Strategies to strengthen bones, by Dr. Annemarie Colbin

  • 2014

Dr. Annemarie Colbin, a specialist in natural nutrition and health, recommends following these guidelines to gain bone strength and health.

Dr. Annemarie Colbin, with several awards in the field of natural health and founder of the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts in New York, is the author of several books on food and health, including The Whole-Food. Guide to Strong Bones .

His recommendations to prevent and recover bone strength and health are as follows:

1. Avoid sugar and other refined sweeteners, white flour, hydrogenated fats, soda and caffeine. Do not overdo the consumption of Solanaceae vegetables (tomato, eggplant, potatoes ...) and do not follow a low-fat or fat-free diet.

2. Be cautious with dairy. If they are taken, it is better to opt for organic products. Even if a person is able to tolerate dairy products well, it is better to take bio-produced butter and yogurts, and unpasteurized cheeses. In the case of other cheeses, such as Parmesan, do not overdo it.

3. Eat vegetables every day. You also have to take healthy fats, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and some good sources of protein, whether from animals or legumes such as beans.

4. Always consume quality products - preferably homemade food - because of its high mineral content.

5. Perform some physical activity on a regular basis. Walking and lifting, stretching, exercising or weight training three or more times a week or, better yet, do all three.

6. Review our lifestyle. It is useful to analyze our life to determine what may be needed, where help is needed and what vital aspects need support and strengthening.

Strategies to strengthen bones, by Dr. Annemarie Colbin

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