas that require more work in preparation for such dispensation. But I will give you the vision of what is possible.

I impart to you my Infinite Peace

My Beloved I would like to impart to you - to the greatest extent possible - through my words and my vibration - the infinite and unconditional peace of the Buddha. Saint Germain has imparted living teachings on the Path, the River of Life and the work of the Ascended Hosts. He has spoken to them about the possibility of immersing themselves within the River of Life and thus finding a peace that not only transcends understanding but also covers all aspects of the human mind. Therefore, it is that beyond what we can conceive of the human mind, which always thinks and believes in terms of this world, for a person or society to achieve peace, certain external conditions must be met.

My Beloved You have seen during this retreat that even the most extreme of the disturbances did not make you lose your peace and did not interrupt the course of it or the delivery of the Word. Thus, you should take this as proof of what you have - everyone could maintain your harmony - maintain the degree of Buddhahood that you can achieve. So that they can quickly accelerate that peace to flow with the River of Life, without being attacked by any external condition and without thinking that your peace depends on external conditions and without keeping expectations about the future becoming.

Be happy with the flow of the River of Life and if this River brings you a part of karma to be transcended by you - whether on a personal or collective level - then assume it with peace. And since you are peace itself, you can transmute karma more quickly. And if the River throws circumstances - problems they have promised to bring to the world in order to make it easier for others to solve certain problems and overcome certain psychological conditions - Good! Then, don't get tangled up again with the same. Keep all your perspective and see them simply as something temporary in your mission. And then, please move forward as quickly as possible, so that you can continue with activities that have real consequences.

Thus, My Beloved, receive the Peace of the Buddha, the infinite, unconditional, endless, inextinguishable Peace of the Buddha, the peace that can be given infinitely without being exhausted to a minimum, because she has no quantity or is limited. She goes beyond quantity, and cannot be quantified by any measure in this world, obviously it cannot be exhausted, no matter how much is delivered from it.

In fact, my beloved, I will leave you with the puzzle that even the infinite is not beyond transcendence. Because the more infinity they use or deliver, the more they become that. And so, when you overcome the awareness of lack - of the fear of losing, of the desire to possess something for the separated self - well, then, my beloved, you will testify to the reality that the more you grant, the more you will receive.

For life, My Beloved, do not seek to remain still. She wants them to grow, she wants them to expand, she wants them to be more than they are now. And he wants them to continue advancing more and more within the cycles of the infinite, inextinguishable, incomprehensible Divine Being.

Now, I seal you with the peace of my heart, the heart of the Buddha of Peace for Earth. Be at peace BEING Peace.

Copyright © 2006 by Kim Michaels

Translated by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

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