Excerpts from the book “What is”, Tony Parsons

  • 2013

Tony Parsons is considered one of the most radical sages of our time. He woke up in his youth, but just 63 he decided to make his message clear and without turns.

The dilemma is not that the individual understands or does not understand. The dilemma is the individual. So relentless is Tony Parsons, who radiates a unique vitality, especially for someone born in 1933. His story is like so many others: one day he realized that something intangible was missing in his life. fundamental time. This is how he went through the almost predictable routine of any spiritual seeker: he tried religion in his case, Christianity - then with all kinds of therapies, meditation, etc. But his efforts did not give the expected results, and after a few years he abandoned the search.

One day, while walking through a park in the suburbs of London, his hometown, a sudden event changed his life forever: “What happened is simply beyond description. I can only improperly express in words that total stillness and that presence that seemed to be everywhere. Everything became eternal and 'I' no longer existed. I vanished and there was no experience left. Nor can I say that I was attached to everything because I had disappeared. I can only say that the union with everything and everything is what happened, and an irresistible love filled every part. Along with that came a total understanding of the whole. This happened in the blink of an eye, which seemed eternal. ”

Until 1996, he only shared his "open secret" - as he calls it - with his friends and family, but from that year he began giving talks throughout Europe. Tony is friendly, fun and it is easy to start a conversation with him. But seeing him interact with the audience, it seems that something points to the individual disappearing ... by starvation. In fact, there are already several who claim that when they left the premises, "they also left the self in the chair." Let's see what they mean:

Dialogue 1

Don't you want to help me in my suffering?

I can not help you. I can't take it anywhere, because there is nowhere you need to go. I can only suggest that you begin to open up to the idea that there is no one suffering.

So what are you doing here?

Any. There is no one here doing something. There is energy in one form speaking something with energy in another form. That's all there is.

But if there is nowhere to go, then there seems to be no purpose in anything.

And realizing this is the beginning of liberation. We are locked in the belief that our lives have some kind of purpose that we have to fulfill. We continue to strive to fulfill the ideas we have about what we need to do, or about some place we need to reach in order to be worthy of enlightenment. Of course, we never succeed, because we are trying to satisfy some idea that is only imaginary. It is the search for something on a horizon that always remains distant. All this activity reinforces the feeling of individual effort, and so the game continues. Any indication that this activity makes no sense is a threat to the mind; but when there is an acceptance and a rest in which there is no purpose, a new wonder may arise.

Dialogue 2

Many teachers recommend meditation as a way to stop the mind or to go beyond it. What do you think?

Why stop the mind?

Because it moves me away from the peace or serenity I long for.

Where is the mind right now?

He is here, talking to me, questioning and analyzing what you are saying.

Do you feel that this is the work of the mind?

Yes. Mainly the mind is what I use to understand and control what happens in my life.

And where are you?

I am here (points to the head), in the information that is allowing me to answer this question.

Do you live in your head with that information all the time?

I spent most of the day in thought.

And who is it that sees that this is so?


Thus, you see the mind functioning and thoughts arise and recede.


And is that activity what you are?

(Long pause)

No, it doesn't feel exactly like that.

So, do you have a feeling of something that you see emerging and recede these activities?

Something like that. It feels as if there is something above and behind what is observed right now.

Well, how is that place?

(Long pause)

It is like a vacuum that is totally disinterested in what is happening.

Is there no trial?

No, just vision.

What do you think it is?

It feels like it is the bottom of everything I am.

And how does that feel?

Very quiet, but also very alive.

That is his house, that is; That is what you are.

(Long pause)

If that is! And I've met him before but he seems to come and go.

Actually, what we are has nothing to do with calm minds, with ego deaths, purifications or any of the ideas we have been taught about the states in which we should be. This type of teaching has only to do with personal predispositions. It is always attractive to the mind when a method or technique is offered to reassure or kill the ego. For the mind there is no possibility of reassuring the mind; and once you recognize that what you are, is the calm and silent conscience that sees the mind and its activities operate, then it is also recognized that there is no need to calm the mind. Everything is very simple, certainly. What we are is just the background, just sitting there, waiting for us to stop somewhere and see the matter. Once this happens, then we begin to have a different flavor about who we are.

Excerpts from the book "What is", Tony Parsons. Gaia Ediciones, Madrid, 2002.


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