Express your Inner Truth

  • 2011

Quado through Carrie Hart Translation: Alicia Virelli

Today, observe yourself clearly and find ways to express what you observe, what you feel and know as "yourselves."

You have been trained by parents, friends, teachers and collaborators, all the people with whom you have been associated, to think and act in a certain way and to express yourself in ways that you considered acceptable. As a result, it is possible that they are being canceled, even before they have issued a simple word. You may have lost contact with much of your inner truth.

The self-expression we seek here is not the expression of repressed anger and frustration. What we are looking for is the deep truth inside, the place in your solar plexus that feels calm and cozy when you are inside in its center of justice and righteousness, the place in your heart that opens completely when you have given it expression to your truth This is what we are looking for: an open expression of the deepest truth within you.

It may take some time to find it, but if you quiet your mind and allow your body to feel it completely, you will find wonderful things inside you, just waiting to be expressed.

Here is a small prayer for today:

Today, I ask my mind to calm down as I open myself to the wonder of my own presence and my being. I invite my higher self to reside within me completely and give me the perception of my deepest essence.

Today, I am aware of this presence within me. I perceive it in my center, in my solar plexus, as a pool of warm and comforting peace, which feels calm, established and stable when I express myself outside of my deepest integrity with myself.

Today, I am aware of my heart and open it widely. I open myself and allow myself to express the greatest and deepest essence of my loving presence, my essential being, which is Love.

I am connected with my own truth. I am connected to my love heart. I know who I am and I allow myself to find the expression. I am.

Spanish translation sharing the light: Alicia Virelli

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