Explanation and Activation Merkabah and Astral Journey to Machu Pichu

  • 2014

Greetings to all, my name is D dac Mercader Nirahb . Today we are going to talk about what Merkabah is and do a meditation to activate it. In the end we will travel Astrally to Machu Pichu with our Merkabah.

The Merkabah

The Merkabah means vehicle of light or Ascension. It is an energy field that is around our physical body, which acts with our vital energy. This field connects us with the magnetism that keeps in balance on planet Earth and therefore, keeps us in balance with it. In general, our electromagnetic field or Merkabah is inactive or with a very slow movement, so we perceive imbalance in our life and in the interaction with the world and people.

The Merkabah is situated around the human body as a three-dimensional geometric network that is inactive and does not work. Merkabah activation is a simple technique that facilitates communication at all levels, including with the cells and chemical structures of our body.

The same attracts the same. If the energy field is dark, it becomes visible in the dark, the astral energy or the psychic attack. The best possible protection is to increase the vibration frequency of the energy field. (pause)

What is the Merkabah made of?

The Merkabah or also called energy vehicle - light - holographic transport, is built by two Tetrahedral Triangles that join in the center forming a six-pointed star, this shape around it is surrounded by a sphere of the Flower of Life . All this energetic vehicle rotates at a very high speed, when activating it releases some vibrational waves that makes everything resonate around it maintaining this vibration, the quantum quantum jump is made, this means that we are moving from one dimension to another in an energetic way.

What is Merkabah for?

The benefits of this practice are many: the restitution of vitality and health of our bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and the alignment of our vibrations with the Universe, that is, being "connected" and in tune with the cosmic network. It also serves as protection because it raises the frequency of vibration of the body's energy field.

Through the use of merkabah, Astral trips can be made to Intra centers and extra land, flat and high dimensions such as the University of the Pleiades ... travel back in time to the past, as well as create our future.

How is Merkabah activated?

The Merkabah field is generated voluntarily by an acceleration of the energy field, produced by a bioenergy technique, which allows access to the connection with the Higher Self. This is achieved through the practice of simple breathing and visualization exercises, which raise the vibrations of our bodies.

This technique, which was practiced by the Atlanteans and Egyptians in the past and has been rediscovered, allows us to interact between the 3rd and 5th dimensions. What does this mean? That we live in a three-dimensional world, but the Earth in its process of cycle change, is making a dimensional transition. This gives us the sensation of walking between two worlds, an acquaintance, but that seems to not work anymore, since its codes are totally collapsed and another new world we present is, but we don't know how to place ourselves in it.

Merkabah Activation: ( sitting or in a meditation posture )

• Next, visualize a golden Flower Sphere of Life that surrounds the tetrahedral star • Visualize two tetrahedral triangles that join in the center forming a six-pointed silver-colored tetrahedral star in front of you, and as if outside a vehicle, you sit inside.

• We will activate the Merkabah by taking 6 breaths by breathing through the nose and exhaling through the mouth (with practice you can do everything with just one breath):

o Activation Thymus / Heart Gland : Touch with the index-middle fingers of the left hand the thymus that is in the upper chest, inspire through the nose and exhale through the mouth and repeat mentally: TIMO-HEART ACTIVATED!

o Activation Pineal Gland : Touch with the index-middle fingers of the right hand the eyebrow to activate the pineal that is in the middle of the brain. Breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth and repeat mentally: PINEAL ACTIVATED!

o Pineal-Timo Canal Activation : With the index-middle fingers of the left hand in the thymus and the index-middle fingers of the right hand in the eyebrows we will activate the channel between the Pineal and the Thymus. Breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth and repeat mentally: PINEAL CHANNEL-TIMED ACTIVATED!

o Tetrahedral Star Activation : visualize the silver triangle that points upwards turns counterclockwise (moves the index-middle fingers of the right hand making a circle counterclockwise) and the silver triangle that points down turn clockwise, clockwise (move the middle-index fingers of the left hand in a circle clockwise) at the same speed. Breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth and repeat yourself mentally: TETRAÉDRICA STAR ACTIVATED!

o Activation of the Flower of Life Sphere : Place your palms on your chest and visualize a sphere of the Golden Flower of Life that surrounds you creating a bubble. Breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth and repeat mentally: SPHERE OF THE FLOWER OF ACTIVATED LIFE!

o Merkabah Activation : visualize the activated glands, the activated pineal-thymus channel, the rotating tetrahedral star and the flower sphere of active life. Breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth and repeat mentally: MERKABAH! ACTIVATE THOUSAND TIMES FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT!

Now your merkabah is already activated, you will try it! Imagine you are rising from the ground, inside your merkabah! your Astral body is going up, up ... up ... and you are leaving where you are, towards the sky, seeing everything small under you ...

We will all go as a group to the area of ​​Southern Peru, to Machu Pichu, to visit it Astralmente with our merkabah. As if you had a GPS : give the order to your merkabah. Breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth and repeat mentally: MERKABAH! I WANT TO GO TO MACHU PICHU and visualize how you shoot at full speed through cities .. Mountains ... seas ... until you reach the Machu Pichu area ... You are already looking at the horizon ... You have arrived! Visit it and enjoy the experience!

(Pause 1-2 minutes).

We ask our Merkabah to return at full speed crossing mountains ́s until you reach your place, where you were and you are going down from the sky towards your body physicist perfectly coupling to him. Feeling again anchored to the ground. Thanks for the trip and see you next time.

Explanation and Activation Merkabah and Astral Journey to Machu Pichu

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