Are you an old soul? by Gregg Prescott

  • 2013

In general terms, we are all old souls, but some of us have been here longer than others.

So, how can you tell if you have an old soul?

1- You understand many of life's deepest lessons

For some people, it is hard to imagine that the soul of a child can be much greater than the soul of his parents. For these people in particular, this is a sign that their soul could be younger than theirs. Once you understand that time, space, energy and matter are three-dimensional products, the theory of time becomes irrelevant, so the theory of the age of your soul also n becomes irrelevant.

2- Are you in touch with your natural abilities or have a great interest in these skills

Some people are born with innate gifts, such as special healing abilities or psychic abilities. The truth is that everyone possesses these abilities, but an older soul is more in line with how to access and apply these skills in the name of humanity. If you don't have any special skills, but a great interest in her, this is nothing more than your soul trying to remember these skills that you might have had in a previous life.

3- You become spiritually aware

Everyone is pure consciousness, but many people have a hard time understanding what this means. Your soul is pure conscience, and love. He has a unique understanding of how the matrix is ​​being manipulated on this planet and you understand that everything we do as humanity will help facilitate the awakening of others.

4- Do you understand the importance of forgiveness

Some people are old souls who still have a lot to learn because they are trapped inside the box with their ideologies, are stubborn or have not learned the importance of forgiveness. By forgiving ourselves and others, we can release karma among these people.

5- You are able to transcend the ego

It is almost impossible for someone to completely transcend the ego 100% of the time, but simply being aware of our ego and how it plays against unity consciousness is a definite sign of an old soul.

6- You are able to transcend materialism

Money and materialism are the product of this three-dimensional reality and it is easy to succumb to materialism. An older soul realizes that money is nonexistent on the other side and usually takes us away from who we really are as spiritual beings. Those who are old souls will generally use money as a tool to help facilitate their spiritual progress. They can also use their money to help others who are less fortunate.

7- You are able to understand the concept that your body is a case of your soul

Before you were born, you not only chose your parents, you also chose your life situations and the challenges that would help facilitate your spiritual growth while atonement for any previous karma.

8- The body you currently occupy is simply a vessel for the soul

You have an understanding of what you need to do to complete your spiritual progress. Just by getting here, you are more awake than most people on this planet. You have an understanding of universal laws and what remains to be done in your soul contract. Even if you are not sure of this, your higher self and spiritual guides will continue to lead you in the right direction.

9- You have a strong feeling that home is not Earth

a) Did you ever randomly look at the sky and stare at an unknown star for no particular reason?

b) Do you have a special connection with specific star systems, such as the Pleiades or the Orion Belt?

c) Do wars and corruption make you feel uncomfortable, as if they did not exist where you originally came from?

d) Are you one of the souls who volunteered to come here at this specific point in time to help with the ascension of the Earth?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it is likely that Earth is not your home planet.

10- You tend to be a lonely person

The lonely person is often condescending, but in reality these old souls are looking for other fragments of themselves and will often turn away from younger souls that need more incarnations on a three-dimensional planet. Older souls will look for other people of equal mentality, because there is comfort and familiarity with these types of people that will help facilitate spiritual progression to others.

11- You have a rebel nature

Whether you rebel against religion, laws or anything else, this is a sign that the soul knows the only true laws ... the laws of the Universe.

12- You have a burning desire to reach the truth and inner wisdom

Many old souls can easily see the lies they have taught us through religion, politics and through our educational centers. While they realize that we are all one with the universe, they also want the truth exposed, to help others in their process of awakening.

13- Do you feel a separation between you and the “real world”?

By transcending the ego and materialism, you find yourself living a different lifestyle. While this way of life is unique to your current incarnation, there seems to be also a knowledge of the direction you are going.

14- You are curious about whether you are an old soul or not

Many young souls would not ask this question, much less worry about it. While many old souls do not care, for different reasons, they simply "know" that they are old souls, but it is good to have statements that match their spiritual progress.

Many of those who have woken up will probably move to their next level of spiritual evolution. It is important to remember that this is not a race, because in the end, we all win.


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