Fragment of the Wave Report for February 2011 by Solara

  • 2011


Translation: Margarita López

During the past three months, many of us have felt that we have been disconnected from the past, but we are not yet connected to the future. We have disengaged ourselves more and more from our old lives and we have not completely connected with the new ones. Our old impulses are fading, but our new impulses have not yet arrived. Our old purpose is in its final stages of completion, but our new purpose has not yet been revealed. The present has felt unreal, surreal or empty. We think that we should feel free without impediments, but instead we feel without roots, like ships that have released their moorings and drift.

This sensation of being in the limbo of an extensive Transition Zone has been extremely uncomfortable and disturbing, but it helped us greatly. We are being completely disengaged from the past. Being drifting from the old ways of doing things, we are free to float in the prevailing current of Veracity towards our new positions.

The end of January brought us a remarkable change in energy. After months of feeling disconnected from ourselves, we are finally recovering our notion of who we are. Of course, we do not return to the old self that we were the last time we felt connected to our true selves; This time it is on a new level, stripped of everything and infinitely more true, of who we are. In February, many of us are finally going to get out of the cocoon we have been in while releasing everything that is false.

In 2011, many situations are going to TURN. Often, this will occur without notice. Politically, this is already happening in Tunisia and Egypt. And this is just the beginning. This turning around will occur in countries, businesses, in many long-established situations. And it will happen in our personal lives in relationships, in our work, in our daily habits, in our life situations. This is happening because in this momentous year, many things are going to turn from duality to Oneness.

There will also be many incidents of A BEING IN ACTION. We have already seen this in Australia during its floods, when people offered and helped each other. In Egypt, groups of people are coming together to clean the streets after the demonstrations, to protect the neighborhoods from looting and help those who have been injured. Increasingly, people will join and take action to do something useful and necessary. There will be less dependence on waiting for external authorities or governments to do things for us, and more emphasis on taking collective responsibility to do whatever is necessary. This is A BEING IN ACTION .

February is a short, fast and extremely powerful month that will bring a significant change to our lives. Many of our deeply rooted attitudes and behaviors are transforming into new ones, which are more aligned with who we are. A fresh breeze from Novelty is coming. We could meet in new environments with new people doing activities that we have never done before. Or that we never dreamed of doing!

There are many things that have not yet manifested, that we want to happen. But this is not because we are out of sync. It is because there is a profusion of things occurring at levels far beyond our current perceptions. During February, some of the stuck situations or blockages that have been present during the last months will disappear without much effort on our part.

February marks our departure from the labyrinth's twists and turns and our preparation for the month of full speed advance in March. There is much to do this year and there is much that will happen in the outside world. Just take a look at what has already happened this year only in January…. And this is just the beginning. In February, some of us will finally move to our correct positions. This will allow many elements to fit into position.

© Solara. This is a fragment of the latest Solara Swell Report. It has Copyright and is used with authorization. Full reports and weekly updates are available by subscription (in English, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish) through the website

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Thanks Margarita López !!!

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