Fusion with real physics, Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll

  • 2016

I greet you again Dear! (Kryon's smile).

In the last 2 channels we have been talking about something that is Consciousness but it is also Physical; and that has to do with your multidimensionality, of your cellular structure, of your consciousness; and with how you are moving from the paradigm of one reality to that of the other. And today we want to reinforce that; I repeat, the channeling is not about Physics, it's about Consciousness, it's about you, it's about what's coming. Now, once again I want to ask you to readjust your reality in the classroom. This is a message from the Spirit, it is a benevolent message, a beautiful message from the Creative Source that loves you . You could say that the Creative Source has a higher consciousness than anything you can even conceive; It does not accommodate the darkness.

For you, Love is the queen of emotions and also the goodness of God. There is no other energy that exceeds it; prevails over Physics, prevails throughout the Universe ; the day will come when scientists will expect benevolent results from the experiments, when intuition will tell them what to do without any doubt about what the results of the experiment will be; they will feel the goodness even before doing the experiment. The scientific method will be a method that will qualify something you already know, not something you suspect. All of that is part of what is coming.

In the past I have given you channels, especially the last 3, which were interrupted by a translator; so we want to repeat part of them so that there are no interruptions; and in a more consistent language and lexicon, without translation. I want to talk about one of your famous scientists; it's Einstein again; in his last years he really fought with quantum physicists; he really didn't believe in potentials (Kryon's smile). Einstein was more empirical; and yet I tell you that this man was the first quantum physicist. And I do this by telling you that what he did was show you that something you thought was absolutely stable and empirical and unmodifiable, was modifiable. So in Physics, especially where you wander and what you call reality, there are certain things that behave in certain ways and that are unmodifiable, cannot be changed; if they changed, this would not be your reality.

And Einstein arrived and showed you that one of the things that you thought was the most stable in the world was modifiable. When Einstein showed his theory of relativity, it had to do with time. It had to do with something so empirical, so stable for you, that you can measure it in nanoseconds. You have heard of the ways of measuring time so precise that you can know with absolute precision what time it is, because it never changes; But it did change. Einstein presented something to which I am going to turn to show you that it is yours. He postulated that a man who left in a spaceship at the speed of Light and after traveling for a year at the speed of Light returned to Earth, he would be one year older and for the Planet more would have passed weather. So when traveling so fast, he slowed his time in relation to the time of the place of his departure. Now, he didn't know it or on Earth they knew it, even when they met; And then that was obvious.

This completely changed the path of ideas, because something you thought was never going to change was variable. I want you to stop right there: That is Quantum Physics, because it will change your thinking about what cannot be changed. Let's go back to the relationship of speed with time. In the thought process that you have in 3 Dimension, even in 4, you linearize everything ; It has to be like this for you, it has to make sense for a Human Being. So you define speed as the duration to go from one point to another; if you go in a faster car, it will take less between A and B, it will take less in a plane; if you go faster, the duration will be shorter; And every time you mention speed, it is in a straight line.

Now let me offer you what I will call `` lateral logic '' : Can you go so fast in a circle? The answer is: Yes. Do not take into account what you call centrifugal force, which is not correctly defined. If you are going to go around a circle instead of a straight line: could you still go fast? Of course I do! So now let's go in a circle very quickly; instead of going straight. With this image in mind, now let's begin to reduce the circle; and we reduce it and reduce it and reduce it until the circle is your cellular structure. You have heard the expression vibrating at a higher level; For you, vibration is an oscillation, a movement forward and backward; but it's not like that, it's in a circle (Kryon's smile). You are vibrating in a circle; and in this energy is your cellular structure accelerating and becoming multidimensional.

Are you beginning to capture the image? What will happen if your cellular structure begins to accelerate much more than that of others? Using the Theory of Relativity in its purest form, regardless of some of the speed limits that Einstein set, you can see that it would be possible for your watch it would be slower, while the clocks of those around you would go faster; The result of this would be a longer life. Dear, I have just given you the quantum reason why a high vibration Soul will have a longer life; It is because with your consciousness you change the time. Now, we have done this so that you can relate it to what you already know; so it is not a high metaphysical idea, which has no roots. Einstein showed it to you; but you are doing it on the cellular level.

I am going to give you information that I had never revealed before, which will soon be known on the Planet. The inventors are beginning to enter into a multidimensional reality; Although they may not know it, they are beginning to use some multidimensional principles. Now let me offer you a paradigm to which you are accustomed; it is this: Everything that works, the mechanical, has to have an energy supply ; It has really been reduced to fire, there has to be fire. To propel something, heat is often needed, either as steam or otherwise; fire equals light, fire equals computation, equals this and that; It all comes down to the fact that the elements of the Planet drive something you have created. Now, you have really achieved a very efficient use of fire; This is a metaphor, but you still have to have a source of energy.

So the paradigm that I am offering you is that to have something that looks like energy in the 3rd Dimension, you have to have something that somehow starts it; A little or a lot. This is the paradigm of the 3rd Dimension: It has to come from something that is in front of you to become something else; in which you are becoming very good, as I said. And what about Quantum Energy? Quantum Energy is not linear. Now, if I told you that you don't need an energy source, I would be wrong. But let me tell you this: A three-dimensional power supply is not needed. This is an axiom that quantum physicists and inventors will know: To have quantum energy, to work with it, to develop it, to use it, there has to be a quantum source, period.

You cannot create quantum energy, nor build anything using it, without a similar quantum source. Let me define the term 'quantum' : As I use it today, it means 'multidimensional'; This is not the standard definition of ' quantum ' that physics would have. We are using it differently, it means 'multidimensional'. Any type of multidimensional energy that develops on this Planet must have a multidimensional source; They will even call it an attraction-repulsion energy, because when they realize the dynamics of multidimensionality, they will see that it works in the form of attraction-repulsion. In linearity, a source of energy simply flows in one direction to feed something that then does something; There is no attraction-repulsion.

The closest you have to attraction-repulsion energy was developed by a quantum mind and is called 'alternating current', which is attraction-repulsion. If there is an engineer in the room, he will be surprised because he knows that I am right; if you look at the phase relations of the alternating current, you see that it is of attraction-repulsion. That was not the time, but Tesla knew this: A Quantum Energy requires a Quantum Source. Now, before the next step: Where do you get Quantum Energy? Did you know that there are quantum biologists? If there are quantum biologists who tell you something about your biology: How about it being quantum? Throughout the planet there are quantum sources.

Some of the largest, of the absolutely greatest energies of this Planet, are there and they look at you and work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; and they are quantum: Gravity is quantum, magnetism is quantum, Light is quantum. The sources of quantum energy and development are in these 3; plus one: You. If you have a quantum biology, that means you can do quantum things; The source is inside your DNA. Now, this is what has created your ability to vibrate faster, with Consciousness. Do you know what happens if you vibrate fast enough and your Consciousness is high enough; and can you integrate with the Creative Source?

Your DNA starts working at a very efficient level, after 44%, 55%, you reach 80% and 90%; and now this will explain something very controversial: The Masters of this Planet had their DNA vibrating at 90% and something else; and controlled physics. They could turn one thing into another, they could work with the life force, they could make the objects have no mass; and they could do it because they were One with their surroundings, with high DNA that vibrated very quickly. The quantum engine is already there inside you; and this explains why this new energy and the magnetic field can allow you to advance more than you have ever advanced. The quantum engine that is your biology will create quantum thinking, inventions of higher thinking; because you think outside the 3rd Dimension.

Many of you will survive your families ; there will come a time when Humanity will look at the few who will be surviving the many; and you will again face the objection that you use magic; without understanding that what you use is the Love of God that has always been there. This is only one of the many things that I would like to share more with you. But if I wanted to summarize this part of the message, it would be like this: Any inner personal thing can be achieved using the quantum engine that is already in place waiting for you to turn it on. Conscious thinking, the emotions of Love, Goodness and Compassion, are catalysts for the quantum engine. Would you like us to say it again? (Kryon's smile) The attributes of Love, Compassion and Goodness are the catalysts for the quantum engine; They are the ones who turn it on! Fear will stop him. Those create a High Vibration Human Being.

As Einstein said, some of the attributes of Physics surpass them when you meet them, when you begin to vibrate higher. Did you know that the disease is a lower vibration? Did you know that if your cellular structure vibrates higher, a disease of lower vibration cannot persist? Am I making myself understood? ... It's Physical! It is the Physics of Consciousness! Is it not interesting that of all the inventions that you are going to have in the following decades, of the quantum things that are going to happen, the first one you will use is inside you? Because to have the others, you have to start with this one, because it will come from high consciousness thinking; and this one will create engrams and thought patterns that will connect you with the Universal Source that gives you a perfect Physics, not the limited Physics in which you live. The inventions are in you, waiting to be connected with the Source that created them.

I want to give you something to think about; I want to describe an image of a quantum source that is all over this planet. Einstein showed you that you can change the time; That's basic, it's proven. I am going to tell you something: In real physics, not in limited physics, not in three-dimensional physics ... in real physics ... Are you ready? ...: Everything can be changed! It is a beautiful variable system that you can change. When you learn what it is and learn to use it, and develop inventions and machinery, if we can use this word, you will also have other revelations: Machines can be partially biological; I'm going to leave you with this only.

But this is what I want to tell you: What do physicists tell you about matter? They tell you that it is mainly space, that it is empty; and 2 examples that I want to give you, are outside the box of your limited Physics : You have here a rock that has a certain weight, always weighs the same, of course it does; you cannot change it, because the rock is the rock. What if I tell you that you can change it? If you enter the atomic level of the rock, this is mainly space, this means that there is a lot of breadth to change the density that makes the rock have that weight. Dear ones: Why does a certain volume of gold or lead weigh more than the same volume of basalt or some other light or sponge stone? ( Kryon giggle) and the answer is: By density, so if you can molecularly and atomically change the density of the rock, you can change its weight. As the rock is constituted mainly by space, you have a lot of breadth ... If you know how to do it. By the way, Tesla did know; by the way, Tesla is back.

This will happen to Humanity; when you use quantum energies you can change the quantum rules. If you change the density of the rock, you can make it have no mass, you can make it float; That's all you have to do. Dear ones, that is simply Variable Physics; and in your box you think that it cannot be changed; you thought you couldn't change the weather either; and then you will be at 40 percent. That is going to happen! Imagine for a moment that you could change the weight of things; and that you could do it easily through a quantum source; Not with a great source of energy, forget about that. And what source could you use to change the density of matter? Turn the page

There you are sitting and there is something I want you to do figuratively, in this example (Kryon giggle): I want you to imagine for a moment that you are facing a very powerful imam ; It really is not a magnet, it is a pair of positive and negative magnets, it is one of those special magnets that are very difficult to separate because the positive and the negative are aligned in such a way that they are They are glued to each other. They are also not very large, in fact they do not even measure 2 inches, they are small; they have no energy supply, they are simply 2 magnets that are known to be extremely strong, they are dense, they have the greatest magnetic properties that have been discovered on the planet and they are glued together. To each other ... Your task is to separate them.

So you start. You grab them and then you stop when you realize that they are not going to separate easily. So you assume the position of a weightlifter, you bend over preparing your muscles; you grab each part and start pulling; and they are resistant, they will not separate, they are united by a very strong magnetism. You know that if you could slide them you could separate them, that you have to be careful because if they catch a finger, they will crush you; And you start to sweat. You are increasing energy, you are spending energy; you are expanding your consciousness as much as you can to separate the 2 parts from each other. Now I want you to freeze the scene for a moment, I want you to keep the scene firmly in your mind: You are doing everything you can, you have restless breathing, gasps and puffs; And you are sweating. Eventually the magnets will separate with the force you can exert as a Human Being. But I want you to freeze the scene, my friend, because this is the difference between three-dimensional and quantum energy.

The Human Being is a machine that in this particular example, is three-dimensional, does everything it can with the force to separate something; If you do it for long enough, you will get tired, you will need fuel, you will have to eat something to sustain your life and thus continue using your muscles to try to separate these magnets. If it were your life, if you had to separate them to survive, to that you would add anxiety; Then you would have to eat more. Now let's go back and see what the magnet is doing: Nothing! What kind of strength gives magnets that incredible power, 24 hours 7 days a week, so much that you're sweating trying to separate them? And they are not doing anything, they are only there; long after you get tired, they are still powerful. Long after you died, they would remain there just as powerful, never ending, without requiring food; It is like this forever. How can you explain that? What kind of power is there? There is no power supply, there is no electricity ... Only magnetism!

I just gave you the key to massless objects; That will come from a quantum source. The quantum source will be Magnetism. The magnets get their strength from a quantum source that does not appear to be on the Planet. It is everywhere! It is part of the ether, of the heliosphere (of the Sun); It is part of the ever-present 'ethos' (NT. 'Idiosyncrasy') of the space between the atomic structure. Magnetism and its power come from a source that you cannot explain because it is not linear. How many physicists have observed the power of magnets and have been baffled? You know how to use them, but you have no idea where the source of their strength comes from. And you gasp and snort and use all that three-dimensional energy, which has to be fed, to pull them and separate them; and they are always there, they don't care or get tired (laugh of Kryon).

Welcome to the future! A lot of energy is available without three-dimensional supply; and this will be the new frontier. When you are able to do these things without turning them into weapons, that will be High Consciousness ; is coming It is enough for today to give you examples of what High Consciousness can do towards which you are heading; because a connection with the Creative Source will be opened and it will give you the goodness you deserve. These things will not happen completely as long as the Earth continues in its current state of imbalance; these things will be clear when the imbalance is less; and you will feel it and you will know it; and the day will come when there will be very few murders on this planet; and much more understanding. And when you can see that, you will simply open the frontier of Physics; and just like the magnet that is forever, that will create for you food and water and energy; and even rejuvenation. This is enough.

You are at the forefront, you are the pioneers of all this ... (Kryon sigh) ... Planet after Planet have gone through this, it is coming. And you will say: "Kryon: Is that going to happen during my life?"; And I'm going to tell you: Of course! ... Of course it is! ... You may look different, but you will be alive; you are going to be here to see all that; and that is because you are Old Souls, you paid the price to be here with one life after another working for the Light, Dear Ones; Now is the time for the Light to return it to you.

And so it is.


Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Lee Carroll

SEEN AT: http://www.jairorodriguezr.com/

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