Listen to your heart: "Tune in to the frequencies of the Ascension"

  • 2015

By Claudio Alvarez Dunn *

September was a magical month when it came to energies, since it brought the equinox (autumn in the north and spring in the southern hemisphere), the full moon of blood and a lunar eclipse that produced a unique vibratory opportunity, which can be described as an 'acceleration' at all levels.

Our ancestors believed that the eclipses open a portal to the higher realms, so it is possible for us to receive huge downloads of information from the higher dimensions. That is why sophisticated and mysterious structures were built, such as Stonehenge (England), Newrange (Ireland) or pyramids throughout the world, which were designed to amplify the powerful cosmic energies that were made available to mankind.

Despite the opening of these powerful star portals and the possibility of a new beginning that universal energies offer today, many people find it hard to believe that something is really changing when chaos still seems to reign around us.

For many Lightworkers these new energies are part of a deep cleansing of the planet, and perhaps the fastest we can integrate and adjust to them, will depend on the vibrational frequency level of each individual.

Spiritually we are asked to do everything in our power to raise our vibration of the Third Dimension density towards the higher frequencies of Light. This has always been and continues to be the main reason and purpose of these new energies: to raise the vibration of those who receive them, and in doing so, be able to reconnect with the original design of their own soul.

Schumann resonance and Earth frequencies

There is concrete evidence to suggest that Mother Earth herself is changing her vibration, in order to adapt to the paradigm shift and that is measured through Schumann resonance: a set of peaks in the band of 'extremely low frequencies' (ELF ) of the electromagnetic spectrum of the Earth.

This happens because the space between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere (which exists between 90 and 500 km high - 60 to 400 miles) - acts as a guide for those waves. The limited terrestrial dimensions cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. The cavity is naturally excited by lightning, and also, since its seventh overtone (harmonic) is located at approximately 60 Hz, the electrical transmission networks of the territories in which alternating current of that frequency is used influence.

The lowest frequency, and at the same time the highest intensity, of Schumann resonance is approximately 7.83 Hz (hertz or hertz). The detectable overtones extend to the range of kHz (kilohertz).

This phenomenon is named in honor of Winfried Otto Schumann (1888-1974), who mathematically predicted its existence in 1952, despite being observed for the first time by Nikola Tesla and forming the basis of his scheme for energy transmission and wireless communications .

In other words the Schumann resonance (frequency) is the "sound" of the earth. It is like listening to the sound of a bass drum, or a drum, in that resonant cavity of the Earth and it sounds very similar to when we see or hear the baby in the womb through the images of the sonogram.

All of the above information is recorded on the portal, where, in addition, it was shown that only a few years ago the earth vibrated at around 7.8 hertz, but in March 2015, the Schumann frequency reached 16.5. This shows that the earth itself is changing ... she is the one who literally is accelerating!

Why is the number 16.5 important?

The same source indicates that the numbers 16.5, 33, 66, 132, 264 ... are all harmonics of the Solfeggio tone 528, which is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair damaged DNA . Ado - the genetic model on which life is based.

What are Solfeggio frequencies and how do Hertz affect meditation?

Watch this short video that explains the basis of the tones that repair DNA with certain musical frequencies. This is also part of the spiritual awakening, self-transformation and alignment of the chakras.

If Schumann's frequency is resonating in a harmonic of 528 the frequency that scientists use to repair DNA would suggest that such a change in vibration from Mother Earth to the 528 harmonic is to start our DNA re-activation, so that we can move forward in tune with it, whose movements already transcend the density of the Third Dimension to enter the fourth and fifth dimensional kingdoms.

The following excerpt from the book Rider in the Mist , by healer Malcolm Bell, reinforces the idea of ​​the intrinsic connection between human beings and the planet Earth: It consists of five bodies: the physical, the mental, the emotional, the spiritual and the higher being. Any change in the energy field of the earth affects the five bodies, so the five have to be readjusted - adjusted in increments according to the variables and constant fluctuations of energy and Bring it back to balance and harmony. In short, the symptoms that people have been experiencing are the body's response to the changing vibration. The body has been struggling to adapt to energy levels hitherto unknown and never felt before, which elevates it. This is unknown to us at this time, so the body searches through its memory bank for ancient tribal or genetic traces and memories, in an attempt to find a pre-existing pattern to align with them. Finding none, he now has to embark on a critical program of development and implementation of a part of the energy as an alternative, precise and compatible pattern. In the process of doing so, the five bodies endure considerable discomfort and confusion .

If we add to that the receding Mercury and solar flares, then we must seriously consider how to send that energy we receive to Mother Earth. This in electrical terms this is known as "ground wire" and that is exactly our current mission when we feel overwhelmed by the vibrant energies that rain like a pressure wash so that we release the old and archaic patterns of the Third Dimension, and thus being able to open ourselves to the new energies of peace, love and light with which heaven is "watering" us today.

Mother Earth is ready to connect with your love. Walk barefoot in nature, feel its energy entering through your feet or your base chakra, then bring that energy to your heart and feel the love of the Mother expand throughout your body. Breathe softly, slowly and slowly. Let the new energies that you have received from Father Heaven take hold in the heart of Mother Earth. We are a living antenna, our soul contract speaks of anchoring the light, so we incarnate at this time; It is time to remember and carry out our mission.

In our next paper we will detail those "symptoms of ascension . "

Today, I wish you have a good trip to your interior. Namaste

(* The author is a Yoga instructor , Reiki Master and teacher certified by The School of Remembering, to offer the workshop “Waking the Illuminated Heart” with the techniques of Drunvalo Melchizedek. For more information write to )

Author: Claudio, editor of the great family of ”

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