Does reconnective healing work for everyone?

  • 2016

The gift of entering the Reconnective Healing is that it allows us to facilitate healing that is much greater, that tends to last for life and that many times are instantaneous. But we know why? No. When we say we know the answer, then, at that point, we stop learning. But when we are willing to not know, suddenly all the possibilities and potential of the world open to us. They are simply the blocks that allow us to ask better questions, because our growth comes from the will to ask.

As we allow ourselves not to know, we discover that we observe more. And not knowing how the healings work, we simply discover and observe more great healings than we have seen on the planet before.

Reconnective healing allows deep healing

In addition, it is not the disease that heals. It is the individual. Three people can have the same diagnosis, the same set of symptoms, and receive three different sets of results; depending on what is suitable for that person in the course of his life. Children with cerebral palsy and epilepsy as many of them come - after just one visit, they can suddenly walk, play and talk normally, they no longer have seizures, They don't take medications, they don't need them. And yet, for some children there could be only a partial answer. Or that child might not show any response in that area, but he could have a healing in another area. Therefore, it is not the disease process that has healing, it is the person. And we don't always know the reason for these different health challenges in our lives. What you have to understand is that they can be there for many reasons; and we don't understand the mind of God. We know that some people may need their health challenges to give love, others to get it, and this willingness to observe and ask ourselves about the splendors of the healing process is what helps us to grow.

My experience is that Reconnective Healing always works. But sometimes it takes a different form than you might have anticipated. A woman came to see me once, drove 4, 500 kilometers across the United States, because she had pain on the left side of her face that was so sensitive that any small movement or breeze that could come the hurt. He had two sessions with me, and the problem did not disappear. So externally we could say, Oh, the Reconnective Healing did not work, because the problem did not disappear. But what I didn't know was that she had lost her hearing when she was a young girl. At the end of the first session she regained her hearing. Did the healing work? Yes Did you get the result you thought you should have? No, not necessarily.

True healing is about balance

True healing is about balance. There is nothing that is only physical, or mental or emotional healing. Healing returns everything to its balance, but if the physical part is the most obvious to us, that is what we notice. If the mental or emotional is the most obvious to us, that is what we notice. When we focus on getting rid of a symptom, we focus on getting rid of only part of the problem - the physical, the mental, the emotional - but in Reconnective Healing we learn that the less we know about why the person thinks he has come to see us, it is better for her, because we focus less on a part of the problem or on limiting the result of healing according to what we believe may or may not be possible. In other words, a true Reconnective Healing practitioner does not pay attention to the supposed problem or symptom. Instead, it intervenes with a consciousness that allows the return to a perfect vibration of energy, light and information that, therefore, allows any of the imbalances that simply vibrate outside the image and the person, to return to their natural state and optimal health and balance.

We each experience Reconnective Healing differently. We have different feelings. You may experience pressure, or as if they were pulling, heat or cold, humidity or dryness at the same time - what I know sounds very strange, but once you feel it, you recognize it. Small bubbles, long presses ... no matter what you feel. What matters is that we allow ourselves to feel, listen, really with a different meaning. Listen with the essentials of who and what we are.

In other words, our learning is to recognize that the perfection of healing is not to force or change a symptom. Let's leave that for medicine with diagnosis, with medications, with operations. Healing tries to return from a state of equilibrium. In other words, your most perfect role as a healer is to have the courage to open the door and leave it open. It is the responsibility of the other person to have the courage to choose to cross it.

Anyone can learn to heal

What is most exciting about this is that anyone can learn to do it. And our reward is many times much more than the amazing experience of helping someone else heal. Reconnective healing is a path of transformation for both the healer and the person receiving the healing. Evidence shows that the healer or practitioner also receives the gift of healing frequencies.

Consider how a computer or computer works. You have the computer hardware and install the software program. The software allows you to access information from within the computer, and access information from the Internet field ... somewhere ... out there. What if our brain is our hardware? What if DNA is our software?

This is what we are doing with this new level of healing, in that sense, facilitating the updating of human software. This update allows us to better access the information of the brain, and better access to the information of the Zero Point Field, that multi-dimensional "internet" field ... out there ... somewhere. And the healing we experience is many times more than just physical.

Reconnective healing allows us to access more fully the reception of the gifts of the universe because it allows us to reconnect completely with who we are. Not only as physical beings, but as spiritual beings at the time we experience life in physical form.


The next Reconnective Healing Training Program will be held in Madrid from March 18 to 22, 2016. For more information contact:

Margarita Álvarez 648 535 050

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