Entering the realms of happiness ~ Awareness of the 5th. dimension

  • 2016

Waiting to experience your Heaven on Earth is to believe that you have to enjoy, and you have to like your experience before embracing the highest aspects of your Being. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you put the Divine at the forefront of your Divine Being, you allow your worldly life to be Transcendence and Happiness as a way to experience your life from moment to moment.

It is not something to "expect", but rather to apply love and the conscious state (Awareness of the 5. Dimension) that YOU ARE (now) in each moment; Then life is imbued with your Eternal Presence. You are graceful to consciously bring your Divinity here. Heaven on earth.

Although there are stages and levels for the expansion of consciousness, there is never an end point; so if you are waiting to reach the final end, yes there is none, it is IN THE PATH, experience, living your life imbued with the love of your Divine Self. .

This application is not based on the fact that the things are as you t like them to be, or think That Grace with the Presence of your Divine Nature . That creates within you the recognition of the Happiness of your Eternal Self ~ Existence.

Ah my Glorious Beloved, I walk with you and I inhale you with every Breath I take.

My eyes see only Your Glory .

My life is Graceful with Your Presence .

When I sleep, you sleep with me.

When I dream, there you are.

When I eat and drink my daily sustenance, we take part in it together, in our infinite Happiness .

When we kiss, I taste the Nectar of our immortality and eternal Union.

Your caress is the breeze that caresses me forever.

Your waters run rushing, your voice calms me.

Wherever I am, you are with Me.

Your Divine Presence, your eternal Glory, your Eternal and Radiant Light is the heartbeat that pulses through me, from our ecstatic Union.

And when this heart stops beating, our love will continue, pulsing and radiating like our Divinity ~ through our eternal Breath.

And so it is, Dear Being . Live in the Love and appreciation of Your Being. That love that does not depend on our external circumstances being as you wish them to be. When it appears to be the opposite, embrace every moment as the Love that you are, as your Being. Beyond the mundane. You bring your Heaven here, through You.

SEE the Presence of your Divinity.

FEEL the Presence of your Divinity.

KNOW the Presence of your Divinity ~ with every breath you take.

Make Sacred Every Moment.

Eternal Love and Happiness!



AUTHOR: L'Aura Pleiadian


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