They are in the Portal of a New Era "Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman

  • 2010

August 2010

Translation: Odilia Rivera.

Dear teachers, the stage is set and the curtain will rise in the new dawn of tomorrow. There are cells / areas of higher consciousness manifesting over the world, and the columns of Light of ascension from the great Cities of Light, in the higher realms are being anchored at an increased pace. The great infusions of the Creator's Light are increasing in strength and speed and they are making a great and important impact on the minds of the masses.

It is very apparent that there is still much violence, resistance and negativity in the world. However, the influence of the balance, peace and harmony of the Servants of the World is increasing and more and more dear Souls are waking up as they begin to realize the thrusts of their Self-Soul. Because of you, the tireless counters of the road who have prepared it, those who are now realizing the call, are moving over it and progressing more rapidly along the path of enlightenment.

During those accelerated times of change-of-time work, it is more important than ever that you strive to increase your ratio of brilliance or radiance and to shine your Light. They must strive to combine the vibrations of unconditional love with the desire for active service. Remember: harmonious, focused thinking leads to paths of higher consciousness in constant expansion. They must develop and refine their power of conscious selection within the accepted, narrow spectrum of Light and the density of the shadow areas. In the refined reality of the future of humanity, peace will prevail and conflict will be resolved through diplomacy while everyone learns to focus on the greatest welfare for all and seek the most benevolent solutions. Each of you is made up of energy units which create your Soul Song or Energy Signature. To achieve Self mastery, they must learn to control their thoughts and focus their power given by God. They are learning to be a director of the superior forces of Creation. They must strive to achieve continuity in consciousness as they work to become a divinely inspired observer of life and a master of detachment. They must detach themselves from the belief structure of mass consciousness in order to begin the process of becoming a Self-teacher, a spiritual human being, unique and inspired by the Soul. The path to higher consciousness will result, in the distant future, in directly experiencing your I God / I AM Presence and the splendor and majesty of the Creator in a variety of HIS many ways.

You may wonder why they have been subjected to so many tests and seemingly negative situations. Brave souls, we tell you that you have been through an intense process of initiation and transformation for many times of life and are well on your way to your Self-mastery. When they first step into the path of ascension testing, the personality or ego becomes aware of the soul's thrusts. The Fire of the Soul or the accelerated patterns of higher vibration begin to burn the negative energy that rises to the surface to be addressed. Eventually the fires of purification become the Light of Enlightenment while the process is repeated over and over again until the facets of the Higher Self begin to merge with the Soul and the ascension process is accelerated.

One of the biggest obstacles to overcome is to take back the power they have given others. Also, consciously releasing the energy that someone else has placed in their auric field or that has adhered to their Solar Plexus during the past, is the first phase to claim their sovereignty, which is required in order to once again become in a teacher of Himself. You will find that gradually the stressful situations in your life will become pleasant and harmonious, because you will no longer be feeding energy towards the unfavorable timelines of the future. They must contemplate, discern, and claim that which will be their template for expansion. Be careful and be aware every moment, so that your focus becomes focused and clear. Gradually they will develop a sense of self-confidence and security, and a knowledge that all is well and will remain so. With the new self-consciousness, they will actively begin the step-by-step process of creating their new reality.

They must be aware that the Path of Illumination of the Soul creates a dramatic inner disorder. They must still experience and diligently strive to return to harmony in any attempt and challenging relationships. It will take time; however, when they gain access to their Sacred Heart, they will slowly develop a sincere sensitivity and serenity along with purity in thought and actions. We tell you that there are multitudes of brave Souls in this world who are well on their way to Self-mastery, and who are respected disciples on the Path, which one day will become n in the Ascended Masters of the future Earth of the fifth dimension.

The next phase of the next Divine Plan is now ready, and many of you, the faithful Star Seeds on the Path, are being prepared to become members of the rapidly growing group of Servants of the World. In the past, wisdom schools and esoteric teachings were kept secret and reserved for a few who were advanced enough to understand and pass the severe tests in order to become initiates and self-teachers. . Those times are now in the past and you, as the vanguard and the counters of the road, are to be the visible examples of the new wisdom teachings as you show the way and help those who come behind you to become aspirants and initiates. You are going to become intermediaries among those seeking ilu-mina-ci n and a meeting with your Divine Self and the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Cosmic Council of Light in your local areas. What better way to serve than to be an anchor for the growing infusions of the Creator's Light, which are being shed on Earth. It is vital that they understand: This high light must have an anchor source on Earth, because it cannot be disseminated in a mantle effect such as the low-frequency waves of preparatory light during the 19th and 20th centuries. The present century is the fundamental era of Cosmic change throughout this universe.

One of the most dramatic changes that is taking place on Earth at this time is that there will no longer be a great diversity in the spiritual teachings sent to mankind. All the wisdom teachings brought from the Cosmic Council of Light will be from a unified Source and will be composed of the same basic spiritual philosophy Only with slight variations. In the past, the great Avatars and Christian Beings were infused with the maximum amount of Light and Fire of the Creator that they could contain, and then they were sent with messages and teachings specifically designed Given for each era and for each race. You must understand that in the beginning each race was infused with specific qualities, attributes and talents; however, during the time they developed deep unconscious weakness, negative qualities, habits and imbalances which were then stored within the DNA of the future members of each race. It is time for those negative attributes, qualities and imperfections to be healed and harmonized in such a way that the process of unity of returning to the UNICITY can proceed. This means that they will still be known for their uniqueness, after all, this universe was designated as an experiment in diversity. However, they will admire and respect everyone else for their uniqueness; because each of you will initially have developed talents, skills and virtues to present to our Father Mother God and the Supreme Creator as a gift to the Whole. Approval, compassion, gratitude and a sincere love for all humanity are the most important attributes that you are striving to develop in this time.

Shortly after the beginning of his year 2010, we gave our messenger, known in this lifetime as Ronna Herman, a vision. This vision was shared with those who attended his seminar * Opening to Channel * Becoming a Cosmic Telepath * in May 2010. It is now time to share this information with all of you who are diligently seeking the Path of Light. We will deliver this vision to you in the words of our messenger, as was given to the group who attended the event.

“Dear friends, the vision I want to share with you happened a little after the first of 2010. In meditation, I saw a group of glowing beings in white robes, standing in a half circle around a giant double-pointed crystal. The crystal was radiating a beautiful spectrum of colors, and there were also complex geometric patterns of Light, twinkling through and from the crystal. There were others present, but the Beings I recognized were AA. Miguel, Joshua, Djwal Khul, El Morya and Saint Germain. I was told that specialized and individual information from teachers, archangels and great Beings of Light could continue as before. However, in addition, there could be messages and wisdom from unified teachings from many great Beings, Avatars and Masters of the past and future. The teachings of ancient wisdom could be merged with the wisdom teachings of the future and they would be presented as Teachings of the Cosmic Council of Light. The messages would be encoded within the great crystal (they compared it to a giant cosmic computer), and would be available to those whose frequencies were compatible with the frequencies of the great Crystal specifically graded. The more refined frequencies you contain, the more refined levels of information you will be able to access from the great Cosmic Crystal.

I was told that any information I receive would still come through the vibrational patterns of the AA. Miguel, since I'm tuned to your energy. He will still give me his monthly message, however, for the Master Search School and the seminars I hold, I will also receive teachings and information from some of the members of the Cosmic Council. In order to distinguish between the two, for any message from the Council, I will use the title: “THE SACRED WRITE * RONNA HERMAN *

I will still be Enlightened by the energy of AA. Miguel, and the messages I will receive most often will be from: * ARCANGEL MIGUEL * JESHUA * DJWAL KHUL * EL MORYA * ST. GERMAIN

A few days later I started receiving a huge amount of information. I could sit on my computer and type in the information that came, title it and save it to a file on my computer. This continued from time to time until about two weeks later (at the beginning of March) that I realized that I had been given much of the text for the exercise book for the OPENING CHANNEL seminar. I was instructed on how we can access the Cosmic Wisdom Teachings while raising our consciousness and becoming competent to communicate with our spiritual guides and teachers. It takes dedication and an intense desire to serve; However, the rewards are incomparable. I was told that more and more precious Souls are clearing the way to claim their ability given by God to communicate and interact with the Beings of the higher realms. In the not too distant future, channeled or telepathic communications as we know them now will be the norm for all ill-minded souls.

Until now, the Opening to Channel brochure is only available to those who attend our seminars and go through the cleaning process and understand the technical indications and how serious are the procedures and responsibilities to access within the channels of telepathic communication from the realms superior. As with other teachings which have been introduced in my seminars, advanced specialized information is eventually given to the masses, but not before a strong form of thinking has been created that will help convey the Essence of the teachings, which will help keep the information content pure.

Dear friends, I share this information with you so that you will know that you are in extraordinary times, and that your time for miracles is near. However, you must decide how you want those following years to be revealed and how you want to experience those times of dramatic change. Each of you reading this has the potential to become a World Server in some capacity. No matter how big or small, they are all an integral part of the All. Ask for advice and proceed to be the truth revealed to you, and then share your wisdom with others so that more will be given to you. Eternal Love, angelic blessings and wonderful miracles ”Ronna.

Archangel Michael: Dear ones, the Cosmic Council of Light is in the process of making available advanced teachings of wisdom in every possible way so that all those who wish to do so will have the opportunity to join the ranks of ascending humanity. Previously known as the Great White Brotherhood, the Cosmic Council is a division of the Order of Melchizedek. It is composed of highly evolved non-physical Spiritual Beings from all areas of this universe along with select members of the Angelic Kingdom, many Ascended Masters of the Earth, and also many advanced Earth Initiates who represent the masses. Whether you accept it as your truth or not, you are in the process of becoming galactic citizens, and one of the future steps of cosmic consciousness will be the reunion with many members of your family of Solar and Galactic Light. In a future time, be sure that some of you will be asked to join the Council of Light, as representatives of ascending humanity and the Earth.

We know that many of you wonder why your personal world is not changing for the better, and why you are not receiving some of the many gifts and benefits of mastery that have been promised to you. It has been said by some heartless Souls that we are giving you a vision of the future that is impossible to obtain, that we are making promises that will be impossible to manifest, and that life for the normal person is so difficult or even more so than in the past. We tell you that we don't make false promises; and we would not be spending so much of our time and that our blessed, dedicated messengers have taken to deliver the teachings of advanced cosmic wisdom if what we are saying were not true. Teachings that are vital to the ascension process, information that had never before been available to mankind. In fact, humanity would not have reached this stage of evolution that is now prevalent on Earth without tireless and constant service and help from the Cosmic Council of Light and the angelic kingdom. You are in the middle of an evolutionary process that was initiated by the Supreme Creator and is supplied with the Essence of Life, Adamantine Particles, which are being irradiated through the Omniverse, as well as through our beloved Mother-Father God to all Creation within this universe. They must understand that the ascension process is a joint venture. We are showing them the form and giving them instruction needed; However, it is you who must take the steps and make the necessary changes in your way of life and in your belief structure. Dear ones, we ask you to rise beyond the fear and feeling of helplessness that are rampant around the world. Call us and we will help you strengthen your determination. Know that we are always with you and that we radiate healing and exalting love from our Mother-Father God.

I AM Archangel Michael and I bring you these truths.


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