Dreaming: Flow and laugh like children

  • 2014

A few days ago a crystal appeared on the Sphere Network that we had no idea existed, but when we looked at it, and especially when inhaling its fragrance, we felt at home. Perhaps you wonder how it is possible to smell a glass through a photo located on the Internet. Let's say it's possible if we stop superimposing the mind to the sensations, if we let ourselves flow and laugh like children, we can surely do it.

The crystal we are talking about today is a Sunflower Quartz . We have not had the opportunity to caress it but we have felt it as a high frequency and very translucent selenite. With sunflower quartz in our mind, we close our eyes and listen to what the crystal had to say: We wake up to a world full of light and blessings .

And there goes the question of the week. And if we woke up, was that perhaps we were asleep? Yes and no. From a physical point of view we are enjoying the matter and we are awake. From a nonphysical perspective, we flow and breathe, and if we are aware of it, we are also awake. It happens that both lines of time and space, coexist and only in a process of reverie can we realize that other reality that is there but that in most of the cases go unnoticed.

Sunflower quartz reminds us of what it is and what it is not. Depending on the light we receive, we will move to one side or the other; indeed, like sunflowers. The great gift that this crystal gives us is that, regardless of where the light comes from, this crystal reminds us that we already are . We stand erect and we rock, we hide in the night and protect our essence in the dark. We are And in the light we stare at the sky to feed us with its energy. We are They are cycles of life or sleep, they are moments of internalization or manifestation. At every moment of our existence we have the opportunity to be what we are and manifest as the essence that we are .

Some experts, especially psychologists, maintain that reverie is a process in which the mind escapes from the present, but in Spheres we know that reverie goes much further. Reverie melts different spaces and times thus creating a new time and a new space, in which new and creative stories are generated. Reverie would be a state in which by combining various states of reality we create new approaches and, therefore, create a new reality.

Sometimes we focus on analyzing everything that happens, on concentrating on the search for the most “biased”, thoughtful or analytical answer, but we forget the most important thing: Great ideas, the best moments, do not come from the mind, Great stories arise from the heart. A heart open to magic, to imagination, to situations that inspire us. Inspiration above the mind.

And that is what happened today in Spheres. We didn't know anything about Sunflower Quartz but it has led us to recognize ourselves as beings that flow in every moment and try to live every moment with immense joy . Next week we will tell you some of the properties of this precious crystal although you can also collaborate with us and leave your crystalline research work here and tell us what a sunflower quartz can serve? ? ?

Source. http://esferasdecomunicacion.com/2014/05/23/ensonacion-fluir-y-reir-como-ninos/


Dreaming: Flow and laugh like children

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