Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek by Marie Allizon, February 2007.

Marie interviewed Drunvalo in February 2007 during the Heaven-Earth / Living in the Heart workshop in Washington DC.

Marie: During our last interview some time ago you didn't seem to be so optimistic about what's going on in the world today. What has changed?

Drunvalo: I know we are going to do it because they allowed me to see the future. However, even if I say in an optimistic tone "we are going to do it" we will go through that tiny "needle eye" where everything will seem hopeless. And they (my guides) didn't let me see how this was going to be. But something will happen that will look like very hopeless it will happen very fast.

Marie: Is it something like the three days of darkness we used to talk about?

Drunvalo: No this has nothing to do with it. It seems that the environment in which we live is going to die completely and totally as well as everything in it. We will reach that point. So it will seem as if there is no hope. My angels did not teach me that part. They just told me that I was going to witness in my life a place that seemed like everything was over. Then "things" are going to happen and the world situation is going to reverse quickly and completely.

Marie: During the workshop you talked about “waves” of people who will die. Can you explain what it is about?

Drunvalo: The waves have been named in the Native American prophecy. There was an American Indian a long time ago who was allowed to assist several tribes and secret societies (the societies of the Grandmothers) to collect and write the prophecies of those tribes and what they had in common.

He found a guiding thread that runs through all the prophecies that speaks about the times we are approaching. There are three waves of people on earth who are going to die in a very short period of time. I don't know exactly what this means, but when I read it I felt it was going to happen in about 10 days. Something very fast, something VERY BIG is going to happen that kills a huge number of people.

From the outside it looks horrible. It can be an atomic war or bird flu or who knows what. From the outside, the survivors will see it as a catastrophe, but from the inside the people who leave this way had already planned it. They want to go and they want to go together. When they meet on the top of the earth, the first wave will go to a specific place in the time / space dimension where they can be with their peers. Because they are not in tune with the Earth, they must be in harmony together (somewhere else).

Then it is said that there will be another great change with another wave of people leaving the planet. This is also an internal choice, it is not like suicide, but it is as if these people knew that something is going to happen and comes together to go to another place in time.

In the third wave a massive amount of people die. This group called the "hitchhikers" in the prophecies, (N of the T: in English hitchhikers) they don't know where their home is, so they go looking for that place where they eventually get their home.

After these waves pass there will only be millions (not billions) of people in the world, a much smaller number. According to Native American prophecy, the remaining people will be united in one heart and become a single living being.

Regardless of race, religion, divisions will end and the remaining people will become one family. Then with the new higher consciousness found, those who will remain will take over the earth and fly in it, as if the earth had become a spaceship that is taken to a new place, and a beautiful and new way of life emerges. on earth.

Marie: So the current earth is used as a spaceship ... Do you mean that Mother Earth is going to clean herself in that process?

Drunvalo: Yes, everything is resolved. We fix everything with the pure state of Consciousness, not through technology or something else like that, but through our true selves. From the Melchizedek point of view, we already change orbit.

Marie: In our last interview you said we would move to a parallel land and then to another parallel land and so on. Has this theory changed or evolved?

Drunvalo: I'm just talking about the Native American prophecy. The Melchizedeks believe that there is more than that, much more. But the idea in the Native American prophecy is that most people will die or leave the earth and go somewhere else. This may very well happen, I don't know for sure. I'm just saying that many tribes have this in common.

Marie: But listening to this weekend it feels as if humanity (we) were returning home .

Drunvalo: Oh yes because after this, we will leave the earth all together. There comes a point where we completely abandon the earth, we transcend it, we go to another level of existence that is the beginning of a very fast but very long journey. And we end up completely beyond the stars and planets. We end up existing in another form and in another octave of existence

Marie: Will we start with our body?

Drunvalo: Initially we will. We start with our body and then this mutates into something that will seem more like an ET. After that we will become Everything. But that is just the beginning of the trip.

Marie: This is exciting! This is what Barbara Marx Hubbard says on his new DVD Humanity Ascending . We cannot continue in the way we are today, it is sick.

You mentioned that in the case of the end of the world prophecies in August 1999, they were wrong for the first time. I wonder. Since everyone seems to be saying that something is going to happen soon, soon, soon, Do you feel that this end of the world scenario is going to happen before February 2013?

Drunvalo: If and for many of the South American tribes there is even a prophecy for this year 2007. I don't want to say what the prophecy is, I let them say it, but many of the Indian tribes People expect many changes for this year. So I think that between now and 2013 we will go through many transformations.

Marie: I personally observe Pluto and the Galaxy Center at 29 degrees from Sagittarius, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened on the date (12/28/07) You say there will be several states, such as Phase I, Phase II, Phase III?

Drunvalo: It effectively goes in phases. It's something that goes like this (Drunvalo sounds his fingers). You never see a plant grow from seed to tree in an instant. Life always moves in segments, it happens that sometimes these segments can be very large and very violent. But the main thing and I hope people realize, is that they will be fine. The most important thing I can see right now is to get the sacred space of the heart.

If you can remember the ancient way of living, enter that sacred space and just sit and watch everything as a movie and not worry about and for nothing. Remember Mother Earth knows who these people are going to become in one heart. Really the best way to put it is that they will become a Lotus. That place of the heart has always been referred to as the lotus. And when you get it, you walk there, Mother Earth will take care of you and protect and provide everything for you. Even if everything seems insane outside, it will be miraculous.

Marie: How is the best way to prepare?

Drunvalo: I don't think anyone can prepare physically. It is not possible to prepare for what will happen. You will see nobody knows. The preparation is internal, that is the main place.
Have you read what the Pentagon says about what will happen? The Pentagon gives us one to three years of normality on this planet. This is your guess. Everyone makes assumptions. No expert on the planet can say what will happen or exactly when. In the last 250, 000 million years, we only have two examples that serve to understand what can happen.

We have that all the underwater currents of the world are slowing down and definitely the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean seems to have stopped. The last time it slowed down was in the year 1300 and he did the same thing he is starting to do now, crazy weather, heat / cold, dry / wet. In the year 1400 especially in the West 47 years passed without a raindrop. Each river, each lake and each tree were calcined. And this is what the Anasazi lived. They could not live there. This is all registered. And the East became extremely cold. If you observe Jorge Washington crossing the Delaware, recorded in the paintings of that scene you can see blocks of ice floating in the river.

We think that our climate has always been this way, but this has been like that only since 1850. It took 550 years to return to what it is now. OK. I can talk in great detail and spend hours on this subject, but what I am telling you is a lot of what has been projected along the way. Or you can go to the website www. Spirit of Ma'at .com and read about Ice / Dry Global Warming Unveiled.

Now there is the movie "An awkward truth" by Al Gore, which I get very optimistic, when it gives us ten years. But I don't know any scientist on the planet who gives us ten years or anyone who gives us so much time.

What the Pentagon says about rapid climate changes is that it will be impossible to live in certain areas. Exactly what those areas are, they don't know. All they can do is go back to those two moments in history and see what happened. But will it be the same? Maybe yes, maybe not. What they know is that there will be uninhabitable areas. What happened in time before the last time, when it stopped, which is what it seems to be doing now, the place where New York City is was uninhabitable. It was under a 2 kilometer ice sheet. You cannot live under two kilometers of ice, it is simply not possible. In fact Norway, Denmark and Sweden plunged into the ice and the Pentagon predicts that they will soon be under two kilometers of ice.

Marie: Does it mean very quickly over the course of three years?

Drunvalo: It will start soon. There will probably be a storm that never ends, a time where it is always winter. So people will have to leave the area. The biggest concern of the Pentagon is migration patterns. Because there are going to be millions of people forced to leave the places where they live and try to survive somewhere else. This will cause everything to collapse. There will be no more food, no supply stores, the economy collapses etc. It will not be possible to sow because there will be neither beginning nor end of the harvest season. The plants will go wild and food will become one of the most important resources.

Marie: Would a solution then be to learn to breathe and stop eating?

Drunvalo: It's a good base. There is a book in Germany, published by my new editor, which teaches in 9 days how to live without food or water. Getting all your nutrients from prana and air to live like this completely without anything.

Yogananda is about to prove this to the world. Everyone thinks he's dead, but he's not dead. When Yogananda "died" in 1950, all his vital functions stopped, after 20 days according to the official coroners, his body seemed completely normal, but without breathing, without a heartbeat, nothing. At some point he will wake up and say See? I've been asleep for 50 years without food or water and I'm fine. This is Kriya Yoga. This is the effect of working with the devas and with the light energy of Mother Earth. This is our Divine right, even though many people do not seem to believe it.

Marie: During your workshop we learned about getting out of the mind and entering the heart to operate from that sacred place of the heart. You explained how the mind works in duality and that while we are in the heart "we are only" pure being. If all participants practice your heart meditation, could this energy expand exponentially by helping us eliminate fear and transition smoothly?

Drunvalo: It would help remove the fear but it's not exactly how it works.

Mother Earth is changing the world, she is the one in control, so we don't have to do anything but be at the service. If she asks us to do something, it's okay to do it, if she doesn't ask for it, we relax. We won the game, almost everything is in place. Everything is in balance. There are things to do, but they will take care of themselves ... We just have to keep moving. But the time will come to sit in a restaurant as it will now be a matter of memory. We will not be able to do this and most importantly, what worries me most is that in these times, good light workers do not fall into fear of thinking that everything is lost.

When everything falls apart, the Tao Indians say, go home, lower the curtains so you don't see the madness that is happening outside, because it can cause you fear. And simply remain in your heart and let Mother Earth and all the energies of which you are an intimate part do her work, remain confident. It is easy to say and hard to do. It's like when someone gets cancer or when someone is told they are going to die and care a lot. But we are immortal. We have always been alive and we are going to pass this too. Remember it is a time of transition. Transitions are always crazy. Remain fearless and be the presence of God.

I will stay on Earth. Where we go as a planet is where I come from. That is why I was sent here, because there must be a memory connection to it. Then now,
The ascended masters have returned to that place. Some have returned here to help humanity take the road and understand. It is ready in us. It is in who we are. At this point it is in our DNA.

Marie: I was fascinated when you shared how the Earth's Kundalini moved out of Tibet. Then how he got stuck in the Panama Canal for a while until he finally broke free. Thanks to the help of hundreds of tribes five years ago to reach Peru and Chile. Please could you tell us more, especially about the White Pyramid?

Drunvalo: There was a White Pyramid in Tibet that was found by explorers. There was also one previously in Atlantis. Now the energy has moved to Chile. Someone is going to build one physically there because this is going to be the most important place in the world.

Marie: So when was the energy released in Panama?

Drunvalo: It was in September 2001, about 9/11. But it took a long period to reach South America, so it was sometime in the middle of 2002 when he actually arrived in Chile. There were 112 tribes that formed a circle waiting for energy to arrive. Since 2002 everything is complete. I am writing a book about that now, so all those stories and everything around that topic will soon be printed.

Marie: Can you tell us about your next book?

Drunvalo: The book is about the Kundalini of the Earth, its movements and everything that has happened with the indigenous tribes and the ceremonies related to this new energy. It is a story of hope and inspiration because it is a VERY POSITIVE EVENT that is taking place. It is also an inspiring story for the feminine, because it is the story about the change of energies that are moving from the masculine to the feminine.

Marie: On the last note could you comment on the new oils of Mikael Zayat, the Archangels series?

Drunvalo: I haven't tried them all, but I really like the oil called Archangel Metatron, also Archangel Michael and Mary Magdalene. Divine Feminine and Fearless has a rich aroma.

If you feel attraction to something then it is good for you. But you know me, I like all Michael Zayat oils. I like crystals too, but something out of this, we need to realize that the human body has everything in itself. We don't even need food.

There will come a point when you won't need any of this, just be in the heart and just BE.

Marie: Thank you very much Drunvalo
.In English
Translation Abjini Arráiz

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